Intruder sexually assaults woman in home

| 09/08/2021 | 30 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): A woman was indecently assaulted at her home in the Silver Oaks residential complex on Crewe Road, George Town, around 10pm on Thursday night, police revealed on Monday. Five days after the fact, police are encouraging anyone who may have seen the intruder to contact detectives. According to the RCIPS, the woman heard noises in her apartment and was then attacked by an unknown man.

A physical altercation ensued and the victim was injured and indecently assaulted. She managed to escape the attacker, flee the residence and seek help from a neighbour. She then attended hospital, where she was treated for injuries

Police suggested the man was a burglar but did not indicate if anything was stolen and no description of the man has been given.

Anyone who may have seen the suspect or have any information related to this incident is asked to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222.

Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS on 949-7777, or the RCIPS website.

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Comments (30)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I don’t see this article on the CNS Facebook page or any other news sites for that matter. This whole thing is highly concerning. The intrusion/assault, how it was handled, and the lack of publicity is really worrying. Thanks to CNS for airing the news but it should be more publicized overall.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What has been done to provide citizens with the ability to protect themselves and their family members in their homes?

    It is clear to see how the police have ramped up their own ability to protect themselves from violent criminals, however, I don’t see what changes have been made to allow citizens to increase their own protection from violent criminals.

    The police typically show up after the fact and respond to incidents of violent crime. What is needs is for individual law abiding citizens to be given access to the tools needed to protect themselves.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sorry to say this people, but you need to prepare yourselves to deal with intruders. They aren’t going away and the police are USELESS.

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    Too bad she wasn’t able to exterminate the useless thug and call the cops to drag his body away. No need for assistance from the public that way.

  6. Political Slut says:

    Remember what baines said the “police service must reflect the diversity of the community” I hear we still paying out his contract! We have gotten the police they wanted and now we are paying the price in so many ways. We can deport and take status from people who took pictures of patients in a Chiropractor office but cannot deport child molesters rapist murderers and robbers and drug traffickers because they have the right to family life???

  7. Anonymous says:

    Where is the description of the attacker? How are we supposed to assist in his apprehension or be on the look out if we have no idea what to look for?

  8. Anonymous says:

    5 Days!!, has the RCIPS not heard of Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook. Lets move into the 21st Century.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I am an owner and also reside in this complex (Silver Oaks) and had to hear a neighbor that was sexually assaulted in her home this way instead of the Police, let alone the Strata (BCQS), is such a shame. I hears from another neighbor that it was a break-in so I assume they thought the police cars and ambulance on Thursday night was for the “break-in”. For the Police and Strata to not warn the owners and residents of Silver Oaks is horrible.

    To my neighbor I am so sorry this happened to you but also proud of you for fighting off that P_ _ _ _ k and running for help xoxo.

    • Anonymous says:

      Change property managers. The current managers look at managing your complex more as a bother compared to the larger complexes they manage. Every time I have to deal with them it feels more like I am begging for a favour and not paying for a service. Certain individuals there are very disrespectful.

    • Anonymous says:

      tried commenting to agree that you should change that property manager also!

  10. Anonymous says:

    5 days AFTER a woman is sexually assaulted is when the RCIP asks for help? Our police force is pathetic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Worse than. Cayman has to stop hiring Lodge in top positions. They drink themselves silly and expect to lead by example.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if the lady is able to provide a sketch of what her assailant looks like. The community is willing to help apprehend him, but we need something to work with.

  12. Anonymous says:

    It’s very dangerous in Cayman, not what I was expecting nor the dream sold online.
    Stay Safe folks

    • Anon. says:

      We have our problems here yes, but “very dangerous” Cayman is not. How dangerous is Cayman compared to the place you came here from?

      • Be careful where you look at as that is where you end up... says:

        It is actually pretty freakin dangerous.

        Let’s not look at Jamaica or Honduras. With our economy and budget we should be looking at Switzerland and Singapore, or at least a place like Germany or Canada.

        • Anonymous says:

          But we keep importing people from Jamaica and Honduras.

          Step 1 – get a job in police, public works or prison and come to Cayman.

          Step 2 – bring spouse and children on government contract.

          Step 3 – have government provide for free education and healthcare for children.

          Step 4 – get status.

          Step 5 – have a couple of children with someone other than your wife.

          Step 6 – open company and bring in Brother/Cousin/Aunt on work permit

          Step 6 – refer Brother/Cousin/Aunt to Step 1.


        • Anon. says:

          at 10/08/2021 at 1:10 pm, You’re wrong. Cayman is not “pretty freakin dangerous”. The majority of crimes committed here are crimes of opportunity. Assaults of this nature are rare. Residents of Cayman don’t feel unsafe in our own homes. We don’t have to worry about random acts of violence when we leave our homes. We don’t have to worry about work place shootings, or school shootings, or being shot to death over a parking space at the supermarket. Your fellow residents here are more likely to offer you a helping hand, than to stick a gun in your face and demand money.

          Granted, the people responsible for our public safety need to do a better job of rounding up, prosecuting and punishing the offenders. But my family is far safer here in the Cayman Islands than they would be in most other nations on earth.

        • Anonymous says:

          If you think Cayman is pretty freakin dangerous, I’m sorry but you are delusional. I moved here over 30 years ago and while a lot has changed, it is not “very dangerous”. It is very unfortunate that this incident took place and there are definitely places and areas to avoid at certain times but generally speaking we have quite a safe life here in many regards.

          • Anonymous says:

            2 mass shootings in a week makes things pretty dangerous. A couple home invasions lately. I’ve always loved the place, but things look pretty shaky right about now.

            • Neighbor to the South says:

              Things look shaky? How “shaky” is living in ‘Merika right now? Tell you what, I’d rather alive in the Cayman Islands, where it is not only possible but very likely that we’ll sort out our occasional acts of violent crime, than to live in the US, where workplace violence is such an everyday occurrence, that their very political leaders have turned a blind eye to acts of violence committed in THEIR VERY OWN WORKPLACE!

              • Anonymous says:

                10:55 I’ve lived my whole life in the US and have Never experienced workplace violence of any kind.

  13. Concerned Citizen says:


  14. Anonymous says:

    5 days? WTF

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