Plateless car stolen from hotel car park

| 11/05/2017 | 32 Comments
Cayman News Service

2002 Silver Honda Accord, similar to the one stolen

(CNS) Police are asking the public to help them find yet another stolen car. A silver Honda Accord was stolen yesterday night or early this morning from the Marriott hotel car park on the West Bay Road. The owner parked the car at 7:00pm but when he returned to it at just past 1:00am, it was gone. The car has no plates as it was only imported yesterday but it is a 2002 model.

Anyone with information about the location of this vehicle is encouraged to call 911 or the George Town Police Station at 949-4222.  For anonymous tips call the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.


Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Its probably still at marriott

  2. Anonymous says:

    So typical in Cayman to malign the poor victim of what would be felony Grand Theft elsewhere!

    Facts: it takes hours to clear a vehicle from the shipping company, HM Customs, and CI Port – which requires proof of insurance. The DVDL on Crewe Rd normally would close at 4pm. Given the standing-room only plate backlog they are chewing through, the doors are likely being locked earlier than that – certainly not later than 4pm.

    Real world new imports: everyone gets 24hrs grace on sorting out plates! Any ticket along those lines would not stand up in court.

  3. Queen says:

    Does anyone READ!? What a set of fools.

  4. Anonymous says:

    People really steal 15 year old Honda Accords???

  5. Sharkey says:

    CNS , can the Police now give the owner of the car some charges ? after he has made the report , that the car had just arrived to the Islands and the car didn’t have plates , but the car was stolen from the hotel . How did the car get to the hotel ? I would think that the one charge of driving a vehicle on the road without registation should stick .

  6. Anonymous says:

    What is going on with the new plates? Anyone know? I have not seen any useful information from government, or any information at all really. What is the schedule for replacing temp plates? If you bought a new vehicle does the dealer facilitate the change over? Are new cars being imported given preference? Do I need to go in person, or can they deliver the new plates ( just joking on that one, I know Govt would never make it easy for their customers). Not really surprised there is no info, given the crap attitude. I mean we are probably to stupid to understand the vast intricacies of getting new plates. Maybe it is in the Ritch report.

    • Anonymous says:

      Go outside and look around and you will see DVDL has begun the process to replace the temp backlog (for free). The delayed start has been featured in Cay27, CNS, and Compass. It’s going to take a couple months of blitz for them to catch up to just normal replacement load on coupon renewal (which will extend for next 2 years at least – and free of charge), and then settle to new vehicle and maintenance replacements thereafter (normal $75 per – for now).

  7. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is falling apart. The main thing that made this place attractive….relatively little crime….has gone.

  8. Sharkey says:

    Did the owner check at the Police impound , may be the Police towed it for not having plates on it and knew it was on the road illegally..

    • Anonymous says:

      Towed with what? I really wish such a tow service existed!

      • Fred says:

        It does. Saw a truck uplifting cars on the ETH morning after Carnival. Mind you, not sure if that’s because they were broken rather than being impounded!

  9. Unison says:

    Hmmmm … Is this another planned robbery???

    This is what they do when they don’t want to leave any leads for the police!

  10. Anonymous says:

    How, technically, can it have no plates at all and be on the road? Not even temp plates? What about insurance?

    • Anonymous says:

      There is a grace period between importing the vehicle and needing to have liscensed (plates). insurance is mandatory.
      So the fact that it had no plates, temporary or otherwise is of no legal wrongdoing by owner.

    • Anonymous says:

      The CI Port won’t release a vehicle from their lot without proof of insurance.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Completely wrong model car… It IS in fact a 2002 Honda Accord CL9.(pictured above is NOT a CL9) New to the island. W/ 76,000km on odometer. Black intererior. Stolen in less than 24hrs after retrieving it from the Port Authority. Therefore it has no plates as yet.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Whats the plate#, if we knew we could help u find it? What? No plate #? Then were you driving illegally?

    They have been issuing new license plates since last week, how come you didnt get new plates?

    This story leaves a lot of questions unanswered… SMH

  13. Anonymous says:

    Did he check Tiki Beach?

  14. Inspector Gadget says:

    If it had no plates it should have been impounded anyway

  15. Anonymous says:

    No worries, I am sure it is not the thieves fault. The police were most likely chasing them and they had no other option but to steal the car without regard for anyone else safety or well being.

    • Anonymous says:

      You need to work on your sarcasm; it’s really pre-mature.

      Anyway, so the car was imported and the owner was driving it without it being road-worthy; hence no plates. Easy pickings for these criminals….just saying.

    • anon says:

      provided you are inside a car – police are not allowed to follow you, or arrest you or ask you to pull over… even if you are quite plainly breaking the law – I think its something to do with cars no having extradition treaties or something durrr


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