Tara bows out of politics

| 24/02/2021
Cayman News Service
Minister Tara Rivers at Thursday’s press conference

(CNS): Tara Rivers, the current financial services minister and MP for West Bay South, has confirmed recent speculation that she is bowing out of politics and will not be seeking re-election on 14 April. In a live streamed social media event, she said she had never intended to be a career politician. However, she declined to say what was next, including whether or not she was joining Walkers or taking up the now vacant government position in London.

Although Rivers had campaigned and been elected as an independent in 2013 and again in 2017, she became a firm supporter of the PPM coalition. So much so that she remained silent over the last few months about Speaker McKeeva Bush retaining his job after his conviction for a violent assault on a woman.

She has faced heavy criticism for that silence, especially as she had campaigned against Bush vigorously in 2013, and had also promised she would do the right thing and not slavishly adhere to party politics. Rivers was also gender affairs minister.

Responding to questions from CNS about her silence, she still failed to condemn the actions of the speaker and hedged around the issue. Saying that there were times to remain silent, she maintained that her track record spoke for itself and she did not condone violence against women. But facing criticisms that she was elected to challenge the status quo but had ended up being part of it, she said she had learned many lessons and accepted there would always be critics.

Advising any new, young, independent female candidates who are seeking election this time around, as Rivers herself had been in 2013, she advised those who are elected to serve not to be afraid to do the right thing.

Rivers’ decision not to run deprives what Premier Alden McLaughlin said had been a certain seat for the coalition, according to polling. While noting his disappointment that Rivers is not running, he refused to confirm whether or not Andre Ebanks, who resigned early this year from his position as the government’s ‘man in the UK’ will be the ‘coalition’s man in WBS’.

Ebanks is expected to formally declare his intention to contest the seat in the next few days but it is not clear if he is going to run openly and directly on the Progressives’ ticket or as an independent who is willing to be part of the coalition campaign.

McLaughlin said that the PPM was talking to several people and stated that Rivers’ public announcement may trigger more talks.

Press Release – Rivers decides not to contest the 2021 Elections

See the announcement on Facebook here

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Category: Election News

Comments (55)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    She bowed out 7 years ago.
    I have never seen a more inept politician than this useless person.
    If she had just kept her mouth shut, she could have appeared as smart as Capt. Eugene.
    Tara Rivers will go down in history as the greatest failure of all time.
    Education…down the drain, Finance…down the drain.
    But…she is a Magic Circle lawyer…look it up. More globalist shit.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Securing us on not one, but two, international sanctions lists as Financial Minister, in her closing 6 months, I’d classify this as a flame-out rather than a bow-out. Pity this wasn’t done 4 years ago.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Alden doing his horse trading BEFORE the elections this time….

  4. Anonymous says:

    Is she now entitled to the severance package, or am i mistakenly understanding that it was for the unsuccessful candidates?

  5. Anonymous says:

    I am ashamed of the women who have served the last 2 terms. Tara, I am ashamed of you. And what kind of lawyer will you make- a spineless, weak one I suppose!

  6. Anonymous says:

    when you ‘hire’ elect a person willing to bend the Constitution for her own immediate gain should have been an indicator for West Bayers.

    Just because the woman is educated and confident means nothing if she’s not patriotic, independent and willing to fight for her people before other groups and political parties.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not patriotic enough to give up that other passport remember? Why are you surprised?

      • Anonymous says:

        Not at all, yet many turned from me when I spoke the truth about her obvious self interest. I was told ‘Tata will fight for us’, I was shocked so many really believed that. Supported Burns Rankine over her, at least he was helping young people in trade school as an electrician.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Tara, if you have the option, take your son and move to England for awhile. The move will be very good for both of you. Blessings always!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Tara jumps ship just as Cayman hits the Grey List again. A job well done.

  9. Anonymous says:

    do you think the supporter of women beating will claim her severance? Job poorly done girl.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Good riddance. After 8 years of pure BS and ass licking, it’s time you called it quits. Tara has been a useless politician. She stood for absolutely nothing.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  12. Anonymous says:

    You have to wonder wtf these coalition ppm members signed to all sit like a bunch of crabs in boiling water. Whatever they signed they made a deal with the devil aml- no backbone, no integrity, no shame. Alden you have to go- sitting there playing puppeteer. Makes me sick! All ppm and anyone aligning with them are A danger to democracy and the country

  13. Mangrove Killers wanted poster says:

    Poor old Tara did not get the Memo that Andre was returning from London to finish the demolition of Seven Mile Beach for the CHDG Crystal Harbour Domino Group mafia but it appears it has been delivered Houston we have lift off ! Cayman stop those Mangrove pirates from continuing their rampage against the remaining mangrove left in that area .The person who was responsible for the terrible destruction of the Safehaven mangrove you see has once again returned to his Old ways and along with his good friend Dart now intent in destroying the rest of the precious mangrove in the Yacht Club area.Cayman please protect our precious mangrove and environment.

    • Anonymous says:

      What’s Raul up to on West Bay Rd? I know you don’t need me to tell you…

  14. Double Six Club member says:

    Voting for ppm speech writer Andre is just the same as Tara one male stooge for the next more of the inept Alden They sure got big plans for the west bay corridor more over development With ANDRE the sellout Andre have you kiss the Ring of Don of Crystal Harbour Dominoes Mafia yet ! you had better get the ceremony going before they replace you old buddie

  15. SSM345 says:

    Now if only the rest of them could follow suit.

    That’s the most positive thing to come out of her mouth in the last 4yrs.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Lets now hope that Julie and Barbara follow suite.

  17. Gigs says:

    Mann I had a time listening to those questions Wendy wa firing after her yesterday. Wasn’t sure what was hotter – the questions or the ganja tea!

    Well done! Excellent journalism / reporting.

  18. Kman says:

    Thank God its over and you’ve been nothing short of a National disgrace, being a puppet on a string to Macuseless and Aldenclown. As someone who supported you and have known and grown up with you for over 35 years I’m seriously hoping you never run for office again. All the best on your future endeavors and you’d best be involved in community projects.

  19. Anonymous says:

    God Bless you Tara!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for your service to our country Tara. While the blood suckers rejoice and cajole always remember you served with integrity and always had the people at heart. Leave this blood sport with pride and always hold your head up. Those on the outside do not know the turmoil of being on the inside but I do. You can be proud despite the many negative comments. Sad that no one else seems willing to at least thank you for all you have done or tried to do. That is the thankless game we call politics!

    • Anonymous says:

      Supporting a wife beater makes her someone that served with integrity.

      Any respectful woman that voted for her last time wouldn’t have voted for her this time. I am sorry but she ran both times as an independent but she was never anything more than a ass licker for Alden and the PPM.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Hallelujah! Not a breadcrumb much less a single trail of progress for the common West Bayers left behind but now able to live the high life from the grand paychecks and pension of being a MLA.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Goodbye! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  23. Anonymous says:

    London here we go again…. though might work as the last two were time wasters …

  24. Let me get this straight, U would rather resign than stand up for own womankind! Hope that law firm salary covers the cost of having a spineless reputation.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I voted for some cab driver last time rather than vote for her. What a colossal waste of time, resources and voter faith her 8 year run was.

  26. Anonymous says:

    More appropriate headline. Tara does polling and learns she has no chance to win. Holds a BS press conference with all kinds of other reasons.

    BTW. Thanks for standing up for woman’s rights. Sure that will go over well with your future female work colleagues.

    • Anonymous says:

      Chile no one in the private sector cares about that – billables and bonuses

    • Time to drain the swamp says:

      Alden McKeeva Joey Austin David Barbara and Capt. Eugene should all do the same follow the indications of PPM polls and retire from politics. They have all been a wasted vote and waste of money for Caymanians that live outside the Salt Creek Crystal Harbour Vista Del Mar Camana Bay bubble. Time to drain the Cayman swamp

  27. Anonymous says:

    “ , she advised those who are elected to serve not to be afraid to do the right thing.” LOL. Really? What, like not be afraid to speak up about the fact that a drunken degenerate can beat up a woman and remain the speaker of the house because gutless politicians, including the Minister for Gender Affairs, do absolutely nothing? She is a disgrace and a hypocrite.

  28. Anonymous says:

    The only time CNS reactions are positive.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Honest people, come on! To be an MP is a right and a duty but it is also a job. If honest, qualified people do not apply for the job, we will always be paying the salaries of crooks and people who are not qualified. Enough is enough! We deserve better than MacBeater, moon man, hollering zealots, etc.

  30. Anonymous says:


    Thank you Jesus!!!!

  31. Anonymous says:

    They should all do the same! Two terms is enough, but it seems like some of them plan to be rolled out of Parliament on a stretcher, with a sheet over their face. You would swear they are the only people in Cayman that can amend laws or come up with new ones – kmt.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Well, praise Jesus! Best news all day!

    Mac and Alden please follow suit..

  33. Anonymous says:

    Good riddance.

  34. Anonymous says:

    How much “pension” is she entitled to after two terms? When does she collect?

    • Anonymous says:

      And don’t forget the 3 months “severance package” that they recently enacted! And this woman already has a job to go to. Doing well, really well.

    • Anonymous says:

      None its not an entitlement unless she has 3 terms. She doesnt need that $ where she is going.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Well, it can now be said that she HAS done something for Cayman!

    She’s smart and will do well elsewhere but she is not cut out for politics.

    • Anonymous says:

      She may be smart but clearly has no integrity. And I am not so sure about the smart bit. How the hell did we miss the EU deadline if she is so smart?

      • Anonymous says:

        To 6:29pm: I do not blame her personally for that missed deadline. I assume the task was delegated to a Chief Officer somewhere who fumbled the ball.

        • Anonymous says:

          When your whole financial industry is on the line, you don’t delegate, you own it and make sure it gets done.

          • Anonymous says:

            …and they did publish 5 or 6 reminders of the deadline that was fast approaching. They were posted as notices on the website and would have been emailed to all the subscribing ministers and cabinets as reminders. Against that backdrop it was jaw-dropping negligence to waste 3 full day LA sessions bashing Caymanian gay rights.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree on the integrity. Her silence on the McKeeva case is mind-blowing. She’s no dummy but she was in way over her head in politics….as Education minister and as Finance minister. When she goes back into private sector, she’ll be successful again.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is she though? Is she???

  36. Anonymous says:

    I wasn’t going to vote for her specifically because she was silent on Mck-eew-a
