Archive for January 26th, 2018

Ex-radio show host given job as Unity whip
(CNS): Former radio talk-show host and the MLA for Prospect, Austin Harris, has been appointed as the whip for the National Unity government, officials have now revealed. The independent member of the government’s back-benches and a councillor in the premier’s ministry will be responsible for ‘whipping’ into line the members of this coalition government in […]

PAC pats CFOs on back for ‘job well done’
(CNS): Chief financial officers from government departments were congratulated by the chair of the Public Accounts Committee this week for a “job well done” after achieving clean audits for the first time since government changed its accounting system more than 12 years ago. Although appearing before PAC is not often a pleasant experience for senior […]

Activists urge CIG to deal with beach access
(CNS): Activists from the Concerned Citizens group are raising the alarm that the beaches around Grand Cayman are becoming battlegrounds because government is still not protecting access for local people. Since 2001, the group has been campaigning for the authorities to have a number of beach accesses points registered where they have been used by members of […]