Consequences for horse assault ‘insufficient’

| 25/08/2016 | 18 Comments
Cayman News Service

Charm, killed in a violent sexual attack

(CNS): Another riding school has expressed its solidarity with the Cayman Islands Equestrian Center after a pony was put down after a brutal sexual assault that caused such severe injuries. But a spokesperson from the Cayman Islands Equestrian Federation (CIEF) said the punishment of a maximum $4,000 fine or five years in jail was “insufficient for an odious crime like this”. The Equestrian Center said that social media posts this week in reaction to the news of Charm’s assault and death indicated that there are people who know what happened and urged them to go to the police.

The story, which was first posted on Cayman News Service on Monday afternoon, generated well over 100 comments from readers shocked and horrified by the attack on the 25-year-old horse, which was described as one of the most gentle ponies at the stable on the Linford Pierson Highway in George Town. The animal was sexually assaulted with a foreign object and sustained such terrible injuries she was put down.

A second horse known as Jelly Bean, another older pony popular with the kids at the stables, was also attacked but that horse was saved by the vet and is now recovering.

With warnings to other stables and riding schools to be on alert and improve security, there were indications from the owners at the stables that the police had not taken the reports seriously, an allegation that the RCIPS has denied. But even if the perpetrators are caught, the CIEF raised concerns about the law.

“The current law in the Cayman Islands states that if you torture, infuriate or terrify an animal you commit the offence of cruelty and are liable upon conviction to a fine of four thousand dollars and to imprisonment for one year. In addition, a person who wilfully and unlawfully kills, maims or wounds any animal capable of being stolen commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for five years. We do not think this prison term is sufficient for an odious crime like this,” the CIEF stated in a short release.

Anyone with information about the assault is asked to contact Cayman Crime stoppers on 800-8477 to remain anonymous or to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    These fundamentally sick individuals need caging for the rest of their sorry lives. They are beyond the beyond. I almost threw up when I read about it. (Sorry for being so graphic.)

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’d like to see some local crowdfunding for an attorney who is willing, and has the balls, to take on these people who abuse animals and throw the proverbial book at them. It seems like the local prosecutors don’t have the appetite for it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The monsters who did this to innocent animals should not be given less than 20 years in prison because if they can do that to harmless animals they will do the same to children. They also need the same thing done to them that they did to those poor animals. When I read this I felt sick to my stomach.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Let’s face it Cayman, its “only” an animal so why should anybody take note or do anything about this. They say you can tell a lot about a country by the way it treats its animals: shame on you Cayman. Until someone with balls stands up and gets the animal law enforced, with help from the DOA and I don’t mean “its got a smattering of pit bull in it, lets put it to sleep”, together with full backing to enforce and pursue the law by the RCIPS who need to take these reports seriously no matter how trivial they think they are and remove the animal to a “safe house” if deemed to be in harms way then accept this is the way it will be. There are quite a few “sickos” out there who find this type of thing “fun” and others who mistreat their own animals because it’s the “Caribbean\island way” – I have news for you IT’S NOT THE CARIBBEAN way: you are abusing an animal – you are an abuser – that is not socially acceptable – you need to stop/get help/be a man and be responsible for anything that relies on you for living without being able to speak for itself. That applies to kids too!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not quite sure why this post is getting thumbs down? You approve of being animal abusers?

    • Anonymous says:

      12:43pm How are so sure that the Caymanian people are not upset about the incident? We always took care of our animals, but people have changed over the years. They are more involved in illegal behaviours of all types. TV has changed the landscape. I hope that someone can be prosecuted for such an act.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why the thumbs down? You think that people should be allowed to be abusers?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Deputy Chief Immigration Officer Garfield “Gary” Wong was charged with DUI, careless driving and leaving the scene of an accident in connection with a December 2013 traffic incident. His case has never proceeded to trial.

  6. Psalms 137:9 says:

    Honestly imho if the perpetrators are caught they’re should be the effort to rehabilitate them by giving them mandatory work with the animals within the boundary of safety for both the animals and people. Years of hard work with the animals might allow remorse of their actions to set in and may allow hope for them to co-exist within society as a normal human being.

  7. Annie says:

    Anyone seen Event Horizon? I think that is fitting.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This may not be a one-off by a sicko but could have wider implications. In Toronto today, a bestiality charge goes along with a child abuse/porn ring.

    • Anonymous says:

      People who abuse animals at this level are showing signs that they have the capability of much worse behavior. Many serial killers started off torturing animals before they turned to humans. This person or persons needs to be caught, punished and monitored.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I knew we had some sick people living amongst us! but this takes the cake

  10. Anonymous says:

    Of course police doesn’t think this is serious! They forgot about a childe sexual abuse report for 1.5 years, so what does one expect?

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