Road crossing request
Animaliberator writes: As a frequent road user, I noticed more of these fabulous yellow solar powered flashing road crossing indicators going up in various locations. Great! Love those things, keeps pedestrians a lot safer crossing busy roadways. However, several attempts to have one of these placed at the Humane Society has pretty much fallen on […]
Secularism in the Cayman Islands
Blue Iguana writes: Before offering my two cents on the matter, allow me to preface this viewpoint by making it clear that it is not my intent to alienate or assault those who hold religious beliefs in our community. The rationale presented in this piece is not being employed to promote an atheistic agenda. Rather, […]
Forgiveness after fatal crash
Angel Ebanks writes: I am Jordan’s mother. Thanks for all the supportive comments. I am in tears opening this post from CNS and finding out this way that a plea was finally entered and that after two and a half years, something is finally happening and that Jordan seems to have mattered to the RCIPS, […]
Growing Humans
MM writes: Dear Caymanian Parents, We need to do better. Yes, we need to do better, each and every one of us. It has nothing to do with whether we are already great parents or not; it does not matter if our children already display signs of being a well-molded citizen – there is always […]
LGBT rights are human rights
A CNS reader writes: The foreigner who makes the noise is acting like a voice for the LGBT Caymanian community who are intimidated by the bigotry shown here and have no (or little) voice themselves. There is a thriving LGBT community on Cayman which consists of both expats and plenty of Caymanians, who just get […]
Environmental claims and the George Town landfill
Anthony Akiwumi and Vaughan Carter write: The recent publication of a study from Italy entitled Morbidity and mortality of people who live close to municipal waste landfills: a multisite cohort study in the International Journal of Epidemiology (Mataloni et al, Int J Epidemiol (2016) 1-10) should bring into even sharper focus the dangers posed by […]
CUC responds to Viewpoint
CUC writes: We refer to the Viewpoint titled “The CORE Energy Issue”, which was carried on your news site on May 19, 2016. In this article the writer states: “As CORE output represented just a little over 1% of CUC’s general output from 2015, and any excess production would be a fraction of that, the […]
The CORE energy issue
A CNS reader writes: CUC recently announced, with the approval of the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA), the extension of the Consumer Owned Renewable Energy (CORE) programme. The 2MW expansion, to be split evenly between commercial and residential customers, carried an expected decrease in purchasing price, and also introduced a tiered structure reflecting the diminishing cost […]
The root cause of Cayman’s social problems
Anonymous writes: It is good that the premier understands that our crime problem is a social one. But I wonder if he realises that it is caused by our leaders inability to do maths. Unregulated capitalism has killed the dreams of our young people.
Controlling the cost of health insurance
George R. Ebanks writes: One of the areas that we face here in the Cayman Islands that is costly and is a real contributing factor in regards to our far too high cost of living is our mandatory health insurance cost. We need to urgently explore some common sense changes and start to think outside […]
Tamara Butler trial: mental illness
Dawn writes: I think this trial and verdict draws attention to the stigma that continues to be associated with mental illness and the comments made here continue to prove why persons with mental illness don’t seek help. I’ve known Tamara for over 20 years and I have always known her to be a meek and […]