Health minister and the press briefings
Could we have an article about Minister Seymour please? There is a real discussion to be had. The fact is the man is saying things that speak to a minority of the population. He is talking to Christians with his Bible verses and work permit holders with his translations. And not one major announcement has come from him.
I would have no problem with him being on the panel if he was responsible for providing any of the information we actually want. I would listen carefully to hear statistics or plans from him. But he never has anything to offer.
Sure everyone on the panel has had to come up with their gimmicks, but:
Premier: customary world stats
Governor: full support of premier
Commissioner: policing platform is stable
CMO: test results
Minister: and now a reading from…I also wrote this poem…my new attempts to speak foreign languages for today are…
It just doesn’t work folks! I felt horribly for the man but he needs to be useful if he’s going to be up there. It’s partly Alden and the CMO’s fault for hogging all the announcements but then we KNOW that the minister does not have the communication skills to make them as well anyway, so do they, and that’s why he’s up there with nothing important to say.
What he does do is delay question time for the premier and the governor, and that also irritates people because they know the minister will not be saying anything of consequence and the takeaways from the briefings will continue when questions are being asked of the top officials. He just isn’t one of them.
Couldn’t he just say each time that he supports the HSA, Dr Lee etc, talk about the ministry’s work and be done with it? You know, “Good afternoon, I am the Minister of Health, here are some things you would expect a minister of health to say:”
But no we get Tagalog.
Minister, the problem is… you’re just not getting it and/or are not capable of performing in this format. Everyone else we hear from daily has acquitted themselves of their privilege to speak to us daily. We invite them into our living rooms. Clearly, the public doesn’t feel they need to hear from you if you’re going to continue using your time to speak the way you do. So make up your mind: do you want to be minister of health, or some other non-existent thing we don’t need right now?
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Category: Viewpoint
Now the minister of education is taking 5 minutes to pray before giving us her info. Everyone is now in the preaching business. The message is clear if you are not a Bible thumping Christian you are not welcome in Cayman. Did you ever notice those most vocal about their religion are the ones who have no interest in hearing about yours. Do the prayer at the start of the briefing then leave the preaching out of the rest of it.
Whenever you put yourself in the public domain, especially as a politician, you have to have a thick skin and expect ridicule, criticism and disdain.
There is nothing wrong with a man showing his emotions but the Minister was not crying for the many people who have lost their loved ones, not crying for people here who have lost their job and have no revenue, not crying for people who may lose their business and livelihood instead he is crying because someone said something mean about him.
He should be able to rise above the “noise”, ignore the negativity and keep his head down and get on with the work of the country and if he has some insecurity and inferiority complex issues, best to keep them to himself or discuss those with his wife, not on television.
I understand him trying to speak their native tongue as perhaps a sign of inclusiveness but when you do it badly, it just comes off as mocking rather than communicating so maybe he could stop the translations.
It is his right to express his Christian beliefs as atheists want people to respect their beliefs, it is a comfort to those who do believe in God, those who don’t want to listen to him reciting Bible verses can mute or tune out.
To 8.31am I am satisfied from your response that “just suck it up and accept ridicule and disdain” ,’have a thick skin’ would be your response to someone being bullied also.Sad indeed.
Maybe the voting public can learn that who you vote for has serious consequences because those are the people you are giving real powers to. That is both terrifying and dangerous with the current set we have on hand.
So very VERY disappointed in CNS for airing this. Do you want to be CNS or CGS and promote gossip, personal attacks and even racial or religious intolerance. It’s not news. Why should you be included in news conferences daily and then do this?
A nation is struggling. Jon Jon is trying to bring comfort. 100+ expat nationalities are feeling isolated from home right now, where their loved ones are in hospitals and sometimes graves. He is trying to bring a sense of unity and belonging. I am guessing none of us sees the Herculean effort behind the scenes as he tries to ensure the healthcare system is ready.
It doesn’t matter if what he does in a press briefing is perfect or not. It’s so clearly motivated by helping everybody cope. Can those naysayers commenting here say the same thing? Let me ask you, what did you do today to bring a smile or comfort?
Can someone please say how many times Jon Jon said ” Am” in his contribution to the press briefings today- I felt so embarrassed for him- he just can’t cope with what is expected of him
He need to take this situation he finds himself in as a learning curve and go back to school to learn basic English/ Maths
btw…just joking 2.14 and ‘thumbs up’ to you, signed 1.49…
If anyone has Jon Jon’s number please give him a call and see if tomorrow, during his update, he can explain why the Maya abandoned their cities in the Yucatan as that’s something that I don’t fully understand. And if he insists, I guess he could tell us how to say “Stay Home” in the Mayan dialect.
I’ve never been to Costa Rica but I feel so much smarter now that I know how the airport got its name. Very useful in the battle against Covid-19.
Your main issue seems to be with the Scripture reading because you must tune out after that. To say he provides no relevant information is simply not true. The Minister provides updates on HSA and DEH as well as announcements for example blood donations and garbage collection etc. Another example today he announced new staff added to the DEH. If I think hard enough I am sure I can remember other examples of information provided of public interest. Perhaps he is not the most eloquent of speakers but you are just not correct that he does not provide information.
This should not be a “real” discussion. Period. COVID-19 and protecting Cayman IS the real discussion – not someone character and drawing up the past to beat someone with it. Having such discussions on not lends itself to unsubstantiated gossip. Yes, some who comment may know bits and pieces of what many things goes on behind the scenes (as do I) but this is neither actually helping. It is only complainers.
When election time rolls around, THEN everyone can make their decisions based on their opinion and critical thought (as will I). Until that time we should continue to help the needy, lonely and less fortunate in our country.
O my God can you be leave it millions of people are battling for their life at this moment and hundred of thousand are dying but there’s people find comfort in bashing other people with their Spair Time ,brothers and sisters really;wow this world is really in trouble.
I only use my Spear Time.
I do not believe that it is shameful for a grown man to cry, whether that be in public or in private. Men are human. Humans have emotions. If Minister Seymour had become emotional at the press briefing because people were falling ill and dying, I would not think ANY less of him at all.
But I do indeed think less of him because he was upset by criticism directed at him. He is in a position of leadership. He is the Health Minister in the time of an international health crisis. He did not weep for his countrymen falling ill. He did not weep for people without work, or people who are sick, or those who are afraid, or without food. He wept for himself. And THAT, I believe, is pathetic.
@ 12.18am . You said ” He did not weep for his countrymen falling ill. He did not weep for people without work, or people who are sick, or those who are afraid, or without food” I believe that was exactly the reason he cried. He cried because he is being treated with disdain and disrespect in spite of his and Governments’ efforts to save lives, to stop the virus spread and contain it, and to get the local economy back up sooner than later. But he should know these persons can”t help themselves they are just morons.No more, no less.You can dress them up with lipstick or put on a suit and tie, they are still morons.
Let’s hope god spears some people who I will not put a name to.
The format of the daily briefings are that the CMO gives details of the incidence of the disease. The Chief of Police gives details of any law enforcement matters. The Premier gives stats from different countries and asks people to stop being so stupid and selfish. The Governor supports the rest of the team and gives any update on UK related matters. What more can Minister Seymour say. To me he brings to human factor into the briefing. Many people do have faith in God and I am sure his words help these people, Many people do come from other countries and I am sure that these people appreciate the Ministers efforts to include them. What is really important is what Minister Seymour does in the time between these briefings and so far the response of the whole team cannot be faulted. I commend the whole team for what they are doing. Thanks to all of you; I for one appreciate and commend your efforts.
Then by all means, have a 10 minute sermon by the rotating pastor that most of us who are not religious can mute, or can even choose to listen to for some spiritual uplift and food for thought. The Minister of Health shouldn’t be giving it, and certainly not right before the Governor and Premier take questions, which is when we get a lot of the most up-to-date information, explanations and advance warnings. I tend to miss half of question time because I skip Seymour and then end up reading about the big news that came from the questions later. Rather annoying especially when you wait so long for the briefing to start. After the clear message from the public that Seymour needed to be useful to the English-speaking, non-religious majority of the population *when is he on the panel*, he chose to do the same shtick for even longer! Clearly as the original author said, he does not get it, and will not. He has been pushed and he is sticking to his thing. So I will continue to mute him.
to 9.09am ” I tend to miss half of question time because I skip Seymour and then end up reading about the big news that came from the questions later’. Begs the question who is civilized and who’s the jackass? Who is fool fool now? It is you buddy. Letting your prejudice rob you of an opportunity to gain some valuable info. Stupid is as stupid does. And you are doing STUPID.
Could somebody please explain his comment today when he mentioned Rasta, started laughing and said laughing you all know about that. Anyone explain what he meant?
Much better today – after getting the whole explanation/forgiveness/ bs out of the way. If he stuck to a script in which he commented on his portfolio and information relevant to the entire community, he would be fine. I actually found some his commentary – scripted or not – relevant and informative.
Thank God not everyone is the same! I, and many others, are thrilled that Mr. Seymour has the confidence to be different and yet still creatively relevant in this context You have my greatest admiration and respect, Sir. Never allow anyone to make you ashamed of the brave and noble human being that you are. ‘I will honour them that honour Me.’ May Gods richest blessings continue to be with you.
Mr. Seymour should step down from his ministry and pass it on to Mr. Miller he is qualified for this position. We need to make a law even if we have to reach out to the UK that one should be qualified to be a minister. Whether its education, banking, tourism etc. But unfortunately we are not fair to the majority of the people.
You see how quick he wanted the police commission to go after this person. Do you know how many things he has orchestrated against people here on this island for power!? Well sorry John John every dog has its day, you crying because you know every word written by this person is 100% true. If you didn’t feel it was true you wouldn’t have cried on a national broadcast over some simple comments. People say things about others all time, the Premier, the Governor gets bashed, but you don’t see them crying. Do you know how many tears you have caused for so many other families here? God don’t sleep John John. He never sleeps.
We have such limited Caymanian political talent on these islands. If Minister Seymour is the best we can do as Minister of Health, we are in big trouble in times of national crisis.
Reluctantly, I must say that we need direct rule to take control of the situation. I see no other alternatives.
Can i come on at the start of these press conferences and play a tune? I’ve never actually played an instrument, but nor have many other people and i think i’ll connect with them and bring a little bit of solace during these times. I’d also be willing to juggle (can’t) and/or paint (nope).
Summary Jon Jon, summary, for God’s sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Summary. I believe the only think you might have left out today was the details of your bowel movements since Saturday.
Can we keep these briefings brief??
Print the drivel & put it on your various social media / tv platforms, but for the love of god please stop all this church/language/grim reaper drivel during a government briefing.
In 2010 the American Journalism Review said,
“For years newspapers have insisted that letters to the editor be accompanied by the actual name of the actual person who wrote them. The thinking was that if you want to make some bold statements, you ought to be willing to take responsibility for them…
The opportunity to launch brutal assaults from the safety of a computer without attaching a name does wonders for the bravery levels of the angry. As Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts wrote recently, anonymous online forums ‘have become havens
for a level of crudity, bigotry, meanness and plain nastiness that shocks the tattered
remnants of our propriety.’
… There’s just no defense for a system that allows anyone to post this kind of stuff
… Continuing to allow anonymous sniping hardly seems to be in the self-interest of news outlets. Sure, everyone is desperately chasing eyeballs as a way to increase advertising. But rare is the advertiser who would want to be associated with the ugliness of many comment sections.
So this is a no-brainer. It’s one of those beautiful times when doing the smart thing is also doing the right thing.”
Ponder on that…
CNS: This is not the US. If you comment here using your real name, everyone knows who you are and there could be consequences. If we didn’t allow anonymous posting, no civil servants would comment. Few people on work permits would feel they could comments, especially if their employees would not approve of their opinions. Some business owners who deal with the government would not comment. All those people without a voice in the Cayman Islands! On top of that there is good old fashioned retribution. Remember the minister threatened the commenters, saying he had talked to the police, even though all the comments are opinions about his abilities on the panel or as health minister generally. Because they are moderated, the comments here do not even come close to the comments online generally – the mean tweets, the comments on YouTube.
What goes around comes around. Minister Seymour was same one in recent times who in the Legislative Assembly was passing “GAYPRIL” REMARKS about the LBGT society in Cayman Islands and all of a sudden he is getting Emotional on a press briefing. Give me a break here. He really isn’t serving any purpose on the safety briefings daily. He has nothing to offer and he is the country Health Minister
BTW, my thumbs up was for the CNS comment, not S.Harding
Well said CNS,
I respected the minister for his contributions to a point, even if most of it had nothing to do with the situation at hand, but it was a welcome change of tone with all the craziness going on with COVID-19.
However i lost all respect for the man after he threatened commentators for having opinions, and wanted to police to go silence them
The comments were not in anyway a personal attack or defamation of him, or near the gravity of the famous fake voice note fiasco. That showed his real character to me, which is shameful for someone in a leadership position
I’m getting annoyed at these briefings in general, they seem to be getting longer, with more nothing added. We are going to be here until Christmas waiting for a 14 day no covid-19 case, trying to be an example to the world by “Snuffing out” the virus, whiles the rest of the world tries to balance this disaster and move forward reopening.
At the end of the day, not everyone has the luxury if collecting a nice mla salary and remaining comfortable as the can keeps getting kicked
Tsk Tsk that’s BS CNS everyone knows who your principals are and you still around so what’s your point! Cha.
CNS: We’re not civil servants, we don’t need work permits, we’re not worried about what our bosses (that’s us!) think, and although we have some dealing with government, it’s not huge. I notice you are anonymous. Who said irony is dead?
CNS You continue to make excuses for the haters who dominate your comment section.However it is true that these anonymous haters are doing a lot of damage to the Cayman Islands and apparently that does not bother you.Maybe like Steve Jobs you will only become enlightened at the end of your days and you realize what was really important.
CNS: Firstly, you comment anonymously all the time. Explain why that is. Secondly, this is what you wrote in another comment posted 9 minutes after this one, which is full of hate, but it’s your hate, which is superior hate, so that’s OK:
“At 3.34 “Which God is going around “spearing” people? Could he/she not just “spare” them this once?” This is a perfect example of the type of inferior persons that now dominate the CNS comments section. Mockers, gay loving, God Hating excuses for humanity. They care more about dogs than people.”
And that’s the problem that you don’t see. Traditionally in Cayman, all the mocking has gone in one direction, and you’re OK with that. Once you give people a voice who didn’t have it before, you get angry. The “gaypril” joke was fine, because that was about “inferior” people?
Also: “doing a lot of damage to the Cayman Islands and apparently that does not bother you” is a lie stated as fact. You see how that works? The bigoted assumption that people who disagree with you don’t care about Cayman.
Your position on this is thoroughly hypocritical.
Here is a case in point. Remember my fellow Caymanians, we have to take our role serious when we cast that so important vote during general election time.
God spearing our lives, in 2021, let’s not forget to go to the polls with a heart and mind in tack to create the best possible government than can be. If not, we will be reminded of this famous quote. “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
Enough said.
If God ‘spears’ our lives, not many will reach the polls ‘intact’ especially if God uses a ‘tack’ to ‘spear’ our heart and mind.
Which God is going around “spearing” people? Could he/she not just “spare” them this once?
That’s what 2.14 said , 3.34… he/she also thinks ‘tacks’ might be used to keep our heart and mind ‘in tack’ …. Superglue would be less painful eh ?
At 3.34 “Which God is going around “spearing” people? Could he/she not just “spare” them this once?” This is a perfect example of the type of inferior persons that now dominate the CNS comments section. Mockers, gay loving, God Hating excuses for humanity. They care more about dogs than people.
Reviewing your comments 3.11 – You seem to be doing equally as much Hating as you are accusing the other posters of doing. You do not eradicate or ease what appear to me to be lighthearted comments but which YOU deem to be Hateful, by turning around and Hating the poster of them yourself. ‘Love thine enemies’ and all that……otherwise you become a Hypocrite .