Tag: Suzanne Bothwell

Petition in the hands of elections boss
(CNS): Campaigners behind the petition for a people-initiated referendum on the cruise berthing project in George Town delivered over 5,300 signatures (25%) of registered voters into the hands of Supervisor of Elections Wesley Howell on Wednesday. In a historic moment, the original document was taken to the Elections Office and a notarised copy was also […]

Court boss tells PAC situation is ‘dire’
(CNS): Court Administrator Suzanne Bothwell, appearing before the Public Accounts Committee Wednesday, told members that the situation at the court was dire. Called as a witness by the committee to talk about the qualifications for the audit of the judicial administration’s books, Bothwell was asked many questions about the management of the courts and the […]

CIG spends $1M to learn it can’t afford court
(CNS): The government has spent more than a $1 million over the last decade exploring the possibility of building a new courthouse, only to discover it can’t afford it. Court Administrator Suzanne Bothwell told Finance Committee last week that the much needed facility is still several years away, despite a long history of attempts to […]

Court appoints dedicated legal aid boss
(CNS): Decisions about who will receive legal aid for their court cases will now be decided by a new director. Formerly a senior associate with a local law firm and a legal aid attorney since 2004, Stacy Parke began her new job at Judicial Administration Monday. With a budget in excess of $2.6 million per […]

Election education to cost around $250k
(CNS): The first ever election in Cayman to be held under the system of ‘one man, one vote’ in single member constituencies is expected to cost around $1.5 million, considerably more than past elections due to the significant increase in personnel that will be required as well as the necessary public awareness campaign. Elections Supervisor […]

Court ruling raises questions for next election
(CNS): Elections officials say it is unlikely they will stop candidates from standing for election, even if questions are raised about their qualification, and that the onus will be on would-be politicians to ensure they meet the constitutional requirements. Since the chief justice’s ruling on the qualification of Tara Rivers in 2013 stood in sharp […]

Caymanian lawyer to become court boss
(CNS): Long time government lawyer, Suzanne Bothwell, has been appointed as court administrator designate and will replace teh current court administrator, Kevin McCormac, in June. Bothwell was appointed following an open recruitment process, in which she sat before a panel comprising Chief Justice Anthony Smellie, Deputy Governor Franz Manderson and Ingrid Pierce, Global Managing Partner at Walkers.