Vaccine level increasing by just 1% per day
(CNS): The COVID-19 vaccine programme is now open to all adults, but staggered alphabetically; on Thursday 18 March, people whose last name begins with U are invited to get their first dose. However, this week the number of people getting vaccinated has been growing by only about 1% per day, with just 630 getting their first shot over the last 24 hours, a significant drop from the busiest vaccine day ever last Saturday. Just under 25,000 people, or 38.5% of the estimated population, have had at least one dose of the Pfizer vaccine, a less than 2% increase since Saturday.
This means the pace of vaccination will need to increase significantly if government is to reach the target of protecting at least three-quarters of the population and open the borders this summer.
According to Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee, 24,997 people have now had at least one shot and 12,127 have completed the double-dose course. There were no new cases of the coronavirus in the tests carried out so far this week but there are still 32 active cases of the virus among the 810 people in isolation and quarantine with five of those suffering symptoms.
Category: Health, Medical Health
Re: 7:52 “..antivax clowns”…down vote links to studies… ”
From the link you provided:
“The study and its results have yet to be independently peer-reviewed by other scientists, but were published online as a preprint on Friday.”
The article provides no references to the claims it makes
Where does research funding come from?
Does analyzing results from thousands of COVID-19 tests constitutes scientific research?
Research is not considered “scientific research” unless it contributes to a body of science, and it follows the scientific method.
#5 “False positives and exaggerated results in peer-reviewed scientific studies have reached epidemic proportions in recent years.”
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.
Reuters is not a trusted scientific news source. At least not for me.
signed:”antivax clown”
Anyone looking for an example of the Dunning Kruger effect should start here 😆
More like a pissing contest.
Can somebody please point out the freedoms, (apart from travel) that Cayman has lost?
Of course vaccines don’t cure you, but they do stop you getting seriously ill or dying, (look to UK for proof). And recent evidence is pointing towards a protective effect from actually catching Covid in the first place and is preventing passing it onto others.
And it is definitely the only way to stop lockdowns, getting freedom to travel and will certainly allow businesses to open as normal.
The trouble with the moronic class that denies vaccine efficacy is that they are both stupid and cowards living in a delusional and conspiratorial world.
Caymans particular problem is that there are too many self important amateur experts, religious nuts and ignorant third world thinkers.
Make inoculations mandatory for work permit holders and stop the JuJu medicine theories coming out of the Stone Age mindsets of the ignorant.
As I have already said, look to the statistics coming out of the UK and Israel, they are undeniable, even to the stupid. Infections, serious and not so serious illness and death rates are dropping like a stone when the EU is preparing for a third wave.
Work it out dimwits, get the jab!!!
*stupid and cowards living in a delusional and conspiratorial world
*self important amateur experts, religious nuts and ignorant third world thinkers
*Stone Age mindsets of the ignorant
So many insults in one comment. I wonder how would you describe yourself?
Perfect, thanks for the opportunity.
Ahh yes, but what part isn’t true?
Seems pretty accurate to me.
Agree with everything you say except mandatory jabs; just make it clear that those who can but don’t have a jab can not expect treatment when they catch it.
I got my first shot yesterday at the airport. Took from 9.30am until 12.20pm – two hours of that standing outside in the sun. Once let inside I realixed that out of ten injection stations set up only five were active! Unorganized to the max!
The implementation of the vaccination program has been very disappointing in general. It feels like government is on an intentional “go slow” for some reason. The entire island could be vaccinated by now if this was the Intention. The day I went to the airport the line was over 1hr long and there were 3 nurses taking their time administering shots. There was a lot of checking paperwork and explaining how to complete the vaccine card (which frankly looks like a 5 yr old made it on their home computer). I doubt any other country will believe the authenticity of the card. I can’t believe that government had a year to come up with a professional vaccination recording program and the best they could come up with is a printed piece of cardboard with a wet stamp from HSA and a hand filled form. The execution of this phase has been very disappointing.
Yup. When I got that card I said to the nurse ‘so when I get my second shot and countries need vaccine passports -‘ and she cut me off and said ‘that is what you will use, yes’. I walked to the observation area looking at it like, here goes Cayman’s old driver’s licences again. The stamp is nowhere near where it should have gone. It’s handwritten. This is not going to work. Oh well, they’ll just have to issue new ones when people get rejected for visas and so on. Those will be for collection on letter days too no doubt.
No they can just scan you to read the microchip implant.
There are so many laughable things you have to believe are possible and being carried out in order to believe that vaccines have microchips in them. To an intelligent person, it is mind boggling that you could think a microscopic piece of technology could be suspended in a substance kept in deep freeze for months in such a condition and with advanced features and technology of which the world has never heard, so that, when injected into your blood, it manages to permanently attach to the inside of your body. This is stuff that is still in movies for a reason.
Oh dear, someone who doesn’t recognise humor. It is ‘laughable’ because that was the intention of the post.
Don’t even need to do that with 5g they can triangulate exactly where everyone with the vaccine is.
Once Elon Musk’s launches his 42,000 satellites
I know this is intended as humour, but the form does ask for a phone number and that makes it entirely possible for you to be tracked. One of the ways they measured the spread of covid was by tracking the networks that mobile phones log in to. When a few hundred people disembark from an airplane one of the first things they do is turn on their phones and hence identify your position globally. It would be relatively easy to link a phone number to a vaccination database.
Fine with me. IMO it was a shame they never managed to get the Bluetooth contact tracing apps working properly.
Is it legal?
Just an FYI, the vaccine card in the US from the CDC looks almost identical. The cayman vaccine card looks just like the ones in other countries.
That’s true. The cards are not durable and you should scan and save in computer as the ink can fade too. This is not meant to be a global vaccine passport but stop criticizing and get the shot. The rest of the world is in the same situation.
I lost mine, and I’m sure many other have.
They better have a record that I got 2 shots or I’m screwed because of incompetence. You cannot expect not even 10 people out of 10,000 not to lose a piece of paper after months.
No, they expect you to treasure that piece of paper, and for nothing to happen to any of them. Apparently. I put mine in my glovebox on top of everything else because once something goes in there, it never comes out, unless I need it. I am hoping they will allow them to be laminated once completed. Still though, the rule is, if it looks like something you could have made yourself, another government will not trust it. Even if there is a programme by which each country certifies the correct form of its vaccination cards, the ones provided to date have no authentication features – those that are hard if not impossible to fake. I saw nothing about that card that I could not make myself having watched Catch Me If You Can and having some graphical ability on a computer. The batch number is the most official thing on the card but they included that information on the form so you do not need to get the vaccine to be able to insert that information. I could go on but CNS might not approve the comment. They have not issued cards that will be accepted by other countries, I suspect. If I am proven wrong, I will be glad for that.
You don’t think your own incompetence is the main problem here?
I am sorry, but who is incompetent because you as an adult lost your card ? Does anybody take responsibility for their actions anymore ? Although I am sure HSA can assist, because of your attitude I would not. I would make you do over the entire cycle after waiting out the required waiting period.
It’s a wonder you can manage to keep ahold of a drivers license, birth certificate, and banking card and information. Why wouldn’t you have put that in your file with your important papers and passport?
As an adult, you should be embarrassed, not blaming the HSA for your carelessness.
They should obviously greatly extend their operating hours and allow poeple to get it at their local clinic, pharmacy, dentist etc etc.
This is really poor customer service for something so important. They could be done in a couple weeks if they really wanted to put some effort in.
just make airport 24-7…..then you will find out how many really want it.
companies and civil service nned to make it mandatory for employees. otherwise there is zero chance of reaching 80%
Thanks for your input Josef Mengele.
so trying to stop a global pandemic based on scientific advice is comparable to the nazis????…..zzzzzzzzz
“based on scientific advice”?
Human rights bobo. You cannot be forced to take a vaccine, especially an experimental one!
Employers should NEVER be allowed to require a “vaccine” that isn’t even fully approved yet. It is still only approved for emergency use.
9:42 And I bet all the lawyers on this island would just love that. Talk about a ‘target rich environment’!
free solution:
tell folks that future travel will only be eligible to those who have been vaccinated.
Agreed but I think this will be the case anyway no vaccine not travel to anyplace.
Im betting even the USA will require you to be vaccinated by the end of summer to enter.
Actually think that might be the case anyway
Only works with those who actually travel, either because of work or because they are affluent enough to afford shopping trips to Miami, overseas holidays or foreign universities. Wil have zero impact on low paid work permit holders whose next travel will be to return home at end of permit, or Caymanians who have no interest in travel abroad. And those that do want to travel are probably already getting vaccinated so they can dispense with quarantine.
The solution is not to force people to vaccinate – all sorts of human rights issues there – its to give people an opportunity to vaccinate on the understanding that irrespective of whether they accept it o not we will open the borders once people have had the opportunity to protect themselves. Otherwise those that simply dont want or need the border open get to hold the rest of us ad the tourism industry to ransom. Since when does 20% of a population get to dictate what the other 80% can do?
Well said!
What do you have against pregnant women, children and those that cannot be vaccinated due to other health issues?
Nothing but they are a minority and we must move forward. This is not Ebola!
They are not my concern. Pregnancy is a choice.
Without which, you would not exist.
Also, pregnancy is a temporary condition. They can vaccinate as soon as they are no longer pregnant
The purpose of herd immunity (usually given as 70-80% with immunity, either naturally acquired or via vaccine) is to protect those in society who, for various reasons, cannot be vaccinated, like pregnant women, those with poor immune systems (so they don’t develop immunity, even when vaccinated) or children (though testing has started on those under 18, so the vaccine may yet prove safe to use on under-18s)
Why do they close at lunchtime? Not everyone can take time off work.
I was fortunate that my company encouraged getting the vaccine and gave me the time off I needed to get it. Do current labour laws not provide this for everyone?
If you don’t understand that, I can’t explain it to you. That’s life here 🙂
Whose idea was it to give Q and U their own days? And put S and T together on the 17th. Heard lines were over two hours on the S and T day!
You couldn’t make it up. Does XYZ get a day?
8.07am What about E day?.
Gonna be busy today with all the U’s lined up
U for unna.
damn right…too many ubanks knocking around.
Well when you have an entire day for last names with Q and another with U, what do you expect? How many people in Cayman have last names starting with those letters.
Forget the last name foolishness and let anyone get the shot that wants it. Forcing me to go on a specific day and time is ridiculous. I should have had my first one by now but instead have to wait to the very last day which is Saturday to get mine and had to take a vacation day to do it.
Here are 12 important questions and answers before considering getting this vaccine:
●”If I get vaccinated, can I stop wearing a mask?”
Government: “NO”
●”If I get vaccinated will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen and will people be able to get back to work like normal? Government: “NO”
●”If I get vaccinated, will I be resistant to Covid?”
Government: “Maybe. We don’t know exactly, but probably not.”
●”If I get vaccinated, at least I won’t be contagious to others – right?”
Government: “NO. the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.”
●”If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last?”
Government: “No one knows. All Covid “vaccines” are still in the experimental stage.”
● “If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?”
Government: “NO”
● “If my parents, grandparents and myself all get vaccinated can we hug each other again?”
Government: “NO”
● “So, what’s the benefit of getting vaccinated?”
Government: “Hoping that the virus won’t kill you.”
●”Are you sure the vaccine won’t injure or kill me?”
Government: “NO”
●”If statistically the Covid19 virus won’t kill me (as it has 99.7% survival rate), why should I get vaccinated?”
Government: “To protect others.”
●”So, if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with?”
Government: “NO”
● “If I experience a severe adverse reaction, long term effects (still unknown) or die from the vaccine will I (or my family) be compensated from the vaccine manufacture or the Government?”
Government: “NO – the government and vaccine manufacturers have 100% zero liability regarding this experimental drug”
So, to summarize, the Covid19 “vaccine”…
Does not provide immunity
Does not eliminate the virus
Does not prevent death
Does not guarantee you won’t get it
Does not stop you from passing it on to others
Does not eliminate the need for travel bans
Does not eliminate the need for business closures
Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns
your a moron
Why 7:11 am is a moron?
You don’t like the questions?
You don’t like counter arguments?
You don’t like debates?
Why people relentlessly attacked for not taking an experimental jab?
1. They aren’t questions, they are completely unrelated. May as well ask “if I get the jab will I catch more Mahi? NO”. Makes as much sense.
2. There is no counter argument to science. Bet you’re the type of person that argues against MRCU killing mosquitos.
3. There’s no debate to be had here, just get the vaccine and stop being selfish.
4. It’s not experimental, it’s just new. You’re posting on an online news article, so I know you’re not Amish, new things work.
So, in summary, yes, you are a moron.
The science is not as clear as you suggest.
It IS experimental!
Selfish? You sir, are the real moron. No one knows the long term effects and the true protection given from the “vaccine”.
They didn’t know the long term effects of teh other vaccines either. Only God can see teh future.
This isn’t a debate. It’s a load of factually incorrect drivel that’s already been completely taken apart, copy and pasted from facebook by some antivax simpleton who couldn’t even be bothered to change it to make it relevant to Cayman. Jeez
10.18am I guess you are a moron as well. Try “why are ignorant people encouraging the spread of this serious disease when the vast educated majority are doing their best to eradicate it by getting vaccinated”.
No, a moron would believe it can be eradicated. It has already been determined we have to live with this, just like colds and flu.
It is all fact.
nice grammar…who is the moron?
Thank you for this summary even those who can’t read long articles would (probably) understand.
It’d have been funny if it wasn’t tragic.
I’d add two more:
● “If I get vaccinated, would my innate immune system continue to function the way it was functioning before the jab, (as designed by nature), or it would get suppressed by the COVID antibodies?”
Government: “No one knows. All Covid “vaccines” are still in the experimental stage.”
● “If I get vaccinated, but can still get COVID (and test positive for the virus) is there a chance that the virus wold mutate into a superbug?”
Government: “No one knows. All Covid “vaccines” are still in the experimental stage.”
…If I get vaccinated will I win the lottery? equally stupid question, with the exact same answer. ‘No one knows’, although I would take a guess on the answers…#1 yes, vaccines don’t stop your immune system from working, they train it to be able to identify things they haven’t seen before. #2 New strains of the virus develop when new drugs and combinations of those drugs are used on sick people, not from vaccines. Vaccines reduce the likelihood of new strains developing, and besides ‘superbugs’ are usually bacteria that mutate from overuse of antibiotics, antibiotics aren’t used to treat viruses as they have no effect.
You are missing one key fact this is not a Vaccine. It is an under tested MRNA Gene Therapy
Thank You! The CDC have their definition of what a vaccine is. mRNA cannot legally be called a vaccine as it does not work in the same way as a traditional vaccine. The CDC has contradicted their selves but all of these people driven by fear would give up their mothers for a “sense of security”. This mRNA “vaccine” is gene therapy (not editing) and everyone is ok with it, for now. You cans search the internet and find articles from when mRNA gained attention from the media and it was called gene therapy then. So what changed?
I really do not have the time to deal with a troll’s misinformation. How tf is a vaccine with mRNA that is quickly degraded supposed to cause an override of your system.
Get back under your bridge.
One more:
●”So, if I get vaccinated, why are they trying to restrict my freedoms when the jab apparently gives me FULL protection?”
Government(s): Government: “To protect others.”
Lazy cut and paste, which isn’t relevant for Cayman, I’m not going to touch the factually incorrect shtuff, but will touch on one part. 99.7% survival rate? Really? Insert some dubious made up numbers off facebook…Try this one, if you ever want to travel again what do you think your chances are if you haven’t been vaccinated?
The vaccine all but eliminates the risk of you getting seriously ill.
Data now coming in also shows the vaccine significantly reduces your risk of getting asymptomatic covid.
Data now clear the vaccine significantly reduces your chance of catching and passing on the virus.
You’re pretty much wrong on all fronts. When the world opens up your chance of getting sick from the virus will be significantly reduced by all those who have been vaccinated. You’re welcome. Idiot.
Where is this magical data ?
No proven as yet , mostly propaganda from Governments.
CNS: The data isn’t magical but it is evolving as scientists and academics learn more about it. Here is a good article on the subject on Bloomberg.
” the Pfizer vaccine not only provides protection against becoming ill from SARS-CoV-2, but also helps prevent infection, reducing the potential for the virus to be passed on to others,””
I love it. The antivax clowns actually down vote links to studies that indicate the vaccines are even more effective than previously thought. Shows the kind of mentality these people have.
The links you provided are not “links to studies”.
Independent and Reuters are news organisations.
As an example, this is a link to a study (pay attention to references):
Calling a person an idiot is your best argument? That is actually funny.
“ now coming.. data now clear…?
Really? Data may be coming, but it far from being clear, only time will tell.
P.S. I am not the original poster by the way, but I support 7:11, 8:52 and 10:22 💯 percent!
As you seem to be the type who needs to be spoon fed…
No, real news sources about real studies conducted by real scientists is the best argument. You can easily find these with google if you try. But you won’t because you’re ignorant and only want to read things that don’t challenge that ignorance like laughably debunked lists of logical fallacies copy and pasted from facebook.
not in cayman are you, Cayman is open, the vaccine is to open the boarders and allows its residents to travel. The big question is do we want visitors coming back? If you work in tourism 100% yes otherwise the country is better without, will we get to 80% could be tricky.
11.30am This must be the tenth time your comments have referred to “boarders”.You obviously cannot spell, but given the number of times I have tried to correct you I am beginning to doubt your reading ability as well.
LOL You copy and paste moron. Already completely debunked.
Noting is wrong with copy and paste.
7:11 I wouldn’t try running those arguments past the Israelis – you might not like their response 🙂
What “government “ are you referring to? We don’t have masks, all business is open. And the vaccine works.
Go back to bed, you are dreaming.
Using the alphabet to decide who comes is a dumb idea. It really does not take much intelligence to see that letters are not evenly distributed in the population. They should use what the census tells them and come up with short and expanded letter groupings to get more consistent spread.
Maybe if they had a current census, instead of data from a 10 year old census, they’d have a clue on who is on island.
We will have great difficulty getting the numbers vaccinated that they expect. Certainly as long as it involves knowing which day is yours and getting to the airport during working hours. There are thousands of people here who could have been the ‘ain’t nobody got time for that’ lady. Simple people living simple lives. Riding a bicycle down Shedden Road midday Wednesday. On the porch as always. Cleaning the school again. Whatever it is, the word vaccine may float around them but it is not a priority to do themselves. Their assigned day will pass them by again and again.
If we have learnt anything from this first round, it is that the pace will be too slow sticking to letter days. Even letter groups won’t work as it’s just information you have to get to people who are part of low-information networks. About the most you can expect to effectively spread that will penetrate into those low-information networks is ‘anybody can get vaccinated at the airport’. They should not even be expecting people to bring a mask or pen; those should be provided. We have to make this really easy and convenient or people just won’t bother. I have never had the flu so I have never had a flu shot – the vast majority here have never had COVID either and they will not go to get vaccinated just for the sake of it.
Also, imposing quarantine on the fully vaccinated is undoubtedly dampening enthusiasm for the vaccine. Anecdotal evidence of this is readily supplied by comments on this site. If it does not earn you the ability to travel freely, then you are not leaving Cayman anyway, so why should you go out of your way to get two painful injections only to remain stuck here? The idea was supposed to be that we vaccinated ourselves and we could then access the world again safely to our hearts’ content, while letting the world back into Cayman at our own pace, and re-entering Cayman at our convenience with no quarantine. If that had remained the position instead of this lame duck government changing it purely for electioneering purposes, the vaccination rate would be higher.
Basically the government gets a C- for this aspect of the programme. If it is your day or you are otherwise entitled and you go to get vaccinated, it is very well run from that perspective, but CNS rightly points out that the programme is not on track to meet its own goals. Unfortunately the election looks like it may prevent the changes needed and the baton will be fumbled.
Agree with most of that and I got jabbed in order to travel as soon as quarantine is lifted. The problem is I think most of us who want to travel and not quarantine aren’t voters and all of those who go shopping in Miami and get a free vacation on their return, are. I think the UK will drop quarantine in June and then hopefully we follow.
No stimulus cheques like every other country in the world then there should be another pension fund withdrawal! Blame China!
The very few countries that have handed out stimulus checks have done so to…. income tax payers.
Every other country hasn’t. Not even close.
Isn’t the government still giving the Tourism Stipend? Isn’t this the same a a stimulus cheque? Are countries offering a stimulus cheque economy flourishing ?
The vaccines also apparently expire the end of may (read the first form)
If you are responsible enough to print the form, fill it out and take it with you, they update the batch number when you get there. Granted they should never have included it on the printable form to begin with, but so it go.
That just means you need to get it before the end of May doesn’t it…