Bank to seize Webb’s Savannah home

| 10/01/2017 | 53 Comments

(CNS): The disgraced former local football hero, Jeffrey Webb, is about to lose his one-time home in Savannah after Fidelity Bank began legal proceedings to seize and sell the house to recover the near $300,000 that Webb reportedly owes on the property. In the first Government Gazette of the year, a demand notice published by Campbells on behalf of Fidelity, Webb’s former employer as well as the lender, revealed that he has arrears on mortgage payments of well over $33,000.

Webb remains under a limited house arrest in Atlanta, Georgia, in a luxurious mansion he purchased during his time as the CONCACAF president and FIFA VP and before he was arrested in the infamous corruption scandal surrounding world football. Webb is also still wanted by the Cayman authorities regarding his part in the CarePay scandal, for which his business partner and close friend Canover Watson was jailed for seven years in 2016.

Webb’s US case, in which he has admitted that he took millions of dollars of bribes and kickbacks, has been postponed numerous times but he is now scheduled to be sentenced in May for racketeering and money laundering and other related offences.

If Webb manages to avoid a custodial sentence in the US, as a result of the cooperation with US authorities and the money he has already forfeited, he could be extradited to Cayman, where he may now find himself without a home, undermining his chances of remaining out of prison while prosecutors here prepare a trial for the Carepay case.

In the demand notice, originally issued in December 2016 and published in the Gazette on 3 January (see below), the bank is seeking to sell the property to recover the debt if the arrears are not cleared immediately.

Cayman News Service




Category: Crime

Comments (53)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    “Football hero” ? He never played a minute of football in his whole life.

  2. Mowgli says:

    Probably polar opposite to what he is meaning.

  3. A Nony Mouse says:

    You mean to tell me that out of all those million$ he amassed in his dirty dealings he couldn’t simply pay ca$h outright for his home in Cayman? It’s not like there was any real danger of falling afoul of local banking regulations regarding the source of the funds as there SHOULD have been in the US! After all he was likely an EMPLOYEE of said bank at the time…

    • Anonymous says:

      All employers in Cayman are scared of upsetting Caymanians like Canover and Jeff as they will have the race card thrown at them….this is how they both survived so long.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I am not here to encourage wrong, however too many of us like to throw stones. We perhaps are guilty of other wrongs and we all need to be forgiven by God.
    . It is not good to rejoice on ones down fall because sooner or later a similar situation might end up on our back door. I can assure anyone that I would not be a part of any dishonesty but then one never which close relative can end up in a situation. Sin is sin. A home in Atlanta similar to Jeffs only costs around $350 and that is American dollars. The average poor and middle class Caymanian own homes equal to that and above. It is not good to rejoice over anothers down fall. The most of us who knows Jeffs little sister would not like to see her out doors. Just be careful how we throw stones.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, Jeff’s home is valued at nearly One Million US Dollars according to a CNS story published in 2015. This is in addition to multiple properties owned in the US, luxury cars and of course the home in Cayman.

      • Diogenes says:

        The $10 million in assets he posted as his bond – good going given his official salaries with Fidelity and CIFA. Not a lot of average poor and middle class Caymanians with that much dosh, not that – as you rightly point out – that it makes a difference – sin is sin. Of course, it does make a difference in whether the honest average poor or middle class Caymanian has any sympathy when the consequences come home to roost.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think it was valued at just under 1 million, still pretty cheap for nearly 10,000 square feet on 2.7 acres, but a bit more than your average Cayman house. The only way you could be in a similar situation is if you elicit millions of dollars in bribes, or an commit an equally reprehensible crime. Feel sorry for the innocent if you like, but anyone close to him must have had their suspicions and chosen to turn a blind eye. I’m not sure people are rejoicing in his downfall, just glad he’s getting what he deserves.

    • Anonymous says:

      Man Fyah fi Jeff Webb….Rassclaat teef.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Where it is ? Street and number?

    • Anonymous says:

      who cares ? If it was 20,000 sqt ! it would still be constructed with 2×4’s and particle boards…

  6. Anonymous says:

    might buy it and start digging the garden for loot and any false walls might be worth a look too. hmmm

  7. Annoymous says:

    All you people making all these comments under this post, sound like haters and i bet if given any of you, the same opportunity, you’ll would have done the same thing that he did. Grow up, stop being bitter and grudgeful… Worry about your own problems and why you ain’t got shit, instead of hating. Cayman Islands The City of Hella haters, you guys need to do something better with time and life. Dumb sheep, this is all smoke and mirrors and the editor of this article should get his facts right… I guess, we list cayman news service as a “unreliable source ”

    CNS: Could you be specific about any facts that are wrong in this article?

    • Dexter Rivers says:

      the headline to begin with!

    • Eddie says:

      I too would like to know what details are wrong given that legal documents were submitted. Further, he has confessed to stealing monies (millions) from the various FIFA branches. Look forward to your reply.

    • Anonymous says:

      One thing you and Jeff don’t have, is personal integrity.

    • Anonymous says:

      Webb is a convicted criminal. Most people would not have done what he did.

    • Anonymous says:

      somebody wanna be a Webb just not have the hook up to get up

    • Anonymous says:

      I can categorically state with absolute certainty I would never have done what Jeff Webb did. I know because I have been presented with similar opportunities. People who behaved like he did are scum. It is that simple.

    • michael says:

      are you serious?

    • Anonymous says:

      As it turns out, my net work is much more than Mr. Webb’s was before he illegally made his fortune. All of it earned legitimately, and in fact still coming in while in “retirement”. Sorry that you may not have accepted the opportunities I did, but the chances, hard work, and doing without for years to reinvest in my business have paid off; finally after 40 years of hard work.

      Again, you can earn a fortune honestly, and with hard work and dedication. Perhaps you should try it for a change.

    • Bun says:

      Please shut the hell up! @ 5:57pm.

      We have ALL right to comment on this case on Webb. You are a simple, ignorant crony. While you sit behind your computer defending a criminal who stole opportunities and resources from the very youth of these islands!

      You ought to be ashamed of your damn self; but with language like “hater” and “hella hater”, one can see how simple and uneducated you are!

      Jeff Webb was being paid more than one high salary. He should not have owed a dollar in Cayman or anywhere else. He is ghetto and so are you.

      Dem ol’ people always said: “you make your bed, lay in it!”

      GO and lay in the same bed with Jeff.

      • Anonymous says:

        lol and you sound so much better with language like corny… wait you wrote “crony” idiot… but i guess, you’re more educated than me… lolololol

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not his home, its a rental property that he owns.

  8. Anonymous says:

    check the mattress for cash

  9. Anonymous says:

    Give the home to the all the children he stole dreams from.

  10. Diogenes says:

    Given the man is accused of swindling the Cayman Islands government (and taxpayers) of a huge sum of money, how come all his Cayman assets have not been frozen by the authorities pending his trial? Reminds me of the disaster in CIG getting its money repaid from Michael Ryan – left it so late there was nothing left by the time the creditors had taken the Ritz, the golf course and everything else not nailed down.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is an debt. Seems be blew through the money but I suppose some of the cars and watches can be sold.

      • Diogenes says:

        No because the US authorities got those pledged as part of the deal. The Cayman authorities did jack and let the FBI take all the US assets and anything move able.

        • Anonymous says:

          Wow! The U.S. DOJ seized (soon of) Jeff’s Cayman Assets, yet this was the 1st publication of such occurrence. Previous articles have only mentioned his U.S. Assets.

          I wonder what other info has been sealed, and gag orders enforced, regarding his Cayman Assets? (lol).

          • Diogenes says:

            Do try reading – the US got moveable assets which Jeff lodged in the US, and his US assets. The Cayman authorities did nothing and didn’t freeze the Cayman resident assets, like this house, or nay moveable assets. That’s why there has been no press coverage of seizure of Cayman assets, because no one seized them! Clear enough for you now?

            • Anonymous says:

              You Arssssssssse! Let the U.S. take all his assets, and report (in the news and in public court filings) what assets they have cautioned, seized or forfeited. If Cayman’s Legal Department want to act like dummies, deniers, and/or deceiver on the case matter and the public via the Courts, then, let them! The U.S. DOJ is already committed to bringing Jeff and his affiliates to justice.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Is it on Ecay or CIREBA? I’m looking…

  12. Knot S Smart says:

    Poor little Jeffie wont have a house when he finally gets out of the big house in the U.S. and comes back to Cayman…
    But they are holding a room for him at our big house in Northward – right next to Canover…

  13. Anonymous says:

    Swindled millions ( cash and people ) got caught and is singing like a canary to save his own neck , shows no remorse , as witnesses by the extravagant party he threw his wife while on ‘ house arrest ‘ . A truly loathsome son of the soil. Nobody in any position of power wants him sent back here for trial as he would sing his songs here too and implicate many many more . Still I am sure there will be some who defend him .

  14. Anonymous says:

    Campbell obo Fidelity Bank: We are instructed that you are, and have been [in arrears] for a period in excess of of ONE MONTH, in default….

    Are the Judges’ presiding over foreclosure cases paying attention to this language, insisting that the bear minimum of a single missed payment can rendered a mortgage in a critical state of default, for foreclosure? This is unconscionable, and should give leverage for dismissal until their is enough weight and, instead, charge the Banks’ for wasting the courts’ time. While I am not specifically referring toJeff’s situation, I am am speaking to the persons who have CI$700-CI$1000 monthly premiums, who are least than 3 months in arrears. A three-month arrears does not a set-back a mortgage mortgage by years; therefore, when the Bank’s Legal Representatives write demand letters for 1,2, or 3-month arrears it appears to be a desperate move to ‘unconscionably AND unfairly’ foreclose properties to meet other pressing needs. I have seen demand notices that read exactly for CI$1700 arrears- and its SUCH A SHAME the institutions.

    A can’t wait to see that glut of automobiles with 100% loan advancement, as soon as the 2017 lay-offs/redundancies commence, as a result of several Merger/Acquisition Activities in the last year.

    • Anonymous says:

      I understand your sentiment but here’s how it is. You borrow money. You agree terms. You pay back the money. If you break these terms, there is a remedy… which is what is playing out here. The other option is you borrow money, you don’t pay it back then your banks (which are incompetent at best) end up looking like the Greek and Italian sector.

    • Laurie says:

      You highlight ONE MONTH but overlook IN EXCESS OF. It also stated arrears in the amount of $33,746.70 I highly doubt that is one month’s mortgage payment.

      • Diogenes says:


      • Anonymous says:

        In EXCESS of ONE MONTH…In EXCESS of TWO MONTHS…In EXCESS of THREE MONTHS. Each is interpreted based on a (in)tolerability factor. Here, the intentions of the Lawyers/Banks are clear.

        Besides, CI$33K, on a CI$300K Mortgage, is in no way a 1, 2, or 3-month arrears, thus foreclosure for such sums would be inevitable.

    • SKEPTICAL says:

      Is the ” bear minimum” you mention akin to the “bear necessities of life” referred to by Baloo the “bear” in his song in the film Jungle Book ?

  15. Anonymous says:


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