West Bay serial sex pest strikes again

| 20/07/2015 | 44 Comments
Cayman News Service

Suspected sex pest caught on CCTV

(CNS): Police are warning women who are walking, waiting for buses or exercising in and around the Batabano area to be on alert after the West Bay bike-riding sex pest struck again. An RCIPS spokesperson said that the man, who is already wanted by police, assaulted another woman who was walking on Batabano Road near the Church of Christ at about 5:45am on Saturday 18 July. The man came up behind the woman and grabbed her backside with his hand. The woman said she had seen the man briefly as he rode past her on his bike in the opposition direction.

The man appears to have jumped off his bike and run up behind her but fled when he saw an oncoming vehicle. She described him as being around 5’5”, of small build, with short black hair and of black/dark complexion. He was wearing a sleeveless dark shirt and dark pants.

Three assaults of a similar nature were reported to West Bay police in May and CCTV clips (see below) were released and circulated to the local media showing the man police believe is responsible for the serial sexual harassment of women in the district.

As police hunt for the sex-pest, officers are urging women who have had a similar experience but have not made a report to come forward.

“We have increased patrols in the area of Batabano Road, but we urge women to take safety precautions as much as possible, and not to walk or exercise alone in the area,” an RCIPS spokesperson stated.

Anyone with any information regarding these assaults is asked to contact Detective Dave Morrison at the West Bay Police Station on 949-3999 or Cayman Crime Stoppers on 800-8477(TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (44)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    When I perpetrate crimes I know now I just have to put on a woolly hat and the Caymankind mafia will see the photos and say “that’s a Jamaican”. Everyday Caymankind racism at work again.

  2. Nonce-Sense. says:

    Time to gather all vulnerable females into one area where they can be protected.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Someone needs to construct a giant roach motel for all the pests on that Batabano corner… perhaps convert the liguor store into one, since that’s why they layabout there day and night, destroying the entire neighbourhood.

  4. NunyaBusiness says:

    I’m not sure why this guy hasn’t been picked up by police yet, as any of them on patrol would be able to figure out who. I’d suggest circling the area around Birch Tree Hill/Andresen Road/Spanish Bay.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Umm so if I understand correctly, this man on previous occasions has rode up behind women and touched their back sides while walking or excercising in areas of West Bay and no one has picked up a big rock and pelt after him??

    • Anonymous says:

      If a woman throws a stone, most likely she will miss but definitely will not incapacitate this pervert. This act though will enrage the pervert and might lead to worse consequences for the woman such as assault or rape. It is indeed frustrating that the police do not seem to care about protecting women from this sexual predator.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Chances are someone in west bay recognized the guy already but they are so deep into their believe that “ratting out someone” is not cool that they preferred to allow their wife’s mothers and daughters to be harassed that turning this guy. You guys are cowards, specially the gang members who surely know him and haven’t done justice yet. Collective bravery is no bravery at all. We are surrounded with incompetent police man that cant deal with wanna be thugs that go back crying to mami when they get beaten or get a gun and shoot without even aiming for revenge. I had a rough past in a different country, way worst than this one and we had kids like this punks for breakfast. get that guy, beat the s… out of him and drop him at the police station with a sign hanging from his head….

    • The Wookie says:

      Ratting out is now cool, even big Jeff, famous son of the soil is doing it.
      Informants are all cool bro!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why are we paying all this money for CCTV and we still can’t catch this guy the clarity sucks

  8. Too Many Foreign Police says:

    This man still riding round out here doing this $%#@ Wow! what are we paying these guys all this money to do??? As usual they expect the public to do their jobs for them next thing you know COP Baines in the media handing out big time awards.

    • Anonymous says:

      A baseball bat knocking him clear off his bike would do it

      • Anonymous says:

        I once saw a tiny old lady cause a lot of damage when she stuck her umbrella into the spokes of a dangerous cyclist. ‘Got to have the timing just right though….

  9. Civilians observer says:

    Someone needs to tell our foreign police officers that the police vehicle is for street patrol not their personal conveyance to be used for personal errands and business!

    • Anonymous says:

      I think they should tell that to our local police officers also as I don’t see many of them driving around either.

    • Anonymous says:

      Somebody needs to teach some Caymanians to man up, join the police service, protect their own society and stop bitching about those who come here to do their dirty work.
      If you actually got off your expansive backsides, got a decent education and then turned up for recruitment drives with the RCIPS or HMP, then I would have more sympathy. But you don’t, you just whine and whinge about others when it should be your place to protect and serve.
      I’d bet a months salary that most crimes committed here in Cayman are on Caymanians by Caymanians, what an embarrassment you are, 30k people and you just can’t work it out.

      • Anonymous says:

        While I agree with most of your comments, I have to take issue with a particular part of it. As far as Caymanians getting educated to show up for openings at the RCIP is a bit funny. Having to deal with MANY of the officers of the RCIP (because of my current job) I I can say that their level of education must be at the primary level.

        To make it clear to you, I am not talking about the British Officers, they ARE educated. But those from another particular Caribbean Island are not able of stringing a sentence together with a needle and a string! Listening to them read is embarrassing.

      • Anonymous says:

        I did the recruitment drive and passed each stage with ease. They told me I was an excellent candidate but couldn’t join because of the “extreme visibility” of my tattoos (which I made clear that I had in the initial application), and that if I really wanted to be a police officer I should consider getting them removed and trying again next year.

        Gonna check HMP next to see what bullshxt excuse they’re going to give me there.

      • Anonymous says:

        Education could have been a criteria, but not the English language anyway. Not just patios, poor grammar in speech says it all.

  10. Naya Boy says:

    Got images and still cant do diddlely squat RCIPS is completely useless! what a disgrace!!! There is no reason why this sicko should be still riding around assaulting women. None whatsoever!

  11. Last Action Hero says:

    One can only remember the days when Caymanian officers could “touch the streets” and would be able to put this type of individual away before he could get off his bike in his yard! But alas we listened to our colonial masters self enrichment advice and imported their X Sperts from home and a yard who were coming here to show us how its done and restore fairness and impartiality and stop “corruption” They have done nothing but allowed crime and corruption to flourish and continue to take a serious hold by allowing their very own to do as they like and continue on their merry path to the detriment of Cayman. So much so that they have ignored their basic police duties and are now constantly blaming the public who they expect to do their jobs for them. Shame on us and our elected government for letting them get away with it. Remember Cayman they are to reflect the diversity of island not to arrest this sick piece of $#@% riding around who only helps justify their invitation to come here and remain here to continually fleecing or dwindling economy and resources.

    • Anonymous says:

      You have your own parliament. What are they doing? What are you doing come to that, apart from whingeing? Man up you big girls blouse!!

    • The Wookie says:

      Which days were these? Casting my mind back, there was no crime to deal with back in the day.

      Then crime took a leap forward and the need for cops could not be filled locally.
      The cops in place could not keep up with the workload as it gone above zero and the game of catchup started. Too many were running their own businesses to care, crime either went ignored or hidden away.

      So now the catchup game continues.

      Nice though. Using an emotive subject like this to pass your xenophobic message, repeatedly,

    • General Lomax says:

      Caymankind – that special welcome that is a subtle blend of hidden xenophobia with the warm waves of blame laid at everyone else’s feet.
      That old time mediocrity rebranded via the medium of poetic licence and constant whining.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I am sure lots of people know his name and where he lives, but just like the shootings and other crime that happen no one is brave enough to turn him in.

  13. Anonymous says:

    cameras are foolishness…can’t even make out plates on the sitting still cars…talk about low quality …my home security camera are better than these and only cost CI 700.

  14. Anonymous says:

    To those who think that sexual predators are the preserve of the U.S and UK, looks like you have a home grown problem all of your own. First schools, now a serial deviant cyclist, how many more sex crimes go unreported, like wife beaters, child abusers and known to victim rapists?
    Stop throwing stones when living in glass houses, scum knows no nationality.

  15. KC says:

    I see the CCTV are working well but still unable to identify or catch the criminal!

    • Anonymous says:

      From someone in the industry these cameras are not working well. The bit rate is set way to low which I assume is a) because of transmission troubles and b) on camera storage issues. Both of which are not acceptable per the bid documentation.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well surely the service provider should be sued. Unless the providing company’s beneficial owners had political connections, but that could not be the case in the whiter than white corruption free Cayman Islands.

        • Anonymous says:

          100% correct 1:31pm unfortunately this conversation always comes up in blogs and nothing is done about it. This particular company became pretty well off by government for the cctv…look at the state of the art building. CCTV’s all over the island yet none of them are worth s..t. XXXXXX An army of security at the CIG Building, half of them can’t speak english, yet Tara is constantly spewing “hire caymanians” yet the CIG Building speaks on what is being hired….

  16. Anonymous says:

    He is a male, of Jamaican origin (the hat) between the ages of 20 and 40, residing in West Bay, and was using a cell phone whilst cycling. Are you really going to tell me that you have not even bothered to ask the telephone cervice providers given you can determine the precise speed, location and time? Looks like a nice phone too.

    • Anonymous says:

      Assuming he is Jamaican from the hat he is wearing is the most absurd thing I have heard. Typical Caymanian head in the sand mentality.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am a Jamaican, and know one when I see one. Caymanians almost never wear woolen hats. Jamaicans often do. It is a cultural thing. Go hang out on a construction site if you do not believe me.

    • The Wookie says:

      Ok, so Let me guess, you have just finished a CSI box set or started watching dexter again?
      Do not be proud of your ignorance!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Pest today, sexual perp tomorrow. Someone turn this creep in!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      If he is doing this to complete strangers what is he like with young women or girls that he knows…if this man has sisters I bet they have already been tainted by this man/boy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hard to believe that mace and pepper spray are illegal because our women deserve to have some protection. If Estella Scott Roberts had some she may be alive today. Another basic human rights violation to ban one of the best self defense items in the world. People with clean police records should be allowed to buy it

        • Anonymous says:

          The wasp spray works real well. Shoots out a good stream. Hit the little f@#&ers in the eyes with that!

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think the word “pest” describes him. He is beyond an “annoying” person. Who the hell gives him the right to touch someone inappropriately? Please rename this deviant. Sexual predator? but certainly not a pest

      • Anonymous says:

        You are correct. Pest is an understatement. This is traumatic for some people but viewed as nothing by perverts.

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