Gov’t rolls out truck with stay home message
(CNS): The government will be using a megaphone truck to deliver its ‘stay home’ message to members of the community that do not have access to the internet or social media, which is where the bulk of important public information is now available. Speaking at Thursday’s press briefing, Governor Martyn Roper said government’s communication team had done a great job but the public address system could help reach even more people.
“This vehicle will be driving slowly through all communities during soft curfew hours announcing important messages about social distancing, hygiene and other important COVID-19 related messages,” the governor said. “I think this is a great innovative idea for getting messaging out, including to those that don’t have access to social media.”
With the loss of Cayman 27, government is relying heavily on its own TV channel CIGTV, which is still not available in all cable TV packages, as well as Radio Cayman, government websites or social media to get information to the people.
While more than 90% of households in Cayman do have online access and even more are believed to have smartphones, there is still a small percentage of people who do not have any internet access.
- Fascinated
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- Afraid
Category: Health, Medical Health
I’m a Seventh Day Adventist whose surname starts with S. I am being discriminated against.
Job should go the MINISTER OF HEALTH and LINGUISTIC… to tell all I’m Spanish, Indian, Philippine, Mandarin and South Afarican.
Noise Pollution
Possibly the biggest waste of funds known to mankind.
Have you heard about the Postal Conference?
Will this truck broadcast the message according to each District’s dialect? It might be better understood.
Finally a job for Jon Jon
Because they need to unnecessarily frighten the children more than they already have?
Exactly! Nobody thinks what this does to child’s psyche.
I will be calling Commissioner Byrne and having them charged with disturbing the peace.
This is ok done a few times a week in each district BUT we need to stay positive in these times and having to hear MORE and MORE about covid 19 all day long is NOT a mentally healthy thing especially for children. So now we can not give loud music a BAD RAP Music is good for your soul Leave the loud music people alone its good noise pollution
Stay home Stay positive and PLAY MUSIC
Turn it down. I like music but not at unreasonable levels. What’s wrong with that?!
And play positive music!
Three things we don’t need:
1. Alden’s daily “reaper report”
2. Attendance or “contributions” from the idiot Health/Religious Minister
3. A Unity Regime Propaganda van
Things we do:
1. 6 surname groups, everyone gets 1 day to run errands.
2. Pool cleaners who have zero contact with clients maintaining pools.
3. Jon Jon gone gone
Since there are 7 days in a week why not use Sunday too? The ban on Sunday trading was lifted after Ivan.
Totally agree. 7 splits!
For Gods sake, the staff of Supermarkets deserves a break! #Sat&Sun hard lockdowns
Just back from the supermarket…it’s hardly a lab environment. ID checkers (nice to see finally), grocery stock boys, cashiers, hired-security, and baggers – professional food handlers – still haven’t absorbed the 6ft law, or that local transmission is underway. Most are milling around without masks or gloves, blocking aisles with carts, brushing past customers, touching their faces and surroundings, processing hundreds of credit card swipes, masks on sideways (wiping perspiration with hand), gloves that are stained from hours of continuous wear, and touching everyone’s groceries – some of them are actually coughing while on shift serving customers. I can appreciate that these are private businesses, but given the emergency powers in force elsewhere, law enforcement should be be given expanded jurisdiction powers, to be “invited” inside these stores, to ensure compliance with distance and sanitation of our food supply, like it matters. It would also be an opportunity for officials to eyewitness how little the “two UPC item max” rule is being applied, and consequently, how bare some of the shelves are getting.
You have spent lots of time in this store observing.
In terms of blocked aisles and staff (and customers) brushing past that was my exact experience last week in Fosters. Believe me, I didn’t stay long and haven’t been out since.
It’s because Foster’s won’t deliver
Una complain but then you aren’t listening to what you’re being told. Stay home then this wont be necessary!! So many people out driving. Where are you all going!?
Probably less annoying than those damn icecream trucks…not missing those repetitive jingles. 😳
Are they still circulating? They shouldn’t be!
They need to stay their ass away from my house with their damn noise
Me, myself and I.
You my friend are an ignoramus. This is to help those that may not be as fortunate as you. Please think of others during this time.
I am, the poor pool persons who don’t have contact with anyone but still can’t go to work.