CIG challenged by PR backlog

| 28/03/2017 | 42 Comments

(CNS): Officials from immigration said they will decide permanent residency applications within 30 days of receiving final submissions from applicants and will begin with the oldest first. But government has admitted that it has not yet completed its “plan” that will allow what will be a challenging process to recommence. “Given the number of applications involved this presents a number of significant challenges in terms of human resources and logistics,” officials said Monday in a statement from the immigration department.

“While every effort is being made to activate the action plan as quickly as possible, it is critical that it is properly thought through and capable of ensuring that applications are processed not only efficiently but also with the appropriate degree of scrutiny,” the department added.

It is understood that nearly 1,000 applications have been submitted since the process was halted, leaving foreign workers and their families in limbo for as long as four years in some cases, and that since the law was changed in October 2013, no PR applications have been granted, since the boards heard very few even before the application process was stalled by a legal ruling in the courts.

Following a decision last month to amend the point system, addressing the concerns raised by the courts by effectively removing different point allocations for different jobs, the department said it will now begin determining applications in the order in which they were received.

Before an application is scheduled for consideration applicants will have the chance to provide updated information. Once that submission deadline has passed, the applicant will get a decision within 30 days.

Officials said a schedule will be released shortly advising applicants of the window within which they may submit additional or updated information to immigration.

The department offered its thanks to applicants, their families and their employers for their patience while the legal issues was addressed, adding that immigration was committed to moving forward with the process “as quickly as possible”.

Applicants with questions relating to their application are asked to contact the Caymanian Status and Permanent Residency Secretariat at the Department of Immigration or seek advice from an attorney or local immigration service providers.

They are also advised to monitor the Department of Immigration’s website for further information

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Category: Local News, Policy, Politics

Comments (42)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Waiting for October to get my pension money out and run!! The new pension law is the biggest insult to any hardworking expat in Cayman.

  2. Anon says:

    So so glad we left! I’m sure more will especially with he pension refund deadline looming in Dec. Not worth the anti expat attitudes, the never knowing your status once you apply and the constant concern about your money being suddenly taken by a government that haven’t planned ahead.

    • Anonymous says:

      My thoughts exactly …the ridiculous points system made me think twice about applying for pr , the pension refund convinced me its time to go .

  3. Anonymous says:

    When I saw the laws get passed very quickly as emergency bills that was enough for me.
    Drew my money and cleared out as soon as, whilst it still exists.

  4. M Wilson says:

    seen the light and taking my pension money and going, ball is in our court cos you put it there. Thanks!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’m just glad I took my money and ran!

  6. Anonymous says:

    You know I wondered why the Compass wont drop this matter as every other day there is an article on this. Then I realized that some of their peeps that work there have their applications for PR pending. I know these people well and have worked with them previously and have friends that work with them still so I know this for a fact. But time to give it a break and let the Gov figure it out. Reporting on it over and over is not going to make it any faster and I guarantee nothing will be touched until after elections. Just tired of it being headline news. Moving on man are there not worse things to worry about in this lovely country? But it better be sorted when I put my PR in in a couple of years!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why cant they understand Caymanians do not want them here. Go home or wherever. But we don’t want you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh baby troll in training alert. I suspect the people involved do not care whether they are wanted or not by the likes of you. Suck that up buddy.

    • Anonymous says:

      You don’t speak for me 3:04pm. I am a native Caymanian, and as much as love my Country and my people you need to be informed properly on how this situation has escalated.

      There is nothing wrong with foreigners coming to our Country and working, playing etc. they buy groceries just like you, pay bills just like you etc.

      We can’t survive without a certain percentage of foreigners here. Let me tell you something darlin’, Caymanians only have themselves to blame for the gigantic mess we now have on our hands.

      From crime increasing to persons applying for PR and being ignored or denied even though they qualify. That is WRONG! To education being piss-poor today and unacceptable in standards (though the powers that be would pull the wool over your eyes); we are in a mess.

      How on earth would you feel, yes, put yourself in their shoes, if you went to another Country, worked for years and dedicated your time and efforts there only to find out it was all in vain… I said you don’t speak for me.

      Caymanians have hurt themselves; no-one did it but our own. Learn it, accept it, then decide how you can make a difference. Because trust me hunny, complaining and pointing fingers at expats is damn silly; you drank the Kool-Aid.

  8. Anonymous says:

    hmmm……….so many people who write negative remarks of Cayman and Caymanians on these blogs, yet so many people who apply for residency……..

    • Anonymous says:

      Probably no comments from those who applied…

    • Anonymous says:

      You think they are applying for friendships awa???

      You think they care about the people? Or is it the beautiful Country and it’s many opportunities???

  9. Anonymous says:

    If the education system actually taught the right things whether that is legal, accounting, plumbing or whatever to the best standards there would be fewer work permits and less bitching on here as everyone would be in work (at least those that want to).

  10. Rp says:

    Get someone do a draft marking of the applications and place in 3 piles, under 95 pts, over 125pts and between 95-125pts. Everyone under 95 pts gets denied, anyone with 125+ pts get approved. How many are left between 95 and 125? Examine those closely and make a decision. Surely there are applications which do not meet the minimum by far and many which significantly exceed the pts requirement. No need to waste time on those.

    • Anonymous says:

      Been proposed multiple times over many months and totally ignored.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hmm, pre-judging applications sounds like a ground for challenge to me. Remember decision makers have to give reasons. ‘It looked like you wouldn’t get the points’ isn’t good enough for a judge. The idea probably hasn’t been accepted despite repeated suggestion because it’s a risky and therefore bad one.

  11. hint hint says:

    They are say Caymanians need jobs expats please go home. I thought expats would get this hint.

    • Anonymous says:

      We might if the hint had been better written.

    • Ex Patriot says:

      When they do leave they will be taking their jobs with the. Educated Caymanians have already got this hint.

    • Anonymous says:

      Expat go? As Caymanian I don’t see we have the work force to handle our financial industry!! Hello? Are you serious?? Also which caymanian want a nanny job, blue collar job? they don’t even want to get a restaurant job!! Sorry but the few hard working Caymanians can do it all. We need the expats for now. First we need to educate and train our people before making such a stupid comment like that!!!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Take your sweet time! You are obviously not in a rush.
    Don’t be surprised if a thousand of us take our sweet ass time leaving should it be denied.
    What is good for one is good for another.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Does this tie in with the above article on how fab and productive our Govt is? Yay Govt! Look at all we have NOT accomplished. Hope you enjoyed paying higher fees and duties without any results.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Come on you have had 3 years to plan for this, it’s really not that complicated – shame on you for not having a plan in place!

    • Anonymous says:

      The real question is are there not people in immigration specifically employed to process PR applications? If so then what have they been paid to do since Oct 2013? Surely they will have gone through and whittled out the applications which were placed with the sole purpose of extending the applicants stay as the applicants knew it would take at least 2 years to process and a further year or 2 for the appeal? Seriously.. “I work for Cayman Immigration on PR review” is one word too many.. WORK!

  15. Anonymous says:

    if you don’t do any work for 4 years, then is going to be a lot of work to do, and now they complain about it, unreal

    • Anonymous says:

      I guess Mac will be the one to deal with this issues, once again!

      Go ahead, talk shit about him, at least he have the balls to take on the work!

      • Anonymous says:

        Mac is not happening again. It takes 10 wins to become Premier. He only has 11 candidates. There is no public appetite for his style of leadership and there are no topical issues on which he has a strong or even known position. He is old and tired and not nearly smart or disciplined enough for the 21st century. His time has passed. Anyone who says otherwise is free to support him, but it won’t amount to anything.

  16. Anonymous says:

    The only problem I foresee is when they get their Residence status ,they will, like the rest of us have no jobs or unqualified for their old positions.
    Another wonderful act that owners are doing is cutting peoples’ hours in half. So off to NAU they go. Really, isn’t it time to draft proper laws to protect labour abuses?

    • Anonymous says:

      We have to draft new laws that say when a person get “married to a caymanian” that it is not treated as a diploma. The person could be in a good job and soon as they are able to convince the idiot to marry, all of a sudden they have belly cramps and all kinds of excuses to have off from work that they been doing so well for so many years, or months.
      The companies need to be protected from such persons. It’s one thing to have born and bred entitled minds, but imported ones as well? nah sah. Too much imported uneducated and imported welfare types. Don’t believe, then just take a look at who is running the NAU as well as who gets the hand outs. nuff said. cha man.
      Now we hear that a domestic and a doctor has the same to offer to this little Islands? It’s one thing to try to be fair, but how many domestic and janitors out there that are on permit of convenience? After a few years of hang around they tie up the system and apply for residence. never had any children till they get that piece of paper called cayman status or Rights to work certificate.
      And now soon every kid will be messed up from ganja and the only winner will be that so called doctor that is pushing for more money for mental affected persons. when the fact that ganja has them messed up to begin with. If a mental doctor can’t tell the difference between a real mental patient and a messed up addicted up person, he deserves to be shipped back to his Island so he can mess up his own people which need the help a lot more, as you can see on the streets of Jam so many “crazy” people, not crazy at all but all messed up from the nature product.
      cha man, gone and get me started now. But that’s for another day.

      • Anonymous says:

        @10:10 – what in God’s name are you rambling on about? There is not a single coherent sentence in what you have written. I suppose you’re a product of the government educational system in the Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      They can only get PR if they have jobs…what are you drinking??

  17. Anonymous says:

    The legal issues haven’t been addressed.

    The applicants who have been resident for more than ten years (by definition their applications have been in for more than 12 months) will obtain additional rights if CIG does not address the alleged lack of resources to process their applications.

    Just saying…

  18. Anonymous says:

    “CIG” and “Challenged” in the same sentence. Shocked, I tellsya.

  19. Anonymous says:

    What a BLOW! BOLD faced Government. What they really want to say is, “Thanks to the unwanted expats for their patience while you put their lives on hold.” You are so NOT welcome and no amount of apologies won’t stop the law suits you about to encounter.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Caymanian Protection Board should be re-insisted. It worked before it can work again. Time limits, on permits. End of story.

      • Anonymous says:

        There aren’t Caymanians willing or qualified to apply for permit positions. That’s why the Caymanian business owners post ads and then import labour. If you force the Caymanian business owner to pay to re-train new labour every few years, you are developing a system that unnecessarily penalizes Caymanian business owners. It’s as simple as that.


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