Archive for January 4th, 2017

Concerned that electoral roll contains addresses
Why does the Elections Office publish registered voters’ names and home address on its website? Surely this is an invasion of privacy. Is it law that they must do this? If not, can they just publish the names without the address? I feel sure this fact alone would deter some people from registering.

Driver fled after breaking light pole
(CNS): A 24-year-old driver of a car that flipped over and smashed into a CUC light pole on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway Tuesday afternoon emerged unhurt but he has been arrested for leaving the scene of an accident, driving while not qualified, driving without insurance, using a vehicle with expired registration and using a vehicle […]

New CoP orders external review of child abuse cases
(CNS): Following an RCIPS internal audit of all open child abuse cases in the Cayman Islands, triggered by a recent court case where the failure by the police to investigate a serious complaint of child sex abuse became apparent, an external review has been commissioned by the new police commissioner, Derek Byrne. Three officers from the […]

Culture policy development moves to next stage
(CNS): Following an online survey this summer to garner the public’s views on a proposed culture policy, the Ministry of Health and Culture and the steering committee for the policy say they are ready to take the next step forward, and roll out the public consultation phase for the historic draft document. While the results […]