The value of your vote

| 14/02/2021

Johann Moxam writes: Your vote is worth between CI$600,000 and CI$950,000 plus pension and benefits to a Cayman politician. That’s the estimated total salary they earn during the four-year term. For that you should expect to see an improvement in your quality of life, cost of living, public education system, strategic management of the infrastructure, environmental protection of our natural resources and opportunities for Caymanians at all levels of society.

Therefore, when the incumbent politicians or their proxies offer to give you CI$100-200 or pay your electricity or water bill today, take it — it’s the only thing they will give you.

Understand they are using funds given to them by their owners and sponsors to fund their re-election campaigns. Just remember, that attempt to buy your support does nothing to improve your life tomorrow or in the medium- to long-term. But you have the power in the ballot box.

Vote for people and future policy-makers with a proven track record of integrity and ethics, people who know the difference between right and wrong and who believe in the principles of accountability and transparency.

Do not give your vote to the many career politicians and current politicians who have failed the country on fundamental issues, people who have sold out Cayman and been bought and paid for by their masters. Look at their track records — what they have done or failed to do over the last four years is on their report card. Those types of politicians must be held accountable. They will do whatever it takes to get re-elected because they desperately need a job.

Cayman deserves better.

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Category: Polls, Viewpoints & Analysis, Viewpoint & Analysis

Comments (41)

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  1. Anonymous says:


    • What happens if no candidate deserves a vote therefore people refuse to vote?

    • I don’t like either candidate. What should I do?

    • Anonymous says:

      how one can downvote a Question??

    • OMOV Distress Signal says:

      You have thus correctly identified the inherent failing of OMOV.

      If faced with the impossible choice of deciding between an imbecile or a lunatic, it is best to just stay home and fire up the bbq.

  2. Anon says:

    I would like think most people vote for the candidate they consider to have integrity and are competent. Unfortunately after every election, those elected change for the worse.

    I would like to see about 9 or 10 new MP’s this election.

    Having said that I only see 4 candidates I have any degree of confidence in. So if I vote, and I do not think my vote will make any difference to the results, I would be forced to back the devil I know. That is pretty much what 90% of the electorate are faced with.

  3. Candid says:

    Right on Johann!

    • Really getting down says:

      Really people: until Caymanians stop backbiting against each other and speak with a unified voice and take whatever action is neccesary to elect not one but a group of highly principled educated persons to parliament we are peeing in the wind. Moxam may be one good representative but what about the rest. Will he sacrifice his
      Principles and join the clan of or will he stand as a beacon of hope eternal. No disrespect to the man, but your one voice ain’t gonna change a farting ting Breda. We don’t know who if any he is allied with, and even at this stage there has been no declaration of standing by him. We need to know where his funding coming from who he is associated with in this e.ection, and not picking on him, this applies to all so called independents. Come on now if we are to make effective changes to the transparency mr Moxam so eloquently eschews it must also be shown by him and others now not later.

      • Johann Moxam says:

        Dear Really getting down

        I love the name and that song.

        I am confident that there will be a collective of candidates that are working together now and will work together if elected in the best interests of Cayman. Candidates that are structurally aligned on fundamental principles and a shared vision for the country.

        I have zero interests in joining the sinking ships of both parties that have proven they lost their way and forgotten they are elected all Caymanians not just a select few and special interests that finance their campaigns and own them.

        I will never embarrass myself, my family and our country. If I am successful in the 2021 elections. I am not interested in continuing the political games and self servicing actions or decisions to protect and secure the continuation of the status quo. These policies have accelerated the divisiveness within our communities where most Caymanians at all levels feel disrespected, unrepresented and have no voice.

        This is our home and we must develop robust plans, policies and laws that reflect the diversity and inclusion of our communities and our home. There must be ONE CAYMAN where the standards are clear and consistently applied across the board demonstrating respect for all. Always thinking about quality of life concerns and understanding Cayman belongs to all of us not just a select few.

        The lack of accountability, transparency and respect for the public and its intelligence is a major driver for the change in leadership Cayman needs now. If leadership cannot or will not and do not understand the differences between right vs wrong on the simple things and remember they work for all the people…how can they be trusted? We have seen them for who they are based on their actions. Cayman deserves better.

        If you are interested in a face to face chat please do not hesitate to contact me on 9260984.

        Best regards

        • Anonymous says:

          Mr. Moxam you have earned my respect over the years and you will have my vote. Thank you for stepping up to the challenge.

        • Really getting down says:

          Dear Johann, thank you for your reply. Really and truly and I’m ashamed to say it so but the reality as I see it today is that the numbers literally and figuratively are stacked against any meaningful overall change in his next election. You have been around long enough to know what travails in the political arena of our beloved islands. First it was the Merchant class back in the day and now it’s the New rich lpolitical locals and their entrenched Puppet Masters who will have have their sway. Honestly only a miracle can save us and I’m praying for one.

          We don’t have to meet I’ve had your number for years and quite frankly I don’t see the need to call you at this time. You find seven good men and women to be a force to vie for the Government and whether successful or not you all will find a hell of a lot of support from a large number of the people. Right now it’s all wish list as far as can be seen. Talk about what the people will see and feel if you and others take over the Government, talk about what our children can look forward to in an upgraded comprehensive environment, talk about, continuing education being made available , speak on measured increases to the minimum wage, the cost of healtth insurance, the cost of food, fuel etc; the insistent and persistent incursions to destroy us by external regulatory bodies etc, in short what HOPE do you and others bring to the majority of our local populace. I wish you well!

          Oh if you have really been down with our musical sounds you would know that really getting down is from lines of a Song written for Pirates week by a local Musician from North Side. Really oh really we really getting down. Rights of the lyrics respected. 💪

          • Anonymous says:

            Election campaigns are all about wish lists around the world. Cayman is no different. The actions taken or failed to be taken are the best examples of the persons leadership and management abilities

          • Johann Moxam says:

            Mr. Really getting down

            Every Caymanian must know that hit song by Mr. Mel McCoy…as I said before I love it. It’s a classic tune that defines pirates week!

            Keep the faith my brother.

            “We are the change we have been waiting for.” – Barack Obama

            All the best


        • Anonymous says:

          Your partner Pilar is Dart’s mouthpiece.

          You’re just another sod lining up for the trough.

        • Anonymous says:

          Johann this is not a one on one thing
          its about the Population of the Cayman Islands.
          So far you have only PREACHED what the others did not do right
          What is the MANIFESTO!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Any fool that thinks they are obligated to vote for the one handing out free money is indeed a fool.
    Johan is right. Take the hand out but ain’t nobody in that voting booth with you when you make the final decision.
    Just remember where the money came from and trust that it did NOT come from that pocket that handed it to you.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Being offered a bribe is a serious reportable crime. Accepting the bribe conjoins that recipient as an accomplice to the conspiracy. Rather than recommending our corruption-sieged people do the only right thing, and actually report the crime, Johann would suggest people entrench it further, expose themselves to reputation, employment, and criminal repercussions for one-month’s utilities money? How is that bad advice any different from the criminally tolerant status quo, that we already suffer under?

    • Anonymous says:

      Poor people and rich people will always take the money or political favor. Who turns away free money when they desperate? Vote buying will never stop until people including politicians are charged and convicted for the offense. Corruption and vote buying is systemic and Cayman’s reality.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Cayman needs people like Johann Moxam, Sammy Jackson, Alric Lindsay, Katherine Ebanks, Dr. Sydney Ebanks, Andre Ebanks, Bernie Bush, Chris Saunders working together to form a solid alliance that will work to represent all Caymanians and not sell out like the ppm or cdp

  7. Worried says:

    We hear ya Missa Moxam loud and c.ear. Now tell us where and when will we hear the “solutions” to the social and economic woes you have not spoken of. May I remind you sir, you have consistently decried the Government for not being transparent and for corruption, but regrettably short on solutions. Now will we hear something else before the elections please, your views are respected, sir, but we can’t afford to live on words alone anymore. So let’s have you !

    • Voter in GTN says:

      You don’t know Johann. He will give a compelling list of solutions to key issues. He is 100% smarter and more qualified than Joey Hew to represent GTN and Cayman

    • #VOTEMOXAM2021 says:

      Have no fear Mr. Moxam is coming to present a clear vision based on viable solutions. Joey has been elected for 8 years and done nothing to help Caymanians than sell out the country.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Searching, for Future Policy-Makers with Proven
    Track Record!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Johan you are a breath of fresh air to local politics

  10. Anonymous says:

    Well said. Vote someone who wants whats best for you and your country. Not someone who would sell it for a dollar. Education, cost of living and quality of living should be the top 3 priorities.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Five votes in my family are yours once you declare Yohan

  12. Anonymous says:

    I agree with Mr. Moxam 100%

  13. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone notice Joey is getting the entire Marbel Drive paved? Traffic stretching for miles while he uses our money to pave the street to his house and guarantee the folks in that area vote for him..

    These guys have gotten so proficient and blatant in their vote buying that they no longer have any shame and will actually promote that they are doing it for everyone to see.

    I vote in GTN and Joey has not as much as called, stopped by or written to me and if thinks that coming and paving streets at the end of his term is going to get me to vote for him, well, that ain’t happening! Period!!

  14. Election Time says:

    Isn’t spending other peoples’ money grand? Especially at election time


    “ This exercise shows that there are those in government who don’t want us to know what decisions are being made, and how our money is being spent. In fact, the FOI Act was amended to prevent certain disclosures which had the public’s interest as the basis for the requests.

    It is unimaginable that this would happen in a democracy. Except in the case of the interests of the security of the Cayman Islands or the United Kingdom, public safety or public order, there is no justification why full transparency should be withheld. Without transparency, back-room deals will become the norm and those who expose them will be continually targeted and discredited.”

    It is clear none of this unity government including MinistervHewccan be trusted to do the right thing. If they hide the facts or deliberately mislead us with misdirection and spin they must have reasons for such unscrupulous behavior. On the evidence presented, they are working for other special interests not the Cayman public. Thankfully, the general elections are around the corner. We must never forget their deeds, untruths, the seeds of mistrust and discontent they have sowed.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Moxam is to cheap to buy votes.
    Joey is dart’s boy holding all their dreams and developers financial support to flood rock hole, dog city eastern avenue areas with money! People need to vote Hew out for selling out this country

  17. New Voter says:

    Your time is now Johann. Good luck you have my vote and my support

  18. Anonymous says:

    Joey Hew and ppm days are numbered

  19. Anonymous says:

    When are you declaring we need a quality candidate in George Town North and George Town East?

    • Anonymous says:

      In Prospect too. I hope he runs and wins no matter the location. I don’t know him personally, but from what I’ve seen over the years, I give him a try and trust him to do right by Caymanians.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Real talk Moxam kill them with the facts

  21. Anonymous says:

    Politicians are playing with others money. Tek wha dem give and then vote dem out!!!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Mr. Moxam you hit the nail on the head

  23. Anonymous says:

    Johann Moxam for GTN

  24. Anonymous says:

    Joey Who is a joker. We have areal man in the race now.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Johan now is the your time we need real candidates that will fight for Caymanians and speak honestly about issues.

  26. Anonymous says:

    On point again Mr. Moxam

  27. Anonymous says:

    Amen brother. This is the cold hard truth
