Stolen car found with changed plates

| 28/08/2019 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service
Thief driving off in stolen vehicle caught on CCTV footage

(CNS): A vehicle that was stolen from outside a home in Prospect early Tuesday morning, which was caught on CCTV, has been found following a tip by a member of the community. The theft of the car and the video footage was publicised on CNS and on Facebook, which in this case paid off. According to the owner, the Honda CRV was found behind a church in the Prospect area by the district community police officer, Chris Donaldson, working on a tip from a local pastor.

The owner told CNS that at about 7:30pm Wednesday evening she received a call from Officer Donaldson that the car had been located. Apparently, it was hidden in the bushes behind the church and the licence plates had been changed.

As to how the thief got into the car and drove it away so easily, she said, “It appears he had a key. It was definitely not hot wired. I have my key with me and haven’t lost it recently or had a copy made, but it can be seen on the CCTV that he opened the locked car with a key and started the ignition straight away.”

Very relieved to have her car returned undamaged, she said, “I am very grateful to everyone in the community who provided tips and assistance to help locate my vehicle. I am relieved it appears to be intact and am particularly grateful to officers Christopher Donaldson, the local area community police, and PC Anya Kosar for all of their efforts in bringing this to a happy conclusion.”

She added, “The community really came together to check their surroundings and provide tips to the police.”

Related article: Thief caught on camera takes car in Prospect

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Category: Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Good thing those new electronic plates came in handy……

  2. Anonymous says:

    Didnt the car have the new plates that cant be changed?

  3. Anonymous says:

    1998 to 2002 Honda CRVs and Civics have a master key that can unlock the doors and start their engines. Seems to be what happened in this case.

    • Anonymous says:

      They also seem to have a magnet fitted to them that attracts them to trees and power poles.

  4. Anonymous says:

    World Class Civil Service. i have seen a major improvement.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Well done RCIPS. I’ve had dealings with PC Kosar (you got the wrong spelling) and she was great.

    Now just go get the scumbag who did it and stick his loser ass in jail.

    CNS: Apologies to PC Kosar for the spelling error, now fixed.


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