Woman sexually assaulted in home invasion

| 24/07/2015 | 62 Comments

Cayman News Service

(CNS): Police are on the hunt for a man who sexually assaulted a woman at knifepoint in her West Bay home Thursday night. The police said that the intruder was a stranger to the victim, who was not only sexually assaulted but threatened and physically attacked by the unknown but armed man. The attack took place at around 10pm last night in the Town Hall Road area after the attacker entered the woman’s apartment in the vicinity of North West Point and punched the victim.  

The man is described as having a slim build, of medium-dark complexion, and about 6’ in height.  He was wearing a grey hoodie sweatshirt with a T-shirt underneath, partly orange in color, as well as dark shorts and running shoes.

An RCIPS spokesperson said that a full police investigation is underway and the victim is under police protection. Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact Detective Constable Emma Twydell at West Bay Police Station at 949-3999, the RCIPS Confidential Hotline at 949-7777, or Cayman Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS).

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Comments (62)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This story is sickening for different reasons. Firstly, it is an abhorrent sexual offence committed and unprovoked on a stranger who will no doubt have this as a lasting memory of Cayman.

    The other sickening thing about this is how those that hijack the story and use it as a vehicle to pass their anti foreign police comments or quote religion.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Really hope those thugs meet their match soon! They are so stupid, they don’t even see it coming. What they sow – they will reap!! God don’t sleep and He don’t slumber, He knows their names and addresses and sees everything they are doing. When HE says enough is enough – they will understand what it is to be on the receiving end of an angry God! May it happen sooner than later to prevent innocent people from being attacked and harmed.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The crime against all of us has become so bad that when my boyfriend leaves for vacation next month I have booked a stay at a hotel just for peace of mind.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like the bicycle pest has stepped up his activities?
    Seriously, no one knows who this is…. Maybe if his family and friends turned them in when only being pesky these escalations could be stopped.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Rape/sexual assault is committed against the person’s consent! The person did not want it.
    No matter how a woman dresses, acts, or the choices she makes it does not give anyone a right to rape/sexually assault her. (also goes for men)
    Against her consent- she did not want it- not her fault! Bottom line! No other discussion needed.

    • Anonymous says:

      If I walk along a dark alleyway at night, drunk, showing off my iphone and I get robbed, are you saying my life decisions did not contribute to the robbery?

      • Anonymous says:

        Er, YES, you moron!

        • Anonymous says:

          Thank you for proving the illogical position held by the OP that it is wrong to allocate causative impact to certain victims of sexual assault.

        • Anonymous says:

          So you agree that a victim that takes irresponsible risks contributes to a criminal act perpetrated against them? I mean, from your comment, that position is obvious, right? To coin your phrase, to say otherwise would be “moronic”?

  6. Nobby & Coppers says:

    More bobbies on our Cayman beachs to cushy 9-4 jobs in specialist financial intelligence departments The great deception continues, yes year after year the same old same old employment Scam by our UK masters to fleece this little island’s economy. When oh when are we going to get a government to stop this crime Pays for the overseas unemployed or retired friends and family fogeys in this law enforcement scam ????

  7. Anonymous says:

    BTW- Rape is NEVER the victims fault.

    • Anonymous says:

      Women can make choices to put themselves in danger of sexual assault and those decisions have causative impact. Those that fail to take self-responsibility can legitimately be considered “at fault”. However that does not justify the conduct of the wrongdoer, which is the point you are trying to make, albeit badly.

      • Sam says:

        27/07/2015 at 5:11 am
        You have got to be kidding! Your mentality is of one who assaults women given an opportunity.

      • Anonymous says:

        To 5:11am – No – regardless of their poor choices of any kind – they are NOT at fault. They do not have a “causative impact”. The ONLY one at fault is the perpetrator of the crime. Period. The one who chose to commit a crime is at fault. They chose it. They were not forced. 7:59am is absolutely correct.

      • Anonymous says:

        so in your thinking men have no self control and just can’t help themselves

      • Anonymous says:

        When your house is burglarized, standing there with it’s lights off, one of the windows alluringly off the catch, curtains slightly open, tempting with the big-screen TV, and car keys on the counter, it’s “causative impact”. Your home is to blame for luring in a poor unsuspecting burglar.

      • Anonymous says:

        How can being in the protection of your own home be putting yourself in danger of sexual assault. Rape is evil, wrong, violent, unjustified in all an every case. You are a dangerous idiot if you think otherwise.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I was the one the posted re. the personal alarm. I do not live on island so I have no idea where you could get one except via online. I do not own the company or have anything to do with it. I own one personally because my previous job (for 23 years) was in a dangerous inner city and I had to walk thru inner city projects. To me, it was extra security. I had pepper spray, too, (w/ proper license) but that did not make me feel as secure as it would be hard to aim-weather conditions would have to be right- could be overpowered, etc. The screech from the alarm is so loud no one would stick around, imo. The alarm can also be put in a closed door and when the door is forced open it would sound. I am not selling these- it is just my 2 cents on the subject to help protect woman/men can use too. I visit your island 2 x a year and hate to read some of the issues happening. They are an inexpensive option- that is all and no it is not going to get police attention, but no 1 is going to stick around with alarm sounding.

    • Sam says:

      27/07/2015 at 5:11 am
      Unless your security tools got tested, meaning it saved you from an assault, then you may promote it. Extreme fear is paralyzing. Ask Bob about a black belt police woman who was assaulted despite all her martial arts achievements and police training.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I say take away the CCTV contract and use it for local rewards for information.
    The USA’s Crimestoppers is useless – I tried them

  10. Anonymous says:

    lmfao they really wothless every night they out looking for the dirtbike guys but not lookin for the sex pests and robbers…. sigh back ways much? bikes up guns down 1hunnid

  11. Sharkey says:

    7:31 pm , a very good idea if it is loud enough , but don’t depend on the police responding in time to catch the scumbag, and if it gets scumbags arrested and convicted , then watch government band the sale and importation of it , like pepper spray.

  12. Allar says:

    The police is worthless and being lead by the incompetent. Tell them burglars to come to my house there is no pepper spray there. Lots of hot lead. Boy I pray they turn that fool they will know who he is then no more speculating.

  13. Ellie says:

    If every woman on this island must be prepared for an attack and expect it, who would want to live here?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Pepper spray is hard to aim at the attacker as it depends on the wind and can also be used against you if overpowered. A personal alarm system, imo, is a better option as you just need to pull out a pin to scare the *&^% out of an attacker and it also alerts others of trouble. It is not like a car alarm that will shut off in a few seconds- it screeches (sp) until the pin is reinserted to the device.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I do not see how “the police failed to do their jobs”. I am sure the police did not know the time and place this crime was going to take place. Let’s be realistic. IMO, all women should invest in a personal alarm system that can be carried on their key chain or in their hands. A small pin is pulled and the alarm sounds and would scare the &^%$ out of someone attacking and also alert people around. These alarms are very inexpensive.

    • Anonymous says:

      A law firm supplied its staff with these many years ago due to the location of the staff car park which was unlit
      This was due to concerns back then of workers leaving late and walking on their own to their vehicles.
      The same undesirables still hang around, watching over the top of a can of 345.

    • Anonymous says:

      This heinous crime took place on Thursday 23rd July 2015 at approximately 10pm. The description that has been given describes many people in the Cayman Islands. Don’t we have an artist that can draw a descriptive picture from the victim? Or are we that behind the times we don’t have one. Today is Saturday, maybe, just maybe if a picture resembling this individual, you never know he may be caught. When woman are sleeping how will they pull this pin? Are you trying to solicit purchases for yourself? Unfortunately I am sure this individual will strike again and not in the same area, once a rapist always a rapist, yet this stupid ass Human Rights Law gives rapists and even killers the rights to get out of prison before serving their term. I got the biggest laugh when Jeffrey Barnes lawyer tried to get him acquitted. Thank god the law stuck.. Jeffrey Barnes has been raping for over 15 years and finally he is doing time, but I am sure he will be out early!!!

    • WaYaSay says:

      So you think it is the lady victims fault because she may not have been aware of the “alarm” device you speak of or may not be aware where to get it?

      The 15 idiots that gave you a thumbs up is worst than you. Why you nor any of the 15 thought to help others by posting what the name of this “personal alarm” is, what it cost and where to get it is beyond me.

      I personally had not heard of it, so I Googled it and found them available on Amazon and ebay for prices ranging from $6.99 to $29.99, however I found no information of where they might be available locally. Quite frankly, none of them give me too much confidence as rape protection for my wife or my daughter if they are home alone as my home is 1,000 feet away from my neighbor. Neighborhood police patrols would be a much better deterrent.

      If the SOB comes into my house with a knife and I am at home, he is going to have a lot more to worry about than a beeping alarm!

    • Sissy says:

      Yes, however…………… MACE is a fog, however most capsicum (pepper) sprays are a stream of liquid and less likely to be altered by wind. I still cannot suss why we are not able to legally possess the tools to protect ourselves.

  16. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS are worthless and useless!! Eager to increase the coffers at the end of each month with traffic fines but can’t catch a sex pervert riding around under their noses and assaulting women. Probably won’t catch the very dangerous armed intruder who attacked last night. But as soon as someone gets shot or chopped to mincemeat while invading a home they’ll want to arrest the home owner.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Thanks CNS

  18. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS: Northwest Point is big, but that area si NOTany part of Town Hall Road..
    SO WHERE did it take place?
    Residents want to know. ..You first reported that it on Farrington Lane.
    Get some officers on the beat so they can at least identify the right community – and hopefully get to know some residents – good ones as well as the pond scum!!

  19. Anonymous says:

    How did he get in

    • Anonymous says:

      Forced entry.

      • Anonymous says:

        10pm? Thats pretty early. Maybe, just maybe if woman were allowed pepper spray she would have something to defend herself with. Not saying some people won’t use it, but give them an option. I hope one day when these monsters go into these homes, something happens to them that happened a few years ago to the man who walked into the wrong home!!! This is deplorable!!! Human Rights my ass, what human rights, its disgusting what England rams down our throat. He should rot in jail!!! One of these days it will happen again, something will be waiting behind door number one!!!

        • Anonymous says:

          It is funny how people push for so-called Human Rights, but say nothing about HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY. It is a pity this woman didn’t have a .45 to send him on his way.

          This island is quickly on a path to becoming another caribbean disaster. The social ills of Cayman, codified with the influx of economic refugees from economically depressed regions is creating a recipe for trouble.

          Soon, the educated/civilized (both expat and local) will take flight. After that has happened….

        • Anonymous says:

          Human Rights? It’s the freaking jerks we keep bringing here my work permit marriage or bad parenting, not one single thing to do with the UK!! yeah go for independence so we can get all the Jamaican murderers and rapists here, then blame that on Uk too.

  20. Anonymous says:

    He was probably watching her for days.

    Ladies, be aware of *people* and your surroundings when coming home from work, grocery shopping etc. Don’t ignore your intuition (that feeling that something isn’t right), make note of any suspicious characters your start noticing around your home/apt as you come and go, report them if you feel uncomfortable. Clandestinely take a photo of them with your phone if you can.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Things are getting bad on Grand Cayman, seems to be the only people the police target are drivers. Time to start catching the real criminals before they take over the island,

    • Anonymous says:

      err, and the politicians. You fail to realise that the real criminals have done already take over the island. Why you think Cayman is so bad? ’tis the fruit of the corrupt politician’s seed.

  22. Too many foreign Police says:

    Once again the PoPo’s failed to do their jobs and a citizen is seriously hurt. It is high time for something to be done about this situation we face on these streets. With a sex pest riding around West Bay you would hope there would be an increased police presence, but we clearly see that’s not the case. What a terrible shame and mess we are in.

    • Anonymous says:

      Drive across WB police station and you will see so many police cars they can barely fit in the parking lot. The cars should be in use, on the beat.

  23. Anonymous says:

    This guy should get automatic life in prison. (In all honesty he should be euthanized but that’s against “human rights”.

  24. Anonymous says:

    West Bay is such a lovely place to live.

  25. Anonymous says:

    CNS – Did RCIPS release the part of West Bay this occurred? Would be nice to know more specifically.

    CNS: In the vicinity of North West Point – it’s now been added to the article.

    • Island Girl says:

      Probably the same bicycle rider that someone must know about and not telling the Police. Hard for the Police to do anything if those in the public who know will not say anything.

      • Anonymous says:

        Police won’t do sh$%^ about it….all they care is about traffic offense.

      • Anonymous says:

        Also…who trust the Police??? They cannot protect their own container full of evidence sitting down on their own parking lot, imagine if someone gives this guy away. Do you really think they will feel protected? well, I wouldn’t.

        Ps: I’m the same person who posted the previous comment. That is how I see and feel about the police.

      • Anonymous says:

        assuming that the individual is local, then someone should know him yes. But if he is from another jurisdiction, then there will be few who know him. Never the less, the fact remains, he has to be caught, either by one of his cousins in uniform or by a good wallop of steel pipe across his head when he tries it again!

    • Realist says:

      To 2:07pm – and so is GT, BT, EE, NS.

    • Anonymous says:

      Town Hall Road is not in North West Point.

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