Scam begs cash via premier’s Whatsapp account

| 21/01/2019 | 10 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): The RCIPS Financial Crime Unit are warning that scammers have been attempting to use Premier Alden McLaughlin’s WhatsApp account to con people out cash in the latest local online scam. Messages are being sent to other WhatsApp users from an account masquerading as the premier and soliciting cash for an investment deal with the International Monetary Fund. It asks people to send money to a Chinese lobbyist firm.

The scammers are asking people to send the equivalent of US$45,000 to pay the Chinese lobbyists that have helped him broker this deal and commits to repaying the money on Monday when he returns from his overseas trip.

The premier posted a comment on his own social media page over the weekend confirming that the messages were bogus. Police have also confirmed that this is a scam under investigation and the FCU once again urged the public not to communicate with anyone that they suspect may be scammers, and to be wary of any solicitations for financial details or donations made via WhatsApp or any other social media.

If any member of the public receives such solicitations they are asked to contact the RCIPS Financial Crime Unit

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  1. Anonymous says:

    LMAO for real! This is too hilarious! What idiot would fall for an investment deal of the sort from Whats App?????? Because obviously any legitimate solicitation from Whats App is 100% credible…(NOT!!!) The scammers are running out of ideas and to attempt to use Alden’s account ..OMG I’m dying with laughter.

  2. Anonymous says:

    LMAO!!!! Can’t get any better than this!!!! Anyone that would wire the PREMIER of any COUNTRY that amount of cash for WHATEVER reason deserves to be scammed!!!
    To even question whether or not this is real shows the lack of common sense those people have.
    You’ve got email scams coming from “Flow” asking you to use the attached link to sign into your email account because you are over your limit (giving a threat of shutting down your account) and even Flow NEVER puts a warning to people.
    I can not believe that this needs to be put out as a warning.

    • Believe You Me says:

      But I say Flow should issue a monthly reminder that they do not send alert emails out as such.

      But wait here, they did something similar a few years ago that looked just like a Phishing scam email. This was the move away from Google hosting – they made a very amateur mistake and that is being kind with my words

      Flow is not a good example to your argument, sorry.

  3. Anonymous says:

    So the CIG finally released how they will pay for the dock… LOL

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    I understand that last week someone was inquiring from western union how much it would cost to wire out $50,000. Just wondering – because evidently it was questionably where that individual would get that amount of cash. Authorities need to check these money transfer businesses.

    • Anonymous says:

      Obviously you have inside information- did you make a report to the financial crime unit? Doing so could perhaps stop a crime from happening.

    • Anonymous says:

      And……. wiring it to who/where????

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman-based smurf networks wire about $120mln a year to Tivoli Gardens handlers involved in illicit transshipment business. There are 5 money transfer recipient branches within the crime-ridden police no-fly neighbourhood in Kingston.


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