CAL takes home just 77 Jamaicans

| 04/06/2020 | 186 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The Honorary Jamaican Consulate has confirmed that 77 Jamaican nationals were on board the Cayman Airways charter flight to Kingston Thursday, the first repatriation flight to the neighbouring island since the lockdown began. Officials confirmed that they have a list of more than 130 people who have registered to leave Cayman on further emergency airlift flights.

Until Prime Minister Andrew Holness announced Sunday that the country’s borders would reopen to repatriate its nationals on Monday, 1 June, Cayman had struggled to get the authorities there to accept any of their countrymen currently in Cayman who are stranded without work and no means to support themselves.

But in a sudden change of heart, as Jamaica prepares to reopen to tourists in just ten days, the decision to allow its nationals home enabled a flight to be organised from here, and more are expected.

At the time of the lockdown there were around 12,000 work permit holders in Cayman from Jamaica, as that country’s long standing connections with Cayman have led to a continuous stream of migration here of Jamaicans looking to work.

Those who were repatriated Thursday will be tested and quarantined as they enter the country. A small number of Caymanians stranded in Jamaica who will be returning on the flight this evening will be required to go into government mandated quarantine for 14 days when they arrive.

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Comments (186)

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  1. Anon says:

    Re: “Caymanian race”. I have been doing my wife’s geneological history, and I think that there is at least a Caymanian family, if not a race. Given her descent from early on founders, she is most probably related to most native born Caymanians alive today. The “out of many one” moto may not apply to Jamaica, but it certainly does to the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman nor Caymanians have never used that phrase…
      That is a Jamaican Motto
      The phrase is written on every last thing you can find in Jamaica
      Caymanians do not even believe that they are not WHITE…
      What are you talking about… Jamaica is one country that has one person out of every race, colour and creed…
      Where in Cayman do you see that, or do you even ear anyone speak like that….
      Caymanians, are all of the belief that they are white, what’s wrong with you???
      Do you even understand the craziness of the statement you wrote…
      Stop manhandling the Jamaican Motto… If you do not know what it stands for… please read.
      It does not work for countries who does not accept that there are different shades of people and acknowledge these different shades
      It does not work for countries that has racism and classism!
      Please rephrase your statement and do not use that motto [Out Of Many One People] Sir… Out of Many One People… That applies nowhere in Cayman… Listen the radio, watch the news…
      Out of Many means: Out of Many races : Chinese, Japanese, Indians, African, Caucasians, Native and Indifferent [One Jamaican People]
      Who else Cayman[ians] accept, except WHITE FOLKS… They Love them, Pay them a cut above all the rest, even above Caymanians themselves and above blacks. White people own 3/4 of the real estate industry and money in Cayman… Not, anyone else.

  2. Anonymous says:

    We must be a special people to get all this attention and care. yet people want to hate Trump and talk about racism. Just like what racists do that is what I see in many comments fueled by fear and low self esteem so to feel good you put down others even when you have gained from another. So like the American blackout. We need a Jamout. Listen my people hold your head up ,, work honestly and diligently let small minds speak. They can’t do without us, our ancestors help build this paradise and we continuing the legacy. Nobody stopping anyone from success. Scholarships like water available, free top notch education, plenty opportunities for job training. Family resources galore. Stop the complaint and do as Bahamians did to increase locals in jobs. Educate yourself, work
    hard take jobs and stop blaming others for your downfall. It’s always a wonder that people of other skin color can come build mansions take prime property, get paid the highest wages , get citizenship , live off the fat of the land and give back just enough to qualify for residence but is the blacks who helped that here getting basic wages you all fighting. Self hate is a serious problem. That’s why black people will always be mental slaves. Busy fighting down Jamaicans and the whites here hoarding all the riches. Stay there many of us will go back as you grapple with the scraps left behind while you were busy fighting your brother and sisters for small spoils.

    • Anonymous says:

      You couldn’t be more right..

    • Anonymous says:

      How exactly did your ancestors (assuming you are Jamaican) “help build this paradise” ? Only curious because the history of the Cayman islands speaks to a different reality. In the 18th century, a history of neglect from the British then Jamaican authorities led to the Cayman Islands being settled as frontier society with people from all over to being with. Fast forward to the paradise state you speak of, it was mainly British banker speculation and american money that led to the development of Cayman islands as a major financial center. However a huge source of this speculation came from the sudden influx of USD remittances from the large number of Caymanian seamen that left home from as young as 17 to work on the worlds bulk carrier ships. Barclays bank was the first foreign bank to take notice and set up shop here in the 1960’s. Individuals like yourself need to reflect and decipher why throughout any jurisdictions Jamaicans domicile there is always conflict with the locals, not just in the Cayman islands. Instead of being so ungrateful and disrespectful to the host countries that graciously provides for so much opportunities, try to identify what is the common denominator in this decades old problem.


    That little stunt that the Jamaican government pulled with our governor to try to force Cayman to pay for their Jamaicans’ air fare PLUS pay for their quarantine upon arrival back in Jamaica should be met with a strong refusal of granting any more work permits from Jamaica.

    Grant work permits from Philippines and other countries from now on!

    • People from other countries can be the police, work construction, babysit and clean too says:

      According to the latest statistics published on 25th October 2019 by the Economic & Statistics Office, here are the countries ranked with the number of work permits from each country:

      1 Bermuda
      2 Macedonia
      5 Croatia
      7 Panama
      8 Guatemala
      9 Pakistan
      10 Finland
      10 Russia
      12 Bangladesh
      12 Denmark
      12 Lebanon
      12 Malaysia
      13 Chile
      13 Sweden
      14 Bahamas
      14 Switzerland
      15 Bulgaria
      16 Czech Republic
      16 Haiti 16
      18 Poland
      19 Ecuador
      19 Israel
      20 St Vincent & the Grenadines
      23 Portugal
      25 Turkey
      26 Austria
      28 Other
      31 Argentina
      33 Hungary
      33 Thailand
      35 Serbia
      38 Venezuela
      40 British Overseas Territories
      41 Netherlands
      43 St. Lucia
      46 Belize
      56 Germany
      57 France
      61 Zimbabwe
      64 Spain
      65 New Zealand
      66 Peru
      71 Brazil
      76 Romania
      85 Costa Rica
      91 Barbados
      92 Trinidad and Tobago
      104 Kenya
      121 Sri Lanka
      123 Mauritius
      133 Mexico
      144 Italy
      153 Colombia
      179 Australia
      183 Cuba
      214 Indonesia
      260 Guyana
      276 Nepal
      290 Dominican Republic
      304 Ireland
      338 South Africa
      399 Nicaragua
      1,076 Canada
      1,088 Honduras
      1,121 United States of America
      1,221 India
      1,685 United Kingdom
      3,705 Philippines
      11.025 Jamaica


    • Anonymous says:

      Wow, where can members of the public read the news article with that information. Please share the link.

    • Anonymous says:

      They should pay for their air fares and quarantine, Jamaicans are overworked and under paid in cayman. They’ve been exploiting Jamaicans for many years, stop hating on Jamaicans, instead of suggesting other countries. be fair, unite and love and respect your fellow West Indies countries.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Cayman needs to re-set now and diversify says:

        It’s not hating on Jamaica.

        Perhaps when you read a book, you’ll learn that historically it is not unheard of for countries to sanction other countries especially when that other country adopts a policy which has the potential to jeopardise the first country.

        What do you think would happen over time to 11,000+ idle Jamaicans with no job, food or money in Cayman?

        Yes, our governor did the right thing strategically calling in the British military in a show of force!

        Drastic measures are warranted for ignorant decisions to tell the world that Jamaica is not opening to take back their own Jamaican citizens.

        Who does that?

        Call Trump what you want, but when Trump told the Jamaican government that he was going to shut down the American Embassy in Jamaica and start revoking every visa held by a Jamaican, he had brass balls and a strong back to threaten that…but Trump got Jamaica to open up and take back their Jamaican citizens though!

        • Anonymous says:

          put down the crack pipe. So you’re saying that there are 11,000 Jamaicans with no work? So who is doing all the construction, gardening, fixing of cars, teaching, medical work, cleaning etc?

        • Anonymous says:

          Trump did not tell the Jamaican government to take their citizens back….you ppl are so dense. Every country is required to accept deportees without refusal. Hence why Jamaica and all the other countries opened their borders and accepted the deportees. What would have worked for cayman is if all the Jamaicans were rounded up, processed and deported. At which time Jamaica would HAVE to accept them.

          • FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT [Article 13(2) Universal Declaration of Human Rights says:

            As a signatory member country with the United Nations, Jamaican citizens are guaranteed FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT in Article 13(2) which states that “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.”

            These rights were established to form the basis for international human rights law in response to the “barbarous acts which outraged the conscience of mankind”.

            So don’t try to re-write international law by falsely substituting “deportees” with a right that is guaranteed to a citizen wanting to return back to their home country.

            It just makes you look like a jackass to those whom know the truth and power of what Article 13(2) says.

            The Jamaican government violated their own citizens in Cayman, including the Jamaican cruise ship workers IN JAMAICAN TERRITORIAL WATERS stranded on the cruise ship also denied entry back into Jamaica!

            As you suggested, our Cayman Islands Government did NOT have to round up all the Jamaicans in Cayman and process them as “deportees” in order to incentivise Jamaica to accept the Cayman Airways plane loads of their Jamaican citizens back into Jamaica.

            There are other ways available to our Cayman Islands Government to ensure that the Jamaican government does not engage in such flagrant hostility against Cayman moving forward by refusing to accept its own Jamaican citizens unless our Cayman Islands Government pays for Jamaican’s air fare and 2-week quarantine accommodations!

            Wait for it.

            We’re done reasoning with “barbaric acts which outrage the conscience of mankind.”

            • Anonymous says:

              Honestly, you can rant all you want but, there is not enough non-indigent, able bodied and qualified [True indigenous Caymanians] to build the workforce in Cayman.
              3/4 of the children now coming up in Cayman, got Caymanian birth right because of a father, mother or grandparent…
              If you find 10 household in Cayman where both parents have both their parent and grandparents as Caymanian born [they are cousins married]
              The people are tired of marrying their relatives; this is not Buckingham Palace…
              Hence, and therefore; the diversity…
              And not every Caymanian wants to marry people from Macedonia…
              You are going to have a high populace of Jamaicans here; do or die… you can’t do anything about that again…
              The parliament has Jamaicans, because in the past their parents came here when both countries were one in the same…
              Now, that after many years they have split… you only just come to catch the icing friend… the cake done!
              The population is Jamaican…. Cayman is Jamaican…
              You are more than likely Jamaican in some part if you PROPERLY…
              Take a seat…
              It is what it is…
              All the indigenous Caymanians either died, or on their way; sorry, to burst your bubble…
              Watch the protest around the world… THAT’S FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU!

              • You sound hurt when you deflect and try to introduce irrelevant topics says:

                This article was about Cayman Airways only taking 77 Jamaicans back to Jamaica.

                The point was brought up that Cayman should sanction the Jamaican Government for violating their citizens’ human rights who wanted to return to Jamaica but then the Jamaican Government attempted to burden Cayman to pay for their airfare and 2 week quarantine upon arrival back to Jamaica, which is a moot point now since Jamaicans are now allowed to quarantine back at their own residence now anyway.

                The previous Governor’s position was put forth that the reason so many Jamaicans are disproportionately employed by the RCIPS was in order to reflect their percentage in the population.

                Well, what is fair to Caymanians and every other country in Cayman is to place a moratorium on any further granting of Jamaican-born work permits in order to prevent one nationality from disproportionately dominating Caymanians or any other nationality in Cayman as it is now happening.

                In the latest published statistics, there were 11,025 Jamaicans while the next nationality was the Phillipines at 3,705.

                Yes, flatten the Jamaican curve and place a moratorium of no further work permits being granted by Jamaican-born applicants.

                These are facts that you cannot dispute and will be corrected in due course because we’re woke now.

                Time’s up.

                #CaymaniansFirstInCayman…as it should be in every country, including yours.

            • Anonymous says:

              And what does the article say about a crisis situation in which all major ports are closed?

            • Anonymous says:

              4 58????
              Then how come Nicaraguan government is refusing to take back their people from Cayman? You need to send your obsolete, United do nothing Nations piece of crap paper to the Cayman Governor. Do you people not understand that the UN and all these organizations could care less about the hardships of us black folk?

    • Anonymous says:

      You missed the fact that when it comes to brilliance… Jamaicans, once the get the right start.. Is always a cut above the rest..
      Many of the workers in Cayman can’t do anything unless they have worked in Jamaica before and have a license to work in Jamaica as well…
      Jamaicans don’t buy degree… they don’t have the money to do that… So, they have to work their ass off to earn it!
      Hence, all the fake education paper work that they catch [people with in Cayman are always from elsewhere, Never ever can be Jamaica because the kids bright from them born

  4. Anonymous says:

    Only 77? That is just one household from West Bay.

  5. GARTH TAYLOR says:

    The fact of this coment is to voice your concerns,but most of the comments ….mercy

    • Anonymous says:

      Voicing their concerns is exactly what everyone does from my reading of the comments, from both sides. It can’t all be unbiased to suit your agenda, belief or illusion.

  6. Anonymous says:

    That’s another $462 per hour gone from the economy

  7. Anonymous says:

    There has been a lot of work going on to arrange these flights during border closures. Did a whole list of people not show up for the flight, or just not have the money for the ticket? How much did it cost? Worc had listed 12,788 Jamaican permit holders as of Nov 2019, did 1,788 suddenly vanish before this started?

    • Anonymous says:

      They got granted status or PR. They join the 10,000+ other Jamaicans who were made Caymanian in recent years. Do you not know how it works?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, many of us know firsthand how real estate investment and financial means testing works, and it’s pretty clear from your blanket statement that you don’t have any idea how it has applied to the processes of PR, Naturalisation and Caymanian Status since 2005. Queue the tiresome Status Grant 2003 rehash…

        • Anonymous says:

          So what do you suggest happened to them? We are they eaten by Caymanian savages who mistook them for turtles????

          I love the way that facts get twisted by some into anti Caymanian rhetoric.

          • Anonymous says:

            Of the 11,000 jamaicans here how much are currently out of work due to this “pandemic”? That’s the question you should focus on as that will indicate why only 200 plus are confirmed to go back on the flights.

            • Anonymous says:

              The issue surrounds what happened to the other 1,788. That is nothing to do with unemployment.

              • Anonymous says:

                Maybe the numbers where updated from Nov 2019 figure of 12,788 you mentioned.

                • Anonymous says:

                  Yes they were, and around 1,288 had become Caymanian or had been granted PR in the interim.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    Ok, I see. But the focus isn’t on them. The focus is on those on work permit. The horse already through the gate for the ones on PR and status.

        • Anonymous says:


        • Anonymous says:

          What about cabinet status grants for the well connected fren of fren dem.

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s how Cayman run…
            You think it’s different from ashby other countries in the world??
            If so, keep dreaming

      • Anonymous says:

        FFS, not all Jamaican lost their job!

    • Anonymous says:

      $350 USD? I think the Jamaican Gov said they were only allowing the most destitute on this flight? Cayman is opening back up slowly, so perhaps things aren’t as destitute as it once was and pensions are just around the corner to be received.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very few Jamaicans work in hospitality i.e the hotel industry …. so they have not lost their jobs … so your slave helpers, gardeners, salon workers, supermarket stockers, cooks and chefs are still here so no worries

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would they want to leave? They are well taken care of here.

      • Anonymous says:

        Really, were is my maid, butler and handouts and benefits then? I demand it now since I’m “well taken care of here” kmt

  8. Anxious student says:

    How about some July flights to get students back to university for next term???

  9. Anonymous says:

    And the descrimination against the JAMAICAN RACE continues.

    • Anonymous says:

      get real. there is no “Jamaican race”.

      Remember: “Out of many, one people”

      Or so they say…

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, what happened was that a multi racial society on one of the most beautiful and resource rich islands on earth got persuaded by local and outside agitators to blame all its ills on white people. They did. Out of many, they ended up literally chasing out all minorities. Millions left in the resulting collapse of their economy and wider society. What could have been like Singapore is most likely to end up like Haiti. And yet, somehow, Cayman has responsibility to them?

        • anonymous says:

          Anonymous 11:17am, sounds like you ran too. You thought you were white?

          • Anonymous says:

            Sure I ran. Almost everyone that could did. It was little about race once the society had been destroyed. There was no choice for most.

        • Anonymous says:

          Considering that Cayman islands doesn’t have freshwater, they definitely rely on Jamaica for such a necessity.

      • Anonymous says:

        Out of one many people more like.

      • anon says:

        For sure there is no “Caymanian” race. Either BOTC, or, British citizen. Get that? Do you know what that means?

        • Anonymous says:

          Lol, no, we are a tribe!

        • Anonymous says:

          Anon. Please get help. You are getting worse. You promised you were leaving Cayman paradise to go back to your small neck of the woods. What happened?

          • Anonymous says:

            But is anon incorrect in what he stated tho? Many of our own caymanian do not recognize that we are really not a part of the Caribbean.

            • Anonymous says:

              We are not a part of that 3rd world mish mash of chaos and corruption. It is why we are so relatively successful.

              • Anonymous says:

                @2:12pm, your comment is irrelevant. No one is talking about 3rd world. And please say developing countries, 3re world has become a derogatory term.

                • Anonymous says:

                  It is derogatory because it is deservedly so. It includes a widespread cultural acceptance of corruption and disregard for the rule of law.

        • Anonymous says:

          I know you trying to make it mean. 💩💩💩. Try to go back and solve your problems. Leave us along. P l e a s e.

    • Anonymous says:

      If its discrimination you mean, Judging by the local news daily coming out of Jamaica, Y’all do it to yourselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      they assume 12,000 can hold on the same flight lol omg

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not race, it’s behavior.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is no such thing as a jamaican race. Being jamaican is a nationality. Educate yourself before writing foolishness

    • Anonymous says:

      Nothing to do with race, stinking bad attitudes all around.

    • Not so fast says:

      Jamaicans have done this to themselves. There is not one country which Jamaicans are welcomed in. You must then ask the question, is everyone wrong? This is not hate speech. This is the truth. Attitudes will change once behavior changes. Until then I am much afraid that Jamaican nationals will not be a favored nationality.

      Just for clarity, my Father was born in Jamaica as was my Grandfather, Grandmother, Uncle, Sister and many other family members. Still this does not change my opinion.

  10. Anonymous says:

    They not going to leave because there’s no place like Cayman

  11. Anonymous says:

    As your headline says “… just 77 Jamaicans” that would be the capacity of the CAL plane due the the new physical distancing procedures. So in essence the flight was ‘full’.

    • Anonymous says:

      no man they expect 12,000 to be on the flight thats how smart they are… lol

    • MR says:

      If the capacity is 77 due to social distancing, then how come they are allowing 130 on board when the plane returns to Cayman from JA???

      • Anonymous says:

        READ the article again. 130 are waiting…ntn was said about ALL 130 going on the next flight

  12. Anonymous says:

    Prepare for a day when Jamaica will be helping Cayman , I know caymanian dislike Jamaican, but the day of help is appoaching

    • Anonymous says:

      The day will come when we will need to import Jamaican fruit, vegetables and meat. The day will come no doubt. Jamaica will be our food lifeline.

      • Anonymous says:

        Calm down.

      • Anon says:

        We will be paying for any produce so they’re not giving us anything.

        • Anonymous says:

          Been reading some of these comments…its hard to conversate with any one person who is ignorant of his/her history…but then again the present speaks for itself…investors crowd cayman because it’s a tax haven..if that should become the opposite then most things would begin to fall apart…Jamaica as well as cayman has its strength and weaknesses…if every other nationality should depart from cayman with their resources cayman could never bounce back…the worst part yet is that it’s not self sustained…the people would starve and become no different from some parts of Africa…the older Caymanians knows what time it is….the younger ones are clueless, they’re only surviving as a result of the elderly actions…

      • Anonymous says:

        With lots of payment of course! Certainly not for free!

      • Anonymous says:

        Donkey meat???? God forbid ii hope not. 🙏

  13. JamaicaBless says:

    Jamaicans please don’t listen to the negatives comments about your presence on this Island. You give so much of your culture to richen the texture of Cayman. Your food, your music, your honesty, your work ethic and your ability to pump money into the society. The politicians and tourists know. Even the land lords and shop owners.

  14. Anonymous says:

    77? Lol there is usually more Jamaicans going out on vacation then there was on the evacuation flight. I’m guessing Cayman Airways probably lost money in that evacuation flight. Unless it was filled with all the damn boxes they take with them. 🤣🤣

  15. Anonymous says:

    Look for crime to increase-

  16. Anonymous says:

    Why didn’t Cayman Airways just run 4 or 5 flights a day rather than just the one?…You need more than one a day even in good times.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I have said this before and will say it again. Any country that refused the repatriation of their citizens should have to pay our government for taking care of them. I have nothing against the Jamaicans or the Nicaraguans. It is not their fault that their own country wouldn’t accept even with our help in providing transport to their citizens. These countries believe that Cayman is flushed with cash and can take care of citizens from other country when they can hardly take care of their own.. NAU in Cayman has become a source for easy cash. When are we going to stop this? This pandemic showed us how many of us were living below the poverty level both Caymanian and expats. The charities can’t keep up feeding ours and other countries citizens and NAU is there handing out cash hand over fist..Our people are now trained not to worry about getting a job because NAU is always there..

    In the past, we all banded together and took care of each other. Social Services were minimal in our country but now it seems that is the way we help each other rather than just reaching out and taking care of our neighbors..

    We are a country that has a government that keeps its citizens in check by keeping them poor, uneducated, dependent and unemployed.. I am so ashamed of what I see my country has come to…

    • Anonymous says:

      It would be a foolish move if NAU is really handing out cash to ppl instead of forwarding payments directly to landlords, utility companies and providing food vouchers. Idk the process but if what you say is true, the NAU need to rethink its methods.

  18. Anonymous says:

    The CAL flight was full with 77 passengers because of the distancing requirements.

  19. Anon says:

    Maybe the rest could not afford the cost of flight plus quarantine in Jamaica after months without any pay?

    • Anonymous says:

      Or maybe there’s no more needing to go back? Poster above says the flight was full because of social distancing requirements.

    • Anonymous says:

      Social distancing rules apply on the flight so 77 was probably max allowed.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Jamaica open for all international visitors on June 15th
    Antigua & Barbuda open for international visitors on June 4th
    American Airlines to spear-head opening flights to Antigua-Barbuda
    No mandatory quarantine required. Arrival screening and health checks required only.
    No Covid 19 testing required.

    Cayman open for International visitors on ( / / ) .
    {Insert dates when known}

    • Anonymous says:

      We can watch their number of positives rise as well as their death toll. Our boarders can stay closed for a little while longer, especially to America.

      • Say it like it is says:

        7.11am Are you the same person who keeps mispelling “borders, if so, please get it right next time

    • Anonymous says:

      You will know the dates when coronavirus cases start dropping in Florida and Texas. Right now it certainly looks bad in those 2 states.

  21. jonny one time says:

    why not 7,700

  22. Anonymous says:

    Wow only 200 that can’t afford rent., that’s amazing!

    • Anonymous says:

      Amazing indeed. You know most of my Jamaican tenants continued to pay rent and their bills since this lock down. I’m glad, grateful and blessed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep. We work hard and are well paid and rent our houses out in Jamaica. To God be the Glory.

      • Anonymous says:

        All off of Cayman Right? So when you go back home you are rich! Better mind how you bragging because your own countryman back home might just take it all from ya!

        • Anonymous says:

          Idk the personal business of the poster above but I can say that there are plenty of Jamaicans who acquired house(s) and car(s) before moving to cayman. Please do not believe that Cayman represents a better life for all Jamaicans here. For some of us it’s just a necessary move to be closer to family or close to our caymanian spouse who we met in other countries (in my case).

          • Anonymous says:

            Acquiring it and paying it off are two different things. You contradicted yourself so many times in that one statement. So why didn’t your caymanian spouse move to jamaica with you if there is no real need to reside in the Cayman Islands ?

            • Anonymous says:

              House and car paid off for many too. For the persons who are here paying for mortgages back in Jamaica, should they hand the house over to the ppl of cayman to show their gratitude? You make it seem as if ppl should not desire to improve themselves. The move here is temporary as his mother is battling cancer. Eventually we will move to my house in Jamaica. I hope you can see that everyone has their own reason for being here and generalizations is an unfair way to judge persons with the same nationality.

  23. Mango says:

    Poverty for Caymanians

  24. Anonymous says:

    When are the 99 other flights departing? That’s what’s needed to get our way of life back.

    • Anonymous says:

      What makes you think that Jamaicans have lost their jobs here? Gardeners, construction staff, helpers, nanny’s, nurses, care givers to seniors, delivery staff etc etc still working. When did you last see a Jamaican in the tourism industry?

      • Anonymous says:

        When Jamaica Government closed their airport, Jamaicans in Cayman wanted to leave and kept asking about flights in nearly every press briefing when the Governor started to talk about air bridges. So yes Jamaicans wanted to leave in droves and was all over social media about being desperate to go. So why only 77 left is probably now Cayman economy opening back up and if they leave it’ll the hard to return with no permit or if they have permit expensive to stay at hotel California, so the best thing is to stay

        • Anonymous says:

          Perhaps because they are back at work now that most businesses have resumed. Only thing left is the nail and hair salons and barbers

        • Anonymous says:

          All 11,000 of them were asking for flights to Jamaica? Did you secretly conduct and interview with the 11,000 Jamaicans here? You missed me.

          • Anonymous says:

            There are at least 25,000 Jamaicans here.

            • Anonymous says:

              I go by the numbers reported by CNS on EXPAT Jamaicans. Go away with your silly ideas, I see what you’re doing.

              • Anonymous says:

                Nothing silly about it. There are around 11,000 on work permits, thousands more have PR or work in government, and thousands are Caymanian. 25,000 is a fair estimate of the number of Jamaicans in Cayman.

                • Anonymous says:

                  Ok let’s remove the ones with PR and status, and also those working with government. That would leave the 11,000 on work permit mentioned in the article. The argument is about the current employment or lack thereof of the Jamaican work permit holders. Why you would mention a larger figure is beyond me and i think i know why but i will keep my focus on the argument aforementioned and not your agenda to rid the island of ALL the Jamaicans here.

            • Anonymous says:

              And more than half of them shouldn’t be here with their old selfish, hateful ungrateful selves. We need to get most of them sent back.

              • Anonymous says:

                Ok how do you plan on separating the genuine ones from the hateful? Blanket bashing is getting both parties no where. And if you haven’t noticed kids are being affected by this in the worst way. School children are openly taking part in the bashing of Jamaicans and do so towards younger Jamaican children, is that ok? The reverse is true for jamaican kids towards caymanian kids as well. Children with Jamaican and caymanian parents hide that fact. This constant back and forth will be our doom as we continue to “educate” generations to come and continue the never ending cycle. At what point will the bashing end? There’s good caymanians and Jamaicans here. Why can’t we all just unite? These arguments are so overwhelming for me being a product of both. What is my identity, where do I stand? When you bash them, it includes me and when they bash you, it includes me as well. Wtf man. Can’t I get a break? Can’t ppl be judged and described by their character and good will? Jesus, I’m frustrated.

                • Anonymous says:

                  So Imagine how a caymanian feels…

                  • Anonymous says:

                    I don’t have to imagine it. I know how it feels as I receive a double dose of it.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    The poster above is expressing his of her pain at the current turmoil between caymanians and Jamaicans and all you can say is imagine how a caymanian feels? It’s like your friend hurts their finger and is crying and you all you can say is I hurt my finger too. Selfish.

                  • icyreagent1 says:

                    I’m Caymanian and Jamaican
                    When people talk, then they hear my name that’s when they revert to saying but, i don’t mean you…Who the hell do you mean then…Shit…
                    Ya’ll get out of here with this…
                    The person above said they are a product of both… if you were bright (which, is the problem here… you’re not)… you’d realise the person is Caymanian too…so, your statement speaks to who…
                    Merciful Father… no sah

          • Anonymous says:

            Me too as my household has been working from home since March 9th and 13th and without kids … we actually enjoy not having to deal with traffic and the office bullsh!! … out 2021 vacation plans are 90% paid for with all the saving by working from home … not all Jamaicans here are of the “serving class” who rely on tips to supplement their incomes. So stop being hateful to my country men and all nationals who live in the Cayman Islands

            • Anonymous says:

              You say stop being hateful to Your country men in cayman! Well you need to go to your country with them. They are your country men!!!!

              • icyreagent1 says:

                They could go back; but, 6mths training won’t get people jobs in civil service and at the rate of this coronavirus; I wonder what bush medicine you would take.
                Please, you think Caymanians alone can run this workforce ¿¿
                Listen, you can send back all the domestic workers, gas pump attendants, hotel housekeepers, mechanics, caregivers, bartenders, grocery bag packers and cashiers…
                But, you listen this; you alone could have 15 children between now and December 2022, they still wont be enough to work in The hospitals [Doctor (Specialist physicians), Nurses, , clinics, pharmacists, medical technicians and phlebotomists, police departments, customs and border patrol, airports, flights, department of transportation, department of environmental health, school teachers and principals….
                You know what, let me stop there…. there are not enough Caymanian born & bred pickney to fill these positions; so, bite off every fingernail and toenail you have, you will NOT live long enough to see ONLY Caymanians working on these Islands, its damn impossible.
                Just like everywhere in the world you go, other people leave their native country to settle elsewhere; Cayman, is NO different so, the only thing may NOT stop until the older generation dies out, is the long radio rant that they have dedicated their old age to waste their time calling and complaining about all the “Jamaicans” who need to leave.
                Facts: Many Caymanians don’t believe their children are only qualified to clean the streets, clean houses etc. But, Jamaicans know who they are and the limits to their capabilities and not going to call radio program asking them to send home Teachers, Nurses, Doctors and Police Officers that makes up a vast number of their QUALIFIED workforce, knowing these people have Masters and Doctorates; and they who didn’t finish high school and solely dependent on the government system should be trained for 6mths in a Passport2Success program to fill these positions and kill off people or make the children fail worse than they already are after having parents who tells them they don’t have to do anything teachers says because their government will have to take care of them no matter what. But, know this; there are actually people who depend on these highly educated personnel to look out for their best interest and 6mths in training can’t allow you to jump into these jobs; So, it would be good to stop wasting airtime talking tails of crap, this is real life and not a fairytale

        • Anonymous says:

          Social distancing rules apply on flights. 77 was the max allowed to sit on the plane.

      • Anon says:

        Yes they do the actual work that Caymanians won’t. God bless these folks who aren’t entitled to less work for more pay as a birthright.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yeah the same group that will readily accept minimum wage for that work and cant afford to live here after remittance expenses, then curse cayman and in the same breath breakdown NAU doors demanding assistance. Totally a sustainable practice.

          • Beau says:

            Then you should learn to do the work yourself.

            • Anonymous says:

              Let me rephrase for you, stop the nepotism, cronyism, discriminating hiring practices and excess issue of work permits so locals can have a fighting chance to obtain the jobs. To do said work for “themselves”

              • Anonymous says:

                Locals either not educated enough to qualify for the jobs they want, as they drop out of high school or never went to college and they jobs they can get like gardening and gas attendants and domestic work….they are too proud to do that.
                If one starts a landscaping business; no Caymanians will work for them as they believe each of them should have their own landscaping business; so, tell me now… who will be their employees if they are not working for each other because they are too proud…
                Who will work in their businesses???

          • Anon says:

            12.17pm A bit like the Caymanians who spend their money on wine, women and song, fancy fishing boats, fancy cars, overseas trips and then complain when the banks foreclose on their mortgages when they get in arrears.

      • Anonymous says:

        Rhetorical question. Those are the exact type of jobs that would be affected greatly due to social distancing. There are more Jamaicans employed in the tourism industry than any other nationality. And it was the Jamaicans themselves who were so outspoken about the struggles when the lockdown began. So which one is it….

        • Anonymous says:

          Please provide a number from a relevant source on the amount of Jamaicans working in tourism in Cayman. Not bashing your comment, I’m just curious to know.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m curious too as I’ve not met any Jamaican servers, bar staff, chefs in the last 5 years (I’ve been here 40 years). Lots in construction, gardening, helpers, teachers, nurses & they are all still working. The salon staff will soon be back at work too, so no need to leave.

          • Anonymous says:

            Have you been to the sandbar? Lots of Jamaicans working on the boats. Should be Caymanians only

    • Anonymous says:

      4:40 back to the dark ages!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Why would they leave? Immigration is not enforcing work permits, so there are plenty of pickings around if you are prepared to hustle.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe, they’re just smarter with their money and save, instead of wasting it on the latest phone, car, woman, pretending they have more than they actually do?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Jah know. Dun talk.


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