WORC raids construction site

| 17/02/2020 | 20 Comments
Cayman News Service
WORC entrance

(CNS): An undisclosed number of people were arrested last week for immigration offences, according to a press release from government’s new employment-immigration units. Officials said that compliance officers from the Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) and Customs and Border Control carried out a raid at a large scale construction site in George Town. The site has not been identified and WORC has not said if bosses as well as illegal workers are among those rounded up.

The release said the operation was initiated based on information received by WORC that there were illegal employment activities taking place on the site. After an inspection and examination of people at the site, officers discovered that immigration laws had been breached, which resulted in the “arrest of multiple persons for various offenses”. WORC is continuing its investigations.

“In line with one of the department’s strategic initiatives focused on detection and mitigation of risks, efforts such as this will be consistent by the department,” Deputy Director of Compliance Jeremy Scott said in the release. “Effective collaboration with other government departments, such as Customs and Border Control and other key stakeholders, is fundamental to the department’s success.”

Officials said that employers were strongly encouraged to ensure that they are employing people within the limitations of their permits and in accordance with the Immigration Law. If employers or anyone are uncertain as to their compliance with the law, they should reach out to WORC.

They warned that failing to adhere to the Cayman Islands Immigration Laws could lead to a substantial monetary fine, being arrested and posssibly prosecution in court.

Anyone with information about illegal employment activities or breaches of the Immigration Law should contact WorcComplaints@gov.ky

or send it via mail to the Compliance Manager – Internal and External Complaints, P.O. Box 1098, Grand Cayman KY1-1102.

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Category: Crime, Immigration

Comments (20)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Good work WORC, if you are prosecuting the employers that is. If not. Waste of time and resources.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is good news. WORC also needs to move against the white collar criminals.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Always the big man trying to put down the working man.

    • Anonymous says:

      Supporting illegal activity by morons like you is why Cayman is so screwed. Those were jobs Caymanians should have had.

  4. Anonymous says:

    How many more people are working here illegally? Stealing jobs from people who actually need them. Disgraceful.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Since the workers didn’t hire themselves … I hope the EMPLOYERS were also charged .. but then again I’m sure the employers were not “Driftwood”

  6. The great work permit scam says:

    It’s about time we put a stop Alden” gowerment” little lawless immigration Utopia but alas so many criminals too many excuses for Alden and Arden’s traffic jam conundrum they have had to finally touch their forbidden budget surplus pillar because their little work permit scam ain’t paying off but Infact now is causing and costing more than they keep lying and preaching to us that it is? A new direction Cayman and stop attacking our Environment with over development!

  7. Anonymous says:

    8:49 The police just need to look out for a brown pick up truck with a black hood

    Parked at an Apartment complex in Tropical Gardens

  8. Anonymous says:

    And in the real world employers continue to pad job postings with unnecessary and obscure requirements to discourage local application….those connected and positioned Caymanians really like to lord over those without the same. Pathetic and scared lil men and women.

  9. Anonymous says:

    But don’t dare touch the employers…WORC is worthless.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I also see Gas Drums stored on the back of a pick up truck in Tropical Gardens

  11. Anonymous says:

    I do not know what is going on- But on Sundays I see a lot of pick up trucks with scrap metal, old lamps and all sort of stuff on the back of their trucks- the trucks are parked
    in Tropical Gardens- and moved on Mondays during the day-

    Who is the Beat Officer for Tropical Gardens? the Police need to monitor Tropical Gardens

    • Anonymous says:

      You certainly did not want to solve the problem. You should have privately reported this. Do you think you will ever see these trucks there again?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Great work guys ,keep it up ,

  13. Anonymous says:

    Finally! Nice to see at least one gov entity doing their job.


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