Latest COVID-19 tests all negative
(CNS): There were no positive cases of COVID-19 from the latest batch of 316 tests, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee reported Friday. This week public health officials have reported 1,980 test results with five positives, two of which were samples taken from returning travellers in quarantine. There are now just six active, asymptomatic cases of the virus in Cayman.
In total 24,637 tests have been carried out in Cayman and the tally of positive cases since testing began in March is 201.
Speaking at the COVID-19 briefing on Friday, Dr Lee said that test numbers had fallen because people had not “necessarily been inclined to come in” to be tested. He urged those who are called to come in for testing to do so, saying it was important to keep screening people to ensure that there are no outbreaks of coronavirus.
He confirmed that the screening is now open to everyone and people can go online and register to request a test.
Dr Lee said that almost 1,000 antibody tests have now been carried out, largely among healthcare workers and people who have previously tested positive for the virus. Around 4.1% are showing they have antibodies but he explained this was not a representative sample. He further noted that nine people who had tested positive for the virus had tested negative for the antibodies.
This, he said, could be for a variety of reasons, including that they never mounted an antibody resistance to the virus, the levels are too low and the tests not sensitive enough to pick them up, or the antibodies had already gone.
Meanwhile, as Cayman continues to repatriate foreign nationals stranded here without work, the government also continues to battle with quarantine spaces for Caymanians and residents who are overseas that need to come home.
Danielle Coleman, the director of Hazard Management Cayman Islands, explained that capacity has been expanded at both the Wyndham Hotel and the Holiday Inn, the facilities government is currently using, but she said that more people do want to come home and there is still a shortage of space. Government has issued an RFP, hoping to secure a contract for more facilities to cover the need for the next two months.
Coleman explained that government is considering self-isolation at home for people returning, but a risk assessment had to be carried out. She warned that to have a surge in cases because of people returning would undermine everything that has been achieved.
There are very real concerns, given the level of spread in the United States at the moment, that allowing returnees to self-isolate would be very risky. Premier Alden McLaughlin pointed out that no matter how careful people are, planes coming into Cayman are going to be bringing the virus.
While current residents who test positive are allowed to self-isolate, they are carefully monitored by public health. Dr Lee has stated on many occasions that they present a very different scenario to people who want to return, given that the country’s borders are closed.
Governor Martyn Roper confirmed that students returning to the UK for school will not have to quarantine on arrival, as the Cayman Islands and other overseas territories have been added to a safe list of travel destinations. But Roper emphasised that this is not reciprocated. Anyone travelling here from the UK must still quarantine for up to 14 days.
See the full COVID-19 briefing on CIGTV below:
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Category: Health, Medical Health
And ……. just on another note… The Premier thanked the some 40+ Caymanian nurses working in the U.K.? Please mr premier can you name them for us? as we are quite at a loss. Who are they? I think they are the usual crafty PAPER economic immigrants!
I wish you all would keep politics out of everything. Not everyone that believes in herd immunity is a Trump Supporter, not every white person votes for Trump and not everyone that watches Fox news votes for Trump. Not everyone that doesn’t believe in herd immunity is a Democrat.
Sadly, President Trump has completely politicized the coronavirus issue. Totally unnecessary but he does it because his day of political reckoning is coming in November.
In large parts of American society, wearing a mask now has become a political statement due to Trump. America is now paying a massive price for such stupidity.
How can one keep politics out of everything when the top doctors and scientists in America say one thing and the President says the exact opposite?
Not being a Trump cult follower I am going with the doctors and scientists than a 5 time bankrupt real estate developer who is basically a con-man.
America. We are screwed. 3 million coronavirus cases and over 130,000 deaths here.
Stop the lying Mr. President and start leading. The Federal Government must step up to the plate and have a national public health coordinated policy like Germany, France, Canada and other countries.
I lived in Cayman, I got a repatriation flight back to the UK. The Government response to the pandemic has been excellent. Good clear advice all along, inspiring confidence. It has paid off and continues to do so.
Woke people already know their padding numbers to make it look worse than it actually is.
Thanks to that wacko disgraced British scientist Mr. Furgerson and his “models”, the global economy crashed.
You give Woke people too much credit. They act without thinking or knowledge. It’s all about today’s emotion.
To “Depressed American” I appreciate your sentiments and am sad for the present state of your country. You know then that the only remedy is to VOTE OUT Trump and his Republican stooges in November. Yes, I agree the alternative on the Democrat side is not the best candidate but at least he has a mature brain (perhaps too mature?).
I wonder though if Trump seen as the “lesser of two evils”, like last election, and Americans doom themselves to 4 more years of this? I hope not!
Those whom thought Hillary was worse than trump are the real virus on the world.
The pandemic is over in Cayman
Yes, and raging out of control in Florida, our neighbor to the north. Worse place in the world right now for the virus. So don’t be complacent Bobo.
It is not “raging out of control” in Florida. We have very few deaths in Florida, and the rate is declining steadily. If you don’t believe me then check out the seven day average for Florida covid deaths on The new Florida CASES are largely among asymptomatic people ages 0 to 45. That age cohort has almost a zero per cent death rate from covid. Many new cases have been discovered because the hospitals have reopened for elective surgery, and virus testing is now part of that process. What Florida does NOT have is tens of thousands of elderly virus deaths, because our governor has a brain, and ordered special care facilities for elderly covid patients. This was unlike New York, where the Democrat governor ordered covid infected back to elder care homes. Thousands died in New York. What Cayman has done is to preserve a large population susceptible to infection by the China virus. If just one future visitor gets off a plane or boat infected with that virus Cayman is back to square one. I hope and pray that one of the vaccines now in test will prevent that, but meanwhile Florida will long since have passed into herd immunity thanks to our asymptomatic young folks who are busily doing their part in our restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and beaches.
So 6:27, I guess all that news coming from local Miami TV stations is fake news? You trying to tell me all those mayors and health officials are just making things up? Sure seems to me watching the Miami news yesterday “that things are raging out of control”. Talking to my friends this morning in Boca Raton they confirmed to me that the situation there is VERY BAD.
Stop trying to push the Trump line that everything is OK when the house is on fire. Your Florida Governor is responsible for this situation as he refused to take action when it was required in May because he was too busy kissing Trump’s ass.
I am in Florida and situation is not very bad. More people get tested, more positives, however 80% of positives have no symptoms.
In Alaska hospitals are opening Covid19 wards again, yet no Covid19 patients in ICUs.
Are we living in the same state of Florida? The situation is not very bad? Get off the Trump Kool Aid ASAP.
Hubert. The poster pointed you to a website as the source. Read before you write. I have family in Florida. What they are saying is they wear masks and are VERY CAREFUL. Why don’t you stop trying to push anti-Trump rhetoric? In In the last two weeks I’ve travelled through six states. My first hand observation is masks and social distancing. Perhaps that’s why deaths are declining drastically. The vast majority of people put health before politics. It’s called survival.
The anti Trump rhetoric is because 50 states are doing their own thing. Different counties in Florida, Texas and Arizona are also doing their own thing while people like you travel between counties and states. Have you been tested? I doubt it. You might be a spreader.
It’s every man for himself. The President adamantly refuses to wear a mask and show leadership on mask wearing and social distancing. Just look at the charade in South Dakota last weekend.
Deaths are declining dramatically in America? Stop watching Fox and start looking at the facts. Hard in Florida though, as the Governor is not releasing hospitalization stats anymore. Why? Contract tracing is negligible in Florida as they have given up. Not a single contact tracer in Miami / Dade County now. We are screwed in Florida because we are so stupid as to not learn the lessons from other countries or even NYC and New Jersey.
On top of that, Governors only get support from Washington when they kiss Trump’s ring. The Democratic Governor of New Jersey being a good example.
What is needed is a national health strategy now before it is too late. Deaths and new cases are up in America. They are NOT / NOT declining drastically. Look at the Johns Hopkins stats not Foxes. Our country needs to get it’s act together.
Sorry to say, but Hubert is bang on.
6:27, So explain this one to me? On a day where Florida sees a record number of cases the Governor says “we are flattening the curve”.
On top of that there is a lack of contact tracing in Florida.
You really think your Governor has a brain?
Too bad your Florida Governor does not have a brain to distinguish between a curve and a steep cliff. Today Florida has a steep cliff with coronavirus cases.
208,000 deaths by November 1 is the new projection of deaths today. While Trump says the USA “is in a good place”. 😱😱😱😱😱
Yeah a good place. Today over 55,000 new coronavirus cases in America. A new single day record. And Trump has the gall to say “we are in a good place”. What world is this guy living in?
You’re another TDS patient, please take this opportunity and get some help. Get use to it, he’s not going anywhere until January 2025, when Mike Pence assumes the presidency.
You are right, Trump will lose the election but will not leave office claiming the election was a big hoax arranged by the Chinese. His henchman Barr, will assist him in his moves to stay in power. We will then have a full scale constitutional crisis.
This, 11:38 is the moron you support. You probably think the coronavirus is like the flu too. You foolish individual.
It is like the flu the kill 100’s thousands each year. Did you know the Caronavirus 19 makes up 4% of all US deaths? Get some help for the Trump derangement syndrome soon, because he isn’t going no where.
TDS is real, Your fearless leader, Donald J. Trump, today said today that 99% of coronavirus cases are “harmless”. So with over 130,000 deaths in America in the past 4 months you believe that statement?
Sorry, but you are the one who needs help ASAP. You are seriously delusional. ☠️☠️☠️☠️
He is correct. 99.9999% сchances you won’t die from Covid19
Considering 93% of all the death were either persons in nursing homes or people with morbidities! You see how weak your argument is, the CDC came out last week before Trump even said a word and confirmed that the mortality rate was between 0.02%-0.06%, this is why I love Trump,he’s a master at making people like yourself look stupid with your weak argument about “Trump said it”, it was the CDC that confirmed it. I can do this all day.
The pandemic was NEVER here to begin with. Just All-Done trying to be a leader. Epic fail.
“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once.”
William Shakespeare
Fear is a disease!! A carnivore Dr. Shawn Baker.MD talks about fear of death.
My grandma forwarded me the same thing but also said Obama was a Muslim.
A number of reporters on FOX, not all, keep implying that Obama is a Muslim and possibly born in Africa. They like to make jokes about this even all these years later after Trump first implied this about Obama 10 years ago. Really is pathetic journalism but perhaps it is not journalism.
Fox News is designated as an entertainment channel, not a news channel.
I am a white American. When I see this crap on FOX I know one thing. This is out and out racism and I hate it. Obama was not perfect but to his credit he was a leader and cared about America and tried to unite people.
Trump is a divider pitting us all against each other. Black, white, Mexican, disabled, Indians. We are totally divided in America now. What a mistake I made voting for this A hole. The con man conned me. I WILL NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN.
If Obama didn’t take a year to produce his Hawaii birth certificate, which should taken 2 days, maybe people would not have speculated.
Did Trump have to prove that he was born in the US? Why? Because he’s white.
11:11, 5 days after Barack Obama was born there was a birth announcement published in the Honolulu newspaper paid for by his mother and grandparents. Seeing that announcement was all I needed because I don’t believe there was a grand conspiracy hatched 5 days after Obama was born.
But then racists would do anything to create conspiracies about Obama just like Trump did.
Maybe people would not question Trump’s worth if he would just produce his tax returns that he promised before he was elected. The tax returns that Trump keeps legally blocking and says is still being audited. 🤪🤪🤪🤪
What is the conman hiring? He is not what he is financially.
U really sick TDS is real. Get psychiatric help.
He is a criminal.
In what grounds is he a criminal?
I love it. The CNNites don’t believe anything that’s not on CNN. Can’t wait for people to grow up and learn that both CNN and Fox are nothing more than tabloids and propaganda tools for their respective parties. Both are disgraceful.
Well then, if you don’t like CNN try BBC or CBS or PBS or ABC or Euronews. You will find that FOX is very much out on a limb on coronavirus matters and pushing the Trump and the Trump agenda. Though the other night when the FOX reporter asked Trump about his policy agenda for a second term Trump answered, “experience”. That was it.
Even the FOX guys could not spin that answer positively for Trump’s second term.
You’re another TDS patient, please take this opportunity and get some help. Get use to it, he’s not going anywhere until January 2025, when Mike Pence assumes the presidency.
And Dr. Shawn Baker had his medical license revoked in 2017. Think about it?
Trump claimed today on FOX that 99% of coronavirus cases are “harmless”.So why did the FOX reporter not ask why 130,000 people have died in America in the past 4 months?
And you think I should take FOX News seriously? Certain CNN would have asked that question as would have BBC,PBS,or any other network.
Go to privacy, then health on your phone. See what is already there, though not enabled yet?
Do we want to live in this type of world?
Dr.Shawn Baker MD ( he is a CARNIVORE) video
Actually, nobody is comparing CV to cancer. People were once calling Covid-19 “no worse than the seasonal flu”, until profound evidence from all around the globe quashed that assertation soundly. I will confess that I’d much rather my doctor tell me I have Covid-19 than cancer, however I don’t recognise that as a valid statement. Does it do us any good to attempt to minimise the virus?
We don’t know what this virus will do. Hopefully, it will attenuate and become like or less than the common cold. We appear to have gotten lucky with the strain that landed here.
This is a world-changing event, and it will likely take a few years to be assimilated and its impacts felt and absorbed all around the world. We can all see how the poor choices of our neighbor to the north is ramping things up.
Did you know that at least 56% of ALL Covid-19 cases in the U.S. have occurred within the last month? That is a sobering statistic, yeah?
The economic repercussions of this have all but killed my business. I am not alone. There are people all around the world who are out of work, struggling.
You know what the bottom line seems to be — and this is just my opinion, no more important than yours..? We haven’t yet come up with an algorithm to balance loss of life against economic hardship. I hope we never do.
Be safe and well.
not sure what point you’re trying to make, but neither.
First line gave it away. Covid is extremely contagious, but not as deadly as first pitched. Being difference between 800 and 0. People on this site write about Florida cases daily. It’s a retirement State, so it’s deaths that matter more than number of positive tests. The average age of positives is reducing significantly. Axe the bars and cases will drop. Alcohol and social distancing simply does not work. Protect the elderly and ill. This is not rocket science. The rest of the world is getting back to a new normal. Wear masks and go about your business.
Shut up…
Easy there tiger …
500,000 deaths in about 4 months….
I don’t want the doctor to tell me I have Covid or cancer.
Wear masks!
Social Distancing!
Be careful as the bars open and extremely careful when visiting elderly ( nursing facility).
650,000 flu deaths on 2017, where was all the fear then?
Shut up? Why? You can’t handle #facts.
That’s good news. Increased testing = detection of more positive cases BUT in favourable situations like ours, lower PERCENTAGE of positives. Moron Donald Trump can’t get his 5th grade brain around that last factor and US is covid-blazing!. Sad.
Congrats Cayman but can’t take our eyes off the ball!
Today in Florida there are over 11,400 new coronavirus cases in Florida. Another new one day record for Florida. However, the Governor will still not make a strong statement about wearing a mask and urging people to practice social distancing in Florida.
A total lack of leadership in Florida by a Governor who follows his political hero, Donald Trump who is in total denial about the health situation in America. 130,000 people have died in America in the past 4 months and we still do not have a coordinated health care response from Washington. As an American, I have never been so depressed about the direction the country is going.
Countries in the EU have done it so has Canada. Why can we not get our act together?
Cayman, for all your problems, you are doing a good job. Now Cayman needs to carefully look at opening up to some countries, but please, do not open to my country until we get our act together. That might not happen until we have a new head of state.
Why are you highlighting new cases and not the deaths, you know the mortality rate is between 0.02%-0.06% according to your CDC. I guess it is Washington’s fault that 60%+ of all deaths occurred in elderly care facilities.
You said Canada did it right, exactly what do you mean? 81% of the total Caronavirus deaths in Canada occurred in nursing homes, that’s not doing it right! Come again!
Canada flattened the curve a month ago. Just look at the stats. Simple, the stats do not lie.
Today we have over 130,000 deaths in 4 months in America. A disgrace.
Wear a mask and practice social distancing. Don’t be a Trump idiot.
Your right stats dont lie, the deaths in the US are on the decline, in fact the lowest since this “plandemic” began. Over 95% of new cases are people under 45 years old of which 99.99% will survive. You are wack blaming one man for all of the US woes.👍
Canada flattened the curve a month ago. Just look at the stats. Simple, the stats do not lie.
Today we have over 130,000 deaths in 4 months in America. A disgrace.
Wear a mask and practice social distancing. Don’t be a Trump idiot.
McCarron, You know damn well that Trump, in Washington, takes no responsibility for anything related to the coronavirus in America. It is always the State or county in America that is at fault. He always washes his hands of anything.
While in Canada, PM Trudeau sends in the army to the nursing homes and apologizes for what has happened even though the provinces have full responsibility for nursing homes.
You would not know leadership if it was staring you in the face as you are mesmerized by the Trump of cult as he brings America and your country down. 😢 😢 😢 SAD.
Trudeau sending in the army after the fact doesn’t change the fact that they screwed up big 81% of deathe. Have a nice life while you hide and post anonymously.
Yes, I guess over 40% of 130,000 deaths in USA nursing homes is doing it right.
Brilliant Trump logic from a follower of the “stable genius”.
Geez, America really is in trouble.