Students under investigation over ‘edibles’
(CNS): Police have opened an investigation after a group of students at the Clifton Hunter High School became ill last week after consuming what is suspected to be sweet-goods that contained ganja. The case was referred to the RCIPS by the Department of Education Services, and while two students have been excluded from school, a police spokesperson said at the weekend that no arrests have been made in relation to the investigation yet. According to the DES, three students became ill after allegedly ingesting food that contained an unknown substance.
Acting DES Director Tammy Hopkins maintained that the safety and wellness of students in the government schools are priorities.
“We are committed to supporting the affected students and ensuring their physical and emotional well-being. Immediate and necessary actions have been taken to address this matter in line with the National School Discipline and School Behaviour Policy,” she said.
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Category: Education, Local News
Schools do their best with the resources they have.
Parents need to be more involved with their kids. As hard as it may be. Let us look to our home life to start.
Alcohol is perhaps our biggest issue in this country. Period. Isolated instances like this will occur. Students should be taught all the consequences to doing drugs. At home and reinforced at school.
Still, teenagers will act out, as is expected. Let us respond like rational thinking adults who remember that we were all teenagers at one point in our lives.
This is not the first time that this type of incident has happened at CHHS. One would have thought that the school had a preventative plan. Unfortunately some students tend to take advantage of poor supervision and the ineffective implementation of school rules ( no selling, no cell phones etc).
In the mornings, prior to the start of school a number of staff are not on campus.
Question: where was the principal when the students were being searched by the police this morning? Does he know what is going on in his school?
We drank at CIHS, turned out just fine.
My friend ate two legs and the gummy bears head , the last thing he wanted to do was drive , spent the night attempting to figure out how black holes work . And he did , but forgot how they work the next day .
What is going in our schools? Exocism, cannibas in edibles and another marl road gossip is that kids are being quizzed about sex iout of classtime at John Gray High School. What is the Education Minister really doing to tackle these issues? I cant believe this for a country who operates off Chritian Principles and Jewel of the Caribbean. We need an effective Education Minister who really can handle the Education system. I am sorry Rolston Anglin did not get in. I still think he was one of the best Education Minister. Cayman your Education Standards is failing , I hope the Pact Govt will put and end to this mismanagement and bring back an effective system.
same thing that been happening for decades. source: class of 2012
Another act of indiscipline in a school that has ‘gone to the dogs’.
i want to know where they got the edibles from!
Me too, research purpose. 🙂
This is BS, all this is just a cover up for the nasty raw/spoiled food they be serving, maybe it was the canteen food that sickened them after all didn’t CMR post something about raw hamburger meat, just looking at the picture made me sick 🤢🤢
The food is fine. When you consider the prices in Cayman, you try to get a balanced meal for the price at a govt school. Also, this includes an element of profit.
We’re not talking Ritz standard, but I guarantee it’s a better option than BK/Wendy’s crap that some parents parachute in. The CMR photo proves or disproves nothing.
Until several years ago, for about $5/6 you could even get salmon at JGHS.
Anyhow… the edibles issue has nothing to do with school food. Muppet.
There is nothing wrong with beef (or most meat/fish) that hasn’t been cooked to well done, providing it is fresh (not to be confused with the cayman description of something they don’t like being ‘too fresh’ ? /?Unseasoned). The French like steak tartare. Raw beef. The Japanese sashimi ( raw fish & in sushi).
Caymanians need to try it before knocking it.
When in Rome do as the Romans.
Maybe your reading and comprehension skills are not at it’s best.
The raw hamburger meat was from John Gray High School not Clifton Hunter.
They don’t have to pump your stomach for raw hamburger meat, you usually vomit or crap it out.
Were you there to know for a fact that “candies” laced with ganja was not passed out?
Miss Corita’s chili five days a week never killed us.
Teenagers are wired to experiment, especially if the target is forbidden. This is a normal part of the growth process, they just got caught! I am not aware of any program on earth that has successfully stopped inquisitive teen behaviour.
DARE just made me curious about what’s the big deal, seriously
I was disappointed when I stopped by the NDC, only to find out they were not in fact a retailer.
Finally! Some high achievement from our government school system!
They’ll live.
I chuckled to myself whilst thumbing up.
Legalize it
I don’t think any minor should be intoxicating themselves, period, but let me just address a double standard before “the devil’s lettuce” old farts from 1921 start ranting about ganja but forget about the alcoholic culture we have here.
Edibles take a long time to kick in, so it’s common to eat more thinking nothing is going to happen. When they do after eating a lot, it can kick in heavy. It’s 100x easier to gauge how high you’re going to get when not eating it.
Drink too much alcohol and you WILL die, simple. No one has ever overdosed on Cannabis, be it by tea, smoke or food.
Have there ever been any deaths due to automobile wrecks caused by drivers under the influence of cannabis?
You clearly haven’t driven stoned. It’s likely any accidents caused by potheads would be fender benders… 20mph feels like 100!
That’s a BS cliche. There are plenty of high speed wrecks due to being high on Cannabis, just like there are violent altercations when high on cannabis. It’s not all about potheads being all smiles and relaxed. Weed can affect people in different ways, just like alcohol does.
If someone acts violently because of being high on pot, then there is a high chance they are on some other substance, possibly alcohol, or there is an underlying issue with anger management. Please show the statistics on the high-speed wrecks caused by driving high.
fake news
On the other hand (and I’m not proud of it), but alcohol makes 100 feel like 20 for me.
Pot definitely makes me slow down and drive less aggressively.
People have crashed dead sober here. Pretty sure that dwi isn’t our main issue. It’s a completely separate issue from what the poster said as well.
A judge has crashed while supposedly under the influence of OTC sleeping pills
I fail to see your point John