Mac seeks to expose conspiracy in LA
(CNS) Updated with video: The leader of the opposition is calling for a public enquiry into what he says was a conspiracy to oust him from office and change the political landscape of Cayman with false criminal allegations. But McKeeva Bush is planning to use the theatre of the LA to expose what he claims is the role of the current premier and other key figures in the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office conspiracy to see him removed from the premiership and charged.
Bush wants an independent public enquiry into what he says is undue political interference and is asking government to call on the UN and the EU to help. Speaking at a press conference at the LA Tuesday morning before filing the motion, he also questioned the validity of the last election and wants to see those he says deliberately caused his removal from office, including the police commissioner, the governor, the FCO and the current premier, held to account.
Check back to CNS shortly for more on this story.
This was a clear outright conspiracy against not only bush but the cayman people on a whole,the evidence was overbearingly clear in regards to it being so,only half justice was served and further justice should be sought,the former governer and many other caymainians in power should be held accountable for their actions
Someone in the background opened the door, signalling Mac to quit.
I have to laugh. The man runs to the UN for help like a spoilt child who doesn’t get his way. I wonder if he would be so keen to embrace everything that the UN had to offer if UN mandate 61/130 was heading this way?
Are there different grades of banana republic? If so, we have dropped a level by this just being aired to the world.
Diogenes stop drinking the koolaid and wake up and see what is happening in our country to us the people
Whether you like Mac or not the proof is there that our own caymanians including the UK conspired to bring him.down despite the voters of the country saying they wanted him as premier in 2009. Voters rights were violated and this behaviour has to stop or they will continue to damage our islands.
What voter rights were violated exactly? The voters do not elect the Premier – he lost the confidence of his fellow MLAs, all voted into office. I do not remember voters saying they wanted him as Premier at all – that was the consequence of his being the leader of the party that had the most elected MLAs in 2009 – we don’t elect the Premier here. And the fact that the UDP then didn’t win a majority in the subsequent election would rather suggest that the majority of electors were perfectly happy with him not being Premier. You cannot say its a conspiracy, or a voters rights have been breached, just because you don’t like the outcome of a perfectly democratic process.
Good for you mac with you 100 percent. These ppl hated you so much and wanted power that they did any and everything to ensure you lost in 2013. Nuff meetings happening tonight I bet. Lol
Mr Bush is in danger of sounding like some of these failed politicians of the past in other countries, blaming the fact that they have lost their charisma and support on some imagined enemy when it is their own irresponsible actions that have gotten them into trouble. Far better for him to sue “whomever” in the civil courts as he said he was going to do and let ALL sides have their say and let him be forced to answer questions he did not have to answer in the silly and ill advised criminal case.
Let the imagined enemy face the hordes of invisible body guards using free crockery as weapons. Another day in the annals of Absurdistan.
If there WAS a conspiracy to stop McCracker from delivering this country and our people to the gates of hell surely it was headed by God himself. Did we ever get all that money back from his church? Did we really recover all that money he illegally gambled out? surely there was a conspiracy in HIS favor that kept him out of jail for this? Has the current Government taken steps to ensure that the people of this country are not exposed to further episodes of this kind of blatant irresponsible lunacy? Thank God the PPM has managed to recover at least a portion of this country’s future that McClever gave to Dart? Can we please have another conspiracy to tek his current seat so we don’t have to continue paying him two pensions to continue destroying us forever???
If this latest tirade isn’t evidence that this man is completely off his rocker, then I don’t know what is.
Mac, why don’t you try doing some work instead of spouting BS which is what you seem to get paid to do by your Country.
If it wasn’t enough that you still think you have “down nothing wro….illegal”, as you said last night, this is the nail in your coffin. Because everything else you have done that has not been brought to light, will be laid out.
You do more damage than good, always have, always will, and you look like a complete moron doing so, but you seem to stupid to realize it.
The Country is till waiting on an apology from you, but you are quite content to carry on with your group of brainwashed idiots who wouldn’t know an apple from an orange unless you told them which was which.
Do yourself and this Country a favour and retire.
Bobo are you worried that Mr Bush is going to return aa premier in 2017?
AND what is ppm doing the same very thing you koolaid drinker. Ppm need tell the ppl when the dump going BT. Lol
At the same time Mac be sure to call for an enquiry into the ouster of Kurt which was engineered by yourself back in 2001.Perhaps we will find out exactly how much of a conspiracy was involved.Come on Mc Keeva ,you were ousted because you lost the confidence and support of your party members,due to the fact that you insisted on putting SELF b before country.You were asked to step down until the matters had been resolved ;which would have been the best for Cayman.Instead you chose to be selfish and therefore steps had to be taken to protect the interests of Caymanians ,and so you had to be forced out.Had you chosen to put Country before self,or process before your own progress ,you would not have have suffered the indignity of a “No confidence motion and vote”.
The fool is obviously you! Stop the bashing you hater and wake up to the reality of the situation.
There was nothing “Mad gone beyond the Thunderdome” when Mac was setting in the Court Box for months being wilfully accused of 11 counts of criminal offense! It is his day now; please leave our next Premiere.
Mac is the only one that stands up for us caymanians. All others just rollover and act as puppetts. Keep going Mac you on the right track.
Mac has always stood up for Mac. If you think he ever done anything for you, then you should think again. He be-esses Caymanians trying to get votes! It’s all about votes and money.
Still way way better than PPM..
Which Caymanians are those? The ones Mac added to the voter list in 2003?
Tings is gunna be arite bobo we can keep ya dream goin, put you up in old empty house in WB, comes with all the crack ya want and a free ticket to salvation.
Gotta love Mac, he know the right time to throw the punches. Alden must be nervous now. lol
@4:04pm 14/4/15 Looks like Mac is concerned that in spite of the shortcomings of PPM ,that he might still lose to them ,so he resorts to this charade.
He never lost to them, he lost scandal that is why it was created cause they couldnt ruin him and other how idiot.
Tings about to get INTERESTING! I just hope they can find jobs LMAO!
Mac, I thought that your politician/lawyer was going to sort this all out in Westminster when he got back there. Maybe he’s just a bag of hot air too.
What you did was wrong Mac, wrong in anybody’s books. No, you didn’t get convicted of breaking any law in Cayman but it was wrong to use OUR money for however short a period to to do what you did with it – gamble which IS illegal in Cayman.
I bet it has never crossed your mind to use that same LA to tell the people of this country that you are sorry for the way you behaved and the embarrassment you caused them. No, no; in your tiny mind, you have NEVER done anything wrong.
Well, having said all that, I hope you find something in the Standing Orders that will allow you to talk for 4days 4hrs and 44mins. And I hope that Sister Julie makes everyone of them members sit there and listen to you. Dah wah unna get – not one of you had the cahoonies to bring a motion chastising Mac for what he has done and sending his b___side home for 6months at least. No, shame on you all. You all couldn’t even make good class prefects let alone statesmen.
Watchin Carefully has a lot of “cahoonies” now. Where were you and your cahoonies when all of is was going on?
I have wondered ever since the court case why no one ever asked Mac where he got he $200,000 that he lost of his own money.D oes his salary and lifestyle really support that kind of play money?? Why also is this site so difficult to type on?
He should take it to the courts where he can earn some money if he wins the case. I believe that Michael Misick is now available to come and testify as a character witness for him.
He did use taxpayer money to gamble!! The fact a jury found this not to be technically illegal doesn’t make it right! I never hear an apology from Mac, instead he files a lawsuit! Sad….
In my 30 years in Cayman I have never heard an apology from either a politician or Caymanian work colleague in management who issued an apology that was worth anything.
Well I’m not going to the LA that day if Mac is going to expose himself.
I know there is a lot of measinng goes on there but this is getting out of hand.
If he does expose himself, he will merely confirm his shortcomings.
At this point he was found not guilty of any charges! We as the people do not need to waste any more money on issues like this. What we need is the MLAs to get their things together and work together in order to better our people and country. Stop the Politricks and start doing what you were elected (BY THE PEOPLE) to do!
Dogs will fly before your wish comes true. We the people should start with smaller doable things and stay away from the impossible.
Mad Mac, gone beyond the Thunderdome this time.
Go the Mac. They say you not educated but you sure make them look like idiots. West Bayer to the core.
He certainly has a way of making bigger itiots of idiots like you..
You are the idiot cause you cant even see what is goung in in your own country and it is right before your eyes. Stop drinking that red koolaid for a day snd you may be enlightened.
You have 12 idiots agreeing with you here compared to 109 folks with brains disagreeing with you. Tell gambling mac to take that to the polls. Start drinking that red kool aid and there is still the slightest chance you may become enlightened. Hell you may even grow yourself a brain.
He sure well educated by West bay standards.
Geez Mac, this is a very nasty can of worms you are threatening to release. I can’t wait to hear the other side being forced to justify their moves. This could get you kicked out of the Lodge for all time. May be a good thing as all this poison will kill the whole concept of the Lodge. Bring it on Mac, sooner rather than later preferably. A man who appoints himself as his own attorney is a fool indeed.
And he is absolutely correct,
How’s that fridge holding up?
You have to love the “democratic” elections here, in the UK a candidate is being investigating for giving away free sausage rolls. Here you can give people fridges, booze, give money to churches so the pastor tells his flock who to vote for or to put a big banner, or even put some free paving in. All paid for not by the UDP, but using the peoples money.
You left out using the people money to gamble.
Away and gamble your (sorry our) money away you fool.