Eden returns to anti-human rights rhetoric

| 02/06/2017 | 208 Comments
Cayman News Service

Anthony Eden in the LA, May 2017

(CNS): In his first words to the Legislative Assembly after his re-election for his seventh term, Anthony Eden wasted no time before taking aim at the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community and human rights. He said he was back to defend Christian values and the sanctity of marriage, despite wanting to retire. He also told the LA that he wanted to set out his concerns early that Leo Raznovich was attempting to “incite residents” to go against the Constitution and Marriage Law. He said he couldn’t understand how a person here as a dependent could “interfere in the functions” of the islands.

During the adjournment debate Wednesday, normally reserved for newly elected representatives to make their first speeches, Eden once again called on the premier to replace James Austin-Smith as the chair of the Human Rights Commission because he is not a Christian.

“It is beyond my comprehension… how a person who is a confessed atheist can objectively deal with matters in a predominately Christian nation,” Eden said.

The veteran politician who has made his dissgust for gay and transgender people perfectly clear in several debates, has persistently led the charge in the LA against human rights for the LGBT community, especially any kind of right to a legal same-sex union. The issue featured heavily on his campaign platform in Savannah, supported by Alva Suckoo in the neighbouring Newlands constituency, who also used Wayne Panton’s more sympathetic position towards the discrimination of the Caymanian LGBT community as a tool to unseat the former minister.

Panton lost by just 15 votes, the narrowest margin in all nineteen seats. 

Dr Leonardo Raznovich, a former lecturer at the Truman Bodden Law School, and his husband, an attorney with Maples, won a successful challenge at the Immigration Appeals Tribunal (IAT) after the work permit board refused to allow Raznovich to be a dependent on his partner’s permit when he lost his job at the institution. The IAT found that the law did not restrict same-sex spouses, as the men were legally married in their respective countries of Argentina, where Raznovich is from, and the UK, the home of his husband.

Raznovich has been a vocal campaigner for the local Caymanian LGBT community, as right now foreign gay couples have more rights than locals. But he believes that the law and the Constitution does not actually discriminate and he is encouraging Caymanian same-sex couples to talk with him about mounting a challenge to the apparent ban on gay marriage. With the wheels in motion, it is understood that Raznovich is already beginning work on the first potential case.

However, the attorney repeated his call for any local or Caymanian and expat gay or lesbian couples who want to marry to get in touch with him.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    $1million bucks to spew homophobic ignorance. Well done Savannah.

  2. student says:

    How I see it –

    If you have people who are born a certain way whereby they can’t help but not be attracted to the same sex, and they want to marry and have the basic same rights that heterosexual married couples do …

    Then why can’t we at least make provisions or laws for people like them? So long these people impose no harm on minors or other people, why must we judge them all as evildoers? Moreover, if God made them that way, it would be morally wrong to discriminate against them. Just sayin


    • Anonymous says:

      Go get married somewhere else then come back to the island, simple.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you so much. Very well said.

      I am so embarrassed by Mr. Eden, and wish he were not — in any way — able to be viewed as representing either Christians or Caymanians.

      He represents only proponents of bigotry.

      Some people claim that homosexuals “choose” their proclivities. I challenge those people to think back when they actually made that choice, whether they weighed the pros and cons of each side. If a person is honest with themselves, they will admit that they always knew the gender to which they were attracted.

      I knew. I knew from the time I was six or seven that I liked girls. It was never a question. It is the same for everyone else. It was the same for Mr. Eden.

      p.s. Don’t get me started on the Book of Leviticus. It’s a good book of the Holy Bible, meant for a culture at a certain time in history. If we honoured all the precepts written there, we would still: sell our children, have slaves, and kill people for innocuous offences such as trimming their beards, wearing mixed fabrics, and failing to rotate their crops.

    • Roy says:

      Bernie Bush speech was almost as bad.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry…I totally disagree with you. Our moral compass in the Bible. It condemns homosexuality. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the same kind of lifestyle. Eden does not dislike those individuals. He is only saying that their lifestyles is against any Christian/Religious community of believers. Our leaders must defend those principals. Suppose I want to have 6 wives – will it be okay to amend the law to facilitate that? We are oppose to legalizing gambling which I don’t do. At the same time we want to support an UNGODLY human behavior. It’s wrong. Its a sin and the people need to recognize that and ask God to change them, just like I have to ask him daily to help me stop lusting at the beautiful women because I am married which makes it even worse.

    • Caymanian says:

      This is where the arguement lies. Christians will say they are not born that way per say, we in fact made that choice. It’s like being predisposed to loving chocolate but knowing its not what you must eat to stay healthy. Its like wanting to hurt yourself. This is how christians think. Now LGBT will say its a physical impairment not mental. Personally I lean more to a mental state of mine. But thats just me.

    • to student says:

      I am born black! Do you have proof that gays are born gay??? You are a student, so you should do some research.

      The gays are comparing their movement to a civil rights movement. They are the new black. But student, can you find any experiment that shows their is a gay gene???

      Can anyone on this site show me proof that there is a gay gene? … If so, then I will defend their cause ?


    • Anonymous says:

      Satan speaking through 8 people….. Heh heh heh

  3. SSM345 says:

    Can someone on the opposition please explain to Eden what the word being “objective” means, he shouldn’t be using words in the LA that he does not know the meaning of.

    • Anonymous says:

      Other than his obvious love of ranting about this issue with the fire & brimstone approach & hearing himself spew hatred , one thing for sure: It will occupy his mind in his quiet back corner of the L.A. for the next 4 years and thus spare us citizenry from having him meddle in Government affairs too much.

    • anonymous says:

      Yeah, I told him but he said their religion don’t make no difference.

  4. Anonymous says:

    He is right. It is certainly beyond his comprehension, which is precisely why he is not fit for public office.

  5. SSM345 says:

    Does he know what “objective” means? Because he cannot deal with any issue objectively as a Christian.

    Hiding behind a Bible and using that as your reasoning is not being objective you absolute donkey.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow – is this the new height of disparagement of Christianity/whole Christian community? Also, how ironic in the context.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Sad that he has nothing else to contribute to this country but to spew such hatred for people who are different than him. Thank GOD they are different because I don’t know many who would want to be as ignorant and arrogant as him. His bible clearly does not teach loving your fellow man. Such an ass. Kent McTaggart would have been a much better choice for the people.

    • Hafoo says:

      I agree.Voted for Kent.He is the best out of the lot But when you have idiots voting because they like you and not for the best person to carry the country forward,what can you do.This man should have retired Four years ago

    • Anonymous says:

      Also everyone should understand that all the Caymanian people are paying this persons salary. He adds nothing to moving the country forward and assumes he should be paid to express hateful and non ojective views that are not always shared

    • Anonymous says:

      3.20pm Obviously you are not from here and therefore you do not really know Mr Eden , yet in your ignorance you say that he has nothing to contribute to this country. What you are really saying is that Mr Eden is unwilling to assist you or contribute in any to your ambition to turn Cayman into a mini version of your home country.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I really cannot believe what I just read. How on earth is this sort of blind hatred considered Christian and loving? Please explain that to me! God is loving. He taught his followers to love and not judge. The bible is filled with hundreds and thousands of examples of where JC preached this, yet homophobic nasty evil people such as this man (and sadly too many others in this community) ignore it because it doesn’t suit their homophobic fears. If you want to live by the words of the bible you cannot cherry pick what you decide is virtuous and what is not. These of course are usually the same people that will turn a blind eye to wife beatings, rape, incest and the major one here…..cheating on your spouse! Hypocrites!

    • AZOTH says:

      If you’re referring to the Christian God as loving I strongly disagree. The Christian God is portrayed as being unforgiving and ill equipped to control it’s creation and murders innocent men, women and children by the millions for it’s own mistakes and never accepts responsibility for those actions or has any remorse.

      This is no example of love. It is the complete opposite.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Wonder how Mr Eden feels about Ireland’s new Prime Minister.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not his business – he’s a Caymanian and not Irish. Neither is he responsible for laws in Ireland just in case you didn’t know that. It is none of his business.

    • anonymous says:

      What about him? And your point is?

    • Anonymous says:

      Or the latest terrorist attack in London? After all that was undertaken by religious fanatics with similar attitudes to his.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile, in Ireland….

  10. Anonymous says:

    Can someone tell this bigot that Ireland AND Luxembourg elected educated articulate gay Prime Ministers.

  11. OneVoice says:

    “Judge not less ye be judged”. I say let them be what he/she wants to be. It their choice . But they should also respect the laws of the land. for now it is what it is and in time it will change. We are a small country that have over the past 20 years developed much too fast bet it for the good or bad. now we are repining all the negatives with the good. We just have to mind or own business and stop minding others . live and let live 🙂

  12. Anon says:

    I am very proud to be Irish today 🙂 This would have been inconceivable just a few years ago https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/02/leo-varadkar-becomes-irelands-prime-minister-elect

  13. Anonymous says:

    Shocking that this is how this tired old bigot begins his new tenure in the house! Are we not facing more important crises in this island than the rights of a small group who as far as I see are not trying to do anything other than live in peace in the community. This representative is an embarrassment to our country on a world stage-imagine what educated people must think reading about his priority!

  14. Anon and on and on.... says:

    Here is my dilemma.

    I truly believe that Mr Eden is an honest and principled man who has views that he genuinely believes in. His views are strongly held and he is not prepared to modify or bend these views to please public opinion or to gain political advancement. These are qualities to be admired in any of our elected politicians.

    My problem is that I equally believe his views on Christian values and the LBGT community are totally and completely wrong. As a Christian living in the 21st century, I cannot subscribe to a view that Leviticus is the model upon which our lives should be conducted. Worse still is a belief that I, or the church, can pick and choose which parts of Leviticus we are going to hold up as God’s instructions for our lives. Surely it is all or none? A previous poster has pointed out the “abomination” of eating creatures of the sea without fins or scales. Do we really believe that eating dishes from the menus of the Lobster Pot or Cracked Conch are an abomination equivalent to sodomy?

    Personally, I don’t particularly want to live in a society where slave ownership is fully endorsed by our God. Lev 25:44 – “As for your male and female slaves whom you may have—you may acquire male and female slaves from the pagan nations that are around you.”

    There are many other examples, but please read the Book of Leviticus for yourselves.

    Please listen to Mr Eden’s views and engage your own brain when evaluating them. In the LA, he enjoys parliamentary privilege to be able to express his genuine views in any manner he chooses.

    But also remember, the best and worst thing about free democratic elections is that we end up with the politicians and government we deserve.

    • Anonymous says:

      In this world, with so much other suffering going on 2.36, stop worrying about your pointless dilemma and start helping people. Or can you find an bible excuse not to do that too?

    • Anonymous says:

      So 2:36pm, you are going to condemn people who are gay? Who don’t bother anyone? Yet it is ok for a man to cheat on his wife? Thats ok? Adults molesting their own children..thats ok? Why doesn’t he put his energy into helping the people that need help, including children!!! There is a high rate of children being abused in the Cayman Islands, yet it is brushed under the rug What happened to the Human Rights? How anyone in Savannah voted him back in is as bad and you got what you deserved, but the rest of the Island didn’t vote him in!! He needs to go, I thought he was going to retire????

    • AZOTH says:

      Do we really believe that eating dishes from the menus of the Lobster Pot or Cracked Conch are an abomination equivalent to sodomy?

      Do you really believe anything at all from the Bible?

    • Caymanian says:

      Does not change the fact that God created a woman from a man to be his companion to watch over the earth.

      You can cut that a million ways and still find woman was made for a man. Period.

    • George Towner says:

      You are a Christian and you support gays????

      LOL LOL … Thats a good! A Christian who doesn’t follow the whole Bible! ?

      Im sorry my dear, but it is either you are a Christian or you not a Christian! Don’t make yourself into a hypocrit.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Nasty old Dinosaur back on the podium spreading hatred!!! Very sad to see he got back in with some of the other grumpy old men that are from a different century.

  16. Anonymous says:

    “A predominately Christian nation?” Let’s put that in real terms and re-phrase it, “A nation that likes to pretend it’s predominately Christian.” You’re looking at a population that has no issues breaking pretty much ever single one of the Ten Commandments. The churches are often simply used as a convenient way to exercise power and influence, and cover up the unpleasant realities of life like incest and spousal abuse.

  17. JTB says:

    There’s no fool like a mindless bigoted old fool

  18. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like Trump, any feeble excuse for a rant

  19. Anonymous says:

    There’s a huge upside to Eden’s last-century bigotry: it keeps the discussion very much in focus where it needs to be, and acts as a rallying cry to all those of us who oppose the hatred and discrimination being espoused by one who unfortunately remains one of our leaders. Eden represents a hard-line minority of Christians who choose to cherry-pick passages from the Bible to support their misguided beliefs, in the same way that suicide-bombers cherry-pick passages from the Koran to justify theirs. I applaud Eden’s desire to defend Christian values, but he should focus on those values that might improve the lives of the very many people of these islands who suffer social injustices, poverty, and neglect. Open your eyes Mr Eden. You are in a position to do some good things over the next four years. Don’t waste your efforts swimming against the tide!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Anyone that actively campaigns to subvert civil and human rights is not a Christian. We abolished slavery, we eat pork and turtle, we wear clothing of mixed thread, and women are allowed to vote. We need to live in the present and honor our legal obligations or we get sued. Simple as that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Our obligations are enshrined in the Holy scriptures. God created male and female and told them to be fruitful and multiply

    • SMH ... :/ says:

      Oh really! So millions of Catholics who oppose living a homosexual lifestyle are not Christians. Millions of evangelicals worldwide are not Christians! Almost a billion people who read their bibles that say homosexuality is a sin, are not Christian!

      I can tell you one thing, before you start talking about the love of Jesus and what he did for you on a cross, check what the sin of being a hypocrit is! You can not say your Christian and support the gay movement period !

      It would be way better for you not to call yourself a Christian than run around the place dishonoring Jesus name to support a lifestyle he himself condemned!

  21. Bertie B says:

    Fact is that many homophobes are actually gay and just will never allow themselves to admit it , many cases have been proven , although I doubt if this will get posted .

  22. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Savannah for voting in this hater. Mr. Eden you are a despicable human being.

  23. Anonymous says:

    This man has an unhealthy obsession with LGBTI matters. Remember the RC Archbishop of Glasgow who protested about gay marriage only to be outed the following week! Perhaps history will repeat itself!!!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Sometimes I am embarrassed to live here. I have lived here a long time and happily brought many friends and family to visit these beautiful islands, but this defies logical explanation to virtually everyone who lives in a modern society and would be considered hate speech in many places. It is appalling that this man doesn’t even for a minute consider that he is supposed to represent all Caymanians – gay, straight, atheist, Christian, Muslim – he just doesn’t get what governing is.

    I know, I know…don’t let the plane door hit me…

    • Anonymous says:

      Then I encourage you to leave and go back to your country of domicile. We will remain as Caymanians of old.

      • Anonymous says:

        This is such a chicken shit response to anyone who has something valid to say which may be contrary to your opinions.

  25. Anonymous says:

    He is an MLA for the Progressive party and yet there’s nothing progressive about the diatribe he’s spouting.

    • Anonymous says:

      Which rock have you been under for the last couple of years?

    • Anonymous says:

      Get up with the times. This is the reason why he left the Progressives.

    • Anonymous says:

      Which rock have you been living under? As CNS should be able to confirm, Mr. Eden resigned from the Progressives during the course of 2016,well before the May 2017 elections.

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      Actually he left the Progressive party exactly because they didn’t support his views on this.

  26. John Downer says:

    Calm down people.
    Mr. Eden is entitled to his opinions as a private citizen. He has his rights.
    Now in the House representing the people he should follow what the law says.
    He cannot spout off his opinions as law.
    He will have to follow the laws or he will have to step down from his post.
    Time will tell what happens.
    As citizens you all have the responsibility to read what your laws allow or don’t allow.

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s not. He’s an Independent MLA who is on the opposition bench. He crossed the floor in the last parliament when he didn’t agree with the PPM on LGBT matters, the same with Suckoo. But don’t let facts get in the way of your point.

  27. Anonymous says:

    This behavior is not a surprise to his constituents who voted him….to behave otherwise would be hypocritical and deceptive. Way to stand behind your convictions.

  28. Anonymous says:

    It is beyond my comprehension how a person who believes in a talking snake can be taken seriously by intelligent people.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Here we go….back to the dark ages. Not every Caymanian is a homophobic bigot…..so you may represent you little area of the Island, but you don’t speak for all of us.

  30. . says:

    It is beyond my comprehension… why Mr. Eden is so concerned about oppressing those such as the LGBT community when there are many other issues at hand. What about employment, proper healthcare, etc.?

  31. Anonymous says:

    Well said Mr. Eden!!! Let’s see if the PPM and CDP sit by with their arms folded and their mouths shut again when it comes time to defend our Christian morals and rights as Caymanians. You all sat by and allowed Mr. Eden to be chewed up and spit out when he stood for what’s right. Shame on the rest of you – especially those that are known as Christians as well. Shame on you!!! Cayman is certainly looking on this time!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      No 11.51, a very small portion (in number and mind size) are looking. The rest live in the 21st century.

    • Anonymous says:

      Christian morals! Lol I’ve never seen a less Christian nation in my 53 years of being on this planet!

    • Anonymous says:

      Well Said and Refreshing! Best post on CNS for some time now. These Bullies think they shout down the people that truly care about Humanity with their spiteful and hateful rhetoric. Bravo!

  32. Anonymous says:

    He need to be remove from government fast!! This is Cayman islands not Russia…

  33. Anonymous says:

    I am not ashamed to state that I feel uncomfortable to say the least when I see same sex couples being overly amorous in public, especially when children are present.We should not forget that when it comes to integrity, so essential but so lacking in many of our political aspirants, Mr Eden ranks very close to the best.

    • Anonymous says:

      You should be more ashamed at the way women are treated by men in Cayman, the sexualised language of your young and the disrespect shown to our expats.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Where does he get his ties? He looks FAAAABULOUS.

  35. Love > Hate says:

    Please take your medieval hate speech somewhere else you glans-headed relic of a miserable bygone age.

    “It is beyond my comprehension… how a person who is a confessed atheist can objectively deal with matters in a predominately Christian nation,” how about comprehending the fact that human rights belief in the magical man in the sky?

  36. AZOTH says:

    Excuse me Mr. Eden.

    You display a need to address the LGBT as demoting Christian values in the Cayman Islands which you invoke God and the Bible as your case against same sex couple practice here in Cayman.

    Apart from homosexuals being labeled as abominations..

    The Bible also states in Leviticus –

    “Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you”.

    This is a God fearing Christian nation according to Mr. Eden.

    My question to you Mr. Eden is why are you not expressing the same level of concern regarding the sale of conch in Cayman? It too according to the Bible is demoting the Chriatian values.

    Lastly, how do you pick and choose what to follow from the Bible?

    Thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are so sill it’s not funny. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of these acts. It’s a religious fact that the concept of marriage is between a man and a woman.

      Do I agree with the vile Mr. Eden expunges? No. As Christians we are taught to not do that and for that I would say he is wrong. We are all sinners and the judge is not man but God. That said the act of marriage is set in religion and as such should not be forced to do something against their beliefs.

      I am for a Civil Union between two people of the same sex or between a man and a woman who are atheist. This would be performed by a JP.

      So please stop your silly chat and let’s not be like Mr. Eden.

    • xxx@yahoo.com says:

      Azoth, so brilliantly you did the same thing you are accusing him of. you took a portion out of the bible and ignored the other.

      • AZOTH says:

        I’m not accusing Mr. Eden of anything. I simply asked a question.

        Here is another question.

        Are you able to comprehend simple english?

    • Anonymous says:

      lol you cant be serious…

    • Anonymous says:

      You obviously haven’t read the New Testament. Sounds like you are picking and choosing or completely just don’t know how to read the Bible.

      Jesus Christ full filled the law. On the cross He said,” it is finished”.

  37. Nazst Nezz says:

    I just dont see how they want to fight for “invisible” rights.

    NO ONE IS FIGHTING DOWN THE LBGT or w.e gangs they are in the streets dude.

    Enjoy your time and stop trying to take over.

  38. Anonymous says:

    So we should change our legal definition of marriage as it discriminates against same-sex couples?

    In what world do the complexities of human relationships end with the sole additional category of “same-sex”?

    Are we not aware of the millions of people in multi-person relationships such as; 5-some unions, 3-some bisexual unions, 4-person lesbian-single-mother unions, retired older gay couple + 1 young gay lover / houseboy unions … and the never-ending list goes on.

    My point is, once the definition is changed there is no stopping and no limitations – for to refuse any number of individuals or gender / sexual-oriented blend of unions would be an act of discrimination.

    Am I wrong?

    Lastly, I dare say, the only thing stopping from a greater number of such unions is the historical framework of (man + woman) union necessary to enter into the institution of marriage.

    Solution = Civil Partnerships (with accompanying terms and conditions).
    Mankind has proven itself impossible as it concerned self-imposed boundaries – in every respect.

    • Anonymous says:

      The definition of marriage does not have to change. The constitution has no law against same sex couples ergo the law does not have to change to fit same sex couples. The only thing in need of change is this age old mentality Mr. Eden is ensuing.

      • Caymanian says:

        Actually yes it does. Our law states categorically that marriage is between a man and a woman sorry to inform you. The matter was brought up a clarified when Mr Eden brought a motion.

      • Caymanian says:

        You are wrong. Caymsn laws define marriage as between a man and a woman.

  39. Ol Quayz says:

    Good Job Mr. Eden! That is why the people of Cayman voted for you.

    We dont need none of their false issues when real issues for everyone including them are at hand!

    • Anonymous says:

      Let’s be clear here – the “people of Cayman” did not vote for him – 446 registered voters in Savannah voted for him. That represents less than half of the votes casts in that constituency, let alone the rest of the “people of Cayman”. This man and his archaic views may work at the pulpit but they have no place in the government of a modern society, and it boggles the minds of most right thinking people that he garnered even that many votes. Thumbs down if you wish, but that’s the truth of the matter.

      • Anonymous says:

        What a joke. Many others such as Alva, the West Bayers, Bracers and others were voted in on May 24 over their weaker counterparts partially for the EXACT same reasons that Mr. Eden stands for. Shows you know nothing about the “truth of the matter”. All of Cayman spoke LOUD and remains a beacon of light in a world full of Hatred towards humanity.

    • Anonymous says:

      You don’t realize the irony of your statement do you?

  40. bob@hotmail.com says:

    any chance that this is inciting hatred and we can get him arrested? I’m sure we’ll all have a whip-around to bring a civil action if needed.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Time is longer than rop,you should retire you are tired and useless, and a shame on the international stage for these islands, we the Gays you hate so much will have our day in court, hope you live to see it, and live long enough to see some of your grand and great grand children come out as gay, you know what Karma does to wicked monsters like you. If you are such a Christian you would know any type of hate is also a sin, get real monster, you already have a few Gays in your family, and we shall all know them soon enough, they will be your match one day. The God for us all does not like ugly, and you are ugly in so many ways

  42. Anonymous says:

    “…government shall not treat any person in a
    discriminatory manner in respect of the rights under this Part of the Constitution.
    (2) In this section, “discriminatory” means affording different and unjustifiable treatment to
    different persons on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other
    opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, age, mental or physical
    disability, property, birth or other status.”

    “No person shall be hindered by government in the enjoyment of his or her freedom of
    (2) Freedom of conscience includes freedom of thought and of religion or religious denomination…”

    Which bit of the Constitution is “beyond your comprehension” Mr Eden? Just these two sections, or is the whole lot too challenging for your meager intellect?

  43. Anonymous says:

    He speaks for 446 people or less than one percent of the population. Everything else on the agenda is over and above his head and, although he is not alone in that situation as an elected representative, he feels better after spewing spiteful rhetoric that he didn’t have to rehearse. Such outbursts are not worthy of a response.

    • Anonymous says:

      wrong he speaks for more than that who could not vote in his district.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is for this very reason that I did not vote for him and never would. Anyone who spews such hate and intolerance should not be a Member of our Government.

    • anonymous says:

      So, er, how come you have? (Sorry to ask. Just trying to apply logic.)

  44. Anonymous says:

    We need to be age limits on our MLA’s.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or a sanity test? This is the Ayatollah Eden at work here not a rational, church going Christian. He’d be right at home cutting off heads in Deera (Chop Chop) Square.

  45. Anonymous says:

    What about straight couples who are into rimming? Is that okay?

  46. Juniper says:

    Well I guess Cayman has rising sea levels to look forward to.

  47. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest says:

    This is precisely why we need a proper mental health care facility in place, with great urgency.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed, I’m very worried for Mr Eden’s mental health. So closed minded.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly these humans deserve the mental health care they have been denied, and some never had in some countries, for many decades now because the majority of people actually care about them. Oh and you thought I was referring to recently elected MLA’s you are trying to target……

  48. Anonymous says:

    It is beyond my comprehension how a racist homophobe could have been elected. It demeans us as a christian nation that such a person speaks on behalf of us.NO HE DOES NOT.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Here we go again, the dinosaurs are out and grazing.

  50. Anonymous says:

    Not to worry Mr. Eden. You cannot be “infected” when you are sitting next to such a person in church. Even if you shake their hand or say Hi.


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