Tag: Alien Species Regulations

Premier: Evidence shows TNR can’t solve cat threat

Premier: Evidence shows TNR can’t solve cat threat

| 12/02/2023 | 64 Comments

(CNS): Trap-neuter-release (TNR) programmes cannot address the overpopulation of feral cat colonies across the Cayman Islands, Premier Wayne Panton said, as he defended the rollout of the Alien Species Regulations and the introduction of control programmes aimed at saving Cayman’s threatened endemic and native species.

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Rules on invasive species ‘gross’, say animal activists

Rules on invasive species ‘gross’, say animal activists

| 07/02/2023 | 107 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Humane Society has called the new rules surrounding invasive species “gross” and “an unnecessary, disproportionate” response to the problem of feral animals and “a drastic regression for animal welfare”. As the public backlash continues against efforts to protect Cayman’s threatened endemic and native species, the non-profit organisation has claimed that none […]

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Chickens not the target of new conservation rules

Chickens not the target of new conservation rules

| 03/02/2023 | 122 Comments

(CNS): No one is going to jail for feeding animals in their own yards, even wild chickens, the Department of Environment has said. The regulations relating to the control of alien species come into force today, but over the last week social media has exploded with misinformation about the new rules, which have been drawn […]

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