Archive for April, 2015

$120M surplus budget set for May

$120M surplus budget set for May

| 01/04/2015 | 22 Comments

(CNS): Government is hoping to deliver its 2015/16 budget on Friday 8 May if the Annual Financial Plan meets with the UK’s approval. However, with $540 million budgeted for core government spending and an anticipated surplus of over $120 million, the premier was confident that he would get the nod from the foreign and Commonwealth […]

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Regulator approves growth in CORE power

Regulator approves growth in CORE power

| 01/04/2015 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): The Electricity Regulatory Authority has approved an extension in the capacity of the consumer-owned renewable energy generation programme, known as CORE by 1MW and extended the contracts to 25 years. The ERA and Caribbean Utilities Company said the growth of the programme, which allows CUC customers to feed renewable energy from private solar panels […]

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CNS Viewpoint: Theft is theft

| 01/04/2015 | 14 Comments

Nicky Watson writes: For many years successive governments of the Cayman Islands have been enabling people to fence stolen goods by giving them trade and business licences to do so. The property sold by such businesses may not be seen as stolen by the business owners or their customers but in the eyes of the […]

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