NS challenger: Our future matters

(Press release): Justin Ebanks says that the theme ‘Cayman’s future matters’ is his driving force as he seeks the support of the people of North Side and engages in conversations with them to earn their trust and become their elected representative in the upcoming general elections. He says it will serve as his campaign slogan “to champion the people to capture the urgent issues at the district and national level so that together we can provide solutions to serve our children and the generations to follow”.
The fact that the elected members of Parliament have no term limits can lead to self or party interests over people and it is time for them to be voted out and replaced with candidates who not only have integrity, but the vision, energy and skills to work together for the people. On today’s global stage, what is leadership without cooperation?
Sustainable development and housing:
Last year’s brush with two tropical systems and the flooding that followed was a reminder of the vulnerabilities that exist in these islands. It also highlighted that lower income communities experienced more devastation due to improper planning and/or lack of financial resources to mitigate flooding risks and damage to homes and businesses.
We read how large corporate developments violate environmental regulations, subsequently gain planning permission after the fact and simply pay a fine. We must provide better oversight, protect our environment and not allow a short-term financial gain at the expense of future generations.
While we witness the explosion of developments and can say that it is creating jobs, we also need to ask “Who are we developing for?”
We also read that for the past several years there is a housing crisis for lower to middle income families. Government recently announced that the deficit at year end was less than expected due to stamp duty revenue from real estate sales. The majority of these properties were purchased by foreign nationals and corporations. This has increased the price of property and led to land scarcity adding to the housing crisis in the Cayman Islands.
What we build today needs to work for both present and future generations. With limited resources and mounting needs, it is crucial that development yields long-term development gains for all.
We need to build a better future for our communities. The time to plan this is now or never.
Inequality of incomes and education:
Ebanks says, “The most important focal point of my campaign will be to address how the income disparity has grown and the direct correlation to the failings of our current education system. The government has created a class system that prevents poorer people from investing in their education and provides opportunities to the rich.”
Foreign work permit holders are compelled to send their children to private schools and this forms a part of their benefit package upon hiring. These same permit holders end up being deemed essential employees and are afforded residency with rights to work and status. Their children can go on to tertiary education as funding is not a problem. While government grants scholarships, tuition expenses have risen and our children can’t afford to finance any shortfall and often times can’t qualify for a loan.
This segregation has also created social groups that link incomes. This in turn can impact job opportunities as the wealthier can use their social networks to exclude others from economic opportunities. We have all heard the saying “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” This saying holds true in the political arena as well. Justin Ebanks will be accountable to the people, will promote policies to provide opportunities for all social/income levels, and will ensure that our Caymanian children receive the best possible education to compete on a global platform.
Covid-19 also revealed this vulnerability and Caymanians have faced job loss, closed businesses and now the threat of losing their homes. They have been told to pivot to other jobs, however, many don’t have the education or skills to improve their employability. The introduction of trade schools is critical as it offers personal fulfillment, higher salary potential, and job stability. We talk about diversifying products to increase profitability in a business. The same can apply to training our people to learn multiple skill-sets, creating more personal income.
The issues outlined above do not cover all of the important national issues that will need discussion and addressing during the short campaign period.
Justin Ebanks is no stranger to the campaign trail and the people of North Side. He will be going door to door to listen to the constituents’ concerns and views on how Cayman’s Future Matters to them.
“The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people” – Woodrow Wilson.
Ebanks says, “I believe that the people of North Side will be better served with a candidate that is willing to work alongside all members of Parliament for our country. I believe that the district of North Side has been neglected due to a lack of cooperation. I pledge to represent you with honesty, integrity, and if elected, I will act in the best interest of the people.”
You can contact Justin via phone 916-4836 or send him an email ebanksjc@gmail.com. He would be happy to hear from you to work on solutions together.
CNS will publish verbatim press releases for candidates and parties or political groups announcing that they are running in the May 2021 General Election. Please submit to info@caymannewsservice.com
Subsequent press releases may be used to inform CNS articles in the usual way.
Category: Candidates
First things first, that glaring spelling error on Justin’s campaign signs! How embarrassing!
Vote 4 Jay jus Tin is a real joke XXX DebrA vote splitter Broderick need go sit down
You really should feel ashamed of your writing skills but I guess your illiteray reflects why you would support someone other than Justin or Debra. Get on an educated level please.
Jay is going to beat all yeh cause he gots the power and $$$$ behind him and now teamed up wid Issac to takedown the eastern Hegemony. We down with Jay from Day ONE!
Thanks. Now we know who in NS is PPM aligned.
Didn’t Justin run in the last election just to split votes? Didn’t Ezzard put him up to it? Sad.
Pure rubbish. The fact that comments are still coming in days later is great cause it shows that the competition is nervous. Say what you will. That is the excuse being circulated by Jay’s supporters cause he didn’t win. Will you have the same excuse if Justin wins? Justin we know better and stand behind your integrity.
It’s sad that you think that people run to split votes. Has it ever occured to you that people may just be sick and tired of community workers that can barely speak, let alone never be able to debate against Justin or Ezzard, want to run for politics! A community worker is NOT a politician. A brain should be required – not likeability and illiteracy.
justin is a new tool for the Elite and the Status quo who are now unhappy with Alden and his gang.
Did you even read Justin’s article? No you didn’t and you probably don’t know what the word elite means. He addressed the income disparities and spoke about more opportunities for the poor. Maybe you should look up the work elite before you post
Well – I would rather competence over ignorance.
Get “Just In” to tell you who”s backing him and then you will see the all too familiar pattern and the same old names. These folks own people and the candidates they support and sponsor are merely extension cords of their elite views and agenda’s.There lies the real problem why or political process cannot mature or advance and we end up back to square one every election.
Voter21 you claim to know he is getting backing so share it now. Hmmm just as we thought – silence. You made sense about the need to advance the political process but in order for that to happen you have to stop accepting the turkeys.
If the only choices in North Side are Justin, Jay, or Debra, I will vote for Justin any day.
Where has he been for the last four years. Never heard a word from him about all the things that he just woke up and noticed are in need of attention.
Better to do something late than to never do it at all. You are not a North Sider based on your comment or you are just bored and like to tear people’s efforts down. I wish we had a candidate like him running in West Bay
Mac Bush is his mentor. If that is what you want.
Justin pleeeease dont make me laugh you and Ezzard fallout or wha wasn’t your Mom once his campaign manager he was good enough then what happen to him now? you and Debra splitting votes that’s all. Vote for JAY the Real Mayor of Northside
North Side nit Northside.
If you are from Nor’Side, then it is Nor’Side, not NorTH Side.
Look at who is campaigning for him not a single one lives in the district Fishing buddies my A$$ How come we have never heard of him till now good intentions cannot get diddley squat in Georgetown.
Big J money. George Town not Georgetown.
Big J .. ..Getit right it is George Town not Georgetown. You must be foreign.
I’m from Nor’side and the correct word is Geo’gtown.
Seems illiterate of you ask me.
Seems like a great guy, but some incumbents that need to go still remain unchallenged. Ezzard is nowhere near perfect, but he’s arguably the best MP we currently have. I’m not saying to vote for Ezzard, and if I lived in NS, I’d probably vote for Justin too. But can someone else PLEASE run in WBW, GTN, GTE, GTC or either side of the Brac.
It’s refreshing to see this young candidate from Northside join the race. A candidate with policies to protect Cayman’s future! Justin Ebanks you have my vote!
Great intro Justin, don’t be caught unawares bredren, Hezzard full a tricks. Stand strong bredren These Islands need ypnot on
Y your thought process but your youthful vigor and commitment. You will succeed!
Seems you skipped English class in school because your grammar is pathetic.
10.58 Judging from the way you spell North Side I doubt that you are even from here so you probably can’t vote here either.
Justin made some excellent points. Look forward to hearing from him more.
North Side voters consider this – if big corporate can give candidates cash to buy votes by way of cash, turkeys etc do you really think that there isn’t a price tag that comes with it? If these candidates can be bought they are the sell outs too. Please vote to save this country against these self serving politicians. Justin I like what you are saying. Good luck!
Rumors in NS last election were that Justin was being paid by Dr. Tomlinson and his group to stay home and campaign.
I would not consider Dr. T “big cooperation” but if you are going to consider only candidates who don’t take money from the big boys to rum, then you are stuck with Ezzard Miller. FACT.
Vote Jay, at least you will get something back for your vote.
Justin ran in the last election so your information is wrong.
What does get something back even mean? You could not possibly think that Jay has any competence over Justin or Ezzard. Fact. Getting things is not what makes a good politician. A ctitical mindset for the strategic foresight of our economy is.
Very reputable and honest individual that would make NorthSiders proud
Sounds good – sensible guy to talk to.
Finally a candidate suggesting term limits. Finally a candidate who is willing to discuss the income disparities and provide solutions. It is refreshing that Justin is prepared to tackle tough issues that others shy away from in their quest to vote by.
Refreshing!! Intelligent , energetic and not too old as to be set in his own way. Wish you luck.