Man stabbed in leg during GT fight

| 15/08/2017 | 27 Comments

(CNS): Police are investigating another violent altercation after a man said he was assaulted and stabbed in the leg by a man he knew in the early hours of Sunday morning (13 August) at McField Square, George Town. Police had been called to the central area of the capital at about 2am after a report of a fight was made to 911 but said there was no one at the scene when they arrived.  However, later that morning a man reported to police that he had been stabbed in the leg and assaulted at McField Square by a man whom he knew. The victim has since been treated at the Cayman Islands Hospital and released.

Police said they are now investigating the matter and anyone with information is asked to call George Town Police Station at 949-4222.  Anonymous tips can also be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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Category: Crime, Local News

Comments (27)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Just a suggestion there are three outstanding Caymanians who would make a very effective Commissioner of Police their names are Charles Clifford Philip Ebanks Dennis Brady all senior ex-police officers interview and give one of them a chance and I will bet crime would dramatically decrease.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Caymans is for the Cayman Islands maybe you dont travel this is how its addressed when asked your country of origin especially in the USA

  3. Anonymous says:

    CNS thanks again for this medium. What is the CIG doing to decrease crime ? Are they not fully aware that social media is all over the world and people can click on and reading about these heinious crimes. The CAYMANS be careful you dont get on the State Advisory List. What is happening in the Cayman Islands? You now concentrating on PR applications what about measures you are tackling crime with. Are we (the Caymans ) still believing we are the jewel of the Carribean and crime free. You cant castigate your next neighbour (Jamaica) anymore ! You need to read comments made by frustrated people through this medium , anyway it all falls on dearf ears!

    • Anonymous says:

      You really so ignorant not to see the relationship between bad Immigration policy and lack of enforcement, and crime?

      • Anonymous says:

        Mmm 8.24 are you really so ignorant that you don’t know that most of Northwards population is Caymanian? Which would imply what?

    • 5thGenkamanite says:

      what’s the CAYMANS FOR ? Grand, Brac , Little or simply Cayman Islands !

    • Anonymous says:

      Why does the Government have to stop people from basically killing each other ? Is that why we pay our politicians ? To part bar fights ? Seems a waste of money to me! If these idiots want to turn Cayman into the Wild West the politicians job has to be to arm the police and build a bigger prison and more graveyards, tired of the idiots now. Turning the place into a slum then have the nerve to expect decent people to deal with their issues. We need to make it a life sentence punishment for any crime involving violence how about that for a solution ?

  4. Anonymous says:

    So many experts, so many experts on this island, locals and expats alike. like any other countries around the world… with development and exposure to other cultures comes CRIME that is the off spring and unfortunately the cost.

  5. Ex Teacher says:

    Here are the answers to your questions, Anonymous 11:28:

    Where were you 50 years ago? This was answered in the comment. Peaceful, quiet and beautiful.

    Is there a new breed of people that are born to create such havoc on what used to be a beautiful tranquil island?
    No. It isn’t the same people. It is their poorly raised and educated offspring…. and a lot of “outsiders” who have gravitated to our lovely islands.

    Have people’s values got so bad that all is in their minds is to rob, burgle and murder each other?

    Fortunately, there are very few that fit this pattern.

    Who has created these monsters? Aren’t parents teaching values to their offspring?

    Ahhhh, that’s an easy one. Parents, or the lack of parenting are number one, followed by poor performance of our schools in instilling honesty and integrity to our schoolchildren, which would not be necessary if parents did their job.

    How long do you think this is going to last?(tourism)
    Not much longer, apparently!

    I’d like to add one more thing. If our government would get serious about making our islands a better place, primarily by law enforcement and weeding out some of our undesirables by imprisonment or deportation it would go a long way toward healing our aches and pains.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is gone and will never return. Every one of those permits being approved is just another nail the heritage coffin. Raise a glass to all the former and present MLAs that sold us out!

  7. Anonymous says:

    CaymanKind. Chop ya in the head or stab ya. What the heck is going on in this country?

  8. Anonymous says:

    50 years ago Cayman didn’t have tv or internet. Coincidence?

    • Anonymous says:

      Being without a TV or internet has nothing to do with the criminal activities of the youths of today 11.48am. In fact, they had to amuse themselves, but never through crime that is as prevalent as today. Ask your fore fathers how they passed their time of day. It would be learning trades, and how to fish and grow vegetables etc., Northward was non existent. There was just a small lock up at the back of Police HQ in Georgetown mainly for idiots that drunk too much and thought they could fight the world after a few bottles of Red Stripe. Today, too many kids got too much time on their hands. The devil makes work for idle hands!

    • Anonymous says:

      Population rises and crime increases. Simple.

    • Younger says:

      In the USA men “white men” voted in 1776 and on ward then came the 15th Amendment in 1869 all men regardless of race and color had the right, women on the other hand the right to vote taken away in 1807 and that wasn’t returned until the 18th August 1920. 19th Amendment
      Do you see now why Hillary didn’t win

  9. Anonymous says:

    It doesn’t cease to amaze me the extremely high volume of violence that is on this small island, together with the large extent of traffic accidents on a daily basis. Let no person post it seems high due to the size of this island. I can assure you this is not the case. I live in the UK now in South Wales and in comparison, mile for mile, Cayman’s crime far outweighs this area. We have a huge influx of immigrants here too and the majority of crime is carried out by homegrown criminals so let’s not go down that road and shift the entire blame on to these people. Cayman is going down the same road as Jamaica………rapidly!! Is there a new breed of people that are born to create such havoc on what used to be a beautiful tranquil island? An island that in my experience was a pleasure to work and reside in. Have people’s values got so bad that all is in their minds is to rob, burgle and murder each other? Who has created these monsters? There has always been drugs here since I can remember and a massive amount of traffic accidents but never on this scale. Aren’t parents teaching values to their offspring? The rights and wrongs of how they should lead their lives. Clearly not by the sound of things. I will be returning to the island in September to visit work colleagues of which I am truly excited about. However, unless I am escorted in the evenings I will certainly not be going out alone not even to cross the road. The mugging and assaults on tourists are astronomical! Apart from your tax free status, Cayman totally relies on tourism to keep you afloat and to keep your children in future employment. How long do you think this is going to last? It’s easy for some of you to be cocky and post “if you don’t like the way things are go home” you rely on tourism and indeed work permit holders. Where were you 50 years ago? Peaceful, quiet and beautiful. Not now I’m sorry to say. You are in dire need of a Vocational programme for the up and coming youngsters who are not academically minded and a Child Protection Team that know what they are doing.


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