Rogue drivers on cops’ radar during weekend ops
(CNS): The RCIPS conducted traffic- and crime-related operations at the weekend on the hunt for rogue drivers. One targeted people coming and going from a legally organised motorbike event, on Saturday, 1 July, in Frank Sound. Police said the operation started at 1pm and lasted until 9pm at the junction of the Bodden Town and Frank Sound roads. Officers dished out 35 tickets, conducted 10 searches and arrested three people for traffic offences.
The police said the annual off-road bike races attracted about 150 people. “In general, the event itself took place off-road and in an orderly fashion that did not put other road users at risk,” an RCIPS spokesperson stated. But the police said that in the past residents in the community had raised concerns about the event.
As a result, the RCIPS sent 18 officers from different uniformed departments to the roadblock. They checked more than 200 motor vehicles to “deter illegal riding on public roads, dangerous driving and other offences in the area during, before and after the event”, the police said.
Then on Monday, 3 July, between 1pm and 9pm, the police were in Rum Point conducting another operation in response to community concerns about ganja smoking and anti-social behaviour affecting local residents and businesses.
The police said they conducted both high-visibility and covert patrols in the area and along the beach. But they only arrested one 17-year-old boy from Bodden Town after he tried to flee police officers. He was arrested on suspicion of possession of ganja and failing to provide a specimen, and is now on police bail.
Police Commissioner Derek Byrne said the RCIPS intended to continue going after “low-level illegal activities” while at the same time targeting the surge in serious crime, such as the spike in gun violence.
Category: Crime, Crime Prevention
Here’s the kick… “Police Commissioner Derek Byrne said the RCIPS intended to continue going after “low-level illegal activities”
Yet.. we had apparently 70 burglaries in June? Wow…
Here is a challenge to Byrne and the RCIPS. How about seeing you target establishments on the SMB where most people consume buckets of alcohol and get behind the wheel of a car. Instead you have to target the low lying local fruit. One of your predecessors, Haines, said and did the same thing.
Concerned about ganja smoking? when Alcohol is legal? let me guess some drunkers complaint? OMG this island is like 50 years behind.
Is anyone on this island aware that Alcohol is a 100 times more dangerous drug than ganja?
If you want the police to make alcohol illegal and ganja legal, change the laws. From my observation, the police prosecute for both drunk driving and ganja offences.
Keep up the good work RCIPS!!!! If you keep this momentum going it will be a deterrent!
Every Sunday the Rum Point area and to/from there is loaded with illegal driving. Heck…most roads in Cayman are similar most days. Police on patrol….not so much!
RCIPS, please stop the saber-rattling press releases and just get the job done.
There are still hundreds of cars on the road with illegal tint, obscured plates, no plates etc.
Simply placing a unit at each roundabout would net a dozen of these per hour per roundabout without much effort.
And at the 3 way stop by John Gray playing field and Drumblade Apartments… only about 1 out of 3 cars seems to actually stop there… most just drive right through.
This afternoon I followed a truck driving west from the East End Quarry.
It tuned north at the main Frank Sound junction. It had no brake lights, no indicators, 100% illegible license plate, no front plate and worn tyres. It was overloaded with heavy rocks, piled 10 inches above the upper edges and with no mandatory cover. How can these dangerous vehicles pass inspection and how is it they continue to menace us on the roads? Last year three 30 lb rocks fell off a truck going west through Savannah, seconds before I passed through. I watched the truck pull over. It’s a miracle no one was killed. And how often do we see shredded tyres on the same section of road, each one having disintegrated under a speeding truck? It should be clampdown time. Fix it or nix it, I say.
“It turned north at the main Frank Sound junction. It had no brake lights, no indicators, 100% illegible license plate, no front plate and worn tyres. It was overloaded with heavy rocks, piled 10 inches above the upper edges and with no mandatory cover.”
With such a detailed description I wish you were with the RCIPS!!!
“One targeted people coming and going from a legally organised motorbike event” … setting up roadblocks where there is absolutely no reason or probable cause to believe that a crime has, or will, take place seems like motor-vehicle profiling. Accusing everyone is guilty before they are proven innocent. Where in the law does it state these road blocks are legal to be set up?
Given the arrests made it seems they profiled well. Profile away!
‘Officers dished out 35 tickets, conducted 10 searches and arrested three people for traffic offences.’ – Sounds like the RCIPS were spot on with that one doesn’t it?!
Now stop your whinging
If you are legal and all is in order why are so worried? Sounds like you should have been caught as well.
Try reading the law before asking the question or putting up silly reasoning. Others do.
see ss.47 & 48 of the Police Law (2017 revision)…
silly sheeple
Impound and crush them all!