Tourists and local killed in East End crash
(CNS) UPDATED Wednesday: Police have now confirmed that four people, including three tourists and a local man, have been killed in a major road collision in East End on Austin Connolly Road near John McLean Drive. The crash happened at around 7:15pm Tuesday night, when a small rental car heading east was hit head on by a Honda Accord heading in the opposite direction. The man driving what may have been a Kia or a Toyota and his two female passengers, who were visiting Cayman, as well as the driver of the Honda were all killed at the scene.
A 27-year-old local man who was a passenger in the Honda is in critical condition and a 12-year-old child who was also in that car is in a serious medical condition. They were both rescued at the scene of the terrible crash and are being treated at the George Town hospital.
Category: Local News
I’m sorry … but you can thumbs me down all you like , but the police is part to blame in incidents like this one. I am not saying that the officer pursued the vehicle …
But come on! You clock a car breaking the speed limit, the driver saw your lights and you caused him to drive harder! When are officers going to be responsible and learn that Cayman is too small for reckless and dangerous pursuits! You can always clock and catch a person another day!
You are partially to blame if you startled the driver!
Cayman is too small for any pursuit! :/
Your comment is astonishing. The correct thing to do when you see a police car with it’s lights on is stop, not accelerate! One must wonder the type of person that the driver was if he chose to “drive harder” after he saw he was caught speeding…
Are you been serious? are we supposed to just let everyone speed in hope one day we can catch them? What do you mean by clock and catch them another day? If they let the cars go how are you going to know which car was the one speeding 3 months ago?
Police are not to blame. The idiot speeding (with a child in the car no less) is to blame. There was no pursuit only a reckless driver.
Wow how stupid can you be? It wasn’t a Police pursuit, period! Explain how are the police supposed to “catch them another day”?
How about people having some human decency and pull their car over to receive their punishment. The driver running away obliviously did not have respect for others on the road and would risk their own life and others for foolish reasons. Smarten up Unison. Until we start being responsible for ourselves and others this island will continue to go down the sh*t tube.
There are people who don’t have human decency; the ones that do have to think for those same people!
With that being said, can you now understand why “discretion” is vital to possess if an officer of the law?
If you knew the mentality of the citizens of EE you would understand it’s not as easy as it seems.
If the officer had not chased the car, this might not have happened. You can’t tell a non-law abiding citizen to adhere to the law! That’s like telling the cat not to chase the mouse.
Just sit and have a think….two wrongs here; not just one.
I am of course thinking of the tourists that died and how this could have been avoided or dealt with in a more effective and SAFE manner by the authorities.
Pro-life. Hopefully, people can start to think from a more holistic perspective.
Hope I am nowhere near you if the police decide to turn their lights on…that means stop. If you don’t, you are the guilty party in a tragedy such as this.
YOU are actually frightening! The way you think is astonishing….
wow you are a stupid one
you must be on crack you muppet!
I hope my family isn’t on the road if police ever have to stop you. According to your logic you won’t be entirely to blame it’ll be the blue flashy lights.
If a car runs a red light and an accident happens with this car, would the stop light be at fault for startling the driver and causing him to “drive harder”?
By your dumb logic the stop light would be at fault since it was the lights that startled the driver..right Unison?
Your suppose to stop at a red light. Stop or proceed with caution at the very least when you see blue lights.. not speed up. Even if the police officer didn’t turn on his lights that night there may very well have been the same scenerio played out because of one mans reckless driving and nothing else. Ps. Your an idiot Unison.
Not sure why most people on social media are blaming the police. Surely we should be blaming the idiot who was driving the car and killed, injured these innocent people, apparently speeding, therefore breaking the law.
My prayers a thoughts will be with the families of these people killed and injured.
9.01am The answer is the complainants are local and blame the police as an excuse for reckless driving such as this.
My condolences to all those and their families who tragically lost their live last night in this very unforunate way but it is very clear from a number of serious incidents recently including this terrible accident and subsequent aftermath and lack of even control of this accident scene by the police. A serious review of the RCIPS is badly need and if the reports we are hearing are correct those responsible held to account for their actions. This island has been allowed to spiral out of control by those at the very top of leadership for their financial and strategic benefit and now we the people are seeing and feeling the consequences of that.The lack of enforcement on our roads and streets with the amount of money we have spent on these no use foreign police we have employed is a crime in itself and all we here is we need more manpower! we name more man power? Its high time now for this UK employment Game to stop!
The tragedy of the lost of lives in this horrific accident , should open the eyes of this sleeping Government and Politicians and everyone who is like the driver that caused this terrible horrific accident to what is needed to be done to prevent another one from happening again. If the mentioned people have any blood pumping through their heart they should be able to see and do something about this situation on the Islands.
I think the Government needs to take a good look at what is happening on the Island , and where it is taking the Country. Today we’re very hurt by the lost of 4 lives , and so much more lost . All because of stupidity and disrespect for the law and other road users.
This tragedy breaks my heart for the victims and families, and just thinking that it could have been ” me and my family “.
I hope and pray that the government and the people who are like the drivers that caused this terrible tragedy , thinks about it , this could have been “me and my family”.
Why were you speeding with a 12 year old child in your car? Clearly this is not a police fault. How many stories have you seen lately of tourists coming to our island and never returning to their families? You can’t begin to fathom why innocent tourists should have to suffer for this.
Scares the hell out of me!!
My family and I are your best tourists. We love Cayman and truly respect the East End way of life.
Twice a year I’m the driver of a rental van with my wife, our 3 children and my 2 parents. Add it up and 4 weeks a year are spent on your island. Last year I had the pleasure of being overtaken on a drive West by the green helmeted motorbike nut. He had no care for anyone’s safety nor a much heavier 4 wheeled vehicle he was stunting around.
Is it a lack of common sense coupled with a daredevil-reckless attiude.
Small island, large country, it doesn’t matter. I see it up here North.
My heart aches for the victims, and the survivors – regardless of whether the RCIPS was or wasn’t chasing this man, the other victims didn’t make the choice to speed, he did. Sadly it has impacted and broken many peoples’ lives, forever. May their souls RIP, and may the remaining survivors do just that, and survive. Prayers up.
So now we know the police were only doing their job patrolling and speed enforcement, NO PURSUIT! Really people need to wait to comment until they get the full facts. So sorry they did not get them earlier, but only one person to blame here. Thoughts with the families, so tragic. Also spare a thought for the police officer and the emergency service people that had to deal with the scene, respect
This is so sad, my heart aches.
When will the cops start patrolling and hang out on the side of the road (safely off the road) to observe traffic offenses? I don’t get it! It is dangerous that they have ignored the roads for decades. Here is a list of things they ignore:
– Cars parked in the middle of the road that force cars to go into oncoming traffic. While most would wait for the oncoming traffic to pass before entering the other lane people here DO NOT and I have almost been hit head on multiple times a day.
– Speeding
– Overtaking in the middle turning lane
– Motorcyclists/dirt bikers speeding or the wheelies we are forced to observe
– Turning a roundabout into a 4 way stop (maybe this one just annoys me, may not be illegal)
This is stuff we all witness in broad daylight. Of course anyone could add to this list of simple traffic offenses the cops choose to ignore.
That’s exactly what the police were doing!
You must have missed the point… they need to do this all the time so people stop driving like dicks!
Police need to crack down on illegally parked cars and illegally parked “Trolly Roger” at Smiths Cove on South Church St. It’s only a matter of time before they cause a head on collision. As a matter of fact the Trolly Roger should be taken off the road immediately. That thing is an accident waiting to happen!
Once again these want-a-b experts right away on Facebook blaming this horrible tragedy on the police instead of waiting to get the facts. The police was turning around after clocking the driver at high speed when it happen. If this tragedy hadn’t happened and the police hadn’t tried to get the speeder they would have been criticizeing them for that too.
The worthless speeding scum is to blame for this destruction of families.
You expect people on Facebook to jump to dumb conclusions, but CNS publishing it before ultimately correcting it in this update is even worse, in my opinion.
And you tell me why the police is all innocent??? Where you there! And do you know they craft their own reports … how do you know what really happened?
Im sorry, many folk dont trust the police, and for a reason :/
A reason which you have failed to articulate, by the way. Were YOU there? You love to tear down the police and blame them foR EVERYTHING, when their only problem is trying to do a thankless job in the first place. I guarantee you would be the first to complain if a car sped past the police at dangerous speeds and the police did nothing.
Please note that all other media have reported that this was NOT a police chase so before we start jumping to conclusions lets please wait for the facts. Right now the only important thing is that lives have now been destroyed and there is nothing that can bring them back. We as a society need to respect the laws of the road and each other…I keep saying we live in a lawless country; everyone wants to blame others but the responsibility begins within our selves. Prayers to the families involved, may you somehow find strength in this tragedy.
Not sure how true it is but I heard that it was over illegal conch/lobster??
Heard that too, car was full of conch
Hmmmm … why is that not in the news!
Because if it was reported then it would be clear that it WAS a police chase.
Ya see?
Here is the ugly truth on both sides of the disgusting coin. Police chases are pointless in Cayman. Police should be stationed in various sections across the entire island at all times (we have capacity for this in the force); as well as drivers should not run from the Authorities. The police-man should have notified neighboring officers to catch the perpetrator on the receiving end.
Two wrongs don’t make a right; in this case both the police officer is wrong for pursuing a high-speed chase and the driver was in the wrong for speeding and taking more than the allowed number of conch.
Police: please think before you act (too many ignorant citizens to try and preach to about discipline), please know your limits. I know too well that many of the people here who break the laws will never change their mentality. We have to think for them because they do not think for themselves.
Sad yes, but don’t deny it because it’s the truth. This is the deteriorated social fabric that Frank McField is referring to. We have some serious socio-economical issues in Cayman that the Police cannot fix.
There is not a day go by that I don’t witness a display of unsafe, impatient, reckless driving. From the drag strips of the passing zones to the “sport” bikes, to the liberal interpretation of stop signs.
It sounds like the Police are actually trying to combat this with speed traps.
But you can’t combat ignorance, arrogance and stupidly.
What a waste, my heart goes out to the friends and family of the visitors.
Truly heart-wrenching.
Thoughts go out to all impacted but mostly to the visiting family caught up in this tragedy.
The Cayman people always feel it that much more when our tourists are involved in such incidents.
I wish peace and comfort onto those left grieving by this horrible crash.
So, so sorry.
To the families affected by this tragedy. We are so sorry for your loss(es).
To lose 3 members of one family at once is devastating. May God give you strength to get through the coming hours, days, weeks, months and years. I pray especially that the baby will be ok.
Very sad.we can not blame the police.perhaps finally now..more speeding controls will be done.going from eastend to town every morning it becomes lifethreatening..Seaview Road ..sometimes they overtake with 100 miles.i would wish to have more police on the road..i hardly see one anymore.
Very condolences to the families.
Welcome to the wild west.
Good by wonderful Cayman.
This is really sad. It could of been any of us on the road in this accident. It’s the innocent lives lost that is truly tragic. Not sure of the full details, but based on my everyday experience, the over taking and speeding on the roads out east are absolutely appalling.
The driving here has gotten worse. I’m not suggesting that police be stationed on every corner, but there has to be a presence and people should feel some sort of respect for the police. Some countries if you are speeding over a certain amount your car is impounded on the spot and you lose you license immediately, fined and sometimes prison. Cayman needs more prevention to deter alot of crimes including wreck less driving and speeding.
I live in Breakers and everyday I’m over taken on the road by high speed cars. No one seems to care. They put speed traps out in newlands where there is traffic, but what about further east where the roads are a race track?
So many laws here to protect us, and little to no enforcement.
Based on the latest from other sources, unfortunately it looks like all the passengers of the rental vehicle are deceased. The baby in the Honda Accord survived and the passenger of the Honda Accord in critical condition.
Prayers are what people offer when they can’t be bothered doing anything.
Cause you writing this comment is helping soooooo much, right?!
So true
Fleeing from police with a baby in the car?? What kind of person does that?
A Caymanian?
Jamaican actually
Someone that has more than just a potential traffic offense to worry about. Sketchy behavior….at best.
We have made headlines again for the most horrific reason ever. I saw the ambulance and police cars flying up the Bypass and little would I know this was the news I would hear. This is not just a case of evading the police. This is an everyday occurrence where people are driving doing the unthinkable and driving as if they have no regard for other road users. There is going to have to be stiffer penalties for driving in a reckless manner. This is sad and really bringing us back to years ago when our very own a family of 3 was killed. We all felt it. Cannot begin to think about the families of these Tourists. This is indeed so painful for us. Imagine them. My prayers are extended to all.
So sad to here that god bless all the family
So very sad
One of these anonymous posts is an idiot… ill give you two guesses but I’m sure you won’t need the second one…..5years loss of license for 10mph over the speed limit? are you high?
Running from the police with a baby in the car!! The driver should get life for causing the death of 4 people .so stupid so wreck less .what a shame .so sorry for the visitors families .So sad .
11:41 the driver died he was the 4th deceased how can he get life???? There was no baby it was a 12 year old boy. What part of the story didn’t you read.
12 year old IS a child. So, what is your point?
You are not legally an adult until your 18th birthday; in this Country at least.
The driver is dead.
well, the driver was 1 of the 4 that lost their life so i guess he got… death?
The driver died…
At a loss for words. Heart wrenching night in Cayman…I must hug my 2 year old baby and let her sleep in big bed tonight. Sad to the core….Prayers for all the affected families.
Shows us all the brevity of life….there for the Grace of God go I.
I think you mean there BUT for the grace of God, George. Otherwise it means something very, very different.
Just stop. Don’t run and kill inoccent people..
I can’t imagine what both sets up families are going through…Please help us Lord Jesus
Truly a sad and dreary night in Cayman
My heart breaks for those tourists.
If asked to stop by the authorities. Stop. These poor visitors lost their lives. What a tragic phone call to have to make to.their families. My heart breaks for them.
The chasing police car was on site minutes after this happened.
It took 30 minutes for 2 fire trucks to arrive and another 10 minutes for the first ambulance.
55 minutes later several police cars arrived at the seen.
Almost an hour, while the girl in the car was crying for her family.
Mr. Eden is this more important than your crusade against gay people ?
Mr. Arden Mclean ? What about an ambulance for Eastend and more police on the road instead of a 6000$ watch for your wife?
Mr. Bush ? Life is a gamble, isn’t it ?
To all Caymanians: Don’t vote, they don’t care about you !!
What dah heck.
I always wonder how to blame the Politicians for other people speeding or breaking into small fighting business.
You my low life poster. Has won the award.
CNS please lets make the headline news.
We have a winner for the best blame game ever.
Wrong forum buddy.
It was mighty thoughtful of you to time everything after this horrendous accident.
When medics arrive at a scene with multiple serious injuries they must triage the scene. This is a difficult reality when there are more patients than paramedics. The child crying out for his/her family is demonstrating that s/he is conscious and breathing. And in this instance that was more than could be said about the other victims of this collision.
The focus of a triage is to make an assessment and sort patients into three broad groups: 1) those who will not survive (or are already deceased) no matter the efforts of the medics; 2) those who might be saved if given the attention of the medics; and 3) those who will survive even in the absence of treatment by the medics. As a medic you then focus your efforts on patients in category #2. Yes, that means the child is left to cry until more help arrives or all patients in category #2 are stabilized.
Out of the ashes of every tragedy something is born. Quite what is born will depend upon those who suffer, those who bear witness, and those who have power to bring about change where it may be needed. The choice as to what will come of this is ours, and we can only make that choice if the truth is spoken – to all and by all – fearlessly, clearly, and accurately. May the souls of those who were lost tonight rest in peace, and may lessons be learned by us all.
People please do not jump to conclusions until the facts are in. 4 people did die. No, the drivers of BOTH cars died. No “baby” was in either vehicle. There was a child of about 9 in one car who appeared to only have minor injuries. The other male looks to have serious injuries. It is just an assumption that it was a police chase and has not been determined to be a fact. It was a horrific accident but assuming anything is not helpful.
Let me correct the story.
A black local car was chased by police and hit a rental car front end on the wrong side of the road.
Except for a little girl all passengers died in the rental car.
It was not a baby, since I heard her cry for her mother and her brother.
It took 40 minutes for the first ambulance to arrive, It was to late.
Nobody attended to the little girl. NOBODY !!!!
When the ambulance arrived first attention went to the driver of the chased car. ???
Still nobody attended to the little girl.
I am not from here but i lived here for 18 years and I have seen the islands deteriorate.
I was amazed about the amount of people present in no time to absorb the excitement. A disgrace for humanity.
Coming from a more civilized country where an ambulance has to be on site within 10 minutes by law, I am truly disgusted.
Cayman has become like the US where police chases are common and many times end deadly.
As a non-caymanian I feel anger towards you caymanians that hang around to see as much blood as you can. The politicians you choose to represent you are more worried about gay people coming than your own well being. 50 million surplus but no money for an ambulance for each district.
For political reasons the East End hospital is not allowed to respond in emergencies,
YOU ! Cayman are a disgrace for humanity.
I sincerely hope you will all hear this little girls voice for the rest of your lives: My mother, my brother………I know I will, but then, I am not from here…..
Ummm…did YOU tend to the little girl, “Sir / Madame Holier Than All Other”??
I agree with everything u said I don’t vote it’s a disgrace with what’s going on on this island’s so sad am a caymanian an this island is gone
Off on so much information. Don’t go by Facebook posts……
Good to know that you stood around and reported.
Maybe we find that you posted on FB as well. But with all that blanian story and feel sorry. Let me also have a first time to say. Go back where you come from.
18 years you say. Stood and watch the little girl get ignored and complain about Caymanians? Sounds like you are a reject wherever you come from.
Post your details so we can purchase your return ticket.
Don’t have to wait for your pension, we will gather you some funds as well so you can move on. Go back to your “more developed country”.
You are not forced to be here. Have some respect.
Have the nerve to blame politicians for this crash and turning this political but complain about the USA and on and on. Sounds like you have a serious chip on your shoulder or you have some issue to deal with that you have in the closet?
You heartless wutless lazy, no caring, foolish non caymanian person. Disgraceful.
Condolences to the families involved.
seems like you did nothing to help neither so your just a contradiction to yourself dumb ass
the only bit I agree with is this “For political reasons the East End hospital is not allowed to respond in emergencies,” it truly is crazy that politics and business interests trump life (and boy I’ve heard it’s gonna get worse with Mr Tomlinson pressuring independents to vote to close the Shetty hospital as it’s effecting his pockets..)
Son, firstly doesn’t matter if your white or black. Secondly, when responding to a scene – always go for the most worst condition individual from 2 year old to a 200 year old, really doesn’t matter age.
Lastly, thank you for your racist remarks, bun down slavery supremacy system!
Lost for words at how nonsensical this post is. You slander my country, its people and blame them for this tragic accident; the audacity.
Please take your ignorant, hateful self back to your ‘more civilized country’, you are not welcome here.
What little girl? get your facts correct!
You presume to correct the story with INCORRECT information. The black car was NOT being chased. The police car had not even completed his turn if in fact his intent was to chase the black car. There was no little girl whatsoever in either of the cars and the 12 year old boy who was in the black car had already been removed and was laying down with his head in a woman’s lap when I arrived at the accident in less than 10 minutes of it happening. The first person tended to when the ambulance arrived was the child. The second person was the other survivor who was on the ground behind the car. There was NOTHING that could be done for the other 4 victims. Make sure the next time you decide to CORRECT THE STORY it is with FACTS. Not your fairytales and insults. BTW, no-one was hanging around to see the blood. In this small community we all know each other therefore WE CARE about what and who was involved,
Agreed, nothing wrong with your post. @ 10:35pm
Signed: Native
Incorrect. Car wasn’t chased by the police.
This is very sad. You come to the island to have a good time and end up having to return to your country in a body bag with two more family members. How does the surviving family even fathom this….
– Raise driving age to 21
– Improve public transportation.
– Mandatory 5 year driv liscence suspension and loss of vehicle for any speed over 10 mph over limit.
– Lifetime suspension for 2nd offense.
– Same for DUI.
– 5 year prison sentence for driving without liscence or insurance.
– Build bigger prison.
– Stop importation of cheap, fast Japanese cars that are so cheap that anybody can bring one in, and Govt don’t make any money on Duty.
– Stop allowing rental and importation of cars that do not pass USA DOT NHTSA Standards.
– Define if reason Police need to chase someone is really necessary to have high speed chase.
– Use police Helicopter.
– Hire more police.
– Have more Police substations that can use spike strips.
Some good points but thats just not realistic is it.
Can you be any more insensitive?
Insensitive and naive, if not wreckless.
Stop police chases. Period. It helps nothing.
This comment is so full of shit
And how all of this would prevent this ?
How about we demand that the police enforce our laws and as a society support them doing so, while also treating habitual speeders as the potential murderers they are?
How about ban cars with the wheel on the wrong side
You are an idiot. Look how well those things are working in the USA. Go weh.
You must be a well-off snobbish Caymanian who can pay your well
Where will you fit in capital punishment? maybe that can be saved for feelings hurt by internet trolls… laws are only there because its easier for governments to enforce rather than solving the initial problem at hand.
Oh no ..may god have mercy on the souls who died..tragedy happens usually when we least expect it..and never makes it easier.
I was there, god wasn’t.
Choose your words carefully/
Seems that you are mistaken, God was present! The children involved in this tragedy survived.
Food for thought for your fickle mind luv!
Seems that you are mistaken, God was present! The children involved in this tragedy survived.
If this true, God is just as responsible for killing the family as the driver himself. You see something you do something. With great power comes great responsibility.
it should be illegal for police to chase cars! It’s putting everyone on the road at risk. The roads are so dangerous already! Not worth it
So if they shot one of your family would you say ” hey mr policeman, don’t worry, it’s cool let’s just swing by his house later and take him in”
Its a small island and its call using your head to catch your crooks
The young ones drive too fast without the police chasing them. Almost every other day they are speeding on the bypass.
Yall need to get yall info right was never a police chase. And they should never had been speeding
So what would you suggest the police do if they ask a car to pull over for some infraction and the car doesn’t stop? Wish them well?
Part of the problem is that licence plates either don’t exist in some cases or are tinted and so cannot easily be read. Traffic law need to be immediately addressed, not next week, not next month, not tomorrow, today. Immediate permanent deployment of dozen of officers across the island in key spots issuing ongoing tickets for traffic violations.
The vehicle wasn’t being chased at the time of the crash, it had just been clocked speeding but the police weren’t in pursuit.
Were you a witness?
If police were chasing a murderer or rapist I’m not sure I would argue they shouldn’t be chasing them. The person in the wrong is not police. It’s the criminal that runs who endangers us in more ways than one. Stop blaming the police. Last time the criminal leaving scene of crime crashed and became paralyzed and we tried to blame police for that too. This is horrible as is but it’s not fair to blame police for doing their job.
It’s also common sense to pull over when cops signal at you. If you choose instead to “run the cops” you’re either crazy or a criminal up to no good. To sane/non-criminal people, a traffic offense is not something worth risking your life (and the lives of others) over.
The police were not pursuing the speeding vehicle in this instance. If you would however prefer police pursuits to be illegal , perhaps you would also like them to stay at home after sunset & not enforce laws?
Imagine coming here for a holiday, only to be killed because of idiots running from the police most likely over something stupid. heartbreaking stuff
This absolutely heartbreaking! I cannot even begin to fathom what the family of the deceased will have to endure. Thinking one minute you are vacationing in Paradise and gone the next. I don’t know the details of such a tragedy, but if this accident was; and it probably was caused by a selfish driver, whether speeding or trying to evade the authorities. This is absolutely abominable, the impact of this will be felt for a lifetime. This will have a ripple effect on not just the family of the driver that ran into these innocent tourist, the family left to mourn them, the baby that is said to have survived, likely with no parents left, but it will also effect our government if there is a subsequent lawsuit. If indeed this person was being chased by the police this is truly sad but keep in mind that we cannot heap all the blame on the authorities. Yes, I agree we live on a small island and these situations have never ended well for those involved. But in almost any other nation the police would have given chase and felt right for doing so. This thoughtless individual should have stopped as well. We are not above reproach or the law. So many people only seem to think of themselves and not the lives that they can be severely altered with just one wrong decision, as is evidenced in this sad situation. There is such a large part of that is pi–ed off because people are blasted dead because of one or two people’s decision. I don’t care if the police contributed or not I am sickened by this. My heart is so heavy right now. Why do the innocent have to suffer along with the guilty? Why do these things have to happen? I just wish things had ended differently. I wI’ll do the only thing I can at the moment and will offer up my heartfelt prayers for the families. I am sorry whoever and wherever you are. May the mercy of the Lord shine up one you, so sorry for your loss!.
You Lord allowed this to happen. Think fool !!!!
Don’t blame the Lord like they aren’t evil forces all around us. People tend to forget there’s good and evil in this world.
God created everything right? That would include your evil forces.
I feel this pain for the families of all those involved: the victims and the perpetrators. I also feel it for the police officer because he has to live with the memory of the whole event and will most likely be questioning everything about his career.
I can’t begin to imagine what it would feel like to hear that three family members who are on vacation have lost their lives for any reason at all. Oh my Lord! Have mercy!! I pray for peace for all those who now have to deal with this strategy. They now have to try to make sense of nonsense; then with time try to put back the broken pieces together. I pray that God will give them the srength to endure and overcome.
My heart breaks just reading this honestl this is so sad this is horrible
This is very sad…may comfort all of the families
Very sad!
Praying for all the affected friends and families of the victims. So sad.
You should have prayed before it happened. now it is to late.
This is very sad….I pray for healing
God bless all the members in the family and protect the child such a sad night
So very sad!! For all involved
I can’t understand why ppl don’t just stop when signaled to do so by the police??? Why? This is an aweful tragedy, to say the least, SIP and I hope the baby will be ok. Sad night in Cayman.
They don’t stop because more often than not, they do successfully outrun the police. Unfortunately this time innocent lives were lost and it’s heartbreaking. The police needs to find a faster way to dispatch the helicopter for these situations and have squad cars in the general area of the suspects so when the car does stop they can close in quickly and apprehend them.
Need to have strict laws about people that don’t stop when signal by Police, makes fines 10 times the amount for the speeding or 5 years in jail, if they don’t stop.
Ok arm bench Police, why don’t you sign up and start making a difference? You are obviuosly an expert in Policing matters…
This is beyond sad. I hope that everyone involved is surrounded by love in the coming days.
You are so right May the favor of God be with the deceased and their families
Amen god bless them so sad