No change to CAL’s schedule as borders stay closed

| 24/03/2021 | 94 Comments
Cayman News Service
Cayman Airways staff arrive wearing face-masks (Photo by Paul Tibbetts)

(CNS): There was little indication from the release of Cayman Airways’ schedule for May that the authorities are expecting to reopen Cayman’s borders before June. According to a press release from the national airline, the flight programme remains largely the same. CAL will continue to fly two flights per week to Miami on Wednesdays and Saturdays, one flight per week on Fridays to Kingston and two flights during the course of the month to La Ceiba. The airline stated that the repatriation flights for the month had been confirmed in partnership with the government.

Cayman Airways also reminded passengers that they are responsible for researching and securing the necessary documents required for entry into any country, including completion of any required pre-flight COVID-19 testing, proof of vaccinations and obtaining travel authorization. Passengers who do not possess the required documents, will not be able to travel.

People wishing to travel inbound or outbound on these repatriation flights can book seats directly with Cayman Airways.

Tickets for inbound and outbound flights can also be purchased online here.

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Category: Local News, Travel

Comments (94)

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  1. V says:

    The lies and falsifications will come to light.

  2. Anonymous says:

    ‘repatriation flights’???…. more civil service nonsense…
    these are just normal flights to suit the priviliged and their nonsensical reasons for travelling

    • Anonymous says:

      Who are you to decide what is essential for me or others. It is our choice to take the minimal risk and travel. What are you the travel police?

      • Anonymous says:

        Ya – If I choose to go 90 mph through a school zone when students are leaving school I should be able to because I get to determine that it is minimal risk.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who are we? We are the ones paying for your quarantine and PCR tests every time you think shopping is essential.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is great news – glad to hear that the borders will not open until at least June.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The islands have worked so hard to be Covid free which is a testament to the will of the people. I would love to visit Cayman again, however, opening too soon and too quickly will not benefit anyone. This may be an unpopular opinion but keep the borders closed. Don’t rush it.

  5. Mc says:

    Can we have answers on next steps?!? This is a shit show and has been going on for too long.
    It is all political right now to ensure the government gets reelected!
    People got vaccinated as per the encouragement… What now?!???
    Government should be answering questions from the public in the press briefing!
    When is the next one? The day before election?!?!??

  6. Anonymous says:

    This government has done nothing but lie to us all. Remember almost a year ago them saying once we have a vaccine we can open. Now they want a vaccine that is 110%. NO vaccine is 100% we will be closed for every at this rate.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I like me some good and hot and fresh Honda pepper!

  8. Anonymous says:

    proof of vaccinations ?
    excuse me ?
    hello human rights

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh for goodness sake 4:56 shut the hell up.

      • Anonymous says:

        You shut up. The European Human Rights Commision has ruled it discriminatory but then this is an island who thinks homosexuals have no rights so…..

        PS Caymanian!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Got to be an American, smh. Keep your whines and squeals in your own country.

      • Anonymous says:

        plnety locals here with same mindset….

      • Anonymous says:

        7:01 – I’m an American and that buffoon at 4:56 is definitely not someone I’d associate with. It’s got to be a Brit. They whine like hell when they don’t get their way or much worse when they are legal practitioners

        • Anonymous says:

          And yet their taxes are paying for Cayman’s vaccines.

          • Anonymous says:

            Then cut them off or stop the whining. Cutting them off will not happen because it would kill the island money stash scheme that is enjoyed by the elites who don’t pay tax.

          • Anonymous says:

            And those vaccines were made in America, so we’re all good. Got to be a Brit or labor Canadian.

          • Anonymous says:

            Lol…you think Cayman isnt somehow going to pay this back? Another one who thinks things are really free.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you want to travel to certain countries you must show proof of certain vaccines. It’s been like that for ages.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Makes sense. The CDC just banned cruise ships from operating from or within US waters until at least November. That will likely be extended until March 2022 or until the planet gets all the new variants under control.

    CNN reports
    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declined to act on a cruise industry request to lift its no-sail order Wednesday, saying current rules will stay in effect until November.

    The Cruise Lines International Association said it had asked the Biden administration to lift the no-sail order for cruise ships by early July, saying that timeline “is in line with President Biden’s forecast for when the United States will be ‘closer to normal.’”

    The CDC said its order would stay in place.

    “On October 30, 2020, CDC issued Framework for Conditional Sailing Order (CSO) that remains in effect until November 1, 2021. Returning to passenger cruising is a phased approach to mitigate the risk of spreading Covid-19. Details for the next phase of the CSO are currently under interagency review,” the CDC said in a statement to CNN.

  10. Anonymous says:

    If a person has been fully vaccinated and tests negative within 72 hours prior to departure and negative again upon arriving in Cayman, why is the quarantine period still in place? I know it has been reduced from 14 to 10 days, but what are they waiting for? Is it to keep the low paid tourism workers unemployed and desperate for handouts to buy their loyalty on election day?

    • Anonymous says:

      It is based on an understanding of the science rather than wishful thinking.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, it’s for our safety. A vaccinated person can still catch, carry and pass on the virus including the new more contagious variants. While many of our residents have not been vaccinated they are at risk from the disease being brought in by infected tourists who do not show up as positive until up to 15 days after being infected.

      • Anonymous says:

        No vaccine is 100% so you are basically saying that we can never open. Everyone that is able to get the vaccine should be getting it. Letting vaccinated people in without a isolation is logical given it is a very slim chance they will have it or be carrying it.

      • Anonymous says:

        In Texas, 8141 medical staff were vaccinated. Subsequently 4 staff caught Covid. ONLY 4! That means vaccination works and once taken, the paranoia, destruction to people’s lives, government abuse, needs to stop.

      • Anonymous says:

        Vaccination is open to every adult in Cayman. If they don’t want it, that’s up to them. Those that have should be allowed to travel and tested as required and not held to ransom. Some want to see family after more than a year!

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccination does not stop people from carrying and transmitting Covid. Hence the need for quarantine.

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        Yes. Also, it is not yet know the effects of the various variants and whether the Pfizer vaccination is affective against them.

        • Anonymous says:

          so when do you think it is safe to take a vaccine…after a 25 year wait for possible side effect???

          • Anonymous says:

            The ongoing human trials are on two years. We’re only 3 or 4 months in. Relax. Some people not as eager to take while they are only Emergency Use Authorized and waiting for actual full approval.

      • Anonymous says:

        so we stay we keep our borders closed forever????
        until there is no more flu virus ever????…..zzzzzz

      • Anonymous says:

        4:49 – really? Why don’t you enlighten us with proof of this? Show us all the case(s) where a vaccinated individual was infectious and he / she passed Covid 19 to others.

        • Anonymous says:

          9:15 do your own research instead of being lazy. Plenty of information

          • Anonymous says:

            Agreed 5:52. Because even if you give them the information they dont want to read it or believe it. Critical thinking just so difficult for many. Easier to just follow instructions and believe impossible promises.

          • Anonymous says:

            5:52 – Why should I do the research when I’m not the one making the asinine statement? If you’re going to go around saying a vaccinated person can still be infectious, prove ignorant jackass. Stop spreading your ignorant BS. Idiot!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s to stop another shutdown. How about you start telling everyone to get the vaccine so we can open this up instead!

      • Anonymous says:

        Right and like other islands that have been open since July and have not needed to shut down….Look around.

        • Anonymous says:

          yeah Jamaica is a good island that’s open for instance..We are not that desperate..try Jamaica if you would like. I hear the covid is raging this time of year..You might like soaking it up..but come back here your ass is going into quarantine for 14 days…period

          • Anonymous says:

            10:49 – Jackass exaggerator, letting vaccinated people in will not cause an outbreak. Your bright politicians simply can’t implement effective controls that would allow things to operate smoothly. That’s your problem. Sounds like your people will continue to live on handouts for the foreseeable future…. while Dart buys what’s left of the islands.

          • Anonymous says:

            No Im not 10 days only now LOL.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just saw that the premier is promising to increase stipends…that sure does sound like what is said at 3:03. Keep them desperate and buy their votes…

  11. Anonymous says:

    Morning flights OR evening flights would be better. I understand we only have one a day on the days we fly but… I would have to overnight in Miami going away and coming back as i miss the connections.

  12. Anonymous says:

    CAL should change the schedule so that the Miami flights are Friday midday to Miami and return Sunday night. Wednesday and Saturday limits the best partying.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Yet again I’m having to take action against CAL to get a refund for flights THEY cancelled! Last year had to report them to the DOT to get my money back, this year looks like it’s going to be the same. They won’t be getting a third chance, it’ll be AA or Delta next time.

    • Anonymous says:

      If AA and Delta return. Neither airline falling over themselves to restore flights to tourist based destinations.

      • Anonymous says:

        Those airlines ARE flying to tourist destinations that are open……there are MANY! It’s CIG that is preventing them flying to Cayman.

        • Anonymous says:

          4:35 which CIG has every right to do. Our borders are not open, get the hell over it. Want to go somewhere, get on he next available flight. Either put up or shut up. The complaints are beyond annoying

          • Anonymous says:

            7:07, most of your comment is nonsensical but I do agree with you that CIG has the right to limit flights.

            My comment was addressing the false statement made by 2:48 that “ Neither airline falling over themselves to restore flights to tourist based destinations.”

            Many tourist based destinations are open for business and airlines, both the 2 mentioned and others, are flying there. Facts.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not true. They are and have been flying all over.

    • Gray Matter says:

      Borders are closed… those airlines are not flying. You Better rethink your departure strategy .

      • Anonymous says:

        Borders being closed is so ridiculous. People are now vaccinated. Test before departure. Test upon arrival and get rid of the quarantine. Let us see family and friends.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretty sure CAL won’t miss losing you as a passenger.

      • Anonymous says:

        You should be embarrassed that your national airline has to have action taken against it by the US Department of Transport before it will fulfil its legal obligations. Not the first time, either.

        • Anonymous says:

          2:31 nothing is a greater embarrassment than the United States which is the laughing stock of the world.
          US department of transport can do their best, we dgaf

      • Anonymous says:

        CAL does not miss anyone as a passenger. It’s a welfare program pretending to be an airline. CAL has had net operating losses year after year and needs cash infusions to continue its welfare that benefits its employees and the bloated salaries of senior management. I actually found it hilarious when they brag about being highly rated for service. It’s easy to do that when you are competing against others who have to follow a budget and squeeze out a profit. HAHAHA

  14. Anonymous says:

    Yeah man…to bring home celebrities like Ron Pearlman

  15. Ear and feet to the ground says:

    I assume there is also no change to their exorbitant fares, taking full advantage of their monopoly, which will make no more than a 0.000000001% reduction in their “skyhigh” annual deficit, which last year will no doubt break all previous records, if they ever publish it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why do the fares have to be so high? Over $700.00 for a return flight to Miami. What about people who have to go for medical reasons who don’t have that kind of money?

  16. Anonymous says:

    Repatriation flights?

  17. Anonymous says:

    No borders no vote.

  18. Anonymous says:

    They will tell us what the plan is after the election, not before…

  19. Anonymous says:

    Why would it be a priority to burn gas to and from La Cieba twice a month during a global pandemic?

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