Passengers in fatal crash were in trunk
(CNS): The RCIPS has said that the man and child who survived the fatal collision in East End last night were sitting in the trunk of the Honda Accord when it crashed head on with a Kia Rio. The driver of the Honda and the three elderly visitors in the Kia were all killed in what police believe may be Cayman’s worst road fatality for 40 years. In a surprising revelation during a press briefing at the police headquarters Wednesday, Chief Inspector Frank Owens said that “early indications are that the two male passengers in the Honda vehicle were travelling in the open trunk”.
The 26-year-old local man and the 11-year-old child are both still in hospital. The man is in a serious condition and still unconscious but stable, while the boy is conscious and also stable, Owens confirmed. The 21-year-old Jamaican driver of the Honda, who was living and working in Grand Cayman, was killed at the scene.
The 72-year-old driver of the Kia, his 74-year-old wife and a 69-year-old female relative of the couple were all killed at the scene. All three were British nationals and the family arrived in Cayman on vacation on 28 April. It is understood that they were staying in East End. Police said they are trying to trace friends or other relatives of the visitors, who are believed to live on Grand Cayman, and have asked them to make contact with the RCIPS.
Owens also stated that the officer on patrol who was the first on the scene of the fatal collision was not chasing the Honda before it crashed.
The officer, who was alone in the police patrol car, was traveling towards East End when the Honda passed by at “excessive speed in the opposition direction towards Bodden Town”, Owens explained. This automatically triggering the on-board radar, so the officer pulled over and turned his car around and put on his blue lights. Although the Honda was out of sight, he headed in its direction but within a few moments he arrived at the scene of the fatal crash.
The police have also confirmed that there were a number of conch in the Honda. But Owens said that the patrol officer was unaware of the marine life and emphasized that the Honda driver was not being pursued for suspicion of poaching. The senior officer said he was not able to reveal the speed registered on the radar but he stated that it exceeded the 30mph limit in the area.
While it is still early in the investigation, Owens said CCTV footage from cameras in the area is being examined by officers working on the inquiry but they are also appealing for anyone who may have seen the actual crash. A police family liaison officer has been appointed and the relevant national consulates. The next of kin of those killed have all been contacted.
Almost 40 years ago to the day, four teenagers died on Cayman Brac when they were thrown from the back of a pickup truck on Friday, 13 May 1977. Three of the boys died at the scene and one on the way to Grand Cayman. A fifth boy who was in the back of the truck was badly injured but survived, and three people in the truck cabin also survived.
Anyone with information regarding yesterday’s incident are asked to contact Police Sergeant Butler on 936-5958 or Traffic Dept on 946-6254 or George Town Police Station on 949-422. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.
Category: Local News, Police
The comment that appeared in regards to this article purporting to be written by Lance Jefferson was not written by him and has been removed. Cayman News Service apologises for any inconvenience or embarrassment this may have caused Mr Jefferson.
Very sad day .
My heart goes out to all of the families, relatives & loved ones who are grieving and dealing with this tragic loss. I simply cannot imagine the pain you must be going through.
If anything good must come of this horrific and tragic accident, it’s that something must change with the traffic laws here in Grand Cayman. Sadly, it was only a matter of time, until something like this happened.
Day in and day out, we, the ordinary and law abiding citizens, who try our best to respect the traffic laws, witness traffic offenses daily. Violations such as speeding, illegal overtaking, tailgating, stopping in the right of way, failure to yield, illegal parking, babies not in car seats, vehicles that are not roadworthy…these have all become commonplace. If you go out for a drive right now, you will witness at least one of the above mentioned within a short period of time.
Sadly, the RCIPS doesn’t seem to have adequate resources to be able to staff or patrol all of the roadways as frequently as needed. So what can be done?
I think there are two very viable options.
1) Driving is a privilege, not a right. A driving license, and the ability to operate any motor vehicle, (motorcycles, taxi cabs, tour buses included), must be thought of as a privilege, not a human right. Having a driving license comes with great responsibility, for your life, and lives of others. To reflect this great privilege, I think driving licenses, in Cayman, should be more difficult to obtain, and cost a lot more money. If the monetary value of a driving license cost significantly more than $125.00, maybe people would not chance losing it? Similar to the model in Norway, where driving licenses cost around USD$4,000.00 to obtain! In Norway, you are punished quite severely (via an accrued point system), for traffic violations. If you accrue 8 points or more, over a 3-year period, your license will be temporarily revoked…and who wants to pay $4,000.00 again to obtain a new license? Therefore, people are very good drivers in Norway.
2) Average speed cameras. Studies have proven the effectiveness of average speed cameras in many countries, especially the U.K. Average speed cameras work by using an automatic number plate recognition system to record the vehicles front license plate. Cameras are placed between two fixed points, as the distance is known between these two points, the average speed can be calculated by the time taken to drive between the two points. If your vehicle is caught speeding, a ticket is automatically sent to the vehicles owner, via mail or home delivery. This would solve the problem of the RCIPS, and their limited resources, not being able to catch every speeding car, every single time. People would slow down, making the roads somewhat safer.
Please don’t forget the innocent people who’ve lost their lives on our roadways here in Cayman…the victims from Tuesday’s tragedy, and all of the ones before. They have names, faces, families and loved ones who are grieving. Does the NRA, RCIPS, Cayman Government care enough to do something BOLD and make the roads safer for all of our people…residents and tourists alike? Leaders, you must prove to us that light can come from this darkness, it is time.
You are absolutely right about average speed cameras. I did a lot of research into this (which has been completely ignored by self-styled ‘road safety’ campaigners here) and there’s no question that they do the job. The only problem is the vehicle registration system needs to be 100% automated and there has to be a fixed penalty system in place.
I agree but even more should be done: The mentality must be changed from it is okay to speed and ignore the rules to it is not okay to ignore the rules. One way of changing that is with constant reminders on the radio, tv, printed press and internet about obeying the rules. It is in every one’s interest, speed kills. Perhaps the traffic police? should visit bars and give out little brochures with photos of accidents and the question will you be the next one? Also at schools the youth should be informed and trained how to behave in traffic.
Some of the brighter lightbulbs in chandelier feel that the police officer somehow caused this accident. Though the majority of the police on these islands are no smarter than Larry, Curly and Moe, this one is clearly not their doing. I imagine that our Dear Jamaican driver, who is very much a guest on these islands, instead of doing the right thing (obviously he failed to do the right thing by stealing conch and then making a child ride in the trunk) chose to do the wrong thing a third time that day and sped away from the police – not because the police was chasing him, but because the police car passed him. What’s the first bright thing to pop into his dumb a$$ mind? Gotta go, gotta go, away from the PoPo… So instead of taking his licks like he should have, he hightails it out of there before the cop can turn the car around and runs into some unsuspecting poor tourists out for a beautiful drive. Let’s be clear who is at fault for this if we are to assign blame. In this case, the 3 Stooges were mere spectators to a greater idiocy than their own.
I wonder what we would do without intellect like this? Thank’s for the explanation. Without it I would be lost! LOL.
Agreed shhhh.
My prayers also go out to the grieving families, this must be hard to bear.
We have a serious driving problem however on the island. As an example, persons driving do not know how to properly navigate round-abouts and frequently switch lanes on them. A traffic department should be rich with such revenue if they would start policing them. There is a growing culture of ‘pushing out’ into highways from side streets and parking lots in order to intimidate drivers on the highway to stop and let them out.
There are too many foreign nationals driving here with questionable licenses brought from their home country. In some of these countries, people can actually purchase their driving license. A visit to traffic court on any given day should enlighten those who doubt this, where they will see where the violators are from.
This can be solved by all Work Permit holders from such countries having to undergo a driving test regardless of when they came the island.
I agree with everything you say but, I believe the law was changed so that you can only drive on an international based license for 6 months and you have to pass a test now rather than just trade your license but I could be wrong.
There are PLENTY of locals who drive like garbage.
How true my boy. I cannot drive 1/2 a mile without seeing at least 3 traffic violations. Parked in s traffic lane, parked on the wrong side, speeding, backing out of driveways, No seat belt, kids crawling all over, passing in the turning lane, no clue as to how to use a round about. Cell phones. The Island could get rich by enforcing the traffic laws and maybe save a life now and then.
It’s not driving tests they need, it’s brain tests to see if they’ve got one between their ears!!
I’ve just seen a school bus packed with children navigate CNB roundabout incorrectly. One of those stupid moves where they go all the way around in the wrong lane. The driving here is the worst I’ve seen in the world. And that includes Bangkok. It’s not just dubious work permit holders…. it’s locals… their driving test is comical. Try issuing licenses when they reach the requirements for a UK license, that’d be a start. Yes I’m an expat. Yes, I can drive and I know it sounds arrogant – but a hell of a lot better than 99% of the muppets on these roads. School bus drivers included.
3:11 pm, you really think it is only Jamaicans that drive aggressive. You must be living in another world. Almost everyday you can see and observe that kind of thing happening and it is mostly the young inexperienced “Caymanians”
5:01pm. My suggestion is not that the police radar could identify conch in the car but that the officer saw the persons sitting in the trunk as he passed. That should be entirely possible, especially if he looked back in his mirror. My speculation is based on the unlikelihood that the driver would have been speeding initially while he had two persons sitting in the trunk. Do you think that is reasonable? if you chose to drive along with two people sitting in the trunk, would you be speeding? Quite likely not! It is entirely more likely that the driver began speeding after the police gave chase because he saw two people sitting in the trunk – quite unsafe and unusual. Not because he knew there was poached conch!.Then obviously the driver sped up because he was being chased!
Perhaps if you tried to think logically, or if Comm. Haynes and his investigating team also does, a likely scenario might evolve. Hopefully the two surviving persons will shed accuracy to the matter, because, flatly, I don’t trust the story issued by RCIPS so far!
Ultimately, police chases have caused fatalities in the past and that has been proven. Despite what a driver chooses to do after being engaged by RCIPS, it has been previously and publicly expressed by RCIPS that their MO is not to give chase if a driver fails to stop. That being the case, I’m suggesting that in this case RCIPS seems to have departed from it’s own practice.
Unnecessary speculation.
What are you basing your suggestion that the RCIPS was chasing the car on? Did you see them chasing the car or are you just basing this on what is being said on the marl road?
Why would the police have to lie about the speed being a trigger for them turinging around when they are fully entitled to pull the car over for having passengers sitting in the open trunk?
Poachers of Conch
I want to live in your world. That way I could do as I want without worrying about jail. Even if it includes taking you and your family out.
I think the whole point is missed. They crashed because #1 they were doing something wrong.
In the real world the police are supposed to stop you from doing something wrong and not wait till after you do it to go after you. Its called bieng pro-active not re-active.
Guess you got caught doing something wrong and have a chip on your shoulder now. Stay quiet, it works better for you. Moron.
The fact that the policeman followed them may have saved the two in the trunk.. Nothing about this indicates any fault of the police.
You’re not all that bright, are you my Dear Lad or Lady. Read the follwoing part again, very slowly and very carefully:
The officer, who was alone in the police patrol car, was traveling towards East End when the Honda passed by at “excessive speed in the opposition direction towards Bodden Town”, Owens explained. This automatically triggering the on-board radar, so the officer pulled over and turned his car around and put on his blue lights.
Did you understand the “excessive” part, or the part that stated that it triggered the on-board radar, or do you need it repeated several times over? If you need someone to shout it at you, please let me know and I can oblige.
Your speculation based on the “unlikelihood that the driver would have been speeding initially…” is plain wrong. It’s speculation. You further speculate (needlessly and wrongly) that the driver would most likely not have been speeding because of the two people sitting in the trunk. Are you seriously daft? This person stole conch, put a kid in the open trunk and your conclusion out of all of this is, NO, He’s a law-abiding citizen who wouldn’t have been speeding… Really? I don’t like the many imbeciles on the police force any more than you do, but use some common sense. This one was not their fault.
Find truth by interviewing witnesses
Read the story. It says the radar automatically triggered. In other words he was speeding in the circumstances you suggest. I don’t think logic comes into any of this
Anyone that is stupid enough to drive with persons (especially a child) in his trunk, is stupid enough to speed with them there. You can’t apply a “reasonability test” to someone that has already exhibited a complete lack of judgment.
The blame is on the driver. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Unfortunately, he also eliminated three innocent persons.
More ambulances needed on the eastern district we found that having one ambulance during peak season isn’t enough. It’s not enough to serve residents, visitors, emergencies can happen at any moment and fixing the ambulance problem should be a top priority for the new government. Anytime you are dealing with health safety and welfare, that’s the primary responsibility of government, and we’re going to do anything, that’s where our focus should be. Concerns have been raised in East end over how long it took for an ambulance to arrive at the site. There’s a national crisis in the ambulance service because an extreme lack of funding across every part of the HSA budget.
Our sinceres condolences for the grieving families. I pray that the 11 year old child and adult male recover. A terrible tragedy
My condolences to the family of the tourists killed.
As for the others, obviously an innocent child was hurt and my heart goes out to her for a speedy recovery.
But for the driver and the passenger, I feel no sympathy. When and if the passenger recovers, he should be jailed for child neglect, as should every local driver or parent who fails to secure their children in an appropriate vehicle safety restraint and drive safely when kids are carried.
Jamaican or not, this yet another example of the third world approach Cayman has to vehicle and traffic safety. This was a tragedy long in the making and the police need to get a grip on the worsening situation on our roads.
Wow! Just …WOW!
To be clear, just in case it is being miscontrued.
My point is and was nothing should be labled as the worst yesterday, 1977 or 1985. They’re all just one of the worst because regardless of the number , ANY and ALL loss of life is a tragedy. There’s no competition, comparison or debate ; at least for me that is . .
We as a country mourn the losses of those yesterday and remember the horrible travisties in past years.
In the end for families , friends, witnesses and survivors, it is the WORST feeling imaginable losing a loved one or loved ones . loved one or loved ones .
Your previous comment was spot on!! I didn’t read it as being competitive. It was pointing out poor wording in an article (the worst) and suggested better wording (one of the worst).
Also, please know that your family members have not been forgotten….even after all these long years.
I would like to take a moment and state that I was pleased with the handling of the situation by all the first responders. It must be incredibly stressful having to deal with some of the things they must have seen and deal with. Good job and God bless.
You also waited 40 minutes for the first ambulance to arrive?
Yes it is stressful, but it seems your politicians are more focused on getting gay peoplr out instead of using tge 50 million surplus to get more ambulances and a police car on every corner of the street.
And dont preach about your god. He failed miserably yesterday.
It is sad that so many people refuse to accept God…. ‘He failed miserably yesterday’. God didn’t fail. The driver of the Honda failed to practice good judgment and sadly he and others have lost their lives because of it. There are real consequences to our actions. Insulting God because He respects free will and because sin and the ability to make bad decisions are in the world is hypocritical. We bring sin into the world and we make bad decisions. But at least you have accepted that God is real in your comment. Now seek Him and you will find Him. Then you will have a seller understanding of why He doesn’t always stop the consequences from happening. I pray for the families of those that have lost their lives and for the healing of the two that are still fighting for theirs. And I pray for you my friend. May you experience God. One real encounter with Him is all it takes. That’s all it took for me to shed my hatred of Him and my own hypocrisy. One.
God was present. You might not want to “believe” it but a child travelling in an open trunk of a car…..survived a horrible accident.
If they ALL had died, then you could have said that…..humble yourself before he humbles you.
RIP to all those souls lost in this tragedy.
Are you a Jehovah Witness?
I do not affiliate with any particular denomination; for obvious reasons.
I believe in a higher power, I humble myself to the elements and accept that one day, I too will return to dust and ashes.
Everyday that I awake, I am grateful for another day….maybe you should be too.
Yeah because God was responsible for the actions of an irresponsible individual who chose to endanger the lives of others. Get a grip.
God didn’t do that. The Devil did.
God didn’t failed,he just sent the Angel of death to collect,why is it that the people sitting in the part of the car that is illegal survived and those who were driving according to law with seat belts on all perished,God is real believe it or not but he is not kind and loving like what we think,he is a terrible and merciful God,merciful to keep us alive and healthy but terrible to those who don’t believe,all non believers should leave this island and hopefully the world,you all make things bad for everyone.
Most of these comments are ridiculous. Emphasis should be placed on several things.
1- dont speed
2- if you do in fact think an officer is or may be coming after you…stop…do not speed up.
3- dont speed
4- not only is your life as the driver in danger , but the other persons in your car, anyone else on the road, pedestrians…etc are all subject to your stupidity.
Exactly but unfortunately you can’t rationalize with ignorance – the only language they understand is being fined/convicted for their offenses, hence we need police to get a handle on the traffic laws which are beyond out of control
25 years old before you can get your license should fix all this
So what’s gonna happen when someone 25 and over drunk driving/driving recklessly does the same thing? Changing the age requirement may sound appropriate, but in the end, is it really going to change anything?
Enforcement of the traffic laws would fix this. Making the 90% of under 25 that are good drivers pay for the other 10% IS STUPID!
unfortunately the stupid ones dont come with a stamp on their forehead.
Significant car licence taxation to price the Civic and Accord drivers off the road would be ideal. The money raised could be used to fund public transport.
Why is everyone arguing over what accident was worse. For heavens sake!!! Any fatality whether it’s one poor soul or 51 poor souls is a tragedy and devastation for the families. Every person needs to really stop and think before putting his foot down hard on that gas pedal. Youngsters think they are immortal! Why doesn’t anyone learn that speed kills! My condolences to the families of all concerned. May you rest in peace.
CCTV Images?! Who are RCIPS trying to fool?? This accident happened right at Gorling Bluff, where there are only a few homes and, I bet, no cameras. Sixteen years ago this month, Police chased the daughter of a friend of mine and caused her to crash and be killed. To date, they have never admitted that. As far as I know, RCIPS has removed high-speed car chases from their “rules of engagement” after the chase which ended in a crash near the Ritz Carlton and claimed two lives.
Hope the families of the victims will demand a full and transparent investigation and the truth!!
My belief, the officer saw the passengers sitting in the Honda’s trunk and gave chase. Because the driver knew he had illegal conch on board, he sped-up. I suspect the “speeding” suggestion came after the fact so as to cover-up the initial chase. Just my 2 cents!
If the police are chasing you pull over. Period.
4.35pm If you are racing at high speed knowing a police car wants you to stop that is your own decision and you are responsible for the consequences. As for the conch are you seggesting the officer’s radar incorporated an X ray facility that could see the contents of the speeding car?.
The only person who caused the girl to crash and die was her. You can’t put that blame on someone else, she chose not to stop.
Whether or not the police were pursuing the vehicle is irrelevant. The LAW says if you are ‘signaled by’ a police ifficer or see a police vehicle with the lights & / or siren on you MUST pull over and stop.
The full blame of this tragedy lies squarely with the 21 year old driver (who unfortunately is now quite dead as a result if his lawless actions) and also both of his ‘accomplices’ who should be held equally responsible for this tragedy IF it can be shown that they had all been jointly engaged in illegal activities together leading up to this tragedy.
Is there really a law that says you have to stop if a police officer signals you to to stop. I mean is there a hefty fine or jail sentence? There should be. But i guess politciations have more things to do like vote buying.
you are an idiot. Police can only chase if someone is trying to get away, which is a choice they are making to flee, that by the way is also a crime.
Only the truly ignorant could believe that a police car chasing another car to stop it from continuing to endanger other drivers is responsible for that drivers reckless driving. Your belief in yourself being all knowing is your ignorance speaking to you. Get help!
In the dark of the evening, how can the police officer look in trunk of a fast moving car? When the police stop a motorist, they must stop.
“Police chased the daughter of a friend of mine and caused her to crash and be killed”.
My sympathy to you and her family but the police didn’t cause her to crash, she chose to speed away from them, lose control and crashed.
People need to take responsibility for their actions.
People keep saying the police should not chase speeders because it creates dangerous situations, how about drivers do not speed and if the police puts on their siren, pull over.
The alternative to this situation was the driver would have been fined for speeding, probably fined for poaching conch if they were found but four people would have probably still been alive.
The driver was already speeding when the police saw him, which is why he put on his sirens so it is plausible that he would have caused this accident even if the police were not involved.
My sympathy go out to the driver’s family but the hard truth is he is responsible for those tourist’s deaths, his own and injuries that occurred.
While there may be no public CCTV in the area a few homes around the island to have their own security camera systems. On rare occasion such private CCTV security cameras do produce useful information to assist police.
While I have no idea if there are any private CCTV systems that may have picked up something useful to the investigation there is no reason for the police not to ask anyone with useful footage to step forward.
Your two cents has no intellectual value
If it has the queen’s head on it,then yes it does have value,probably way more than the 2cents were you come from.
My condolences to the family members and friends of all who lost their lives last night . My heart goes out to them all.
In regards to the statement made above by the writer of the article, may I suggest that proper research be done prior to publishing ?
I think it is fair to say that the accident of 1977 in the Brac and last night’s accident could be classed as ONE OF THE WORST accidents on Cayman’s roads. While I symapthize, on October 26th 1985 , my father (who was also in the car at the time ) lost his mother , father , Wife and 6 week old daughter in a fatal accident in the Spotts area ; a passenger of the other vehicle involved was also killed , making the total deaths for that accident 5!
I’m sure it is safe to assume that since then , nothing for my father has ever been the same . Can you put yourself in his shoes? Picture yourself in a car with both your parents , your wife and your 6 week old daughter ,innocently driving to show off their new baby to another family member after working a long 12+ hour shift, dozing off during the drive to then wake up in a hospital bed severely injured some weeks later not knowing what took place and having a doctor who’s eyes are filled with tears tell you , you were in a accident and your entire family was killed except for you ?
While I hate to label anything, if the accident involving my father and grand parents is/ was not considered the “worst” accident of Cayman’s road , it most certainly was the worst and most detrimental accident our family has ever experienced.
Yes.. Blessings to the family.
Including those lost who remain of sweet blessed memory to me and many others.
As a young WestBay man touched by the family, I attended the hospital as did many that day..
A grim fate for an wholly angelic family!
I can only wonder: did the driver have a licence or even drive before coming here?
Any permit holder seems to get a licence with ease!
T, I read about that accident that happened on October 26th 1985 exactly 3 years ago when I visited Grand Cayman and I saw the names of the victims in the cemetery while going to the Cemetery Beach. I was curious to find out more because I noticed the name of the 6 weeks old child. I found out an article from a newspaper issued at that time that gives a few details about the car crash. I am sending my best thoughts to you; I emphasize with you in regards to how your father’s s life changed in a second. God bless you and your family!
Hi, thank you for sharing this story. I believe I saw your father`s family buried in West Bay. Those names caught my attention as they all died on the same day and I figured out it must have been an accident.
I am so sorry he had to go through this, I can imagine how this impacted him…I wish him and yourself a long, happy life…same to yourself, T.! All the best!!!
It’s unusual for a car to be driven down our roads with two people sitting inside the trunk, but then again, they were probably doing this because the deceased driver didn’t want them sitting inside the car with wet fishy clothes after catching conch.
That decision probably saved their lives as the trunk would have received less of an impact during the collision.
If not, instead of four persons being killed it could have been six.
I am not sure how there would have been less of an impact in the trunk. Did it keep going and come to a gradual stop when the front of the car had a very sudden stop when it collided with the other vehicle? They were probably thrown clear of the vehicles when they collided.
I was there. The jamaicans were clocked at 59 mph. The tourists probably 30.
That is almost 100 mph hitting a concrete wall.
We need more police on the road.
This “logic” has been disproved. 2 cars hitting each other head on at 20 mph each does not equal 40mph of impact. Only 20.
Cayman style of driving, none of us are immune from this irresponsible conduct
So none of our own Caymanians drive poorly, illegally, aggressively? Is that what you are saying? Just Jamaicans? Really? I know we don’t commit any of the crimes going on these days (it’s just Jamaicans, of course) but I didn’t realise we were also not guilty of any dangerous driving. We are truly a blessed people.
Funny how quick the blame shifted once it was announced the driver was Jamaican .
4.38pm Exactly, the police are not to blame if the driver is Jamaican. Just out of interest how many Jamaicans have been involved in fatal hit and run accidents lately?.
No, they rob and then canoe it out.
Statiscally speaking it is a greater chance a Jamaican was behind the wheel and it just do happen it was.
Some Caymanians do yes, drive like idiots. Like in every country, one would expect that the local population would be the majority in prison, dying on the roads etc. simply because mathematics would dictate that they are the largest group, so therefore they will more than be the majority in this kind of stuff.
When it comes to Jamaicans, let’s be real here, they have had more than their fair share of criminal activity. Given that there is only 10+ thousand of them.
Very good post but I don’t think people got your ironic slant on the racist anti Jamaican stuff so often evident from our ignorant Caymanians.
You are correct. Most people don’t realize that it is possible for someone to come from Jamaica, and simply carry out what is called a Geneva Transfer. All they have to do is sit the written portion of the exam.
This should stop immediately!!! They should have to do both parts of. Granted, culture has nothing to do with the test’s.
Really? So we are back to this again? So the locals who drive recklessly could not have picked this up from tv, movies, or simply a desire to drive fast because of testosterone coursing through their veins?
Why is it that the Jamaicans get blamed for everything negative that happens in these islands? And not surprizingly the silence is deafening when one happens to be involved in something postive.
And this Geneva transfer for holders a Jamaican D/L is news to me. When did Jamaicans ever get a free pass! To the best of my knowledge they are required to take both tests. This has been the case for over 2 decades.
Speeding and a general lack of respect for rules and laws is an increasing problem here, and worldwide. So we can we stop pointing fingers at who has influenced who, and let’s work together as a community to curb the issues that cause this nation, that we all call home, so much pain.
I do apologize for straying from the topic at hand. The accident was truly tragic, and my condolences are extended to the families and friends of those whose lives were lost.
Actually 5:32. The writer is correct! It’s called a Geneva Transfer, as it falls under the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic. Jamaicans, Americans, Canadians, as well as others from some 180 countries have signed on to the agreement.
That’s a fact. Call the DVDL if you want to investigate for yourself.
Another fact, Jamaica has a terrible problem with road fatalities. In fact, if you are from there, or watch TV Jamaica, there is always news about it. Also, the Government of Jamaica has launched several campaigns to try and arrest this problem, not limited but including telling passengers to get out of the mini busses, if the driver is speeding.
When I left Jamaica, 15 years ago, it was a problem then! And as a matter of fact, only seems to have gotten worse, given the media accounts.
While I don’t like it when we are blamed for everything, I cannot run from the facts. We as Jamaicans complain about the mad driving in Jamaica, so what do we expect?!! People a fe come from a yard and not take dem ways wid dem???!!
Be real.
THANK YOU!!!!! This writer is correct. So many Jamaican drivers have black-market licenses and upon arriving in Cayman are not tested properly and have absolutely no drivers education. CIG is responsible for not protecting the residence of Cayman by enforcing or implementing strict drivers testing and education to everyone, including Caymanians. Ultimately the government employees, MLAs, are responsible for our protection and safety.
A license no questions asked is 400ci.
You clown, Caymanians are some of the worst drivers I have ever come across. Unlike Jamaicans or any other third world country, they have access to good roads and a distinct Highway Code. But yet they still manage to hit light poles and cause the vast majority of single and multiple car smashes on these islands.
No, Caymanian drivers need a more rigorous learning and testing procedure, the death traps they prefer to drive need removing from the road, vehicle maintenance and testing needs a total overhaul, and anyone without a full UK licence should be tested before being allowed to drive on left hand roads.
On top of that, the RCIPS should bring in professional driving instructors to ensure that every police officer in charge of a patrol car qualifies to an advanced standard.
I hope that the family of the deceased ask sharp questions of the FCO in regard to the catastrophic failure of the RCIPS to properly police our roads. This was a tragedy in waiting, if it wasn’t some lunatic in a Honda it would have been a moron on a dirt bike who would eventually have killed the innocent.
Enough, time to get more cops on patrol and actually doing their job.
We are sick and tired of the maniacs that ruin our I lives and kill in the name of self entitlement.
Are we really comparing which accident was worst right now? Madness
No. I think it’s to make matters historically correct.
Why can’t the officer reveal the speed they were travelling? Stop this madness. Tell the damn truth please!
what does that have to do with it. It was said that the officer turned around to follow the car and by the time he did, it had crashed into the other one.
For god’s sake calm down, busybody. What difference does it make to you except to satisfy your prurience?
Read the damn article. Three times. And get over your hatred of police.
Because of any potential court case or inquest. It is the court’s procedures that make police so careful. Stop blaming the police all the time and actually THINK and make an enquiry; consider, just for the sake of accuracy if not fairness, that there could be good reasons for what they do!
Did the Honda Accord turn their headlights off at some point before the accident?
Why do you say that?
I’m still waiting to see where the officer states that they crossed the center line into the oncoming car.
Somewhere I heard that the tourists were on the wrong side but that would be impossible since they were from the UK and would have no reason to be confused.
Missing info…
I can hardly believe this. It is unfathomable. I can only convey my thoughts to the families who have lost loved ones. I mean one second you are in the land of the living and then….not.
I have experienced the death of close ones and it is a horrible thing.
As a nation, can we donate to a cause to repatriate bodies or at least do something?
“what may be the Cayman Islands’ worst road fatality for 40 years” (referencing 4 boys thrown from back of a truck in the Brac)
What about the accident in the 80s where 5 persons were killed? In one car, it was a man, his wife, their daughter-in-law, and baby granddaughter killed plus son horribly injured. One from other car also died.
Exactly – my thoughts as well! May they all RIP.
I think that was Sophia and her family in Spotts, including her newborn baby.
Sincerest condolences to the families affected by this recent accident. May the peace and comfort of God be known to ALL affected by this tragedy.
God must have had a day of.
Please save your cynicism of God. It doesn’t help the community ti support itself, the grieving families, the rescue workers nor those trying to support those mentioned.
If you don’t believe in God, you don’t believe in God – that’s your choice and I am not going to insult you for not believing. Please let this be a mutual respect.
What part of “what may be” do you not understand?
I was thinking the same thing that was a horrible crash and i remember it well.
All because of some conch..
Did you read the article/?
Did you even read the story. It had nothing to do with conch.
Why didn’t it have anything to do with conch? The officer might not have known there was conch in the vehicle but the driver sure did. He ran from the police because he was carrying poached marine life. The season closed on May 1st. It’s not rocket science.
Who are these Poachers supplying?
Stupid comment.
We don’t own the restaurants or anything else so… stupid comment x2
Restaurants ~ which ones?
The ones buying from poachers you clownfish you.
Because he was speeding before he even saw the police. The crash occurred before he knew the police had turned around. Ergo, nothing to do with conch.
It’s obviously the conchs fault.
Ran from the police? He was already speeding beforehand.
He was speeding before the police saw him. I’m still trying to figure out where he was going so fast with people especially a child in the trunk and what the heck were they doing in the trunk?
There was also a horrific accident in October of 1985 where a passenger in a car was killed and in the car that was hit, four other lives were taken. Anyone remember the Parsons family who died in that crash?
Yep! I posted a comment (not yet published) asking the same thing.
Thank you. I was just wondering if anyone remembered it was a shorter time than mentioned.
Yes 5 lives were lost that day ??
Four from one family a man, his wife, his daughter in law and his granddaughter which was a 6 week old baby.
One man from the other vehicle that crashed into them on Spotts straight. Very Tragic and still affects a lot of people to this very day
Yes, there were a couple of multi-fatality accidents in the early to mid-80s. I think the Parsons family accident was on Frank Sound Road. But there was another one in Spotts involving a Mini in a head-on collision. I think 4 or 5 died in that accident.
Parsons family tragedy was at Spotts just above the dock and the mini which killed 4 – 5 Jamaicans were down in Prospect just before you reach the East – West arterial round-about – which wasn’t there at the time.
And that terrible accident prompted government of the day to straighten the road from its bad curvature. I remember all too well. First thing I thought of on hearing this fatality of 4.