7MB condo intruder guilty of sex crime

| 29/09/2017 | 57 Comments

(CNS): Ronnie Rodney Ebanks (49) from West Bay was found guilty Friday of indecently assaulting a tourist in February. Following a judge-alone trial in August, Ebanks was convicted of entering a condo at Christopher Columbus on West Bay Road, where he sexually assaulted a woman who was visiting Cayman with her family and left his DNA at the scene. However, he was acquitted of burglary in connection with the same incident.

Justice Marva McDonald Bishop, said that Ebanks’ failure to answer the charges in the face of such strong DNA evidence against him was because there was no other answer except for the fact that he was the intruder.

Ebanks’ DNA was found on the woman’s hands, for which there was no plausible chance of transfer, and it fit with the evidence she gave of the intruder grabbing her hand and placing it on his penis as he masturbated by her bed. His DNA was also found on her clothes and the discovery of a hair matching his DNA at the condo sealed his fate.

But the crown’s case of burglary failed as the judge said there was no evidence that Ebanks had stolen any money from the condo while he was there committing sexual assault. The victim had discovered $200 missing from her wallet two days after she reported the invasion of her condo by the sexual offender, but the judge said the police did not rule out other possibilities about what had happened to the missing cash, and as a result there was not enough evidence  to convict him.

The case against Ebanks was that he entered the condo in the middle of the night and masturbated by the side of his victim’s bed. When she awoke, he began touching her and asking her to touch his penis. The woman, who was visiting from the United States, said she could not see the intruder’s face, though she was able to give some details of the assailant, who she said spoke with a soft voice and a strong Cayman accent.

Ebanks urged the woman to touch him and told her, “We are going to be quick,” as he pushed his penis towards her. As she resisted, the man told her she was so sweet and he did not want to use his gun on her, before asking her to “put her mouth on it”. She yelled, “No!” and soon after he left the apartment.

This is not the first time that Ebanks has been convicted of  a sexual offence. In 2010 he was sentenced to 10 years after he pleaded guilty to burglary with intent to rape in very similar circumstances to the current case. That happened just weeks after he had been released from Northward after serving part of a 12-year term for a rape conviction several years earlier.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (57)

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  1. Shanobi says:

    3 Strikes an your out…Nothing less than Life imprisonment!!!

  2. SandPearl says:

    Ive said it once and I’ll say it again…. Sex Offenders, especially ones of a pedophilic nature should NOT be released into the public of their own accord. Tag them if you have to, These people almost ALWAYS re-offend.

  3. Cayman Lady says:

    Castration or locked away permanently.

  4. Anonymous says:

    One way ticket to Belmarsh prison. Disgusting, useless sicko.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Photo please. We should know who this pervert is. Why is he being protected in this way?

  6. Anonymous says:

    The community should be informed before a serious repeat offender like this loser is released into society .

  7. Bertie : B says:

    cut it off ! problem solved

    • Anonymous says:

      Which “head” are we referring to? Because you cut off the private one and the thoughts still exist. See my point?

  8. Anonymous says:

    I Have a sharp knife in the kitchen, make a cow cod out of it and give him good licking with it every day

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Ebanks admitted to his past mistakes. He can be rehabilitated – he simply needs an opportunity to show the world that he has changed.

    • Anon says:

      Sorry he cant be rehabilated!!! He is sick maybe if you try him with Belmarsh UK he would probably think twice he’s just born that way like other Caymanian men sickos. Dont think for one Cayman doesn’t have a high percentage of these sick SOBs born & bred.

      • Anthony ebanks says:

        He can be rehabilitated but by professionals. Sure when he comes out he might do it again but the guy is mentally sick with this behaviour. He just needs professional help

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m sure you would be more than happy to house him with your wife, mother, sister and daughter?

    • Stop The Crime says:

      No… just no. 3-times he has done this! You want to be the 4th?

    • Anonymous says:

      It is my belief that you do not understand the nature of his sexual mental illness and the reality that he cannot control himself. He will continue to offend because he cannot stop himself. If nothing changes, nothing changes.

    • Really? says:

      I was the one to post the original comment, as I wanted to see how my Idiots out there would agree with my statement. Sure enough, at least two Idiots thought it would be a good idea to let this man out some time down the road… This animal has no chance whatsoever of being rehabilitated… None whatsoever. He has had plenty of opportunities to prove that he can but he keeps doing it. How many times does he have to offend until he ends up killing someone? He needs to be locked up and kept in there for the rest of his life.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ummm…seriously? I think he just “showed the world”, that he CAN’T change! I count three “opportunities” that the courts have permitted…and that he has wasted; wrecking lives in the wake of his perversion.

    • Anonymous says:

      @ 8:42 pm

      Who died and made you Christ?

      You know this man can be helped? WOW. Disillusioned much?

  10. Bewildered says:

    Last time Ronnie ebanks was let out he lasted 1.5 days I believe before he was caught running up 7 mile beach with his todger out yet again,

  11. Anonymous says:

    Deportation order?

  12. Right ya so says:

    Hmmm. Stop letting him out early!! Surely they don’t need any more evidence that this man is a repeat offender!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Why is a picture of convicted persons not provided?????

  14. BELONGER says:

    Ronnie needs to be sent away for life. This is a tourist on Seven Mile Beach that he did this to.

    He has been peeping into women windows and jerking off around houses from the 1990’s when he lived in Mount Pleasant. Sick bastard !!

    • Anonymous says:

      Glad you made this comment. I want to add that I think he knows exactly what he is doing. He tends to take set on expats. He realizes if he targets locals he could get “messed up”. Sick individual but he is aware of his actions. This is not mental illness just a bad person. Sorry.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well he is “messing up” the economy which is partially dependent on expats. He needs to be contained.

  15. Black Adani says:

    You going down Ronnie looks like all the sickoos are at Northward Prison Ty Ty, Phil G Joshy and now you . You have a wonderful time wid ya Bossom buddies ya sick basta#@&

  16. Anonymous says:

    It’s not astonishing that this violent pervert with poor impulse control reoffends. What IS astonishing is that learned members of the legal system continue to let him out early for “good behavior”. Of course he behaves well. The sooner he gets out, the sooner he can find his next victim. Keep him as long as the law permits and then use one of those “tracking” ankle bands to keep tabs. This convict has cost Grand Cayman so much money in legal, housing, food, and damaged reputation. What a waste of air.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Unbelievable…. released early once for rape and reoffends, but then he is released early again, why? This is negligence on the part of the parole board. The lady has needlessly gone through a horrific ordeal because our parole board is staffed by idiots. Whoever agreed to his early release needs to be sacked.

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you know it was the parole board? It may have been as a result of him reaching the Early Reach Date (EDR) under the old system! You should reserve your judgment until you know facts.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Obviously not fit for society, for whichever the reason, medical or not. Humans Rights advocates should jump into this matter and defend OUR rights to be safe and demand a strong and extensive custodial sentence here.

  19. Anonymous says:

    This creep should not even have been out of Northward!! Ten year sentence in 2010 and he’s on the street a mere 7 years (or less) later??!! Top that with having been released in 2010 from serving “part” of a 12 year sentence from the same thing??!!

    In the USA there is the “3-strikes” policy. If a convicted felon has a third conviction he is lost in jail for life! Why not apply that here? It does not have to be called that, once the same policy is applied by the Courts! This creep would be a primary candidate for such a policy!! Life!

    I guess the Courts do not count emotional trauma of his victims as harm. Perhaps his next sexual crime may involve actual physical harm!. Life!!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Why is this man still on the loose? They should lock him up for good.

  21. Anonymous says:

    So…the THIRD conviction and likely untold times he wasn’t reported. Is there a judge, jury or person that believes he will be rehabilitated by time in prison? Insanity is defined as repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result. 6 years in prison? Ok Cayman women and tourists…expect a new trial in 2023. 7 years? 2024? Get the picture? He. Will. Not. Stop. Put him away for GOOD, in all it’s definitions…permanently…to protect GOOD people from this predator. What a waste of carbon dioxide.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I taught Ronnie in primary school. He was a totally moronic/ couldn’t read or write his name at age 10 student. If you are that thick at that age then something is far wrong but there were several of them in my class, many of whom have appeared in court for sex crimes, drugs etc. And, just for the record, they are 100% pure born Caymanian!!!

    • Stop The Crime says:

      If he was that bad, it was your DUTY to get him the help he needed. Maybe if he received more therapy and intense focus as a child from his teachers and parents, he wouldn’t have grown up to be a rapist.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds to me like you are the root of these individuals problems, you taught them when they where in their primary stages of life and you where able to assess them as being moronic at such a young age and still you did nothing to help their situation, what do you think you deserve for your hard work,a medal or just a friendly pat on the back, anyways turd you are to blame for 70% of their wrongs because you had the opportunity to help and shape these young caymanians for the good of cayman, remember what you reap is what you sow and apparently you only went to school (as a teacher) to warm bench and collect a pay cheque XXXX.Oh and let me guess, you are a 100% caymanian by plane.

      • Criminals have too much rights says:

        This is not the teachers fault. The government did not have the support for under achievers needed and alocate the necessary resourses. Teachers have to teach too wide of an ability in the public school. Government and parents are not doing enough. Government still do not alocate enough resourses for special needs.This is supported by the Yolanda Forde report in the 2000s. Which said if govrrent do not spend enough on public education then Government will spend on prison.
        This guy got convicted three times.The public and especially women need protecrion from him.

        • Anonymous says:

          I agree with you 100%,he needs to be put away for life and if I had my way with him he would be some were bubbling at the bottom of the Cayman trench, how ever I can not agree with you that it’s not some of this teacher’s fault, they’re the ones that we in society entrusted to keep,teach and care for our children especially in their primary stages, after all they are the ones to get them started in society, I mean how can a teacher look on a student at such a young age and say he is moronic, that in it self tells you alot about the stupidity of the teacher, and according to my calculations that was about 40yrs ago so that only proves to me that our school’s system has failed a long time ago, and if you don’t agree to what I’m saying then you are part of the problems that we are facing.

    • Anonymous says:

      8.36 They thought that about Forest Gump too.

    • Anonymous says:

      You shouldn’t be teaching if this is how you view your students. A lot of times, teachers see things and say nothing. My son could have been diagnosed with Autism earlier if a professional had said something.One even admitted to me that she suspected it but “was afraid to say anything.” It’s her job to send children for assessments.

      The problem is that teachers see a child or children is slow and just writes them off rather than helping them. I’m glad that the majority of my son’s teachers didn’t do that because he is very smart and can do quite well in school given the proper coping mechanisms are in place.

      Not all children learn the same way but they’re all taught the same.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Deport him! Oh, er, em, like so many he’s one of ours.

  24. Veritas says:

    This is this sex maniac’s third conviction for sexual assault and on the previous two he only served part of his sentences which totalled 22 years.How could he have been released early on his second conviction?, if he had served his full sentence this abhorrent assault on a tourist would not have occurred.I sincerely hope the justice system has by now learned it’s lesson and this wretched West Bayer receives a very long sentence to be served in full.

  25. Anonymous says:

    He needs to be put away as long as possible.

  26. Anonymous says:

    If he had been sentenced to 10 years in 2010 as a repeat offender, how was he free to go for the threepeat in February?!?

    • Anonymous says:

      Cos he’s a Caymanian

    • Noneyah says:

      Well clearly a majority of the posters are unaware of the prisons rules and calculations of a prisoners time to be served.
      1) Previously it was EDR (Earliest Date Of Release) and LDR (Latest Date Of Release) all of which were calculated at 8 months being a prison year, so If a prisoner was sentenced to say 3 years the prison would then use the 8 months to a year which would simply mean 3×8= 24 months so out of the 3 year term handed down at court the prisoner would only have to serve 2 calendar years and not 3 years (36 months). So the prisoners EDR would be 2 years from the date of conviction example sentenced on 24 February 2015 the results would have been EDR 24 February 2017. The prisoner would most likely go the LDR which would have been 24 February 2018 depending on the conduct within the prison and would be a lost of remission time however it didnt matter how much time the prisoner lost the prison could not keep them beyond the LDR for the offence/s the prisoner was sentenced. Then the prisoner was also eligible for parole so for example the prisoner was sentenced to 3 years ( 2 prison years) the prisoner would then be eligible for parole as well after completing half the sentence being 12 months. So as can be seen it was very easy for short sentence prisoners to be back in society in as little as a year for some offences. With the new system of 60% incarceration and 40% in society means that a prisoner would have to complete 60 % percent of their sentence before they are eligible for parole once they are they will sit the conditional release board which is comprised of various professionals from the legal fraternity along with DCR ( who have no input in whether a subject is released on license). In Ronnies case he completed 2 prison sentences under the old regime 12 years was 8 prison years time served and 10 years would be 6 years 6 months time served. All of which in Ronnies case were completed time served flat out as most prisoners who are used to that lifestyle opt to do as they would be completely free from the system.

      • Anonymous says:

        He, apparently, likes the housing. It’s like, “death by cop”; reoffend and I GET to go back in where my friends are and where I am provided for. WASTE.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Stop releasing criminals and perverts to reek havoc on decent people. Keep their asses locked down tight.

  28. Anonymous says:

    You’ll have about a hundred tourists less coming to here as a result of this. She will talk to friends, who will talk to friends.
    This is the third time, so we need electronic monitoring of these animals.
    AND a picture of his face, so we know !!

    • Anonymous says:

      HundredSSS. Be sure. Remember Natalie Holloway and Aruba? They were GIVING vacation away for over a decade. Grand Cayman better protect what it USED to have.


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