Officials silent over plight of protesting woman

| 06/01/2022 | 49 Comments
Cayman News Service
Government Administration Building

(CNS): Concerns are mounting over a woman suffering mental health issues who has been protesting for months about what she believes is her mistreatment at the hands of local psychiatrists. However, officials have remained silent on how they intend to deal with her increasingly lewd public performances outside the Government Administration Building.

CNS has contacted the police, senior civil servants and the health ministry, but there has been no response on how the woman is to be assisted. Police officials said they were unable to comment but were aware of the concerns.

CNS has seen internal messages from government officials to the governor, who supervises the RCIPS, but it is not clear how the situation will be resolved.

The woman has been conducting a mixed and accusatory protest for several months, which began outside Government House on the West Bay Road. She has since moved her protest to the GAB on Elgin Avenue. But over the last few weeks her public displays have become sexualised and her mental distress more apparent.

Although police were seen talking with her outside the building again this morning, it appears the situation is far from resolved. Over the last few weeks, when police arrive the woman moves away, only to return hours later or on the following day.

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Category: Health, Mental Health

Comments (49)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    There is something seriously wrong when the governor has to intervene before the RCIPS will enforce the laws of the country. I would even suggest that there needs to be some accountability within the RCIPS for making this matter go on for so long.

    • Anonymous says:

      The RCIP have been an expensive scam for decades. They literally refuse to enforce laws. They will only do so when forced. Too many are unfit for their role.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This lady is apparently Jamaican (very strong patois accent), no job or family in Cayman and making herself a repeated public nuisance? Why is she still here? Is she one of McKeeva’s 2003 status holders?

    I wonder LB or Kirky were to go to Jamaica and protest in front of Devon House or Government HQ, what would happen to them??

    Send her back!!

    • Anonymous says:

      She has children here. Very intelligent children. Stop making up stuff.

      • Anonymous says:

        She is not from here and it is perfectly fair and reasonable to question how she came to be and remain here, especially given the law assumes that her remaining here not be permitted.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Apparently this lady’s typical protests in front of the Governor’s Residence that went on for many weeks were not illegal acts, and presumably her protesting in front of GAB is not illegal unless/until it violates legal limits of decency/lewdness; otherwise she should have been arrested and prosecuted long ago.

    Whatever the problems are, whether the only problem is she has ongoing mental illness or whether she has some other legitimate complaint that remains unresolved, she seems very determined to have her grievances heard. In all the noise and commotion probably most of us in the public don’t even really know what her grievances are. It’s all too easy for us to cast criticism on her or the authorities, but without the facts we really can’t fairly comment on this situation. No doubt it is very disturbing to those who witness it, and in a civilized community such as ours is, this sort of thing needs to be fairly and conclusively resolved.

    • Anonymous says:

      She is now being very lewd in hwr behaviour. Seriously! Something needs to be done. Make it be any other nationality they would have been escorted to the airport same time along with their status revoked.

  4. anon says:

    who said she has mental issues she knows exactly what she doing . she does her crap and then walks off calmly

  5. Anonymous says:

    Basically, the entire civil service, including senior leadership, witness this lady, walk around her to use another door, assume themselves and do nothing. Whoever is responsible for overseeing the mental health unit, budget and staff, and are witnessing and ignoring this lady (for days?), should be called into the boardroom and fired.

    Clearly we can’t trust people like that to know their responsibilities and competently allocate their own department resources.

    The press also bear a responsibility to challenge absurd status quos by querying Franz Manderson and Ministers on the portfolios of ritual apathy they oversee with our money. It’s unacceptable, and they far too comfortable.

    • Anonymous says:

      The DPP’s office had advised the police that Lovell was not committing a crime. Her behaviour has been lewd and people have expressed fear in approaching the front of the building. But the great lawyers at the DPP gave that advice.

      • Anonymous says:

        We have serious problems at the DPP and across the civil service. But that is not news. Just a tragic reflection of where two decades with no accountability gets us.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Where is she from? Maybe start with figuring out if she is here legally?

    • Anonymous says:

      That they almost NEVER do. For anyone. If they did a big portion of our problems would simply not exist.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why do we expect our Police to be mental health workers? We don’t call the electrician for a water leak. Send the responsible full-time mental health professionals to attend and do their job. Cuffs and Tasers won’t help this lady – who may in fact have a genuine grievance – has anyone asked?

  8. Anonymous says:

    She is beyond sickening!!!!!!!!! Her behavior was annoying from the start but has escalated to far past that! She’ll soon be dancing on the steps naked.

    If she can’t properly take care of herself and/or her family can’t/won’t properly take care of her, she needs to be placed on involuntary mental health hold until she can be stabilized. Many of our Caymanians have been placed in mental ward for far less bizarre behavior. Why is she allowed to continue with this on government property no less?!?

    Besides, she could always go to her home country where she’d be safely out of reach of the doctors “that tried to kill her”.

  9. Anonymous says:

    She needs to be locked up and put away. The public should not have to endure this constant ridiculousness. Can we deport her?

  10. G.T. says:

    Sigh … the lady is mental for crying out loud! She needs professional help – not the police! And not to be mocked, hated, or treated like a criminal! With such situations you need someone who has experience in dealing with her psychological make-up. It is shameful that an advance society like ours, have not resolved this situation by now! But of course … I am convinced the Panton government cares more about vaccines than people’s mental health. They don’t give a damn about people’s freedom of choice and health !!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ok so your comment up until the criticism of the Panton government and vaccines was valid. But it seems like many sickos out there qho cannot get past their issues, whether it’s the government or vaccines, you used this woman’s plight to try and score your points. Get mental help, you’re slightly better than this lady.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Why can’t the authorities Section 5 (or is it 6) her under the mental health law revision and put her in the mental ward?

    She will be there minimum of 72 hours for assessment. And every time she shows up at the Govt Admin Building, section 5 her again.

    I bet that happens a few times, she will start to realize that she rather be free than holed up in the mental ward every couple weeks for days at a time.

    CNS: You cannot punish people out of mental health issues.

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS – you cannot punish someone for their mental health, but they can certainly be deprived of their liberty, kept away from others, treated, and if appropriate, deported.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah it’s probably standard practice in the UK. Remember they offered Jamaica to build them a prison to house the deported from the UK.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Has anyone listened to her or engaged her in why/what she is protesting? Or has she just been written off as having mental health issues, therefore whatever she has to say cannot be believed?

  13. Anonymous says:

    I can’t blame the Police for this at all. She needs to actually break a law for them to lawfully arrest her.

    Then, when they have done so in the past, no charges come about because typically (in fact it is almost always) the prosecutions department will say it is not in the public interest to criminally charge people who have mental health issues so she walks free and it is all for not because she goes right back to the Governor’s House or the Administration building and starts right back up with her foolishness.

    So what are the Police to do? They are really between a rock and a hard place with her.

    Even if they arrest her under the mental health act, she will be back out again in a matter of days, if not hours. It’s only a temporary, short-term solution to a long term problem.

    The Government needs far more resources to house and treat those with serious mental health issues. The big picture needs to be thought of in this situation. Not a band aid solution.

    • Anonymous says:

      A mental health issue is “foolishness”? Hmmm. I see part of the national problem.

      • Anonymous says:

        Her gyrating and shaking her scantily clad booty on the steps of the Government Admin building is most definitely foolishness.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I too feel bad for her as she for sure has mental issues. But i sometimes wonder what they would have done her in her home land for doing this sort of “protest”. We are too concerned with protecting others “rights” at the expense of MANY locals feeling disrespected and embarrassed. There has to be some sort of humane and civil way to deal with this without having her get rich off of this fiasco.

    • Anonymous says:

      06 @ 6:26pm – You’re right to wonder about her treatment in her homeland, which btw is where? I’ve wondered where is her family, who should be responsible?

    • Anonymous says:

      How is she getting rich off of this fiasco?

  15. Anonymous says:

    I feel bad for her, but she is also a public nuisance. She is a frequent flier at retailers on Cardinal Ave, where I work. It takes our staff a lot of time to deal with her politely, whilst trying to get her out of our store. I hope she gets the help she needs.

  16. Earmuffer says:

    This is bit like the man on Walkers Rd who has been preaching,(but more akin to raving) over amplifiers from dawn to dusk and later, much to the annoyance of neighbours within a half mile radius. He has been doing this for 25 years or more and despite regular complaints the police have been unable to stop him.
    Why can’t the Commissioner arrange for him to be issued with an ASBO which will put a stop to this very antisocial behaviour?.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is not that the police are unable. They are unwilling. Big difference.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because we don’t have ASBO legislation?

    • Anonymous says:

      Rolando been doing that since I came here in the late 1960s.

      I say let him preach.

      Nothing compared to that shit music that is blasted from speakers throughout that whole area.

      • Anonymous says:

        5:11 I’m not against him preaching per se but doing so over a loudspeaker is just plain inconsiderate to other people. Plus he does so multiple times of the day and on weekends. There is no let up which is unfair to others. Any form of loud consistent noise is a nuisance to the public be it music or talking into a microphone day and night.

    • Anonymous says:

      Earmuffer I feel you’re a pain… I live on Walker’s road and can hear this man yowling through the microphone day and night. It really is a public nuisance. When you come home from work and just want to quietly sit in your back garden and unwind and relax you can’t because of this noise. We have called the police innumerable times (as he is a disturber of the peace) but nothing comes of it. They turn up and he simply turns everything off and refuses to answer the door. If he has mental issues I can sympathize but something needs to happen as he can’t keep on ruining everyone else’s peace.

    • Anonymous says:

      He is preaching been doing this for 50

  17. Anonymous says:

    Hide it under the rug Victorian mentality towards the mentally ill still exists. There aren’t enough doctors specialized within the ranks of HSA, just legal drug pushers. Very sad for such a seemingly idillic place.

    • Anonymous says:

      You said it. Too many people have told me that the HSA’s idea of dealing with mental health patients is “doping” them up with pills.

  18. Really... says:

    So you are happy for your children to witness her lewd acts?

  19. Anonymous says:

    Bless her. There are more than enough doctors and facilities which are always been showcased and not one to help her.

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