Archive for August 31st, 2016

A/C man jailed for 12yrs for ‘depraved’ sex crimes
(CNS): A Colombian national who was working as an air-conditioning technician when he sexually assaulted a 5-year-old child, raped a teenage girl and collected over a 1,000 pornographic images of children was jailed for twelve years Wednesday. Justice Micheal Mettyear described 26-year-old Michell Anderson Garcia’s conduct as “despicable and depraved”, as he handed down a […]

Local lawyers secure historic $6m pay out in injury claim
(CNS Business): The Cayman court recently made a record-breaking personal injury ruling in a near 20-year-old case to cover the lifetime care costs of the victim, who was only 12 years old when he was involved in a boating incident. The details of the case are under wraps as a result of a court order, […]

Flow customers struggle to connect
(CNS): People on the Flow telecoms network were struggling to connect on their phones Tuesday after the company experienced what was described as “a degradation of service” for the best part of yesterday. A spokesperson for Flow stated that the service was impacted from 6:00am until 4:00pm. “This affected some long distance calls and inter-connection […]

Webster seeks anonymity over fears of prejudice
(CNS): A former senior fireman and one-time political candidate who is charged with four counts of indecent assault is seeking anonymity as a result of the publicity surrounding his case and what he claims could prejudice his right to a fair trial. Errington Webster (54) from Bodden Town made his third court appearance Tuesday, but […]

Notes on BO exchange details published
(CNS Business): The arrangements under which the UK law enforcement authorities will be able to access information on the beneficial owners of offshore companies registered in Cayman have been posted on the FCO website for several months, though local officials say that the technical aspects of how the data will be accessed is still being […]