Teenager shot outside 7MB nightclub

| 26/12/2016 | 38 Comments

(CNS): An 18-year-old boy was in a critical condition at the George Town hospital Monday after being shot outside the Fete night club in the early morning hours. The incident combined two of the country’s rising crime concerns of gun violence and young men tearing up the roads on illegal motorbikes as the shots were fired by a gunman or men who are believed to have escaped on a motorcycle. The shooting happened just before 4:00am (26 December), and when officers arrive they discovered the teenager had sustained injuries from a “number of gunshots”, police said. 

He was taken to the hospital and listed in critical but stable condition.

In a separate report that police have not linked to the shooting of the teenager, at around 4:16 Monday morning a motorbike rider reported that his bike had just been hit by gunshots. The police did not state where that had happened but said that both matters were under investigation by the Criminal Investigation Department.

Appealing for witnesses, police asked anyone who was in the vicinity of the Fete Night Club shortly before and after 4am Boxing morning to contact the George Town CID at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS via the Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS) or online here.


Category: Police

Comments (38)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    once a great club…now overun with local gangsta wanabees…..
    bring in strict dress code for all patrons in all clubs…
    no caps
    no t-shirts
    no shades
    no chains

    • all hail einstein says:

      Yeah, that will address the real issue for sure. What is your plan for peace in the Middle East there genius. We wait with baited breath, I promise. Scumbag places, scumbag patrons, from the get.

    • Anonymous says:

      Fete was never a great club. It was only opened to draw away the problem people because they follow the crowd. If you notice ever since they opened there has been no problems at Lilly’s nightclub. Everybody knows if you want to see drama just go to fete??

  2. Anonymous says:

    we were in Cayman visiting for the holidays and went out for dance. I will never be back here again. I have lived my whole life in peace and safety till I visited your island and went to that club.

    • I Ya Ites says:

      Your not the first to say. Alot of people here are now infiltrated and simply adopt cultures that spew from neighboring countries.

      Most teens dress, speak and try to act like they are from south-side LA, HOLLYWOOD or Chicago/”Chi-Raq”.(Even the “rich/good” ones ha!)

      The “adults” do no better. All being forced to compete in their “money race” to act like Kardashians, Basketball Wives or Caymans Next hoModel. Fake nails, LOANER cars, off-brand watches, (rented apartments), and BAD ASS kids to replace their ignorant ways.


    • Anonymous says:

      Never be back here again? Sounds like you are still here.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Why would anyone want to put their life at risk for this measly entertainment? It would seem as if there is a greater chance at catching a stray bullet than being stabbed at these clubs. Perhaps we should reorganise gladatorial combat for the less evolved.

  4. Sheppie Brandon Vanguard party says:

    Would the victim of this shooting please call our premier and our dear governor to wake them up and tell them all is not well here in Cayman and thank them for the blessing of not being dead just shot.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Sad situation smh. Was there another shooting last night as well?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Pretty sure the video will be on YouTube in a couple of days BikeLife 345

    • Sir. Allan Iverson III says:

      Nearly got into an accident with a hoonigan. Get rid of these darned bikers! Protest!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    When will the nightclub owners/operators/landlords understand that simply lighting up their parking areas from about 2am until everyone leaves is their best bet to keep these events from happening on their premises? Some large LED lights and everyone will vacate as soon as they exit the building. Plus any surveilance cameras can actually clearly record if anything happens.

  8. Artful Dodger says:

    “a motorbike rider reported that his bike had just been hit by gunshots.”
    Kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it?………….

  9. Anonymous says:

    First of all 18 years old and out at a club until 4 am…..you are not a “boy”. Secondly , what do you expect when you keep the dam clubs open until this point. NO business needing to have these places open this late, let alone at all since they are repeatedly prone to violence.

  10. Anonymous says:

    How about police enforcing a no loitering policy in these parking lots?

    • Anonymous says:

      How about the licencee loses their licence if they don’t stop it?

    • Jotnar says:

      How about parking an armed support unit in the parking lot at closing time?

    • Anonymous says:

      Sadly I don’t think video cameras in the parking lot would be much help. The shooting took place right outside the front door of the club. I was staying at a hotel on vacation across the street. In the morning we went out to breakfast next door and found out what happened. Fire trucks came to hose down outside blood. So maybe video cameras in general especially at the front door and inside?

  11. Anonymous says:

    No different from my neighborhood with the party always going on until the dawn. My visiting relatives have not had a good night sleep in days, with drunks and shot guns going off. My little neice is scarred. Little kids notice alot more than they are given credit, including when trash and criminal elements are nearby.

    Called the police since by law they are to stop playing loud music by 10, but the cops just laugh it off and the music plays on. Not going to invite relatives to come visit for christmas anymore, it will be a much higher quality and enjoyable christmas to visit them instead.

    Why cant people goto the bars and discos to enjoy loud music. They need to turn a neighborhood into thier private little discotech that turns the place into trash.

    • Anonymous says:

      Police, and by extension the Governor, should be sued for refusing to enforce the law. This crap has been going on for years and seems to be getting worse. Its getting worse because the police refuse to do ANYTHING about it. So much for “the right to quiet enjoyment”. We have so many cops here from third world countries that have the attitude that if no one is bleeding in the street then whats the big deal. Meanwhile the quality of life keeps going further down the toilet. Sooner or later people will start to take the law into their own hands and the result will be violent confrontations and it will be 100% the fault of the police.

    • Anonymous says:

      12:54 Just saying. If you have certain Caribbean neighbors, your life will be pure hell. They all bring their attitudes and dirty ways with them, expecting to turn quiet neighborhoods into thrash. We just don’t need them and less appreciate them here. We do have some locals who follow what they see and grasp the stupid mentality as well.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Clubs open to 4 a.m.- not good, not good at all!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Close that hooligan spot down.

    • Anonymous says:

      The cops that used to do that were put in court.

    • Anonymous says:

      No way, then the trash will just squat in empty lots next to your backyard. Keep it contained.

    • Anonymous says:

      If it closes down then problems will go to every other club. It was only opened for that reason. Notice there has been no fights at lillies since fete opened

  14. Caymanian idiot says:

    Hey, this has being going on for years and we have always blamed the police. Why? We need to start balding these kids families, turn them in, you know what your kid is doing even if you don’t want to except it. I dealt with this 10yrs ago and guess what I back then didn’t do anything about it but my child is now in NW amd next yr served his time. It has been hard on us and our 2 young boys explain wr their brother is.
    I beleive if we had interviede sooner maybe we could have assisted in saving him.
    I know we are now going to blame a night club and that 18yr old school should drink. “NO”!! IT’S us .

    They are lost!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Aw. Tiss the season of peace and love. I guess this is the new Norm for Cayman. By the way. Quest where asking what all the shooting was this morning. I had to say it’s the new Cayman. Gangsta Paradise.

  16. Coming soon to a court near you. says:

    Well at about 7:30pm Christmas night there was a a young dark skin male on a white and yellow dirt bike on Hirst Rd. riding dangerously and without any lights on in the dark cross the Bypass Rd.

    Someone is going to clean up one of these boys and the parents are gonna be left footing all the bills, to bury him and automotive repairs.

    To all these little rats running around here illegally I say this.

    Photo evidence has/is being collected of you.

    When (not if) the CIG bans these bikes because what you have done I will be leading a civil judicial action against you for violation of my human rights for not being able to have the privileges of using these bikes because of your continued diregard of the law and disregard of my rights.

    Also the fact that these bike are creating a nuisance means that civilly a court action can be undertaken to hold the riders (and if the rider is a juvenile, the parents) financially responsible for their illegal and human rights violating actions.

    It will be a challenge, and one not done here before, but there have similar actions that have been successfully won and persons (and their parents) held financially accountable for in other countries.

    Again a warning is being sent, heed the warning before it’s too late.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Royal Cayman Islands Police AND parents… get it under control quickly!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Welcome to the UDP and PPM’s Cayman. A paradise lost. Sad.

  19. Anonymous says:

    So easy to shut this down if the RCIP and politicians have the backbone to do it. I for one will not be voting for a single sitting politician unless they step up and demand action. NOW.

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