National vaccine rate stalls at 64%

| 06/07/2021 | 188 Comments

(CNS): Just 232 people had their first COVID-19 vaccination over the weekend, according to the latest figures from public health officials, which has barely moved the national coverage rate since Friday. The rate for first doses remained at 68% on Tuesday, with still only 64% having completed the two-dose course. Cayman remains several thousand doses away from getting to around 75% of the country fully vaccinated in order to safely open the borders.

Although the government launched a new campaign to urge people to get the shot and take the country “one step closer” to the opening of the border, so far it is having little impact.

Meanwhile, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee reported that 685 COVID-19 test were carried out since Friday and one traveller has tested positive. There are just four active cases of the virus among 1,137 people in isolation, with just one person in hospital still suffering symptoms.

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Comments (188)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I say open the field hospital, crank up the ventilators and let the process of natural selection begin. Everyone has had the the opportunity to get the vaccine so let’s open the borders and let the chips fall where they may.

    Those that have been responsible canc no longer be held captive by the anti-vaxxers, religious fanatics and conspiracy theorists. It’s time to move on Cayman. It’s time to get tough. Begging and pleading with stupid people who will not get the vaccine anyway is wasting our time.

    • Anonymous says:

      Condescending comments posted by not very bright people. Tact and diplomacy, sadly, not taught in schools.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Open up the borders to at the very least HSA vaccinated Caymanians! A lot of us have business. To attend to overseas. Grow a pair.

  3. Anonymous says:

    No excuse anymore for a vaccine-eligible person (medically able) to not have the vaccine.

    Panton’s powder-puff “leadership” is not helping. A big disappointment so far ( and I voted for him). He seems intent on holding together his fragile coalition rather than leading from the front.

    Panton should be upfront a few times a week discussing this with hard parameters.

  4. Say it like it is. says:

    The UK is running short of vaccine due to the Delta variant ( 32548 new cases yesterday) whilst we stockpile ours and nobody wants them – we even have another shipment arriving on the next BA flight. Only in Cayman.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Would it not be more cost effective to just reopen the field hospital for unvaccinated covid patients should need be rather than have businesses suffer and continue to pay the stipend. Everyone has had access to the vaccine and made their choice.

    • Anonymous says:

      After August, no stipend should be paid to anyone who is not vaccinated, without demonstrable medical reason.

      Hotels need to be required to ensure all their staff are vaccinated as a condition of reopening.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thanks General Mao. After the no stipend move and the vaccination rate doesn’t increase to the amount you like, then what’s the next proposal? Do we ship the people who don’t do what you want to some re-education camp? I mean, why not, right? Your intent is to make people who don’t agree with the way you want to do things, suffer so that they make the ‘right’ choice.

        I mean, why stop at vaccinations after that.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s Chairman Mao, not General Mao

          Perhaps they could be given the option of vaccination or weekly covid tests.

      • Anonymous says:

        How can you downvote this?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Here is the solution. You do not have to get the jabs but if you choose to not get them for free then you must must acquire special insurance that will cover the cost of any treatment you might receive if you are infected by Covid, Those how receive the free jab should not help cover the cost of treatment for those who choose not to. This would be above and beyond normal insurance, hence not affecting insurance rate for those who are vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is a great idea and should also be considered for smokers, drinkers, those who don’t work out, and those with unhealthy eating habits.

      Let’s have a tiered insurance system that rewards healthy life choices.

    • Really... says:

      Why stop there? How about penalising people for crossing the road in case they get hit by a car? Or fining parents with genetic issues that they pass on to their offspring? There’s no end of things that people do voluntarily that can be considered by people like you as unacceptable. Just understand this: no one is perfect!

      • Anonymous says:

        Because the decisions by the minority (anti vaxxers) are affecting the majority. We wait while the cowards afraid of a needle need a free burger.

        Allow American and United etc to fly here so residents can travel. So f…..n frustrating that I can’t buy an inward or outward flight this summer.

  7. Anonymous says:

    It was intended for all borders to be closed.

  8. Jim Johnson says:

    Set an opening date, in a months time. Everyone has access to get the vaccine if they want, and if they don’t want it, that’s their choice.

    Also, stock up on repurposed drugs like Ivermectin, that can treat Covid for people who are vaccinated and in the very unlikely situation get it, or for those who are unvaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, Niacin is the real treatment…infact, the vaccines are using poor versions of niacin…you can’t patent niacin (its naturally occuring)

      Google it. IVM works in small doses but you dont want to be risking heavy dosage. Hydroxy is for later in the day. But niacin, that’s the one they try to censor for some reason…

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh gosh here we go with the horse medicine again..Just get vaccinated people..over 3 billion worldwide have been vaccinated. Are you thinking that you are saving ourselves for when we all grow horns, or magnetized and chipped or worst all 3 Billion of us die and you can repopulate the world?

        When will common sense prevail? ugh!

        • Anonymous says:

          185M out of 7B tested positive. 4M died. Do the math.

          Death cases significantly decreased over time for new successful treatments were implemented.

        • Anonymous says:

          Even advocates of Ivermectin admit the vaccine is the better alternative. It may be effective for low income countries with little health care services but for us? The vaccine is the clear cut winner vs natural infection with Ivermectin.

        • Jim Johnson says:

          Actually Ivermectin has proven to be effective in some poorer countries who don’t have a lot of access to vaccines yet (e.g.Zimbabwe).

          And I’m not against vaccines at all, but we need to use repurposed drugs in conjunction with vaccines.

          University of Oxford are actually looking into this now too:

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s not “horse medicine”. Yes it can be used to treat animals, but it is also used to treat humans for parasite infestations, including head lice, scabies, river-blindness, etc.

          Meta-analysis on the many studies that have already been done on the use of it for treating Covid, have shown it is effective.

          So why not use it to treat Covid, considering it has been around for ages, and there is almost no risk in taking it when doing so in the correct dose.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Google it”. LOL. We are just not intelligent enough for the Internet. It’s not good for the human population overall. So many people believe that watching a YouTube video made by some scammer or lunatic makes them smarter than virologists and epidemiologist. Tragic.


    • Anonymous says:

      A really famous person suggested injecting bleach might be a good idea – that is just as sensible as the other magic remedy suggestions here.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA commissioner and frequent respected writer and commentator, put it best, from a NY Times interview: “85% to 90% of people are going to eventually acquire immunity to this virus. Everyone needs to realize that we cant just wait this out like we thought 16 months ago. This virus is so efficient in transmissibility that it will become an endemic respiratory pathogen, just like another coronavirus, the common cold.

    People have to decide how they want to acquire immunity: through natural infection or through vaccination. Immunity through vaccination has now been proven to be more complete and durable, without having to suffer the symptoms or long term damage, or possible bad outcomes, associated with natural infection.

    In the Western world with a mobile population, unless you are vaccinated you will almost certainly eventually be exposed to natural infection. No lockdowns or mitigation steps will permanently protect you.

    Countries with ample vaccine supplies are now reaching a tipping point; eventually the pressure to open up exceeds the vaccine hesitancy. The US has largely opened up with full sports stadiums and theaters. So has Canada and now the UK. These three countries have very high vaccination rates, and the link between infections and hospitalizations has now been broken for vaccinated individuals”


    • Anonymous says:

      The first and last paragraphs 👍
      The rest 👎.
      Nobody knows and could possibly know, not enough time has passed, what else spike proteins are doing and will be doing with innate immune system of a human body injected with mRNA vaccines.

      It might save you from Covid, only to increase your risk of cancer. How about inability to fight other viruses and infections if covid spike proteins suppress innate immune system? This is not entirely hypothetical, but only time will tell.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your thoughts are defined completely as hypothetical… No evidence to support your claims. Of course, people are free to believe what they want but that doesn’t make them right.

      • Anonymous says:

        Npo, in the absence of any theory to show how Mrna vaccines may increase susceptibility to other diseases, let alone any evidence, that’s exactly what it is – hypothetical. It doesn’t even rise to the theoretical level.

        • Anonymous says:

          Vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years. So it takes years, if not a decade to collect and analyse the evidence.

          It is assumed mRNA vaccines teach your cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response. What else they might teach human cells and what kind of other immune response they might trigger is anyone’s guess.

          So far we already know they can cause myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia and who know what else. The thing is these complications happen nearly immediately after getting the jab(s), while long term consequences will remain unknown for years. That is why everyone who got COVID jab(s) practically participates in the scientific experiment.

          As in any scientific research/study incidental findings (unexpected discoveries) could be made. That is how penicillin and warfarin were discovered. Who knows, mRNA vaccines might accidentally cure some incurable diseases, only time will tell.

          It is wise, in my humble personal opinion, to wait until the trial is over. On the other hand, the pandemic is nearly over after millions got vaccinated. So the jury is still out.

      • Anonymous says:

        People do things everyday that increase their risk of cancer, like eating processed or fast food and drinking alcohol. Not eating properly and getting enough sleep weakens your immune system. Hopefully you don’t do any of these things too because unlike those other things, getting vaccinated helps protect everyone.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its a simple 2 second pinch in the shoulder. Small, thin needle and its over quickly.

      It is worth it. It is very quick and the nurses can sense and are very kind to us that are “nervous”.

  10. Anonymous says:

    another anti-vaxxer grasping at straws…

  11. Anonymous says:

    It’s time to end the oppression.

  12. Anonymous says:

    So… dont you find it funny that the US Army wants to mandate covid vaccinations, but will only do so AFTER full FDA approval has been obtained?

    “Commanders will continue COVID-19 vaccination operations and prepare for a directive to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for service members [on or around] 01 September 2021, pending full FDA licensure,”

    Hope you all enjoyed being the guinea pigs.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Prime Minister Boris Johnson, offered a good rationale for pursuing opening. Vaccinations versus lockdown.
    – the link between cases and hospitalizations seems nearly broken.
    – and if restrictions cannot be lifted during Summer, when can they be lifted?
    Put in perspective. We have an excellent vaccination rate. We have summer all year long. Cayman should allow freedom of travel for those vaccinated and quarantine for all others! For those who don’t wish to get vaccinated and wish to travel, start protesting! I’m unsure who is more afraid to take action, the government or the people. Article the other days speaks the effects of slavery remaining. Not in Cayman BoBo. The real Master is Immigration and those with connections to it. That is the real cause of passiveness. Clue. Anonymous.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The Compass is reporting this morning that after opening travel to vaccinated tourists the BVI is shutting down again after going from 0 cases of Covid to 480 IN ONE WEEK.

    • Anonymous says:

      But they are also only 33% vaccinated and didn’t require unvaccinated children to quarantine at all.

    • Pandemic measures work says:

      Yes another lockdown coming because some just don’t get it wishing this will go away and not taking the necessary safety measures or steps to make it happen is clearly not going to work.Following those across the pond who’s incompetence and hypocritical behaviour led to awful and terrible consequences during this Covid 19 pandemic is clearly not a sensible option either!

    • Anonymous says:

      7:24, we can’t compare BVI reopening to Cayman. They have an EXTREMELY low vaccination rate!!!! Like, seriously only have a couple thousand people vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      So now you want to believe the compass?

    • Anonymous says:

      BVI has a vaccination rate of 31%. Vaccines are the key to ending the pandemic, and breaking the link between infections and hospitalizations.

      US hospitalizations are at the lowest since March 2020, and the country is basically opened up. Sports stadiums are full. Vaccinations work.

      Same with the UK. Most of the infections, and almost all of the serious cases, are amongst the unvaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      BVI were also letting unvaccinated kids in without quarantine if the parents were vaccinated, and basically not policing the quarantine of unvaccinated arrivals either.

  15. Anonymous says:

    CNN reports Newest data from Israel on Pfizer vaccine and Delta variant –

    The Israeli government says its analysis has shown the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine appears to be less effective against infections caused by the Delta variant compared to other strains of Covid-19.
    In a brief statement issued on Monday, the government said that as of June 6, the vaccine provided 64% protection against infection. In May — when the Alpha variant dominated in Israel and the Delta strain had not yet spread widely — it found that the shot was 95.3% effective against all infections.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Open the border for who wants to travel
    Returning residents and visitors should secure own place to be quarantine until the results of a reliable test is known.
    Being vaccinated does not prevent anyone from catching or spreading of the virus.
    If you are vaccinated protect you and let others decide what’s best for them.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Cases,cases, cases…What cases? Symptomatic? Asymptotic? Hospitalised? In ICU? Deaths? Vaccinated symptomatic? Vaccinated asymptotic? Unvaccinated symptomatic? Unvaccinated asymptotic? False positive?

    Unless CASES are broken down by the above categories, it means NOTHING! Just like when doctor checks your total cholesterol number only- absolutely meaningless. Or checks your B12 levels in blood, instead of MMA, the only test to check for B12 deficiency. .

    By the way how many among “new” variant positive are symptomatic, hospitalised, in ICU?

  18. Mamba says:

    Open the borders, restaurants, bars and hotels workers are suffering. Enough is enough!!!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Boris Johnson gives updates a couple times a week, so does Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel… does David Burt (Bermuda).

    But we rarely hear anything from Panton. This is a dynamic, ever changing pandemic and it requires a leader to discuss nuances and we deserve frequent updates.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly. The last press briefing was three weeks ago and that one only happened because the opposition goaded them into it.

      Panton wanted this job and should have known reopening was going to be difficult, so why is he hiding?

    • Anonymous says:

      Whilst listening to PPM press conferences is painful, it does seem to force the PACT to have one. Time for another PPM press rant. Pretty please, can we have some words of wisdom from big Dwayne ” I am an independent honest I just seem to find myself at the same table all the time ” Seymour. He always brightened my day – astonishing stuff that man can come up with, whereas the same old arrogant and bitter chat from Alden and now Roy is a bit tiring.

  20. GrowAPair says:

    OPEN THE BORDERS! It is time, it is past time, we will not reach 80% vaccination rate. Face it and accept it. Learning to live with Covid is the only option unless we are to remain closed for multiple years to come.

    PACT – grow a pair and make a decision.

    • Anonymous says:

      Close borders to idiots and when the pandemic explodes and forces yet another lockdown what will Boris say then ? What a friggin joke the UK is

      • Anonymous says:

        I think the UK is changing their narrative and saying that this isn’t going away, and that vaccinations help, but we are going to have to live with it, like flu. They are willing to live with the consequences of, well, living! We will have to come to terms with the fact that it isn’t going away at some point, I don’t know when that will be, for some it’s today, others are quite happy for Cayman to never open up and live in a bubble.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Here is an idea.
    Why not let people vaccinated here in the Cayman Islands by HSA travel in and without the need for isolate, apart from an arrival test and the time it takes to clear them?

    We discriminate against all other countries except the UK so whats the difference?

    This would be a huge carrot to dangle in-front of people to get vaccinated, Its also a great way to test our systems before a full opening as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      First they need to schedule some flights.

      At the moment there are no flights available

      • Anonymous says:

        And they aren’t going to because the local economy would suffer. They want people here shopping, eating out, taking staycations etc. It’s as much about economics as it is about public health at this point unfortunately.

        • Anonymous says:

          Unfortunately some are not able to do any of the above either with no income. Government and civil service are rolling in it so tbey don’t care.

    • Anonymous says:

      So your theory to encourage unnecessary travel, see how much we can spread the virus, make people sick and thus lead to mass job loss again, so that people will rush to get vaccines?

      • Anonymous says:

        1. All travel is necessary.

        We do not live in a communist regime.
        Every Caymanian has a right to travel for Business, leisure, Education and to see family. It is a basic human right, that was only temporarily suspended as we waited for vaccines.

        2. Travel with limited basic quarantine will be super safe.

        Time to add Daily flights.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Children under 12 can get this virus.
    They cannot yet be vaccinated. Can they be factored into the conversation please?

    The impression many have is that children are at no risk from this disease. This is false. A retrospective cohort study published recently in Nature found that among 12,306 lab-confirmed pediatric COVID-19 patients in the United States, almost 18 percent needed critical-care services, and 4.1 percent required mechanical ventilation. We don’t know how many cases go unconfirmed, so this study leaves important questions unanswered. But clearly, COVID-19 is a killer: Last year, it made the top-10 list of causes of pediatric death in the United States.

    Everyone who COULD get the vaccine but chooses not to is a potential host, who can incubate and potentially mutate the virus, and pass it on to the unprotected children living on the island, as well as those few who cannot be vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your facts are wrong. It was only the top 10 in one county hospital in the USA and in fact paediatric deaths where down in 2020 and continued on the same trend from past years of downwards.

      Please stop your fake news of saying it was top 10 in the USA paediatric deaths!

    • Anonymous says:

      Children are at very low risk from covid. A study published in the Lancet found that fewer than 2 in a million died from covid. The risk is so low that some countries like the UK and even the WHO suggested waiting to vaccinate them so that vaccines can be directed towards adults.

      But of course the more adults that get vaccinated, the less likely it is that covid will spread to children anyway. Scientists are increasingly thinking that covid is going to be endemic, meaning it’s never going to go away. So we will have to open the border eventually.

    • Anonymous says:

      link please…
      plus if that was the case…why is any country in the world re-opening???

    • Anonymous says:

      Your data is completely misleading. Children under 12 face an extremely low risk of hospitalization or a bad outcome if they get Covid-19. You cant take the starting point of pediatric “patients” and then say of those patients, how many required critical care, if very few children become “patients” (ie, hospitalized) in the first place. In fact, the rate of hospitalization for children is less than the seasonal flu (some children get viral pneumonia with the flu).

      I will stick with the CDC data in this table (link below) instead of fearmongering and misleading readers. Thank you.

  23. Anonymous says:

    The vaccine is obviously not the golden ticket, that much is clear.

  24. Concerned says:

    Open the bloody border. I sense a legal challenge because taking a persons liberty to move around is unethical when you are not enforcing the vaccine. People have had long enough. If they catch it when the border opens that’s their own fault. You cannot hold people who have had the good sense to get vaccinated to ransom. Open the border!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Where were you when people like me gave up our rights of movement and freedom and liberty so that cayman could be the haven it is today, and now that I and many others that can’t be vaccinated due to medical reasons must suffer and die because of a few greedy stakeholders that wants only big money to come here, sounds like you all looking start a war, don’t be surprised if what happened in central the other night comes to a neighborhood near you.

      • Anonymous says:

        I feel for your plight, perhaps move to Little Cayman

      • Anonymous says:

        My friend has every known allergy to medicine known to mankind (plus a few made up in her mind) and she got both shots without any issues per her dr. Strong recommendation. She just had to go to a testing site that had an epi-pen on site.
        Check with your dr., bet they will suggest you get the vaccinations.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lose some weight and you will be just fine..take the vaccine or get covid. Those will be your two choices once we re-open. It would be like now where people with covid are in quarantine or the hospital.

        Make your choice..I chose the vaccine and ready for the borders to open.

  25. Anonymous says:

    No border opening date, no vaccine.

  26. Enough already says:

    It is time to restore daily commercial flights.

    Keep a short quarantine in place, but seriously enough already, those that do not want to get vaccinated will suffer the consequences.

    • Anonymous says:

      And those that can’t be vaccinated? Do you wish the, to suffer too?

      • Anonymous says:

        All two of them can stay home if need be.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is so hard, i know.
        Our thoughts are with those whose doctors do not recommend them getting the vaccine.

        They can wear masks, social distance, take Vitamin D and keep a supply of Ivermectin.

        However we can no longer allow Caymanians to continue to suffer severe poverty, hopelessness and isolation due to what is a manageable risk.

        • Anonymous says:

          “ Our thoughts are with those whose doctors do not recommend them getting the vaccine.” ❓❓❓❓
          Thinly veiled condescending comment.
          You will fall off the white horse soon. All you see today is a shiny tip of the iceberg, going full speed towards it. You believe you are very smart, so figuring out what I mean should not be a problem.
          It is your government that keeps borders closed, believing they are as smart as you are.

      • Anonymous says:

        And for all them that can be which is the vast majority….We should suffer then?

      • Anon says:

        They need to manage their own risk the same as they always have. They are at higher risk from all respitory virus but no one was shouting to shut the border pre covid.

        Covid will never dissappear.

      • Anonymous says:

        Change the planet if you can’t get vaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:

        What happens if you catch flu, bronchitis, pneumonia….

  27. Anonymous says:

    Here’s a quick start..

    1.Make it mandatory for all work permit holders NOW.

    2. Set a date for reopening the border and remind those that that are not yet vaccinated that they should do so.

    3. Incorporate in the health insurance law that those who refuse to take the vaccine will have to buy additional coverage to offset any hospitalization so that it is not a burden on Government.

    4. Any employees working face to face with the public must wear a mask at all times and where ever possible, social distance.

    • Anonymous says:

      And once again more nonsense is spouted. You seriously think a discriminatory law to help health insurance providers profit is the answer? Then you must include all those that smoke, drink and are overweight?

      • Anonymous says:

        discrimination is part of life. to drive a car, you must pass a test and carry proof of passing the test….sound familar????

        • Anonymous says:

          Not even a remotely similar comparison. You can choose to take a test and drive a car, not discriminatory at all. Try presenting a cogent argument.

      • Anonymous says:


        So do you believe that the government should be held responsible to take care of all of the anti-vaxxers who come down with covid once we re-open because they refuse to take the vaccine which is being offered free of charge? How is that fair?

        Smoking, drinking and being overweight are not the same as being infected and passing on a virus. The other thing you should remember that a lot of these same anti-vaxxers are likely to be smokers and overweight which puts them in a neven worse situation should they get covid.

        We have, I believe, 40 ventilators and that’s it, how quickly do you think they will be pressed into service once we re-open?

        • Anonymous says:

          You have missed the point completely. The point is not infectious disease it is about insurance being increased if you don’t abide by healthy guidelines. Can’t just be limited to prevention of covid.

        • Anonymous says:

          Starting a counter argument with paraphrasing is never a good idea since the originator did not say it. You are attempting to present your opinion as fact based on non existent comments by the poster. Perhaps you should take debating lessons? Why are you making an assumption of the posters belief?

        • Anonymous says:

          You may want to ease up on the anti-vaxxers. Their blood is going to be worth its weight in gold- therapeutic plasma. They will be needed to treat those who are unable to take the vaccine.

        • Anonymous says:

          🤯🤣🤯🤣🙄😮😧 mind boggling “logic”. Not even worth a response.

    • anonymous says:

      I think point #3 is a complete non starter. Point #1 should be implemented for all current WP holders regardless of when their work permit is up for renewal. They should be given perhaps 2 to 3 months to get the vaccine or be advised that the work permit should be revoked.

      Provate companies should start requiring all employees to be vaccinated or risk being terminated. this should definitely apply to all retial services and definately all health care workers, government employess, police and fire department staff

    • Anonymous says:

      Excellent points.

      One more to add…anyone facing public and not vaccinated will be tested weekly.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you nuts? Might as well tell the government to wipe out all of the children that are below age of 12.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wipe out – with the Lancet saying the chances of a child’s death from Covid are less than 2 in a million? Hell, even the fatality rate amongst adults is less than 2%, and that’s concentrated on very high risk groups whereas kids are the exact opposite. The risk to children is so low that the WHO says vaccines should be concentrated on adults, and you translate that into “wiping out” the under 12’s if borders are opened without vaccinating them. SMH

    • Anonymous says:

      Point 3 not neccessary

    • Anonymous says:

      1. So it is okay for women to have the choice to kill an unborn child, but not okay for her to choose not to have a vaccine?

      2. No living being should be forced to have anything injected into their body.

      3. I would be happy to work with, and even be treated in hospital by, persons who are not vaccinated.

      4. This anger against those who are not vaccinated is out of hand, and from what I have witnessed, appears to come from those either terrified of dying or wishing to make money.

      • Anonymous says:

        Clearly the anger is because CIG is refusing to move on with a border reopening plan because people won’t get vaccinated. It’s understandable that they don’t want hospitals overwhelmed but people’s lives and livelihoods are being severely affected because of it.

        Perhaps their anger is misdirected because there is so much PACT could be doing to increase vaccination rates like mandate vaccinations for WP renewals immediately, mandate that anyone working with the public has to be vaccinated or submit weekly covid tests, mandate employers to give a few hours off for people to go get vaccinated etc. But instead they do nothing but beg people that have zero motivation to go get vaccinated to do the right thing.

  28. Anonymous says:

    There is also talk of a booster, yet they want 7000 more people. All just nonsense now. Everyone is on the same page vaccinated or not, just open up. People have made their decisions. Respect these decisions and move on. Enough is enough.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Seems we are opening up September 1st. Twice daily flights with Cayman Airways OR is our own airline selling ghost flights……..AGAIN?

    • anonymous says:

      I have travelled back and forth to Miami for medical reasons all during covid any cayman airways has alwasy shown full schedules 2 or 3 months out. I do not think there is anything wrong with doing this in case and whenever the government decides on whether flights are considered more than repatriation. Personally I see nothing wring with this and all it takes is a call to Cayman airways and they will explain.

      • Anonymous says:

        I know most airlines do this but what I don’t understand is how all the August ghost flights disappeared and they apparently had their repatriation schedule set up before CIG announced it. It seems like CIG and Cayman Airways are discussing these things without ever announcing it to the public. Maybe I’m missing something.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Open the border!!

  31. Anonymous says:

    They’ve had a bazillion chances for vaccines. Obviously they don’t want them. Announce opening date!

  32. Annoymous says:

    Why the number of children a secret? What percentage of the adult population are vaccinated and at what point does the government accept that some of these will simply not get the vaccine.

    The UK population is 21% under 18. If we are generous and assume 15% are under 18 here this leaves roughly 60,000 adults to vaccinate. If 10% refuse that leaves an achievable target of 54,000.

    If 54,000 is not acceptable then we expect the 12 to 17 year old to make up the numbers. Does the data support vaccinating them, probably not. Parents need to be allowed to make an informed choice here.

  33. Anonymous says:

    It is disheartening and frustrating that a fully vaccinated Caymanian resident has zero incoming or outgoing flight options for the rest of this summer (and hope that whenever September flights are posted we can win the booking lottery — they were never posted for August and somehow were sold out).

    Not even talking tourists. But please allow a few more flights a week. Getting a few hundred more reluctant people vaccinated is not going to make a damn difference.

  34. Disenfranchised says:

    Even though I am vaccinated, I see the govt is actually just playing a game and has no intention of opening based on number of people vaccinated. I agree with those protesting now as there is no point to being vaccinated as it has no impact on the reopening decision. If I could I would also refuse because I don’t want to be played.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am feeling this way too. They have moved the goalposts too many times. Nothing sits right any more or makes any sense.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Well, you have harvested those who wanted to get vaccinated in the first place, you have got those that could be bribed into getting vaccinated, and you have made the vaccination available to 12 years olds and up. And that’s it – short of providing the unvaccinated with a compelling reason to get themselves and their kids vaccinated, do you honestly think those numbers are going to magically grow to 70% let alone the 80% level Wayne was referring to? So what’s the plan now? Just wait and hope it all magically goes away?

  36. Anonymous says:

    Borders not opening… Customers might leave.

  37. Anonymous says:

    take the damn shot and open the damn borders! enough is enough. At some point all those who don’t take it are the ones taking the risk…so open the border and let the chips fall where they may

  38. Danny says:

    Maybe the government should revisit the actual population number. Ensure only residents and not tourists, digital nomads and such are included in the “71,100” population number.
    Until I see a breakdown to justify the leap in population from +/-65,000 pre-Covid to over 71,000 now, I will find it hard to believe.
    Or was the pre-Covid number drastically inaccurate?

  39. Anonymous says:

    Pathetic but enough is enough. Open the border. Don’t let unvaccinated travel and make them wear masks and socially distance and not be allowed to work in tourist facing jobs. Get a grip and get in the real world basically.

    • Anonymous says:

      The people now catching Covid are the unvaccinated. Open the border to those vaccinated only. The only people who can travel in or out ( tourists and locals alike) must be vaccinated. Nuff said. No quarantine!

      • Anonymous says:

        No, vaccinated people are still carrying and getting sick from the virus. Please read ALL information, not just the bits you want to believe

  40. Anonymous says:

    Open the border!

    • Anonymous says:

      Open the border NOW!

      • Guy says:

        Open the borders!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        BVI just implemented a curfew…..vaccinated people are also dying from the delta variant. Be careful what you wish for cause once we locked down again many companies will be in a worst position than before. Then it would be a domino effect, people dying, businesses closes, unemployment increases, government more reliant on Kent Dart. Is this what you really want for a trip to Miami to shop? Dumb and short sighted. SMH!!!

        • Anonymous says:

          10:49pn, BVI has hardly anybody vaccinated. We have a huge percentage vaccinated overall and almost all of our vulnerable age groups! Terrible comparison but nice try!

    • Anonymous says:

      Then what are we going to do with all the Travel Time phones we just bought?

    • Anonymous says:

      No bobo that is far too much work!

      Would rather ‘work from home’ aka watching TV while on Gov payroll.

    • Anonymous says:

      …said the BVI tourism industry. So the government did, to vaccinated tourists only. Within a month there are 480 known cases, one dead, and EVERY industry in the BVI is now effectively shut down.

      Experience is best gained learning from the mistakes of others.

      • Anonymous says:

        You talk rubbish. I’m in the BVI and we have a nighttime curfew now and thats it,
        It is also fact that it was the unvaccinated that caused this to happen, and with the low vaccination numbers here it was sure to happen.

        • Anonymous says:

          Could you please explain to the Caymanian public what has happened to all the childcare institutions, schools and summer camps in the BVI? Just asking since you claim a nighttime curfew is the only indignity you are facing?

          Could you please also explain how at least 17% of persons with Covid in the BVI are fully vaccinated, if the whole issue is the fault of the unvaccinated?

      • Anonymous says:

        You talking rubbish. I’m in the BVI and we have a nighttime curfew now and thats it,
        It is also fact that it was the unvaccinated that caused this to happen, and with the low vaccination numbers here it was sure to happen.

      • Anonymous says:

        BVI has 31% of the population fully vaxed.

      • Anonymous says:

        They had very low vaccination rate and no quarantine. Poor comparison, based off fear.

        • Anonymous says:

          So an open border is not a fair comparison? Are you agreeing that we need to keep quarantine in place, including for the vaccinated?

      • Anonymous says:

        Well learn from Bahamas what happens when expats are made to feel unwelcome. Harbour Street should have been renamed Pindling Dr.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think any of you are of us. I think you are mostly spoiled brats that want to shop. Don’t you get that the government is wrangling with information that indicates other places just like this were besieged by the variants as soon as they did a soft opening?

      You people don’t care about the real safety of Cayman. You want to go play and come back here to enjoy your cushy lifestyle. There are real people struggling here, people who lost their jobs and don’t have a clear avenue toward a viable future.

      Covid is a lifechanging thing for all of us. We treasure our elderly and all our people. Just chill out. When the rest of the world can fully open, we will know it and all will rejoice.

      • Anonymous says:

        Open the borders!

        • Anonymous says:

          Get Vaccinated so we can open the borders..

          • Anonymous says:

            We should all get vaccinated, but should not ignore the fact that the Pfizer vaccine (the best) appears to be only 64% effective against the Delta variant. That is the danger and reality of mutations.

      • Anonymous says:

        You treasure them so get them

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re going to have to make a choice. Struggle, which will become harder and harder. Or open up based on our excellent vaccination rate in partnership with those who don’t wish to be vaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Besieged with variants. Solution. We need to build a beautiful oversized school. In that school, wait a minute, we’re over budget. Damn, how are we going hire maths teachers now? We don’t known how add. What’s our population? We don’t know percentages. What’s percent of vaccinated people end up in ICU? What is statistics? Well let me put it this way. A heavily vaccinated population cannot statistically be besieged by the virus, much less the weaker variants.

      • Anonymous says:

        LOL Who are the ones going on ‘repatriation’ ‘essential’ flights shopping and partying in their beloved Miami and brag about it online! As an ‘elderly’ never received anything from Government, not even a mask, so open the borders for us all vaccinated to get on with our lives, not just the special connected ones!

      • Anonymous says:

        You are right, people are struggling in Cayman and have lost their jobs, which is EXACTLY why we need to open the border, and get tourists back in.

        Thinking that those who want the border open are just spoiled brats is just a stupid thing to say.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are correct, people are struggling here, and have lost their jobs, which is exactly why we do need to open the borders, to get tourism money and jobs back.

        Suggesting that it’s just spoiled brats who want to open the border is just a stupid thing to say.

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