Search begins for local election watchers

(CNS): The governor’s office has open a recruitment process to find people to act as Domestic Election Observers for the 2021 General Election. As reported recently on CNS, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK (CPA-UK) will not be sending independent observers to keep a watchful eye on this campaign and Election Day because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related travel disruptions.
While they will be conducting a virtual mission by remotely engaging with stakeholders, the reality is that elections need to be observed on the ground.
As a result, Governor Martyn Roper is spearheading the move to create a domestic observer mission of nine members, five of whom he will select while Premier Alden McLaughlinAlden McLaughlin (PPM): Red Bay MP, Premier, Minister of International Trade, Investment, Aviation and Maritime Affairs (MITIAMA). Biography: McLaughlin has been a member of the... and Opposition Leader Arden McLean will select two more each, even though the two men represent less than 25% of the field of 50 candidates.
These nine people will play a significant part in ensuring that the election campaign and the voting day itself are fair and conducted according to the law.
“On the ground election observation is important for public reassurance, including on election day,” Roper said in a short release asking for applicants to come forward. “This is an exceptional opportunity for anyone resident in the Cayman Islands to serve the community and help to ensure that the upcoming General Election has credible results and is conducted in a free and fair manner.
“We are looking for observers with diverse skills and experiences. They will need to observe the conduct of campaigning, polling and counting activities and then report objective findings, highlighting any areas for improvement,” he added.
Virtual training will be provided to the members selected.
Given the short time-frame, applicants are asked to submit CVs and a short cover letter describing their skills and experience to by 17 March.
Category: Election News
PPM stooges and Disciples need not apply PLEASE! We have large enough expatriate community that would and can help!