Police stumble upon 600lbs of ganja in George Town

| 24/03/2021 | 21 Comments

(CNS) Officers making checks in South Church Street, George Town, early Saturday morning came across 600lbs of ganja in black plastic garbage bags. The RCIPS said that officers conducted a search in and around the area where they had stumbled upon the significant drug haul but no one was found and no arrests were made. Police are now carrying out investigations into the circumstances surrounding this find, they said in a release.

Anyone with information is asked to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222.

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Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Who the hell is smoking that much weed in Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      I look like the most square, strict older white man you’d ever come across

      but I was probably high as a bird at the time you crossed me in the store. >:)

      You’d be surprised just how many people consume weed here.

  2. It happens all the time says:

    Oh. Also forgot to mention the two phedophiles that also came from Jamaica with the load. They did get through. They are wanted in Jamaica but came here to get away.

    Wonder if the local dealers are letting them stay in their house with their kids?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Baya’s punching the air now

  4. Anonymous says:

    Don’t you mean stumbled ‘after’ finding it?

  5. Anonymous says:

    This sounds like a tactical gang-coordinated pre-election offering. These are common in corrupt narco-states. Cayman’s law enforcement peace offerings seem to be in the quantity of 2000lbs a year, marijuana only, and delivered quarterly via improbably random discoveries, with an occasional JLP adversary accounting for some token at sea intercepts. Why doesn’t Commissioner Byrne call up George Town District gang leaders and ask them whose it is? Are we really expected to believe the RCIPS just stumbled upon 600 lbs and there was nobody around? Why these public charades? The public can see that the RCIPS aren’t doing anything. For what we pay directly and indirectly, we deserve better than this.

    • Anonymous says:

      No one leaves merch around to just be found the RCIPS. It does make you wonder. What happened to all the white powder that went missing from the evidence container at the GT police Station?

    • Anonymous says:

      You watch too much TV. Far too much for some of the local bums to arrange.

      There’s been several cocaine finds too.

      Not every drug find is trumpeted either.

      Only in Cayman can the police be pilloried for taking 600lbs of an illegal drug off the streets. I don’t think it should be illegal, but that is not the point.

  6. Anonymous says:

    600lbs is about 10 x 80L duffel bags filled to the brim, each one weighing 60lbs. It would literally fill a cargo van. At $50 per eighth oz, street value would be $6,400 per lb, or KYD$3.8mln gross, assuming decent quality. You can bet there are a bunch of dangerous armed people that are going to miss that. Insane.

    • Anonymous says:

      A little overpriced for the junk that comes from Jamaica. More like $75-$100 per oz. If you’re paying $400 an oz for that crap then you have a problem.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s crap because they spend like 50 usd on a whole pound. The rasta boatmen are expendable.

        One shipment’s street value / profit is enough to cover 20 busted shipments. When they parade that they busted one, 2 others got by the same day.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are paying too much if you are paying that for Jamaican weed

  7. Anonymous says:

    They didn’t get all of it because there is some good “freshers” available at the moment.

  8. Say it like it is says:

    They might get more information if they say exactly where on S. Church St., it was found.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Why can’t I ever stumble upon this!

    Give it back guys, the prices will just increase if the amount available for distribution declines.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Wellp, no one was caught and there’s some really fresh/green herb that just hit the black market, so I’m quite sure that was just a parting gift. How stupidly blind to the corruption from the lucrativeness of the black market can we be?

    No weed? No vote! Kill the cash cow that gives incentive to also smuggle guns and people. Let Caymanians grow their own medicine instead of relying on importing extracts from Canada.

  11. Anonymous says:

    No weed no wote! Wote Elwis 2021!

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