Tag: Mia Mottley

Methane deal made but tensions surround COP28

Methane deal made but tensions surround COP28

| 04/12/2023 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Major fossil fuel countries and companies reached a deal on Monday at the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai to significantly reduce methane leaks. The deal is significant and if implemented could prevent up 0.5°C of future climate heating. But despite this agreement, the phasing out of fossil fuel remains the main source of […]

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Mottley could headline CTO meeting in Cayman

Mottley could headline CTO meeting in Cayman

| 14/06/2022 | 21 Comments

(CNS): The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) will be holding its first major in-person conference since the COVID-19 pandemic in the Cayman Islands from 12-15 September and it is hoped that the widely popular and influential Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley will be a guest speaker.

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Premier in Barbados touting e-gov initiatives

Premier in Barbados touting e-gov initiatives

| 18/09/2018 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin spoke at the Central Bank Meets Blockchain Conference in Barbados today on what officials said was the “ongoing successes of the Cayman Islands in its continuing work to  improve e-government services and embrace digital technologies and industries”. McLaughlin joined a number of other speakers at the conference, including Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley. […]

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