Second challenger for East End

| 19/02/2021
Cayman News Service
Isaac Douglas Rankine

(Press release): The Committee to elect Isaac Douglas Rankine has announced his candidacy to represent the district of East End in the upcoming 2021 General Elections. Rankine is running as an Independent candidate. He believes that it is time to put East End first, not party politics and personal interests.

“East End needs a representative that will put East End first. East End has always been about caring for your neighbour and having respect for others. However, our current representation is not about neighbours, serving the community nor about leadership. Our current representation has predominantly been about personal interests. As a district and community, we can do better — together,” said Rankine.

Commenting on why he was announcing his candidacy to represent the district of East End, Rankine stated, “I grew up in East End and was raised by my extended family, and by extension the community. I have seen what this district was and what it has become over the last 20 years. East End has an opportunity to change its representation and to make the lives of the people who live here better. That opportunity is now upon us and we need to be a community of action to bring about the much-needed change in our district and country. East End is looking for equal opportunities in order to participate in the prosperity that this country has to offer.”

Rankine is committed to working with the people of East End, and other like-minded representatives to form a government that will serve the people of East End and the Cayman Islands. Rankine will work to improve the quality of life for everyone, and that all share in the prosperity of the country.

“I have been active in the community for the last six years. I have listened to concerns from members of the community and worked to address community issues. I am aware that we need better roads and schools, better access to healthcare and affordable housing, and a lower cost of living. As the elected representative for East End, I will work hard to influence the government by taking a hands-on, feet-on-the-ground approach to address the issues we face in East End. I will listen to my constituents and take on the tough issues that will make a big difference in our everyday lives,” Rankine stated.

Only 26 votes separated Rankine from being elected in 2017, a gap he will work hard to exceed in the 2021 General Elections.

Election Day is Wednesday, 14 April 2021. You can learn more about Isaac Douglas Rankine and his campaign by visiting

About Isaac Douglas Rankine

Isaac Douglas Rankine was born to Isaac Jeralow Rankine and Rita Emelda Rankine. His grandfather was Burrell Dixon whose father was Captain George Dixon after whom the park in East End is named.

As a youngster, Isaac attended East End Primary School and then went on to Cayman Islands High School where he attained his high school diploma.

After completing high school Rankine worked for a year at the Cayman Islands Public Works Department, where he was a Surveyor’s Assistant. He then went on to work at Cable and Wireless in the Stores Department as an Assistant Shipping Clerk. He was promoted a year later to Shipping Clerk. Rankine later transferred to the Engineering Department dealing primarily with the business and banking sector.

He attended the Cable & Wireless (C&W) College in the United Kingdom and completed the B-TEC Technician National Diploma. Rankine also attended various industry related training and seminars in the areas of business and project management. Through hard work and dedication to his work and the furthering of his education, Rankine progressed through the company’s Business Unit from Technician to Technical Supervisor, and then into Customer Engineering Manager role.

In the late 1990s Rankine was transferred to the C&W Regional Office as the Technical Support Manager to International Account Managers. This transfer was at the request of a Senior leader in the company, who saw his work ethic and canning ability to resolve customer issues.

In 2003, Rankine left C&W with a few business colleagues and started Business Solutions Technologies Group Ltd, a telecommunication consulting and contracting company to the telecommunications industry in the Cayman Islands and the Caribbean region.

Shortly after starting his business, Hurricane Ivan hit the Cayman Islands causing nationwide destruction. Rankine’s company was instrumental in providing critical infrastructure restoration services to the country in the aftermath of the hurricane. In addition to his national emergency efforts, Rankine has also provided critical restoration services to other Caribbean islands. In 2017, Rankine assisted the British Virgin Islands and Dominica, after they both were devastated by two major hurricanes.

Rankine is the father of three children and has three grandchildren.

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Comments (7)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    He can’t even sort out his own affairs in his business PENSION/Insurance how he supposed to help sort out the country business.. Running to East End to live and do two lil things on the campaign trail does not make you the best man for the job. Arden still the best man for the job

  2. Anonymous says:

    Isaac is a great Alternative. I wish someone new would declare for Bodden Town West.

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Anonymous says:

    He will do well. Time for Harden to retire, he has done his time.

  5. Anonymous says:

    He has already won!

    East end has had enough of harden Arden.

  6. Anonymous says:

