Traffic diverted to allow weekend GT roadworks

| 20/10/2018 | 11 Comments

(CNS): The National Roads Authority (NRA) and its subcontractors are working on North Church Street this weekend and diversions are now in place. The work is happening between Bodden Road and Rackhams on Saturday and Sunday from 9am until 3pm both days. The work is phase 2 of the upgrade project for this area of the road network to improve the pavement surface and drainage. Southbound motorists, heading into central George Town will be diverted onto Bodden Road, and northbound traffic heading out of central George Town will be diverted onto the southbound lane of North Church Street.  

Officials asked drivers to watch out for traffic diversions and to drive with caution. The NRA offered its thanks to the public for their patience during these roadworks, adding that the authority was looking forward to delivering the benefits that these much-needed improvements will bring the motoring public.

For more information call 325-6004 with any questions or comments regarding this project.

North Church Street Schematic

Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It is true that more thought need to go into scheduling & road signage. Its OT pay that is the problem. It appears that NRA do road works at the busiest time of day , why? I am not sure. If it is a heavily used road, work should be in the off times, after 11pm. Other minor roads can be done during the day with proper signs/warnings to allow road users to make plans to use alternative roads. Planning/communication will help, I am sure and will cause less frustration on both sides. Only my small impute.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I don’t read the paper online on a Saturday. Why couldn’t they have posted this notice earlier in the week. Last weekend too.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Instead of diverting southbound drivers on to Bodden Road, on Saturday these idiots closed North Church Street just after Burger King, forcing anyone coming from Kirk Market to do a u-turn and head back to Eastern Avenue. Why?!?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Apparently it was to improve drainage. Did you see the still water after the shower last Saturday.
    Failure already !!!!!!!

  5. sm says:

    Please, please can the NRA & RCIPS make the small investment into some DIVERSION signs and place them BEFORE the traffic work or accident, so drivers can change or divert their route accordingly, rather than sitting in a traffic snarl-up for ages??

  6. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know why this type of work couldn’t be done between 10 pm and 4 am??? Much cooler for the workers and the equipment… and a lot less inconvenience for road users.

  7. Billions says:

    What about Tropical Gardens junction with Crewe Rd. 20 fluorescent shirts stood at the side of the road on their phones whilst traffic is at a standstill. Those guys should be ashamed.

    Simple solution. Get the staff working at night when it’s cooler and no traffic.

    They build skyscrapers in the US quicker than these guys can lay 100 yards of tarmac. Shameful!

    • OLD Caymanian Captain says:

      Now Billions that is photo that should have been published in the papers and Tv and Facebook , headlined TAXPAYERS MONEY HARD AT WORK . 20 uniformed employees stand on the side of road on their phones , and the traffic at a standstill .

      I have seen a stretch of road be completely resurfaced about a mile long , and my delay between working during the daytime and non working time . The difference was minimal. They repaired on side of the road at a time , leaving the other side for traffic to use , with two men at the two ends of the traffic to tell the traffic what to do , stop or go .

  8. Anonymous says:

    So the NRA could not have given notice from Wednesday??????


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