CNS begins full election coverage with Election Section

| 31/01/2017 | 23 Comments

(CNS Elections): As the campaign for the May General Election gets underway in earnest, Cayman News Service has created a new website dedicated entirely to the historic election where, for the first time, voters will elect just one candidate in nineteen different constituencies. Featuring an interactive map showing which candidates are running where, the site will have all the latest election news and details of the candidates as they formally reveal their intention to run, as well as the hot button topics that emerge as the main campaign issues.

Read more and comment on CNS Election Section


Category: 2017 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (23)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If your going to run don’t wait for the last minute…that just looks like you thought “ah wth”…give it some effort and be involved…actually do some campaigning.
    WB Central

  2. #Staynasty says:

    Kenny’s campaign took quite a bit last night it would appear. Perhaps it’s a “sign”?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Cant wait until we have to pay for a New MLA megaSalary+Pension. and for a New Ministry! $$

  4. Anonymous says:

    The early birds is said to catch the most worms. voters are wandering who the have to vote for. We can only hear of Dr Frank and Kenneth Bryan. What about Postal Ballots? Will there an honest Dr to verify if some of these people are voting of their own free will ? A lot of Politicians capitalize on these Postal Ballots Mr Scott just be aware.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Elio ha a stage set up on Walkers Road tonight. Very impressive but… Full size stage, and 200 plus seats.

    What if nobody shows up? Better to keep the chairs stacked up and hurriedly unfold them as WAY MORE than you expected show up.

    Actually, just remember he has a singer, maybe its a concert.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only an idiot would vote for him again. Hmmmmm

      • David Shibli says:

        Ellio helped me immensely when he was in before. He was able to get a law through that enabled Caymanians to use their pension to invest in property or pay off their mortgage.
        I chose the former, i could not be happier as I now have a piece of the planet that belongs to me.
        Don’t get me wrong. I was the first person to criticize his political stance, but that was only because he was aligned with UDP. The Underachieving Destructive Partyanimals.
        Ellio, you go! Kidding ?.

        By the way, any of you that believe that you actually have a pension?Why do you think that the law has changed to allow you only a fraction of what you have “saved”?

        The money has gone. The whole Pension thing was a Ponzi scheme from the beginning.

        You will NOT be getting your money. It was used paying for the exorbitant lifestyles of the financial community.

        The money has gone. Why do you think that the Pensions Law does not allow investment in local economic powerhouses such as gasoline, electric, water, groceries etc.

        The reason is because they want your Pension connected to the Stock Market so when it crashes, your money has gone.

        Ellio, please help your people and make sure you make no alliances with McKeeva Bush or Alden McLaughlin. They cannot be trusted.

        People of Cayman, please make sure that you get accountability from your leaders.

    • Anonymous says:

      Crowd size is always proportional to the amount of free food and drink provided.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I will be SOOOO glad when 24 May has come and gone!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m undecided if I’d be glad/ not….24 May is my Birth date! Terrible to have to share it with an event so monumental and yet.. so politically unstable

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully CNS you will not only be able to show where they are running, but also where they are hiding.

  8. Anonymous says:

    George Town Central – Declared candidates:

    Kenneth Bryan (Independent)
    Dr Frank McField (Independent)

    Everyone, please take a few moments to pray for George Town Central.

  9. MM says:

    This is getting very exciting.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I STILL don’t know who my candidate rep is so this info would be helpful!

  11. Anonymous says:

    ‘Cayman News Service has created a new website dedicated entirely to the historic election’…… address?

    CNS: Click on the link.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can we exclude potential voters on the basis of stupidity?

      • David Shibli says:

        Then you have killed democracy. Education cannot bestow righteousness on any man. Honesty comes from within, educated or not.
        All we have ever needed in Cayman from our politicians is the truth.
        Give us truth and democracy and we are responsible after that.
        Give us secret societies, fabrication and selfish gain and then we blame the liars that promised the world, delivered nothing and destroyed the middle class.

        I challenge Alden McLaughlin to list his election promises from 4 years ago and compare them to his achievements.

        Would you like me to take this more public? Just kidding. Thank you CNS for the platform.

    • Anonymous says:

      @8.44am. Complicated isn’t it, have you ever thought of running for office by any chance?

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