New house stirs up access concerns

| 23/12/2019 | 97 Comments

(CNS): A substantial residential home that has recently been completed in West Bay is stirring up concerns over access for residents in the area. The owners of the house by Alfresco Restaurant and Henning Beach appear to be pushing the boundaries of their property into Mary Mollie Hydes Road, which is likely to interfere with local traffic. New trees and decorative rock gardens are encroaching into the public road, which is already a relatively busy and congested area.

Ezmie Smith, who is an executive member of the Concerned Citizens group and a member of the Public Lands Commission, has written an open email to officials and the media about the latest access issue. Smith noted the continued problems with access around the islands and the tendency for developers to act without permission and not face any consequences.

Smith said the trees and rock gardens are affecting the part of Mary Mollie Hydes Road that merges with Town Hall Road and where many tour buses take guests to offer them what is now a very rare glimpse of Seven Mile Beach. In addition, she pointed out that the encroachment is reducing the width of an already narrow but busy junction used by vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.

Concerned Citizens has also queried the overall wisdom of allowing such a large property on the site and noted the proximity of the beachfront side landscaping to the highwater mark.

Smith stated that she and her fellow activists are not complaining for the sake of it but have genuine concerns about what they believe are ongoing violations regarding waterfront development and the blocking of access that has left local people with a decreasing opportunity to enjoy the beach.

After the public outcry over the wall by the new Seven Mile Public Beach renovation, which is now being reduced, Smith said it seemed that as soon as one problem is addressed another springs up.

“Government has to be more responsible to look into the things that affect the public and not wait for the outcry,” she said, as she urged officials to look into the infractions that appear to have occurred on this site.

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Comments (97)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Anybody living on Elizaberh Street in West Bay received any letters fron plannin about James Bergstrom apartments??

  2. Anonymous says:

    what a total non-story…if planning laws have not been followed there are obvious legal remedies.

  3. Kman says:

    Supposedly Dart has purchased the Church of God WB so now looks like even the holy places can be bought. Don’t be surprised if from Alfresco’s stretch to Boggy Sands aren’t a private drive.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hopefully he builds something nice there

      • Anonymous says:

        AlMacDartBot wishing you too a Happy New Year as you continue to work against Caymanians.

        We hope in 2020 your eyes will be opened to see the necessity to work for your Great Great Grandchildren and not the pittance they pay you to work against Caymanians.

  4. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    Every. Single. House. I have been involved with has required setbacks from the road. It measures 30 feet from the centre line, and often CPA have required an additional 5-10 feet for “pedestrian passage”. I guess it is mostly my fault for submitting drawings and renderings that follow code, instead of just building it the way the owner wanted. I get it now.

    Unlike some folks here, I think the Inspectors do a good job, and are diligent making certain that code is met. I believe in surpassing code, because our codes are the minimal acceptable standard, and we should be building beyond that.

    I can’t imagine how this design passed. I can’t imagine how the Inspectors allowed it to be built. I don’t think the diligence applied toward any of my projects was applied here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Big Beau, you are so naive. You can’t imagine how this design was passed? You can’t imagine how the inspectors allowed it to be built? Get your head out of the Seven Mile Beach sand as start thinking.

      Of course, if you are a recent arrival you are forgiven.

  5. Pinkpants Mafiya says:

    The new Cayman promised by Alden and his cutthroat hoard the problem is it’s no longer for us because in order survive the new Cayman we have to sell every friggin thing we have just to live including our souls and whilst Alden and crew speaks sweet platitudes and Yule tidings of our beloved isle Cayman we living in squalor. Merry Christmas from Cristal Harbor folks where the parties never ends!

  6. Anonymous says:

    The gross failure of sensible urban planning over the last four decades has been the downfall of Grand Cayman. Because of it we’ve seen the destruction of so much natural beauty and the rapid rise of an ugly congested mess with a lower quality of life for all.


  7. Anonymous says:

    They have been building that hotel/house there now for over 3-4 years. I always wondered why no know one in the area had anything to say about it. Its about 4 stories high. The hotel/house is waaay too big for the little parcel of land. So now that the owners put a garden in front of their property we going complain about the garden??

    Really the garden is what pissed you folks off? Not the four story hotel/house monster sitting on Alfrescos beach chairs out back?

    • Anonymous says:

      Complaints were lodged with Planning and I understand they actually responded with – granting the permission to build that house there was a mistake. Thinking that the mistake would be rectified ans the building stopped low and behold the next thing the house was being built. Government is unable to admit/correct their mistakes.

  8. Anonymous says:

    why on earth do we have a planning board if those in charge are hot are not not checking the progress when the building is taking place?

  9. Anonymous says:

    I don’t see a problem with the house. I see a problem with how close people have built to the road everywhere. No space for anyone to walk.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Just noticed that the link road between SMB and ETH just north of the Ritz (used to be Safehaven access road) has been closed at both ends, seemingly for exclusive parking of Ritz staff. What’s with that?

    Also since last year, the corner at Lawrence Blvd and Harquail access has been re-routed and now in fenced in as part of a private nursery.

    Can someone please explain how public roads can suddenly become private property!! What the hell??!! No accountability!!

    CNS can you please check into these and revert? Thanks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe because the link rod next to the Ritz is not a public road, but a private one on the old Safehaven land now owned by Dart, in the past used to access the golf course from West Bay Road before the ETH was built? Who owns the Ritz so can do with it want he wants?

    • Anonymous says:

      Dart is doing work on a new parking lot for Ritz Carlton employees.

    • Anonymous says:

      All of Safehaven Road, both sides, now belong to Dart. The road is being converted into a parking lot for Ritz employees. Dart is King.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I still cant figure out why anyone would want to build a house of that size on a postage stamp sized piece of property anyway, even if its on the beach. If I had the kind of money to build a house like that I would want a big piece of property and privacy. Not everyone and traffic rite outside my front door. I’m guessing it was only built to be sold at a profit to the next sucker with money that comes along.

  12. Anonymous says:

    the gall!

  13. Anonymous says:

    House is amazing

    Anyone know the owner?

  14. Anonymous says:

    First it was a seven story hotel permitted on the “quiet” end of SMB now this house. CPA totally out of touch with reality and the Cayman people. They won’t be happy until every inch of Cayman is covered in concrete.

  15. Anonymous says:

    My main issue with the house is just how damn ugly it is. The one next to it is much more aesthetically pleasing. This one is just a mishmash of materials, each more ostentatious than the last.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree. Ugly houses on a lovely island need to be named and shamed. This year’s nominations for the How-The-Heck-Did-They-Ever-Get-Permission-For-That Award are (1) this building; (2) the pig-ugly “Tuscan” monstrosity near Frank Sound; (3) that permanently half-built house with the steps running straight down on to South Sound Road (is that cladding or random bits of cardboard on the walls?); and (4) the spectacularly vulgar and inappropriate walled Baghdad Gin-Palace on WBR.

      Any other suggestions?

      • Anonymous says:

        Nothing can beat the Turkish monstrosity on Seven Mike Beach with the gold roses out front. In a class by itself. If ever there was a place that should be shamed this is the place.

      • In Agreement says:

        Yes, the office block, sorry apartment building, on S. Sound Road near the junction with Walkers Road.

    • Anonymous says:

      Certainly not as bad as the Turkish designed monstrosity on Seven Mile Beach near the Marriott.

      Anything goes in Cayman. A 50 storey building coming up next.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah that house is gaudy and screams “look at meeeeeee”!

        • Anonymous says:

          The building has to be the most assinine building on island. I lived in Turkey but we are in the Caribbean. I simply cannot believe that anybody in CPA approved the building.

      • Anonymous says:

        After seeing that building I do not want to hear anymore B.S. from Caymanians about Caymanian culture and style. It was you, Caymanians, who approved this.

        What were you people thinking?

    • Anonymous says:

      real question…how do you judge beauty of buildings?

  16. Anonymous says:

    From my experience with Planning I was amazed at how robust and rigorous they were with my contractor, which is not a problem if the rules and standards are applied across the board; whereas, the wealthy and big contractors can get away with significant breaches.

    The WBR is just another example of how the CPA with no uniform standards have allowed the rich to create an ugly mosaic along that once jewel, including tunnels, walls and that thing across from Wendy’s!

  17. Anonymous says:

    I would not want to live in a house everybody hates. Bad vibes. What were they thinking?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Hmm? Why bother now that the house and landscaping are completed? Objections should have been raised when this monstrosity began!

    Mary Mollie Hydes Rd. has been effectively closed to public traffic ever since Alfresco was allowed to build a deck on the beachside and later, logs were placed to block all access. That’s been a few years now!

    Another questionable act is the fencing of the parking lot access on Boggy Sand Rd. near the Heritage Kitchen. What’s with that?

  19. Anonymous says:

    The only people I see use that road are ones trying to beat the 4 way stop line up…block it!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Anything to Gaslight.

  21. Anonymous says:

    This proves that rules are just for the poor. We are trying to build a house and have to go thru hell to get our red card. We still dont have it.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Thing is, the shit the poor people be doing without planning permission and with zero enforcement is far more detrimental to society.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Let’s see what foolishness AL’T will say was the CPA’s reason for this one…Lord help us..What the hell is Cayman coming to??

    • Anonymous says:

      If the ‘men’ today were like the older men used to be, you would have had a damn riot long ago. Caymanians were so honest for so many years, but now, it seems as if no one gives a rat’s ass about anything.

    • Anonymous says:

      Coming to?

      Bo Bo we been there long time ago.

      We are the CORRUPTION CAPITAL.

  24. Anonymous says:

    The Central Planning Authority is now a joke.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Rich people will build their homes right in your backyard if they want to! They set up shop in the craziest places!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Why is this only JUST NOW being brought to anyone’s attention???
    You people are asleep at the wheel!

  27. Anonymous says:

    That Planning Department for you.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Your island is gone, folks.

  29. Anonymous says:

    More to come! No money mo problems. And more land takes

  30. Anonymous says:

    Well done Ezmie. Thank goodness there are still people concerned about their island. Haven’t seen it, but from the photos a massive fine should be handed out to the owners for building yet another ugly, tasteless, out of place, building. Cayman excels in ugly buildings. I suppose Planning just lets everything through. What a shame that department doesn’t have a policy that buildings must blend in with the surroundings and enhance the area, not detract from it. I’ve lost count of the monstrosities that are built here – the bigger they are, the uglier.

    • Anonymous says:

      your group is late as time to complain was when it was in the planning stages; now CPA has said it is OK so that’s that. Better luck next time!

    • Anonymous says:

      But realistically, how can the owners be fined when they received all of the legal and proper approvals? More appropriately the Planning people who approved the building should be fired, however, nobody get fired in the Cayman Island Government.

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        IF they received all the approvals to proceed, and IF their red card was signed off completely, they cannot be fined. If those situations were both met, then we have an enormous problem in CPA. I don’t think it’s with Inspectors. I’ve been wrong before. Recently, even.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Surely, there are boundaries? Or are they only for the poor?

  32. Anonymous says:

    This blasted island has so many sidewalk-less roads because of how close properties are built to the road, now we’re starting to lose the roads themselves.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      You raise a good point. For Cruise ship passengers and local pedestrians North Church Street is an accident waiting to happen. Several years ago I built the sidewalk by the fish market and encouraged others on the street to do the same thing. Result? Zilch. Government were then going to underwrite much of the cost of adjoining owners. Result? Zilch.

      Now check out the Pedestrian Crossings. Many have no warning signs and most no studs within 15 yards to stop parking within that distance. Others, many on West Bay Road have no stripes whilst only some have flashing warning lights. There is just no consistency at all on Pedestrian Crossings.

      Finally I note that many of the lines on the roads need to be repainted and in particularly a yellow line needs to be painted by the fish market. This I requested over two years ago but it fell on deaf ears at the NRA. [ Not Responsible Atall ]

      At least the NRA did fix the obstacle course outside the Lobster Pot but there remains the mystery of the new yellow lines painted ON the sidewalk. Legend has it that this is to preclude wheelchair users from parking their wheelchairs on the sidewalk.

  33. Anonymous says:

    So sick of people getting the green light to do foolishness like this. While I get slammed for wanting to put up a chain link fence to stop the dogs from pooping in my yard. 🎶Yeah, Must be the money. 🎶

  34. Anonymous says:

    Hey, Planning Dept. Pretend that is is a Caymanian that own that house!!! There you go people, Planning will resolve forthwith.

  35. Anonymous says:

    You cry babies need to grow up. You want our money and the CPA allows all our requests. This is a beautiful new property and shows great taste and class. It supported a lot of construction people and a lot of materials. We are making a great benefit to this island.
    You are a little late to the party now!

  36. Anonymous says:

    That house is going into the sea next hurricane.

    Can’t believe they let that be built there !!!

  37. Anonymous says:

    Unna keep “wotin'” for UDP and see how far that has gotten unna… SMH


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