EE challenger aligning with coalition

| 24/02/2021
Cayman News Service
The premier’s car outside Isaac Rankine’s house

(CNS): Isaac Rankine has become the first independent candidate who is challenging for a seat in the upcoming election to admit an alignment with the current government coalition. In a statement about a meeting this week with Premier Alden McLaughlin, the current leader of the PPM and an emerging coalition team, Rankine said that if he is elected, he has no intention of being in opposition. Spelling out the realities of running as a lone candidate, Rankine said he could not achieve anything on his own.

Issuing a statement in response to social media allegations that he was in a secret meeting with the PPM leader, Rankine said there was nothing secret about it. Stating his intention to be on the government bench come 15 April, he indicated the need to explore opportunities to caucus with it. Falling short of stating that he was joining the PPM-led coalition campaign, he made it clear he was willing to align with it.

“The purpose of the meeting was to explore the opportunity to enable
the district of East End to emerge from the political wilderness that we have been languishing in for the past 20 years,” he said. “I am contesting the upcoming elections as an independent candidate, but I recognize that alone I can achieve little for my beloved district. Anyone who doubts that needs only consider how little has been achieved over the past three terms.”

Criticising the failings of the current opposition leader and the district’s incumbent MP, Arden McLean, Rankine said that all East End had to show for his dozen years as the representative was a sea wall, covered fish shack, a Pirates Week shed and a small art building that the community has yet to get access to.

“Should I be elected, I do not intend to be a member of the opposition,” he said. “I am determined to be a member of the next government.”

Rankine said he would put personal feelings and pettiness aside and act in the constituents’ best interest to ensure they had a seat in the government caucus. “East End has had enough of opposition representation. It is time that the elected member from East End is again part of the government of these Islands.”

Responding to his statement, McLaughlin said Rankine was being very sensible as he recognised the only viable group running in this election is the coalition. However, he has still not said if McKeeva Bush and those who will be running alongside the member for West Bay West will also be on that platform.

Welcoming Rankine’s alignment, he said he was clearly distinguishing himself from McLean by his desire to be in government. “He is exploring how he can become a member of the next administration,” McLaughlin said, explaining why he was invited to the meeting. “The coalition is the only organised entity with the viability to form the next government,” he added.

Rankine achieved 41.5% of the vote at the last election to McLean’s 46%, making him a viable contender. But there is a third new candidate in the race who has never contested a seat in the district before.

McCleary Frederick, the former director of Hazard Management, is also running as an independent candidate. He recently told CNS that he, too, would like to declare who he would align with in any future government but that “most candidates are not willing to commit to any alliance with anyone at this stage”.

Having been a civil servant for many years, Frederick pointed out that he has not been in a position to develop any political alliances. But he said he was willing to work with anyone who has the best interests of the country and good governance at heart, and not “self promotion and special interest groups”.

Meanwhile, it is still not entirely clear who McLean is aligning with during the campaign, as the opposition throughout this administration has never been a cohesive entity and has been riven with division from the start. Even now, it appears that neither Chris Saunders nor Alva Suckoo will be campaigning on the same platform as McLean.

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Category: Election News

Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    What happens to Ezzard party and a promise of a candidate in every constituency.

  2. Anonymous says:

    “Rankine said that all East End had to show for his dozen years as the representative was a sea wall, covered fish shack, a Pirates Week shed and a small art building that the community has yet to get access to.”

    Is that really all Arden fault?? Think about it. East Enders are Caymanians too. Arden is not in charge of the govt money, but Alden and McKeeva are.

    Why did Alden and McKeeva not see it fit for East Enders to get more development in their district?

    Who was really being petty and childish by denying the good people of East End similar opportunities as the 3 hotels and 3 hospitals that GT got in 1 year?

    Who has really been starving the people of EE of opportunities? Looks like Alden to me.

    And Isaac wants to join somebody like Alden who has made it plain and obvious that he does not care what happens in East End.

    Well, East Enders will have to decide whether Arden is really to blame, or is it Alden.

    • Anonymous says:

      well guess that’s as good as any argument Isaac will need to stick with PPM and as a member he might something for East End, unlike Arden who just wants to be Premier. I would prefer to see Alden and McKeeva both reelected over all-talk-Arden.

    • Hafoo says:

      Simple,”OPOSITION” thats the cant get anything for Eastend,if you keep opposing everything that the Govt.does.Arden is blaming Alden,but he is not willing to work with him.(Too Bull Headed)diplomacy is needed at times.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Another useless waste of space! No no no!!!! No more sell outs! Thank you for outing yourself- you are a fool as well.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Advertising yourself for sale is not the best way to get elected.

    Believing that you must be aligned with Alden in order to win is even worse. Alden cannot guarantee a seat on the Government Bench to Isaac or anyone else. If he did he wouldn’t be sneaking around coddling these people like Isaac.

    We don’t want people who are looking to guarantee themselves one of the highest paying jobs. We need someone who says that no matter what side they end up on that they will be looking out for the best interest of this entire country.

    We need men and women who will stand up and be counted. Men and women who refuse to be bought and sold. Men and women who when the time comes will make the best decision not the politically expedient one..and lastly we don’t need any more women beaters or corrupt politicians..

  5. Anonymous says:

    Well Well Well another one bought by Alden.
    bad move Rankine. You just lost before even leaving the gate.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I do not know you Issac, but I like what I just read.

  7. Man from Blake’s says:

    One word a STOOGE people of East End please stick with what you know. All these promises look at the stooges as they line up.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Might as well leave Arden in.

  9. Anonymous says:

    All I can tell Isaac is that if you lay down with dogs, you will get up with fleas..

    I expected better but now I see these people are looking out for what is good for them not us. Offering Government seats as a treat to get someone on your side has long been something that was usually done after the election but like John John in Bodden Town using government money to treat one of his constituents and doing it blatantly by putting it on Government letterhead is mind blowing..

    If this type of corruption is beginning from now, imagine what they are going to be like when they get in.

    I am praying for a Turk & Caicos style location where there is a clean sweep of these corrupt politicians and all those that they entice to work for them.

    It would be nice to find a few statesmen not politicians who are bought and paid for even below the election.

    It’s sad because, some of these people like Isaac are basically advertising that they are for sale and what their price is.

    Cayman, we can and we must do better than this.

  10. Anonymous says:

    No doubt therefore McLeary must be on Ezzard’s side being a disciple of Donnie.

  11. It is very dishonest that a political candidate would not lay the blame on the PPM and Coalition government for not doing anything for Eastern Districts but try to blame the incumbent. Also, very insulting and arrogant to East End voters for the elected government to suggest the same lie and try to convince us that they have a “monopoly” on forming a goverment.

  12. Anonymous says:

    If that will get East End somewhere, then why not?! As opposition, Arden has not gotten much for that district in 12 years; all he does is froth at the mouth, stammer and holler while throwing barbs at McLaughlin, then expects government to cooperate and give him what he asked for. Cantankerous sexagenarian.

    • Democracy is about having a difference of opinion and respecting everyone! All voters should “expect” the ruling government to address their concerns regardless if you agree with them. Also, if we only vote for “district” concerns then we deserve a politician who is unable to address national concerns.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hardly news. He is quite literally running against the “leader” of the opposition. What else did you really expect? The people of East End are well aware (and desperately in need of actual representation).
