Baptist school has work to do, inspectors find

| 17/06/2019 | 25 Comments
Cayman News Service
First Baptist Christian School

(CNS): School inspectors graded the First Baptist Christian School as ‘satisfactory’ but also highlighted a number of important areas where the school was judged weak, leaving it with work to do to improve the education it offers. Inspectors said the school, whose students are aged from 5 to 11, needs to improve the entire curriculum, the quality of students’ attainment and progress in English and leaders’ self-evaluation.

The school is a small private Christian facility owned by the First Baptist Church and has just over 150 students.

In the full report inspectors said that attainment in English was weak in both the kindergarten and elementary grades. Work in English lessons showed that attainment was inconsistent throughout the school.

“Students’ skills, knowledge and understanding in reading and writing did not meet internationally expected standards,” the report stated. And in some case the inspectors said that some students’ achievement in reading and writing worsened over time.

The inspectors also found fault with the curriculum, which they said was was weak in both phases of the school and inconsistent.

Despite the problems identified with the school, 81% of the fee-paying parents who responded to the inspection survey said they were satisfied with the quality of education provided at the school.

In most cases where a school is judge satisfactory the inspectors do not do follow-up inspections but in this case they identified a number of weaknesses in the performance, and with anticipated changes to the leadership of the school in the near future, there will be a follow-through inspection within six months.

See inspections in the CNS Library

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Category: Education, Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I want a refund

  2. Anonymous says:

    Who cares, let them keep on indoctrinating youth with their obsolete religious dogma.

    • Anonymous says:

      I care. It’s child abuse. It’s tragic for the individual child and bad for society in the long run.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wow, how strange. Didn’t see that coming. It’s almost as if promoting irrational thinking and teaching myths as fact are not conducive to a quality education. Shocker.


    • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Weird how anyone who promotes science and reality is immediately branded a leftist. Why is that?


        • Anonymous says:

          Listen counterfeit intellect… Do you know that Catholic schools are some of the best in the world with regard to science and medicine? Ever heard of Pinecrest illegitimate intellect?

          Ever heard of Georgetown university where US presidents have attended? ignoramus?

          Only an Atheist can be this ignorant.

        • Anonymous says:

          Do you know that Catholics have held knowledge of sciences for the last 1500 years? Basically until the late 1700’s.? Vacuumhead?

          The notion that theism is somehow anti-science is just plain ignorant and show your inability to process logic due to your irrational anti-christian emotional state.

          Ever heard of Dr. Francis Collins (Appointed by Barack Obama and now Trump) to head of the human genome project? Of course you haven’t! Information, facts and logic is like Kryptonite to a leftist.

          Religion is NOT the study of science. That’s like saying what good is a history to solve calculus? That’s MORONIC. You don’t use history books or geology books to solve calculus problems So if you are studying to be a rocket scientist, you don’t use the bible to solve your launch equations. You use a a rocket book!

          But that doesn’t mean you can study rocket science AND religion. People do it all the time, including the worlds most brilliant scientists. Do you know who James Prescott Joules? Pseudointellect?

          And yes, you ARE a leftist

          • Anonymous says:

            OMG. Religion and science will be incompatible so long as religious people keep claiming that magic made everything and magic causes everything. Find evidence for these claims, construct a theory that explains how the magic does it, and then we can reconcile science and religion. Until then, please just be content to hear voices in your head and talk to clouds.

            Francis Collins? Why? Um, he’s not a great scientist. He’s a manager, a bureaucrat. The fact that he believes some unproven goofy religious things means nothing. I read his book. He saw a waterfall and found god. Sigh? That impresses you?

            People can be highly educated and intelligent and still hold irrational beliefs. By they way, odd you named him because Collins is on record saying that human evolution is obviously true (he has to accept it, given his day job because, you know, reality). I doubt anyone is quoting him on that in science class at First Baptist or Triple C.

            Joules? Really? See Collins comment above. Tip for you: Next time cite Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists ever if not THE greatest. He was a stunning intellect and also a hardcore religious loon. He even calculated the end of the world when Jesus would come back. Brilliant but delusional–a common condition of many people. But Newton’s kooky nonsense beliefs do not wipe away his invention of calculus or contributions to science.

            See? There’s a much better name for you to drop. It still won’t work because religious claims have no logic or evidence behind them, but it’s a lot better than Francis Collins. You’re welcome.


            • Anonymous says:

              The only thing to see is your smug arrogance rooted in sheer ignorance

            • Anon says:

              Newton can take a back seat to Tesla. That’s all the input I have regarding this idiot argument. Religion this and science that. Both are starting to sound and act the same to me.

              • Anonymous says:

                If they sound the same you aren’t paying attention. One side is about evidence, logic and reality. The other is about faith and fantasy. Very different.


        • Baya says:

          8:34 please sit down.

          Religious people like the Catholics try to make religion agree with science. But scientists cannot make science agree with religion. Science requires peer reviewed data or emperical evidence to prove a hypothesis.

          Genesis, the literal first chapter of Christianity, says we were created by a diety. So a Christian hypothesizes that we were created.

          The only “evidence” that I am yet to see that backs a hypothesis of a diety creating us is a 2000 year old, outdated text allegedly written by man through said being.

          And that’s under the assumption that the billions of Buddhists don’t have it figured out and you’re somehow right.

          The only evidence available to humans to explain life all boils down to evolution. That doesn’t agree with Genesis, and if I have to interpret an instruction manuals a dozen different ways to get the right message, it probably wasn’t written by the influence of a perfect God, but likely mortal men looking to control the masses.

          Conservatives typically hold onto religious traditions quite strongly, while science is causing people to lose the ability to believe in Santa Claus.

          I hope that this answers your question.

          • Anonymous says:

            Another slate of statements based on leftist talking points. The sheer arrogance of most atheists is literally astonishing…

            The only reason I’m responding to this thread is to counter the obvious deliberate attempt to tarnish religious schools, primarily because they are Christian schools, so at least some people who swallow the narrative that Christian Schools equal incompatibility with science. That’s just a deliberate lie, and you actually know this but don’t care.

            First of all, the debate between atheism and theism is thousands of years old and still debated by highly accomplished philosophers on both sides, and I seriously doubt that _you_ just answered all of those questions here. You certainly didn’t come close to answer any basic questions such as explaining the origin of the big bang without any causation.

            Having said that, what you believe is actually worse than magic. At least with magic, you have a magician.

            You believe that the universe and everything within it, spawned from absolute nothingness. So first there was nothing, then there was a big bang, then there was a cosmic soup, then DNA somehow magically formed without any intelligence whatsoever (DNA has *immaterial* software inside by the way, you may want to read up) and from there were humans, computers and Beethoven’s 5th symphony and iPhones.

            All of this somehow started to assemble itself without any intelligence interference whatsoever, in a universe of ever increasing entropy as stated by the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

            In your atheistic view point, things and intelligence CAN come from total nothingness. Yea, that’s makes a lot of sense.

            I can bet you that the posters here have given less than one hour’s of actual thought about the subject and just spew off typical liberal BS per-digested regurgitation they heard on the Bill Maher show, that they think makes them look intelligent or accepted to the rest of their liberal friends. The reality is, it demonstrates you to be an illiterate arrogant moron.

            • Anonymous says:

              The difference between you and I is that I accept the limitations of what we know.

              You use religion to fill in the unexplainable parts, and that’s incompatible with science. Simple.. Lol.

              Why are you so up in arms about this? Send your child to church to learn about religion, not school. Else that’s less time spent on material that actually matters and more on Sunday school topics.

              Then you wonder why they rate them low..

            • Anonymous says:

              You don’t understand science. It seems you view it as just another whacked religion. It’s not. It’s a very different thing. You call atheists arrogant. Some are, sure. (Are you suggesting that religious people never have arrogance issues? OMG)

              Sensible atheists are the most humble people on Earth when it comes to the big questions because they freely admit that nobody knows. Science, at the moment, cannot answer with certainty how life began on Earth or how the universe itself began. (The Big Bang Theory only explains what happened from a split second after the beginning of space and time and beyond).

              Pay attention now, this is important: All knowledge in science is tentative. It’s always open to revision, correction, rejection if better evidence demands it. There are no stone tablets, no perfect sacred books that are beyond question, no holy men who hear voices in their heads. Science is a process of discovery that never ends. Supernatural religions are empty fantasies that never started.

              Your greatest mistake above is that you believe scientific ignorance is evidence of your god (Notice it’s always your god, never the other guy’s gods, by the way). Ignorance proves nothing. If you want to make the case for your particular god, then find evidence and make a decent argument.

              If you honestly believe there is no problem with how science is taught in some Christian schools, do your own research. Call up Weslyn and Triple C and ask them what they teach children about the age of the Earth, human evolution, and global warming.

              Peace be upon you


  4. Anonymous says:

    The world will soon see the purpose of these christian schools .

    • Anonymous says:

      This is expected. The report seems better than Triple C and Wesleyan but it’s never been a school that expats flooded to or middle to upper class Caymanians aspired to have their children attend.

      The school has never portrayed itself to be a high caliber school either so I do feel it’s a fair assessment. It’s just an average school where you can let others feel that you’re better than public school kids cause you have your kids at a private school.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, right, “soon”. Two thousand years and counting. Jesus promised the disciples he’d make his big second coming within their lifetimes. Still waiting. Oops.


    • Anonymous says:

      The real world already does.

  5. Anonymous says:

    These are not schools. They are institutions for teachers who got the job because of church networking and have agreed to pay a tithe out of their salaries.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Interesting comment you have made. Wasn’t this school featured recently for winning one of the categories in the Science Fair, as well as winning top primary school in the Battle of the Books, where multiple primary schools competed, including those top primary schools.


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