Marl truck overturns at Grand Harbour roundabout

| 17/08/2017 | 55 Comments
Cayman News Service

Truck overturned at Grand Harbour roundabout, 16 August 2017

(CNS) UPDATED – Police have confirmed that the driver of the dump truck loaded with sand, which overturned at the Grand Harbour roundabout Wednesday afternoon, received minor injuries after he lost control of the vehicle. The truck lost its load on the road at around 5pm, causing havoc with the evening commute. It was a frustrating day overall for drivers on Grand Cayman however, with several other road prangs and collisions, as well as a car fire on North Church Street that snarled up traffic in downtown George Town at lunchtime.


Category: Local News, Police

Comments (55)

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  1. George Ebanks says:

    What ever happened to the MAX 30MPH that was in force for large dump trucks?…needs enforcing or brought back into being and ENFORCED!

  2. brainfart kid says:

    nothing new, trucks be racing down the road like they’re small cars, one nearly hit my mother car speeding, wont be too soon till one of these idiots kill or seriously injure someone but the police don’t care, they don’t even like filing reports or taking statements nor do they care about our community and people. all they care about is catching ticket and fining people to put money in they big hungry belly

  3. JAY says:

    too many roundabouts

    • kainalu kalahiki says:

      Too many drivers who are still confused about roundabouts. Try using your crayons and drawing the circle.

    • Anonymous says:

      Too many roundabouts?? Dear God! What an earth has that to do with incompetent drivers? Stop overloading vehicles, don’t drive with an insecure load, slow down your speed, drive with due care and attention, use your indicators and think of other road users.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This particular truck is ALWAYS speeding! It has literally overtaken me on Spotts Straight with a full load and I was doing the 40mph speed limit!

    Also….. Off topic but since we are on the topic of illegal dump truck activities – it would be a great idea for the RCIPS to check out what is being moved from or taken to the back of Buddy’s way in Savannah, off Shamrock Road. There are two trucks who very suspiciously are always in and out of that road at late hours of night. I know as they pulled out of there at 10:50pm the other night again, one reversing out, to block any oncoming traffic for the other (which had a full load of something), and one pulling out heading towards GT. Anytime I am out for a run at night they can be seen and heard in and out of that road AT NIGHT. Maybe the RCIPS or Planning should check out the recently cleared land back there to see if sand or dredged up ironshore from the cliff back there is being ripped up and transported elsewhere or what exactly is being brought and dumped there. Just saying….

    Signed a concerned citizen.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This is the third world. Get used to the lack of law enforcement, the constant accidents, third world drivers, and no changes.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Give this man a job with the Fire Service, or perhaps the Licensing Department!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Anyone can tell you how these trucks race down that road in the outside lane and the exhaust brakes can be heard from miles away. It seem the royal clowns in police suits are the only ones that dont know

  8. Anonymous says:

    Don’t you lot know what a weigh bridge is? It’s to prevent trucks being overloaded BEFORE leaving their depots. That firm and its driver would have a terrific fine in the U.K. And you are a British Overseas Territory. You should be following British rules and regulations. No wonder you have so many fatal accidents on this island. Lives seem to be cheap with you. Such disregard for people’s safety in all aspects. The Commissioner and all RCIPS’ UK Officers must be in despair of what they face on a daily basis. Your business’ would be shut down immediately and the HSE (Health & Safety Executive) would be crawling all over your Companies like a rash. Dear God! Unbelievable!!

    • Anon says:

      3:38 pm: attitude, attitude.

      • Anonymous says:

        More of the right attitude 6.51pm you all need to take, you wouldn’t have so many fatalities and daily accidents in Cayman then. I’ve never seen such “don’t care less” attitude with a lot of people there. Do you thing you are God?? You are not immortal! Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone you bunch of idiots. Please think of all the innicont lives and families you have destroyed and never to recover.

    • Anonymous says:

      3:38pm if it is the UK police who are in the RCIPS, what happened to the one who ran from the accident on that same roundabout? He took a flight off island to sober up. What the hell is happening here?

      • Anonymous says:

        I know what UK Officer you are referring to 8.28pm I know him extremely well, and if he reads this he’ll know exactly who I am. This officer is a good family man and has worked his way up through the ranks. You don’t know anything about the reason behind this accident so please don’t speculate and try to put this officer down. Maybe you should look on your own doorstep first. One error of judgement doesn’t make a bad person. Those who have not made a mistake cast the first stone……….well? Can’t see any stones thrown……….I rest my case!

  9. Anonymous says:

    These trucks race down Spotts Strait every day, often weaving from lane to lane at high speed. Never a police car in sight. Ever.

    Of course we cannot blame RCIP. It is hot outside and they must take shelter in their air conditioned offices.

    But, ultimately, the responsibility must lie with the quarry and truck owners who fail to properly manage and monitor their drivers.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Heavily fine the driver, truck owner and aggregate supplier who filled the truck. This just might have positive impact on other operators. Do nothing and nothing will change for the better.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Another fine example of “we’s allas done it dis way” and so it becomes normal. Not going to change before lives are lost I’m afraid.

  12. Anonymous says:

    This same mo’fo almost ran me over when I was going in the opposite direction of him. Those people that drive dump trucks have no care in the world. They drive to reckless man. His license needs to be taken away.

  13. Bertie : B says:

    couple of years ago , the same thing , huge boulders all over ,right in front of the bank that was their . I was walking down the road when this happened , thank God nobody got killed .

  14. Anonymous says:

    the trucks carrying sand are almost always filled with too much. they would never be allowed to be that full in the states.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately, this is not the States.

      • Anonymous says:

        Fortunately for you the states are only an hour away and the flights are super cheap at the moment. Now off you go!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Or in Europe. You must be a dumb ignorant caymanian.
          You probably think this was gods will…..

        • Anonymous says:

          Keep dreaming. Life is a competition. You have your lies and we have our skills, work ethic and integrity. Good luck.

    • Anonymous says:

      The full load is not the issue. The speed at which the drivers of these trucks travel is!

      The way in which they maneuver a round-about is an issue….they are so driven by the $$$ that they don’t care who they run over in the process of making $$$.

      When will they respect other road users and accept that they do not own the road!

      Look at the unnecessary added traffic yesterday! and lives could have been lost!

    • Anonymous says:

      AND they whip around the roundabouts at an unsafe speed, particularly for BIG trucks!

    • Anonymous says:

      No matter what you hear this is a third world country with third world drivers,police, and leadership. That is why there is no law enforcement. Just plan on it as it will not change in your lifetime.

  15. Anonymous says:

    So this means the driver will lose his truck license, right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Doubt it, he probably come up with some crappy excuse (which they will accept) saying it isn’t his fault the truck tipped over, when we know it is!

      The blame game here…I tell ya!

    • Anonymous says:

      Lose his license? He should’ve been arrested and jailed. Never to sit behind another wheel.

  16. Anonymous says:

    This is not surprising.

  17. Anonymous says:

    And why are these dump trucks allowed to carry wet marl with brackish / salt water pouring out the back and spraying all over peoples vehicles? Why don’t Police stop this?
    Wet marl should first be made to dry out before trucking.

  18. Anonymous says:

    A truck turning over? Driving too fast would probably be the only reason for that…and if so, despite recent filing and warnings to such drivers, it would appear they are above the law. RCIPS, please throw the book at this guy…send a proper warning to others.

  19. Anonymous says:

    These guys need prison time to slow down looks like

  20. Anonymous says:

    There will be more accidents and some serious in that area if the police don’t have a presence. They trucks and cars race on up an down that stretch like it is a drag strip. Then the motorbikes zip by on one wheel. Come on Police, give us some traffic patrols in that area. Or give us some period!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      And all should remember that this is the only route out to the Eastern Districts from town – all roads meet here and all it takes is one stupid idiot and nobody can get home. Time for a new road from town to the East.


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