Heavy machinery falls off trailer

| 20/12/2021 | 49 Comments
Heavy equipment accident at Grand Harbour

(CNS): Friday’s usual traffic chaos was compounded early Friday afternoon when a piece of heavy equipment fell of its trailer at Grand Harbour, blocking the road. Fortunately, no one was hurt when the digger tipped off the truck it was being transported on as the driver navigated the roundabout heading east. But the police had to close the roads around the area in order to remove the piece of machinery, causing evening more tailbacks than usual.

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Category: Local News

Comments (49)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    These things are dangerous AF. Not one cop cares as they speed by

  2. n says:

    Police should really do a better job of enforcing safety related laws with the abundance of heavy equipment on our roads! There are far more safety road related issues (speed, non secured loads, overloaded trucks, improper lights etc.) than only tinted windows.

    • Anonymous says:

      They usually wait until someone gets killed, and that is when the police may finally act. They would much rather go for the low hanging fruits.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Cracking down on these heavy equipment drivers is long overdue!! You can always tell when one fresh off the plane is coming with the use of the engine break while shifting up and down. Look at me in mi big rig!! Me big man now!!
    Besides the excessive speeds, engine break use, over full loads, insecure loads and any lack of training I have seen these guys drinking Heineken while driving in the morning, day and night and smoking weed while driving. They are the lowest form on these roads!!

    • Anonymous says:

      nothing will ever be done as developers rule the country and all this is needed to plow down the mangroves.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The roundabout at Hurleys is a nightmare, especially now with the lane-dividing “canes” installed! More accidents waiting to happen there!

  5. Anon says:

    Every morning about 6.10am a dump truck with no headlights drives along this stretch in the pitch black. He has his hazards on and that is it. How can this vehicle (and many others) not have been stopped by the RCIP?
    It would be prime time for the Gov to make some money for all of the traffic violations happening along this stretch early.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Imagine if someone was walking or cycling on the outside lane at the time – crushed to death. Imagine if it toppled in a lane and a car next to it – crushed to death.

    Complete fools driving heavy equipment on our roads. We all see this recklessness daily!

  7. Hancock says:

    The sign says Gave Way and I guess it did.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Speed, centrifugal force and high center of gravity. The driver was obviously lacking some physics.

    • Anonymous says:

      You must be a comedian, these drivers are just cowboys racing around our roads without any consideration of the other road users. The annoying thing is the police seem to just turn a blind eye to it and then our politicians give us a lot of lip service on what they are going to do about the wildness on our roads. Where are Roy & Alden now?

    • Anonymous says:

      Now he has empirical data….lol.

    • Anonymous says:

      @12:19 would say he is lacking a brain.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lacking understanding. No shortage on physics.

  9. Port with LEMON says:

    I pass the G.T. port several times a day and each day it seems the dump trucks are loaded even higher than before, heaped way over the sides of the truck. I thought there were limits on the loads they can carry using a weighbridge but this cannot be happening.
    I suggest the Human Resources lady who is now “Port Director” addresses this issue as it affects the safety of all road users.

  10. Anonymous says:

    That roundabout will ultimately be the death of many.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why is the roundabout at fault? Driving round at 25mph works fine. Improper driving is the cause of problems.

  11. Anonymous says:

    These drivers of the various trucks need to be held more accountable for what they are doing. Many times you have improperly loaded dump trucks and equipment trailers just racing around and it seems the well funded police just turn a blind eye. You have these old dump trucks with some strapping the tailgate from coming open dripping dirty fluid onto to vehicles behind it; best one is those trucks hauling old metal from the dump with a piece of plywood and a strap holding it in place. That is a clear safety & road hazard but nothing is done yet the police get more money? Sure seems like things are not being taken care of or perhaps their is a double standard of who gets away with what around Cayman.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Did this driver pass a test or get his license illegally?

    • Anonymous says:

      Driver, or loading team, or supervisor, are they all the same person?

    • Anonymous says:

      where was the driver from?
      been saying it for years …rcips should monitor nationalites of all people involved in road accidents

  13. Anonymous says:

    Taking the ā€œyeah monā€ attitude to safety measures can have deadly results. Thankfully, no one was killed this time around. The person responsible for securing the equipment should have his license suspended until he completes a series of safety courses.

    • ThIs WrItInG Is VeRy IrRiTaTiNg says:

      Obviously it was not secured to the trailer at all or the truck and trailer would have flipped too. Just because something is heavy doesn’t mean you don’t have to secure it on a trailer or in the back of a truck.

    • Anonymous says:

      This driver and the owner of the vehicle need to be held responsible plus be made to pay all the associated costs involved; including any police or fire responders that had to attend because this incident is not a fault of the tax paying public so why should we have to foot the bill for their incompetence. Seems like this ties into the poor driving and lack of respect for our road laws that our elected representatives were just talking about in the LA or will it be another case of talk but no action?

      • Anonymous says:

        And all those over-filled unsecorded load third-hand dump trucks to race around moving the illegally quarried aggregate. Compounding failure is the prevailing construction industry standard. They jack break right past the disengaged RCIPS.

        • Anonymous says:

          Maybe it is a cultural thing?

          • Anonymous says:

            Yup. Cayman Culture. Look in a mirror, you elect clowns, you don’t force laws to be enforced. Stop making excuses for Cayman Incompetence.

            • Anonymous says:

              These drivers are most usually not Caymanian. The police are most usually not Caymanian. The legal department lawyers are most usually not Caymanian. The judges are most usually not Caymanian.

              Cayman Culture, and Cayman Competences, appear little to do with what is happening.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I am off island. What are they building that is so ugly? Aura something….Either low income dorms or future quarantine facilities?

    • Anonymous says:

      More over priced NCB crapā€¦.. way over priced if you ask me.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its a high priced Round-About viewing gallery.” The Views are impeccable , Amazing ” …….

      • Anonymous says:

        Never been a better time to crash.

      • Anonymous says:

        I have just noticed that roundabout is so close to this, I assume, residential building that, light and noise pollution, toxic fumes will be affecting its residents 24×7. Mind boggling how this got an approval from all the departments and agencies that guard peopleā€™s health, life and enjoyment of living.
        Are they going to install bollards to create a protective perimeter? How noise, light pollution and toxicity will be mitigated? I doubt anyone will be able to get restful night sleep in this building.

      • Anonymous says:

        Breathing in some fresh exhaust fumes in the morning makes it so worth the price. What a lovely place to live. Those that bought should look up and give thanks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just another set of assets for the international community to stash some cash. They pay top dollar for that because the real purpose is to park that cash away from their home country.

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