Ministry to help with health insurance

| 13/05/2020 | 17 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): Health Minister Dwayne Seymour has revealed that his ministry plans to assist people in need who are struggling to meet their monthly health insurance premiums if they qualify. The minister has not outlined the criteria or who will qualify for the help but he said at Wednesday’s press briefing that information on this temporary support application forms would be available online from Thursday.

“Persons who may not have been able to pay their April health insurance premiums and are in need of assistance should respond by May 22nd,” the minister said, as he read from his notes.

Asked by the press for more details on how people would qualify, the minister was not able to help, as he said he only had a rough idea after long discussions.

But he asked people to go on the Department of Health Regulatory Services (DHRS) website or email

“I am just happy we were able to get to this point,” Seymour said.

However, the offer will be extremely significant as there many people who have been temporarily laid off from their jobs without pay during the COVID-19 stay home curfew and have struggled to meet their health cover. The ministry could, therefore, find itself dealing with hundreds of applications.

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Category: Health, Health Insurance

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Too late as usual Jon Jon. We’ve already waived the white flag on that. There’s no end in sight for the madness. Time to pull the plug on Cayman as an office for us. Good luck all.

  2. Anonymous says:

    So he left the long discussions only with a rough idea of how it will work? Someone please take the wheel.

  3. Moi says:

    And once again he knows not of which he speaks. Complete imbecile.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Is there any Cayman Islands private-public deposit insurance for financial accounts with Cayman Islands registered Class A Banks, pension plans, broker-dealers, etc? If not, why not? How many years of fraud and catastrophic collapses until that becomes a normal customer-confidence safeguard? Our Ministries are completely out-to-tune when it comes to basic consumer protections.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, that worries me too

    • Anonymous says:

      Ever thought about the cost of that insurance given the small size of the local market? Or the cost of setting up and maintaining a deposit insurer? I have designed schemes, and there is a minimum size of covered deposit base before the fixed costs become commercially feasible (to say nothing of how you would actually staff a DI here) in terms of premium.

      • Anonymous says:

        A basic Marsh electronic crime/fraud insurance policy isn’t exotic or particularly expensive up to a claim limit of say $10mln. That would be a start. Auditors could also supervise asset segregation and internal governance controls as part of their annual sign-off. Then again, it would appear some of our audit firms are in the practice of signing off on years of impropriety.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Like they enforce the pension.

    • Anonymous says:

      Which they do not, but even the police refuse to act when pension monies ar stolen, and everyone with responsibility gets full pay with no accountability whether they are sitting at home doing nothing, or working hard, so what should we expect?

      Governor, you sit there grinning every day congratulating everyone. Do you not see through the veneer?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Can we get the mosquitoes sorted and what happened to picking up 2 bags of garden garbage?

  7. Anonymous says:

    If anyone bothered to read the law they would know that the obligation to provide health insurance (and pay the entire premium) remains with employers during any period of lay off.

    • Anonymous says:

      No point in reading it. They do not enforce it (or anything else) anyway.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good luck with that if the employer has no revenue during the period. An obligation does not mean compliance, and quite apart from our record of employers deliberately breaking the rules, you also cant get blood out of a stone. End result is the same – the individual ends up with no insurance.

      • Anonymous says:

        And the employer commits and offense and is personally liable. Any enforcement? No! You might not like what a law says, but it should be enforced, or changed. What we seem to have now is state sponsored law breaking. Not something that should be ever accepted, let alone encouraged.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why should the Caymanian taxpayer pay the bill of an unscrupulous employer, particularly where no enforcement to recover the money has, or will ever, take place?

        Bringing minimum wage workers into this country carries with it some responsibility. If someone is not willing to bear that responsibility they ought not be bringing people here in the first place.

        • Anonymous says:

          Exactly! Why should we pay for them when all they do is pay for us? That’s their job not ours.

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