Tag: Anti-Corruption Commission

Anti-corruption pledge becomes secret

Anti-corruption pledge becomes secret

| 12/04/2021 | 22 Comments

(CNS): Following the launch of the awareness campaign to highlight election corruption, aimed at keeping the 2021 elections clean and transparent, a key element of it has now become a secret. The General Election Against Corruption Today (ACT) Education Campaign included invitations to the 50 candidates to publicly sign a pledge to uphold standards while […]

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Candidates face growing requests for cash

Candidates face growing requests for cash

| 16/03/2021 | 47 Comments

(CNS): Alric Lindsay, an independent candidate for George Town South, told CNS he is seeing an acceleration in requests from voters for cash as he canvasses in his constituency and is worried that voters don’t understand that selling their vote is against the law because of the legacy of politicians who have been wiling to […]

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